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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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and no matter what happens in life, they will remember their university, from which they studied, graduated, and i certainly very much appreciate the dedication of graduates to their university. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, on the app or on the website, this is a big information evening, that’s what we’ll tell you about in the next hour. those who
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recruited teenagers for sabotage went to trial. the first criminal case - arsonists of relay cabinets on the railway, who are the defendants and where did the ukrainians miscalculate? intelligence services. ukrainian mobilization against demography. why lowering the conscription age to 25 years will bring childlessness to ukraine into a hole from which it will no longer be possible to get out. electricity is an unaffordable luxury for... ukraine is crying about the lack of ammunition, and zelensky is buying himself the palace of the king of great britain, are they preparing an alternate airfield, or is this a napoleon complex or a fake? particularly gifted authorities in the american city of seattle are turning away outstanding schoolchildren. all
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because there are many white people among them, is this racism in reverse? one of the suspects received detailed instructions from an anonymous interlocutor on social networks, and two others expressed a desire to join, this is news from bashkiria, where fsb officers detained eighteen-year-old friends who... were going to start a fire at a communications facility, they stocked up on everything necessary, from tools for opening the terminal to , in fact, incendiary fluid, and then they had to do everything according to the standard scheme, they say the customer asked to film the so-called action on video, after which he promised to transfer the reward, however regional security forces intervened in time and now the three characters will undoubtedly be punished, and under a serious article of the criminal code about attempted sabotage, previously they were repeatedly imprisoned for this, it was possible to prove that
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the crime could cause grave or especially grave damage to the infrastructure, but although in such cases it cannot be ruled out and proceedings on the creation of an entire criminal community, especially since there is already a precedent; just today a moscow court received a case against a pair of accused who systematically recruited saboteurs among children. anton potkovenko will tell you who they are. anton, hello, but as far as i understand, both are previously convicted outcasts. yes, this is precisely the contingent that they usually work with. on the ukrainian special services, this is a well-known technique and tactic. they recruited teenagers to set fire to relay cabinets on the railroad. an unknown curator promised them money, and two residents of the village of selyatina near moscow agreed to become, in fact, agents of the enemy. kirill gorkov and evgeny zaechkin are defendants in the first criminal case in russia on the creation sabotage community. according to investigators, twenty-one-year-old kirill gorkov met on social networks a certain resident of voronezh, who was obviously being followed.
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fellow citizens who are sold like ore to our opponents, enemies, the nationalist kiev regime, involve minors in this work, including by promising them a reward, in the end the ukrainians deceive them, and people receive huge sentences, arson actually happened in the kiev direction of the railway in the spring of that year and at first a case of hooliganism was opened recruited
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by flying citizens who were incited by provocateurs on social networks. the story with gorkov and zaechkin is all the more significant because the new newspaper europe, recognized as undesirable in russia, reprints russian sources in a very peculiar way, omitting, for example, the fact that the cousins ​​are arsonists, both had previous convictions, one with probation for drug possession, the other for theft cars, fraud and illegal border crossing, and in this article there is a disclaimer, supposedly, to the persons involved they promised to pay for... organizing sabotage, so why is the newspaper making the arsonists look like underground heroes? the foreign media are already questioning the conclusions of the investigation, the confession of the accused themselves, and i would not be surprised if they still present this as persecution
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of dissenters by a bloody regime, this is wartime, the west has long declared this war on us, and in general there should be an increasing coefficient in relation to...
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attempted sabotage is a serious crime and a hooligan detained in ufa will not get off, but the characters near moscow, kiril gorkov and evgenia zaechkina, the involvement of minors in a particularly serious crime and the creation of a sabotage community, the case of the arsonists was submitted to the second western district military court of moscow. preliminary hearing april 10. for what they admitted to, the punishment could be from 15 years to life. anton potkovenko, and the fate of saboteurs. within 24 hours , the russian military improved the position along the front line, occupied more advantageous positions on the donetsk, avdeevsky and south donetsk
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fronts of the northern military district, the total enemy losses on in these directions there were about 850 personnel, not to mention a lot of destroyed equipment, among which there was an american-made armored personnel carrier and... tried to leave, but could not, well, the second one caught up with him, the loss of even one tank is a significant problem for the ukrainian armed forces, we are sure russian tank crews, the west is reducing the supply of weapons, and this noticeably affects the tactics of the neo-nazis, they roll out very rarely, they work out a little, just
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two or three shots they all roll back, well , because they probably no longer have the means since there probably aren’t that many vehicles themselves, so that they can roll out safely, the ssu has no choice but to hunt for russian tanks, vehicles like the t-90 are the main goal of the ukran-nazis. according to statistics. each departure of these combat vehicles brings new losses to the ukrainian armed forces. this is footage of the combat work of the crew of the t-90a tank in the kupinsky direction. the soldiers are working at a machine gun point that is hindering the advance of our infantry. having received confirmation of a hit, the crew immediately leaves before the drones are activated. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, russian troops inflicted a serious defeat on the enemy in the kherson and south donetsk directions. as a result of unsuccessful counterattacks, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 200 military personnel: the british ac-90 bravehard self-propelled gun, the grad rszzo combat vehicle,
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the d-20 guns and the d-30 howitzer. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the group of troops-center with active actions improved the situation along the front line, the enemy lost up to 305 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three cars, a 155mm m777 howitzer, 152 mm d-20 gun, 222 gvozdika. the southern group of troops is actively working. crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroy enemy manpower, fortifications, command posts and armored vehicles. they hit strategically important targets. so, in the kurakhov area, a crew of the rszzu uragan struck a railway bridge through which the ukrainian armed forces were transporting military equipment to the donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and zaporozhye directions. the russian army is conducting active battles in the donetsk direction. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has launched 10 unsuccessful counterattacks in the areas
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beristovy, konstantinovka, krasny and bogdanovka. enemy losses, according to the ministry of defense, amounted to up to 390 military personnel, 19 vehicles and two artillery pieces. the morale of the ukrainian armed forces is falling, every captured neo-nazi speaks about this. they increasingly call volga and voluntarily surrender. in the russian army the situation is the opposite, only...
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many of the volunteers have already begun military training at russian training grounds. stanislav vasilchenko, irina zaborskaya, news! kidnapped while shopping in a store, locked up in a military registration and enlistment office, where threats...
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stanislav bernval looked into the pit stanislav, good evening, but there are not very many young people in ukraine without mobilization. hello, alexey, there will be even less, and this problem may become fatal for ukraine. instead of wedding feasts and anniversaries, funerals and mass migration. ukraine is on the verge of a demographic catastrophe, they are already writing about it in the west. the crisis is worsening due to mass migration, and most importantly, losses in combat operations and a decrease in the conscription age. from 27 to 25 years old is a sentence first for thirty-year-old, then forty-year-old men,
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the most active, qualified part of the population, the engines of the economy, and in general the life of any state, ukraine is rapidly flying into the demographic darkness. the us order, voiced earlier by us senator lince graham, on the need to lower the conscription age has been partially implemented, receive it and sign it. this is the demographic. population pyramid of ukraine according to data as of january 1, twenty-three. please note that the cross-section of the generation is 20-27 years old, there the pyramid sharply thins out, that is, this age is rude.
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but lowering the conscription age to 25 years old may not be the last, because in ukraine they are talking about lowering the age to 18 years old, and this is nothing more than internal genocide of its own population, but this is an idea with changing the age, yes it is they have something to do with it, people have run out.
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year caused genuine panic, the outflow of the young population abroad increased, entry, as you remember, all possible tricks are being used to bypass the closed ukrainian border, only since the beginning of this year when trying more than 20 people died in crossing the tisza river to the border with romania, so the west persistently demands fresh meat, and if zelensky decides to send eighteen-year-old youths to the front, even if they have passed the initial training...
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to try to somehow, well, let’s say, neutralize them, here, but they will have to go lower in age. in parallel with the forced graves of the population , various recruiting agencies are trying to soften the situation in society; their task is to act with so-called soft power, inviting ukrainians to voluntarily go to serve, but that's not the problem. a certain head of a ukrainian...recruiting agency bitterly states the fact that the largest number of volunteers apply for staff positions, but the infantry, for example, is only in tenth place, everything is obvious here, but of course people are trying in some way, well, understanding that one way or another they will be drafted into the army and sent to graveyard, and
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they are trying to at least occupy a position not on the line in contact. and somehow sign up for the rear, people are trying to go there to the uav operators, to the press service, i don’t know there, somewhere as a cook, somewhere for it specialists to try, try to get a job, competitions for these positions in the armed forces of ukraine reach about 70 people per place, and of course, but where would we be without the beloved ukrainian corruption, which could not help but pick up such a fat money topic, rear... military positions in square , the nimble military commissars have already begun to sell, the price range is quite wide, it all depends on the specific position and place of service, on average from 3 to 8,000 euros. in general, a hole in which one can see pitchless darkness. stanislav bernwald the stolen future. as
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part of the investigation into the terrorist attacks, the russian prosecutor general's office sent inquiries to the united states, germany, and france. to cyprus, the appeals relate to the involvement of foreign structures in organizing and financing crimes on the territory of our country, as well as explosions on the nord stream gas pipelines, which is an act of international terrorism. as the department noted, russia expects that the information necessary for the investigation will be provided, well, the foreign press, especially time, does not hesitate to publish forecasts about new terrorist attacks by the kiev regime. details from elizaveta khramtsova. third attack on the crimean bridge. it is inevitable that the kiev regime is planning to commit another terrorist attack on russian territory without any condemnation , the british guardian writes and even explains the motivation, and not military, ideological for kiev. this is a symbol, the destruction of which, against the backdrop of defeat on the battlefield, can lift the spirit of ukrainian fighters. the fact that terrorism remains the last option for the ukrainian armed forces was stated by secretary of the security council of russia. at a meeting with
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colleagues from the sco member states, nikolai patrushev recalled the reaction of kiev and its puppeteers to the tragedy in crocus. in western media, the terrorist attack was covered by the director's team about attempts to blame ukraine for organizing the explosions on the nord streams. crimes committed by someone else's hands become...
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recognizing that american intelligence reported that an attack was being prepared in the first half of march, the authors of liberal publications are nevertheless amazed that the criminals with machine guns at the entrance to the concert hall were not met with adequate...
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40 million ukrainians, the failure at the beginning of the russian operation was a surprise, and then they turned on the russian machine, it started working, if the united states gives up everything and the europeans do not take matters into their own hands, ukraine. may lose, give up everything , the united states may with the arrival of trump, they are afraid in nato, and therefore the alliance is preparing to take over the leadership of the contact group on ukraine, also known as the ramstein format.
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the endless flow of money into this conflict could be stopped by negotiations in which moscow and kiev would make mutual concessions, and the head of the white house would act as a mediator, says ex-congresswoman and us presidential candidate thurt. and he immediately admits that washington’s goals are obviously different. in an ideal world. should have happened a long time ago, the question is, is president biden now the right person to do it? since the beginning of this war, all the statements of the biden and harris administration have been about the destruction of russia, so they simultaneously support the continuation of the war, and also hinder attempts to come to peace. however, there is an opinion that the ukrainian commanders are deliberately forcing the issue of problems on the battlefield in order to extract more money from their western partners, in this dance the movements are quite synchronous, while subordinate to... ex-commander-in-chief zaluzhny complained through a political publication that the front line is about to collapse , in brussels, the minister of nato countries was looking for sources to finance the wards, 100 billion
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dollars over 5 years, to create such a fund, gensecretary of the alliance stoltenberg proposed. the allies decided to discuss this idea in more detail. elizata khramtsova, ekaterina shamaeva, news. instead of control panel equipment there is only charred scrap metal, and in general the interior is like something else. a film about a post-apocalypse, where humanity has sharply rolled back into the stone age. spectacular footage was released today by the largest private energy company of the kiev regime, whose management complains that this is exactly what the turbine room looks like now, one of its main tests and adds, if a little earlier the overall damage from attacks by russian missiles and drones led to the loss of, well, about half of the capacity , then now we are talking about loss 80% of generation, respectively. the vast majority of energy centers have been destroyed or seriously damaged. all this is predictably presented in the spirit that our troops are committing war crimes, that the russians are literally doing harm to
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the whole world. leaving peaceful ukrainians without electricity, in general, a familiar narrative, but the louder such complaints are heard, the more clearly lies are heard in them, and why will evgeniy tishkavets explain, evgeniy, hello, obviously they cannot help but understand what the real purpose of such attacks is? good evening, alexey, of course they understand, that's why they are indignant. russia hits, sparks fly out of ukraine’s eyes. for almost 2 weeks, our army has been methodically disconnecting from the network. enemy air defense, apparently, is no longer capable of covering the sky in any way; according to the latest data, the zmeevka thermal power plant was completely destroyed, the burshtynskaya one was damaged, in total, in 2 weeks there were almost no undamaged tanks left in ukraine, there were arrivals at hydroelectric power plants, completely intact only nuclear power plants, but that doesn’t make it any easier; all shunting capacities have actually been knocked out, including in the west of the country, which
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before that...
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completely corresponds to what we see in the video, there’s even a clock hanging in the photo, you can see it, it fell a little, it’s already hanging on a wire in the video, in about the same place, this is what the control room looked like before the destruction, experts note: obviously, the explosion that turned it all into a pile of charred metal was very powerful, not only the electronics were damaged, but also the equipment of the turbine room, all this cannot be repaired quickly, the generators themselves, the turbine itself, this is the most difficult position, because how as a rule, there is no spare turbine in the warehouses of all these generating stations; it needs
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to be rebuilt. ordering from a factory is a long story, if you knock such a unit out of the saddle, so to speak, then that’s it, that means the station will be installed for many, many, so to speak, months, at least, and the same applies to other energy facilities, experts emphasize that if earlier we mainly hit transformers, which are easy to repair or replace, now we have begun to hit generating facilities and control facilities that need to be restored much. most turbines and products for such power plants are unique, these are not serial products that can be replaced directly, like two spare parts, these are, as a rule, products that are manufactured individually for each specific project and , accordingly, the process of their restoration takes quite a long time. and no matter what ukrpropaganda says, we feel sorry
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to see the burning power plant. the network noticed this photo, 2002 . vladimir putin and leonid kuchma together launch the updated dneprags hydraulic unit. russian generators and ukrainian turbines operated on the same shaft here. and then we had to stop all this with missiles when square took the path of terror. today, our enemy is already descending to outright terrorist attacks in the same crocus, and he is counting on us all. we will continue, so to speak, to turn the other cheek, well, it’s not worth it, it’s time for this, it’s time to resolve this issue, as long as we have military-technical capabilities to reduce the enemy’s potential, we must use them. in kiev, the existence of a disaster is recognized, but how to solve the problem do not understand. people, abandoned by the regime to the mercy of fate, are fleeing the cities. in this video, a traffic jam from a de-energized kharkov is busy.


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