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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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set before the may holidays to carry out all the necessary activities, to prepare both municipalities and regional authorities, this is an executive body, and what is called combat readiness, because again, the forecast for the fourth to fifth fire hazard class is the highest, it falls as once on the may holidays, this is the time when people go to barbecue, when people go to the territory of the protected area, when the wind load is certainly high and dry. hot weather can lead to the spread of fire, here i want to draw everyone’s attention, there is no need to leave fires unextinguished, there is no need to engage in burning dry grass, high wind loads and hot weather are forecast for the may holidays throughout the southern federal district, the north caucasus federal district, the south of the urals and siberia. as for environmental issues, a topic that you also do not supervise, general cleaning, how large-scale... noted that,
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on the instructions of the president, we carried out a large inventory, compiled a list of objects, and what generally needs to be eliminated in country, we made such an inventory both at sea, first of all, these are the water areas of the far eastern regions, and on land, and having compiled such a list, we realized that using the federal ruble to eliminate all such... objects of accumulated harm at the expense of the federal budget will not work, therefore we made legislative changes together with parliament, and now environmental payments, fines, they have become colored and are just being sent for general cleaning purposes, this is the first, second thing we did, we established the criteria that out of these thousands of objects must be liquidated first, they have established as basic criteria - this is the impact on the life and health of people, if there is a large populated area nearby.
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settlement and an object of accumulated harm, which historically affects groundwater, the state of air in this settlement, then it needs to be eliminated first, that is, we have provided a regulatory framework, plus we received a clear, specific task in the message, to eliminate the 50 most dangerous objects until the thirtieth year and deal with everything old, such as the bppm, that is, eliminate the negative effect there. victoria, do you think that in the new government, in the new cabinet of ministers, is there a need for a separate ministry of environment? i believe that the ministry of natural resources and environment is doing a good job with its task, and this seems to me to be a wrong point of view, when by rearranging officials and creating new federal bodies, it will be possible to manage better, you just need to be more efficient, as the prime minister said today, and not focus on process, result, then everything will work out, thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the question , thank you, vladi. putin congratulated moscow state university rector
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viktor sadovnichy on his eighty-fifth birthday. by presidential decree he was awarded the title of hero of labor. and right now there is footage from the presidential press service. first of all, i congratulate you on your anniversary. and i want to inform you that a decree has been signed awarding you with the title of hero of labor of the russian federation. i congratulate you, but let me do the ceremony itself.
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russian science for the benefit of russian education, you have done a lot for russia both as a scientist and as an organizer of science and schools of higher education; in the most difficult times , moscow state university, under your leadership, not only emerged, but also developed, i repeat, even in the most difficult times, stood confidently on its feet , you continue to do this with science and... young people, you help them, organize the work of the largest higher educational institution in the country, we are rightfully proud of moscow state university, and i, as a political council, will also do everything that it depends on me to support you, thank you very much, i am touched, i am touched by your words of support and the assessment that you gave. thank you very much, this is the managerial
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job, the rector’s job is to make sure that people understand him, understand him, the one who leads him, this is where harmony is. understands that we need to be together, to make us all better, in the world, indeed, we strive for this, and of course, your enormous support, as chairman of the papal council, of course, as president, these are sincere words from my soul, we had a conference yesterday the day before yesterday, mathematical, called mathematics in the constellation of sciences, a thousand participants from all regions of russia, from seven foreign countries. and china, and the united states, and france and kazakhstan, and so on, and this conference summed up the work of our mathematical school, well, which i currently seem to be heading, i brought you a book, this conference and my
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list of works, a thousand works in mathematics, this is the result of the work of our mathematics school, my group. what orders? what needs to be done to support msu, well, in general, you know about all our plans, maybe there are some suggestions, ideas? well, as the rector of moscow university, of course i would really like to receive support, our campus behind lomonosov is underdeveloped, it’s about 50 hectares, we have plans, we have projects.
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what and how should be done, but i would pay attention to a seemingly trifle, but nevertheless, nevertheless, it is important for people, the state of kindergartens, it is necessary to carry out appropriate and major
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repairs in a timely manner and build a sufficient number, well you probably know that there is such a question, and i ask you, please accept. don’t forget about this, and vladimir putin also spoke via videoconference with the head of the trans-baikal territory, alexander osipov. today, our main task is victory, helping the soldiers, helping our army, so we have expanded our work to the maximum, all issues of state defense orders are being fully implemented, aviation is being produced, repaired.
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there is every reason, as i already said, to think that this will happen, the results will appear, and people will see them, but of course, you need to work actively discuss these issues directly with... residents of the region, i wish them success, i think that everything will work out for you. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service. profitable, alpha is profitable,
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is to increase our export potential, namely non-resource exports, because with non-resource exports we can enter new markets, we can sell our products in these markets, therefore thereby expanding our economy and creating more income for our people, these are the things we need to understand, that our internal
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economy, our economy, which is aimed at exports, beat relations with our old partners in the east, in the south, and thereby carry out this same export substitution will save our income. alexey loganovich, another important point, mikha vladimirich said today that the result is still more important, not the percentage, but still trade turnover with friendly countries today is comparable to the volume of trade in russia
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with the whole world 4 years ago, this is what has already been done to strengthen such cooperation, the main thing is what else is left. growth in this direction, on this track, the most important thing, of course, what has been done, what we have focused on, is to ensure the best competitive conditions in international markets for our producers, of course, the support measures that we are implementing for our exporters, naturally, we are working to ensure better transport and logistics connections with...
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on the other hand, the goods of those countries had better conditions for our market, and even more so, if you want, yes, we also created competition here in order to stimulate our producers to work more efficiently, prices were reduced, this is being done for this purpose, in the end it all translates into improving the standard of living of our people, you have already said that cooperation with eu member countries is systematically developing, and on what tracks is growth still possible, for example, a lot...
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to participate in these projects and develop, then the conditions are also for small economies we are interested in our closest neighbors along the perimeter of the russian federation developing and improving their conditions. and of course, this contributes to greater stability in the region, this year we expect this mechanism to work, today the eurasian economic commission is selecting such projects, and we think that the first projects should appear before the end of the year, in fact, we will continue to look at this until it is a pilot project, but we are confident that it should be successful, then we will think about expanding sources of financing. budget in order to provide even more meaningful and significant support for such joint economic cooperative development of our countries. alexey
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logvinovich, thank you very much for taking the time for our interview. thank you. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin today called on deputies to thank deputy prime minister alexander novak and the head of the ministry of energy nikolai shulginov for the work of the fuel and energy complex under conditions of unprecedented sanctions. here are the successes of the tech.
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funding for all sorts of activities, including including on network development, repair, restoration, repair of power units at all power plants, they spent approximately 16 billion
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rubles in 2020, well, budget sources of 5.5 billion are for the restoration of melting networks, and the gas industry, a decision has been made and a decision is being implemented regarding the transmission and the gas infrastructure is also a specialized company of a state-owned company, a specialized company, so we are also working, 18 billion have already been spent, including 300 km of gas networks, and now there will be new personnel from the presidential press service. dear friends, good afternoon, can you hear me? great! dear friends, colleagues, we
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significant, insignificant, but in any case there are definitely results; in 2022-23 , work was completed on more than 10 thousand objects only through federal customers. in addition, during the same period , more than 7,000 objects were restored by regional chefs. today we are taking another step in this big, complex, but certainly very necessary.
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people to work, we open healthcare, educational institutions, housing infrastructure, sports in donetsk, mariopol and lugansk. these include the republican perinatal center in donetsk, which has a capacity of 140 beds and 7,000 births per year. the center has 10 branches, including.
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large families in russia. of course, i thank the builders and all the specialists who participated in the implementation of this important social project. also in the donetsk people's republic , a branch of the volgograd academy of the ministry of internal affairs of russia is opening in mariupol. from september 1 of this year, about 400 cadets will begin studying there. on the opening of this
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educational institution. great contribution to expanding the educational capabilities of the region in solving the problems of staffing the territorial divisions of the ministry of internal affairs and other government agencies; a new residential quarter was also built in mariupol, it included 10 apartment buildings with a total area of ​​more than 65 thousand square meters, which is about 600 apartments. previously, these were unfinished objects, now. after the entire complex of construction and improvement work has been completed, the keys to new modern apartments will be given to city residents who were left without a roof over their heads due to well-known events, nazi outrages. in lugansk, restored.


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