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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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the opening of this educational institution makes a great contribution to expanding the educational opportunities of the region in solving the problems of staffing the territorial divisions of the ministry of internal affairs and other government agencies. a new residential area has also been built in marioppol. it included 10 apartment buildings with a total area of ​​more than 65,000 m2. this is about 600 apartments. previously. these were unfinished objects, now after the entire complex of construction and improvement work has been completed, residents will receive the keys to new modern apartments cities left without a roof over their heads due to well-known events, the outrages of the nazis. a specialized children's and youth sports school of the olympic reserve in weightlifting has been restored in lugansk. the school building was also... during the fighting. the school
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was not only revived, rebuilt, its training base, a specialized weightlifting hall were updated, locker rooms and showers were equipped for athletes. now 20 people can train here at the same time. a total of hundreds of athletes and amateurs sports the total area of ​​the building is 315 m2. i would also like to note that despite all the difficulties. which i have already mentioned, about 50 educational and sports institutions continue to operate in the lugansk people's republic, these are 41 sports schools, nine schools of the olympic reserve, i would like to once again express my gratitude to everyone involved in the development program for the restoration of donbass and novorussia, to improve the lives of people certainly success in this noble work and in the future. well, let's move on to... the planned
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event, please, the floor to maruchunovich khusnurina, i ask you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, on your instructions, the government, together with the regions, the presidential administration, has launched active work to set up infrastructure and implement measures for the socio-economic development of the regions. we have mobilized 32 ministries, eight of our largest customers, companies, state-owned companies, 82 regions of the boss, you named the numbers, and in total, plus the regions themselves.
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houses, this is a microdistrict in mariupol, it was unfinished for many years, which means it’s a plus was damaged during certain actions, we promptly made the decision to restore it in less than a year, today there are about 600 apartments, which means people get the keys, plus in just this time, in less than 700 days, we restored more than 500 apartment buildings, and what else it’s positive that the decision you made on mortgages at... percent, that residents can get mortgages, today has led to the fact that there is already a great demand for extra-budgetary construction, for 8 million square m2, we have prepared urban potential, every month we are being added new construction sites, where housing is being built using extra-budgetary funds; today we are very actively working on restoring social infrastructure; in total, since the start of work, more than 2,000 objects have been restored with social infrastructure. these are kindergartens, schools, and
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universities, such as the azov technological university, which you saw, which means that today we are opening, that is, the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, but at the same time , literally the other day , a professional construction college will open in severodonetsk, already there are 140 students there, despite the close distance between the contact points, people want to study, they want to get working specialties, this is a large college, several thousand square meters, there he will make full money on... that means in medicine, besides that wonderful facility, which to your personal instructions, we built in a very short time more than a thousand people of builders, our only customer, the contractor, worked around the clock, because the enemy launched rocket attacks on the previous maternity hospital and there was no place for children and women to give birth, today we received such a good, truly worthy facility, very beautiful, professional, and but besides this facility, we first... first of all the implementation
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of the program, 331 medical facilities were built, restored, equipped with equipment, and we have now made a program with the ministry of health for 3 years of restoration of all objects with each. regions, including children's centers on your instructions in melitopol, including, therefore, the renovation of existing ones, now after the extension of the program, we are generally doing a complete health care program until the thirtieth year, together with the ministry of education we are doing the same complete program for higher educational institutions, for sports, today you are one facility, today we are opening one, seemingly small facility, in total we have more than 100 facilities for sports open and we... plan to continue them further there is a lot of work going on to build parks, landscaping, and a large number of facilities are also being restored there, which means that in addition to these important facilities, it should be noted that work is underway to repair and build multifunctional
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centers, we have more than 100 centers open, today they receive pensions and documents, more than 2.3 million, 2.4 million citizens can already receive pensions there. all the necessary documents, just the other day we are opening another multifunctional center in the donetsk region. in addition, we are very actively working on roads, last year we built about 2.0 km of roads, this year we are also planning at least last year, we have all the plans, the weather is already permitting, we have started work, which means in cities, and between settlements and a large route along the azov we also repair the coast. work is actively underway on...
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thank you, report, good, thank you, thank you to the staff mode, all together we will cope with the assigned tasks, once again you are very very serious, we hope that this is so in you, mikhail albertovich, please, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich , in accordance with your instructions, today we are opening the donetsk republican perinatal center, it is especially important that this happens in the year of the family and as you emphasized. in his message to the federal assembly, the birth of children is the main purpose families. the center with 140 beds, with a capacity of up to 7,000 births per year, is the main institution of the republic, where the most modern high technologies for helping mothers
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and children are available, including resuscitation and rehabilitation. i would like to note that it fully complies with the licensing requirements of the russian federation.
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more than 7,400 births were delivered per year, which is 6% more than the year before, and this is probably an integral indicator of confidence in what is happening in the region today. concluding the topic of childhood, i want to say that with the middle last year
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, neonatal screening of newborns became available in the donetsk people's republic and in other new constituent entities of the russian federation, the most extensive in the world that is performed today. in our country , seven children with congenital hereditary diseases were identified, who were immediately provided with drug therapy through the krugdobra foundation. it is important, of course, to provide a full integrated approach to development within the framework of the program for the socio-economic development of new regions; three have already been created today regional vascular centers, a primary vascular department, four onology dispensaries are being developed, 500 automated beds have been purchased, and of course, all residents have been included in the drug supply program, including. everything that is being implemented today within the framework of
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the state guarantee program. i would like to note that this morning a new radiation therapy unit for patients was opened within the oncology clinic, these are two gamma therapy machines in lugansk, such... help actually did not exist before in given subject, and this, of course, creates new conditions for life-saving treatment . i would like to express my gratitude, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, for your maximum attention to the healthcare system in the new regions, including, of course, saying words of gratitude to my colleagues from the ministry of construction, and, of course, to the single customer in the construction industry . supervision of the fmba and, of course, marach
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kerzyanych and tatyana alekseevna golikova, because we are all implementing these projects together, and we really feel it people today. thank you very much. thank you, i would like to give the floor to the chief doctor of the donetsk, donetsk republican perinatal center. annie alexander, alexander, how was the news, i understand that at the end of the year the work was already completed, at the end of last year, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, the work began actively, in honor of today's event, not only the pregnant women have already moved in women who are expecting a birth, but have already given birth. in this regard, i want to tell you that i lived in war for almost 10 years and waited for peace. i wish him soon offensive, a sign of peace, probably today is the opening of a new
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perinatal center, which was built in the shortest possible time with your direct participation, it is probably symbolic that in military territories the revival begins with the improvement of the house, where the birth of a new life appears, having a wealth of experience and a very powerful obstetrics and gynecology school, which was created by professor chaiko vladimir soviet... having collected all the best, today we can reorganize, multiply and implement it in the new donetsk republican perinatal center named after professor chaika. i feel proud that today we can continue to provide high-quality , highly specialized care to our women and their families, and i think that our perinatal center will become a new symbol of donetsk, because there is no such obstetric-noonatal institution anywhere in the new territories yet. i want
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to say words of sincere gratitude, in addition to the builders who built our house as quickly as possible, to the minister of health, murashk mikhail ablyatovich, for his direct participation, e director, academician gennady tikhonovich sukhoi, mitsgulakov’s staff who accompany us, and many volunteer doctors from russia, from different parts of the world, who made their invaluable contribution to the organization of training personnel. the younger generation with good initial origins, and the most important thing is to preserve the golden
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potential of the remaining highly specialized specialists together with our medical university. the opening of a perinatal center today at the beginning of the spring of the family year is probably extremely symbolic, because the demographic situation is extremely depressing, only the formation of the correct dominant pattern of having many children in a family, say, the main family values, the correct foundations, is the key to the fact that over time we will be able to replenish, and after a few generations, probably increase our reproductive potential. you know, everything new is not immediately accepted, probably not easily, probably not immediately and not easily, the whole republic accepted the presence of the future new perinatal center, but having seen in what conditions you can work, on what equipment you can do good, i it seems that today this is a guarantee that the opening of
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a new center, the reconstruction of the old building and the reorganization of healthcare in general are at a modern level. in all new territories, and there is a guarantee that families will choose to live here, give birth here, work here and increase, mm, the glory of russia here, so in conclusion i would like to thank you personally again, you know, for your wisdom, sometimes it seems to me, fearless mercy, for love of the motherland, and the entire russian people, for that help, without which we would not have become part of... greater russia today, therefore, health and peace to you and to us , thank you very much for such a wonderful gift to our republic, thank you anna alexandrovna, you named a number of our leading healthcare institutions, your employees also go to moscow, and get acquainted with modern methods of work,
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as it happens process, process of professional development? we are very lucky that our boss is the institute named after kulakov, we have known each other for a long time and until the fourteenth year, our fellowship lasted until the beginning of the northern military district, when it became directly our bosses, we not only we tested their help, they come to us, but our specialists go there, we are in constant contact via telegram channels on...
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but we see when things happened differently at the previous stages, everything was done somewhere for show , i’m talking until the fourteenth year, and we faced this, lived with it, now, especially when we became a subject of the russian federation, we see when they really approach it with their souls, no matter what both our regional bosses and the relevant federal ministries do, but in this in the case of builders, well, despite the fact that it’s dangerous, despite the fact that there are some additional risks, they break and set records, it’s really great, it’s felt by all residents, and of course, this is such a modern perinatal center - this is a very serious contribution, in order to improve demography, and we place emphasis on this, and from the fact that we have such fundamental opportunities in the region,
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of course, we set quite ambitious goals for ourselves, because donbass is facing ah... a very serious task to implement the restoration of industry, accordingly, there should be many residents of donbass, this should be taken care of now, even despite the fact that a special military operation is underway, so we will cope with this, we will make every possible contribution, thank you very much, because despite for all difficulties , decisions like these are made, thank you. we, as residents of donbass, of course, have the opportunity to compare with different periods, now... we we are optimistic and see how donbass is developing as part of our big country. thanks a lot. yes. thank you. evgeniy aleksanovich, please add.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon. good afternoon, dear participants of the event. i want to say something, i want to greet you from the city of mariupol, from the new microdistrict. here we are on the street. here is a wonderful new modern quarter, as marash krizyanovich already said, 10 houses, 10 buildings, built in a short time, literally less than a year, and i want to thank the single customer for the good area, then for the good work, the fact that the block was made modern according to all standards with children's playgrounds, it was made with modern sports grounds with above-ground parking, zones, the apartments turned out to be bright, spacious, they were immediately renovated.
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obtaining housing. thank you very much, we are very grateful to all the builders for building us such wonderful apartments where we, our children, our grandchildren can live happily,
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thank you for being russia, thank you very much for everything, thank you for your heroism and for your attitude towards russia in general in relation to memory, and about that, uh, which connects people in all territories of our huge country, our common culture, our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about it and we will not forget, we will always proceed from this, but thank you very much for not forgetting about it when it was especially difficult, and remember it now. this is the basis of the restoration of our unity, but i would like to now return to evgeniy alexandrovich, evgeniy, there are nine houses there
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completed, and in my opinion one more is not, yes, another one is at the final stage, a couple of months, and will also be completed by a single customer, this is the construction of a house, we plan to commission it in the near future, it is at the final stage, finishing work is already underway there , yes. khoronovich, in general regarding housing construction, we plan to restore almost all apartment buildings in mariupol by the end of this year, we have this task, if in the center, which were heavy historical buildings, maybe two or three two or three houses will remain there , maybe then in general we let's finish one, two, we still have a question. housing construction, but the next block
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, what i said, we have about 8 million km of already prepared site, there is interest, those builders who came today and carried out this task there are ready to continue working with the participation of banks, two percent mortgage is in very high demand, that’s the challenge. to satisfy this demand with supply, we are working at headquarters, with the ministry of construction we have drawn up a program for the development of housing construction in all four settlements, including what you we were assigned to kherson, this is actually a new city, which means, including melitopol, mariupol, donetsk, vladimirevich, we just counted all the unfinished projects, counted all the sites, how many networks there are, that is, the program in the good sense of the word is being promoted, gaining momentum. we are doing it manually, we believe that housing construction is growing, it will be a driver, one of the drivers, we believe that this is the solution for mortgages for our military personnel and
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imagine. report on the central entrance of the new educational building of the donetsk branch volgograd academy of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation. just a year ago , the destroyed buildings of the mariubol police training school stood on this site. in the shortest possible time , a project was prepared and a complex of repair and restoration work was implemented. all design solutions were implemented taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of objects
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of the departmental training system. this is also a peculiarity of the implementation of educational programs, support of life and antitheristic protection. when preparing the technical specifications , a promising model was studied using, large-scale use of modern presentation tools, simulators of hardware and software systems. an educational complex with an area of ​​more than 11 thousand square meters, lecture halls, classrooms, including those for working with information components. state secrets, comfortable living conditions for cadets, two shooting ranges, three gyms, special and general libraries, all classrooms are combined into a unified educational television system, which allows you to receive the necessary information in an up-to-date form. we are now with you here in mariupol, preparing for the start of the educational process, at this time the cadets of the donetsk
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people's republic. the heroes of volgograd continue their studies in the city, the guys are included in the unified system for universities of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for professional patriotic education, in this regard, probably the hero city of volgograd and stalingrad is the best place for this. six months ago, 269 donetsk cadets first, second and third year students took the oath of law enforcement officers at... the heights of russia on mamayev kurgan. 39 of them are combatants. at the new place, everything is ready to begin the educational process and so that the children receive the necessary knowledge and skills to become real professionals. the entire complex is full of modern equipment, simulation shooting centers, hardware and software systems that simulate the activities of an employee in various
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environmental conditions using virtual ones. augmented reality, simulator for training unmanned aerial vehicle operators, commercial training grounds and centers. considering the changes that are happening in mariupol, we often appear here and see the rapid revival of the city. we are convinced that the appearance here of such a facility, a new educational building, will become one of the symbols of the revival of the city and the entire donbass and proof, convincing proof of the creative role of russia in its visit. history report finished, ok, thank you very much, i hope that this educational institution will contribute to the work of law enforcement agencies, will train, will train personnel with high quality , this is one of the noticeable problems of today in all new territories,
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to establish the work of law enforcement agencies, so that people feel safe in every sense of this words. this is a very important, big job, and training in this area is of great importance. leonid ivanovich, would you like to add something? good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, dear colleagues, first of all, of course, i would like to express my deep gratitude to you personally, vladimir vladimirovich. to the government of our great country, to all residents of russia for the attention and assistance that is currently being provided to our region, within the framework of the instructions you gave, on the territory of the republic, of course, a lot is being carried out today, including in the areas of sports education.


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