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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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noticeable problems of today in all new territories, it is necessary to organize the work of law enforcement agencies so that people feel safe in every sense of the word, this is a very important, big job and training in this area is of great importance. leonid ivanovich, would you like to add something? good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, dear colleagues, first of all, of course, i would like to express my deep gratitude to you personally, vladimir vladimirovich, to the government of our great country, to all residents of russia for the attention and assistance that is being provided to our region today. as part of the instructions you gave, of course, a lot is being carried out on the territory of the republic today, including in the areas of sports education. today is a very important
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day for us, we are opening a specialized weightlifting gym at the olympic reserve sports school, this is a very important landmark event for all young people who are actively involved in sports, and i would like to note that today , about 77 types of sports are developing in our republic, there are... 41 sports schools, nine sports schools of the olympic reserve, olympic training centers olymp-sport and disabled sports invasport. i am sure, and in principle i know this for sure, that our guys, our youth, have very great potential and good, in this sense of the word, healthy ambitions in terms of playing sports, in terms of taking part in various... under
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your leadership should do everything necessary so that the children have to train comfortably and so that they win victories at competitions at various levels. i would like to note that , unfortunately, since the times of ukraine , absolutely no attention has been paid to sports and the building has fallen into complete disrepair, in addition to this it has also suffered... from shelling during, so to speak, an armed confrontation with the armed forces of ukraine and neo-nazis, here , but in general, the lack of windows, lack of repairs, lack of heat, lack of communications were not allowed here to engage, in general, in sports, to conduct any training, so we decided to carry out a major overhaul, which, in general... was carried out as
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part of the program for the socio-economic development of our regions together with the ministry of sports. i would like to say that the builders not only completely restored all communications, restored the facade, all, in general, auxiliary rooms, locker rooms, showers, and most importantly, the hall is equipped with a specialized floor covering, which is intended specifically for training and conducting weightlifting classes, therefore. today we have the opportunity here not only to conduct training, but also competitions in weightlifting and other sports. and of course, i would like to express my gratitude to everyone who took part in the restoration and construction of this building, this is, of course, the russian ministry of sports, this is, of course, a public law company, a single customer in the construction industry, and of course, representatives society with limited liability.
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after we became part of our great country, we returned home, we are very happy about this, thank you very much, leonid ivanovich, we will now return to the sports facility, but regarding the branch of the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, which opened in the donetsk republic, i proceed from the fact that it will be an interregional center that will help train specialists for the entire region.
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well, of course, of course, we will send our children with great pleasure to study on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, from us. there are a lot of people who want to, in general, and on the territory of the republic we have, in general , our own university of internal affairs, which also trains specialists in areas, well, operational areas, in investigative areas, trains those guys who, in general, then we are ready to defend the economic interests and other interests of the residents of our country, our country as a whole, do we need to do something to support this educational institution? who's there now, how's work going? we are doing everything possible today, guys. are engaged, the quality of training does not suffer,
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but of course, if in general there is an opportunity to help with repairs, because i know that no repairs have been carried out in this building for a long time, then we would be very, very grateful. leonid ivanovich, i will definitely talk with the minister of internal affairs delalich kolokoltsev and discuss with him how to optimize this work in order to use the educational institution that has appeared in mariupol and support your educational institution, so that personnel training is put on the right track , on the required level, keeping in mind the great need. to internal affairs officers to maintain law and order, okay, yes, we will do everything, we have, agreed, well, please, ilya viktorovich, director of the sports school of the olympic reserve, dear vladimir vladimirovich, hello, let me
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thank you on behalf of the sports community, since it was under your supporting the development of physical culture and sports. continues not only on the territory of our republic, but throughout the entire territory of our country, this is the beginning of our sports school was founded in 2015, it was this year that for the first time in the city of lugansk a set of athletes was recruited who decided to take up the weightlifting section, and meetings were held. to form a sports federation, it was also this year that weightlifting competitions began to be held , maria sergeevna, are you also a weightlifter? you do weightlifting,
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you do weightlifting, yes, i’m a master of sports and you continue for... and an active athlete at the moment, it’s great, it always seemed like weightlifting was kind of not it’s a women’s sport, but i know that girls have been doing it for a long time, but nevertheless, well, we’re trying to change stereotypes about weightlifting and girls in this sport, and how are your athletes divided into athletes, a lot of girls came to train. well, since i am still an active coach, i have two groups of athletes, about 60%, i train girls, 40% boys, so the girls are developing in this sport, we will
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show good results, that is , there are more girls than boys, yes this is exactly in my group, because i like it, yes, yes, i win over girls. it’s clear that conditions have been created sufficient to show these results, thanks to the opening of such a gym as we have now, this is a favorable condition for creating training, holding competitions, in the future it is training the strongest weightlifters of the republic, also favorable conditions for improving technique, development physical... moreover, quite recently i myself was preparing for competitions in a slightly different hall, more cramped, on old equipment, now it’s very good conditions, there is a prospect, we will work on it. but the young man, i
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see, is also an athlete standing there who trains at this school, right? hello, vladimir vladimirovich, yes, i am involved in weightlifting, candidate master of sports. in athletics, i am a bronze medalist - russia in revka under 23 years old, i also won many.
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to restore it, well, there is no need to build a new one, we need to carry out, well, a major overhaul of it,
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that would be very cool, because today, in general, the residents of the lugansk people's republic are showing there is a huge interest in football, the kids play with great pleasure, but in general the football club zarya, and those clubs that exist today, this is the alchevsk metallurgist, this is the team of miners in the city of sverdlovsk and... our zarya, well, in general, we would practice very seriously and form such a powerful backbone of the football sports community in the lugansk people's republic, but we don’t have a place to train, if we receive such help, we will be very, very grateful, thank you, for sure, lenit ivanovich and their leader of the donetsk republic, i want to appeal, this is what i want to say, we have planned... a program for the socio-economic development of new territories, it includes 282 activities, these are
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32 departments, federal departments will take part in the implementation of these programs, 26 state-owned companies, 82 regions of the russian federation, the total amount of funding from all sources is 4.4 trillion rubles, this... there are still enough security problems, but
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things of this kind, social facilities, need to be addressed, of course, first and foremost, in general, i want to thank everyone who took part in this work in the construction and restoration of the relevant housing institutions, i want to express the hope that we will work just as effectively.
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once again i would like to thank the builders and organizers of this work and wish them all the best, thank you. this was footage of a meeting on the opening of social and residential facilities in new constituent entities of the russian federation. you're from here, i say, of course from here, where yes, but should you go fishing or i like tinkering, get a pension from a post bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to a post bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, get a profitable pension from
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limorenko. they also discussed the upcoming gubernatorial elections. the president and...
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i am sure that you know what and how to do. vladimir putin also wished success to the head of the trans-baikal territory, alexander osipov, who decided to serve another gubernatorial term and put forward his candidacy in the elections. the president’s conversation with him also took place via video link; they discussed the implementation of the state defense order and support for the northern military district fighters. today our main task is victory. help to the soldiers, help to our army, so we expanded our work to the maximum, all state defense order issues are fully implemented, armor and aviation equipment are produced and repaired. they themselves launched the production of protective equipment for armored vehicles, people, social activists ask me, this year there is an election for the governor of the trans-bakal region, asking me: well, how are you? and,
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of course, i would like to do more good deeds, to support everyone in good deeds as much as possible. you managed to create an investment-attractive, investment-attractive economy in the region. now, if this continues, it is. directly discuss these issues with the residents of the region, i wish them success, i think that what will happen, the results will appear, and people have their reason, as i said, to think that they will see this, but of course, we need to work actively , everything will work out, also today the president discussed the situation with floods in the regions, vladimir putin heard reports from the governors of the altai territory and the orenburg region, and also had a telephone conversation with the head of the ministry of emergency situations about this. said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. the president instructed to provide assistance to people who found themselves in flood zone. let's continue after the commercial.
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