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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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it is important that it is even more accessible and of better quality, i would like to once again take this opportunity to thank our doctors for the selfless work they are doing all over the country, saving people every day, helping them cope with the disease, and i would also like to sincerely wish them, their children, and loved ones what they do for people, what they fight for for their patients, good health, many thanks to all of them, dear colleagues, when it comes to the development of the country, the issues of educating the younger generation play a significant role. in all regions, we are building and renovating preschool institutions; they can now accommodate 150,000 more children, 157,000 more than 4 years ago. it has become easier for parents to place children from two and older there. months
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to 7 years 2 years ago, on instructions from the president , they began a program of major renovations of educational institutions, they have already put in order over 400 buildings, of which about 2,500 last year, and of course the construction of new ones continues, and if it takes a long time to get to classes, then school buses help almost 3.00 of these machines were delivered to russian subjects in 2023. all primary school children, on the initiative of the head of state, are provided with free hot meals at the expense of the federal budget, its quality is under special control, including from parents, this is a matter of the children’s health, we separately support teachers who take on class leadership and supervision, this is a huge responsibility, they are real mentors for their wards, for such specialists on behalf of the president... we add 5,000 rubles to
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salaries, well, since march , double remuneration has been assigned in settlements where less than 100,000 people live; by the way, over 565,000 teachers work in them. by the way, the government has prepared a corresponding decree; people will receive the funds they are entitled to for the last month in april, and from september they will receive a monthly increase of 5,000 rubles. will also be paid as an advisor to directors of... education in schools in colleges, for a total of approximately 37 employees. sign also has a significant impact on the development of a person acquaintance with the achievements of art culture. for young people from 14 to 22 years old, the well-known pushkin card is valid. when we were preparing for its launch, the main idea of ​​the project was to make visiting exhibitions more accessible. performances that
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are connected with our history, with culture, with our traditions, to create more useful content for children, which is very important. since the start of the initiative , more than 10 million people have received the card, over 64 million tickets have been purchased for various events, and now you can use it to watch domestic films, their number, by the way, is growing, you see and feel on the screen, probably, high-quality films are being released. over 4 years, the government invested, by the way, 36 billion rubles in cinema. and just last year alone, cinemas in russia collected more than this entire amount, almost 40 billion. films created with state participation have now already been watched by about 57.5 million viewers. we continue to support all spheres of culture, putting theaters in order, renovating them, opening new ones museums, exhibition spaces.
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our state can also be done through travel, incredibly beautiful, diverse nature, interesting cities, attractions, many are happy to choose a holiday in russia, so that this area develops, benefits have been introduced for tour operators in the field of domestic inbound tourism, from july 1 last year to - respectively 30 june 2027, we exempted them from paying value added tax. when selling vouchers
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, there is also a program of preferential lending, hotel construction, the implementation of such projects will allow the construction of more than 20 thousand new ones... with experts and businesses, the launch of a pilot project to support modular hotels, and by the end of this year they will have about 14 thousand more rooms. to develop tourism , we are working not only on infrastructure, but also , which is very important, on environmental protection; a lot is being done to overcome the damage caused. near the urals, in siberia, in other regions, and i noticed that next to beautiful nature, modern enterprises, infrastructure, some projects, often
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sorry, a lot of dirt, abandoned landfills, sunken ships, but everyone still likes to live where it is clean, well-groomed, comfortable. on the initiative of the president, a large-scale project was launched to clean up the country, which includes the removal of such objects. we discussed these issues during my trip to magadan in 2020. to date , 131 ships have already been raised from the bottom, disposed of, about 200 objects have been liquidated, purchased, yes, a ship, because it is more profitable, excuse me, to abandon them. so in means in the water, rather than dispose of, engage in complex procedures, and here i want to say that this made it possible to protect the health of millions of people, the third key task set by
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the president is the rapid development of infrastructure, this is the foundation of the quality of life in each region, our construction industry is showing excellent results, we are growing over the year about 8%, this is one of the drivers of the country’s development, and over 4 years by more than a quarter, if i remember correctly, 27%. we are actively introducing new housing; last year we built over 110 million square meters, this is a record indicator for the entire history of the russian federation, both for apartment buildings and individual ones, and their living conditions. have improved almost 4.5 million families, the main tool for solving this issue is a mortgage, there are various programs with government support, and so that even more people can buy a new apartment or house, we have expanded the family mortgage to
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parents with two children under 18 years of age, the far eastern employees of the military-industrial complex to teachers and medical workers, also connected to her and... residents of the arctic regions, well, in new regions you can now take out a loan to buy an apartment at 2% per annum. for specialists in the field of information technology, for whom a special it mortgage is available, the age and salary requirements have been relaxed. as a result, in just one year, about 1 million families improved their living conditions with the help of soft loans. we also continued to resettle the emergency fund. i am implementing two programs at the same time. last year , out of more than 3 million square m2 unsuitable for almost 200,000 more people moved to new lives, and in 4 years about 670 thousand. not only the housing should be comfortable, but
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the embankments and streets around it, we put them in order so that it is pleasant to walk there. about ten were transformed last year. and thousands of courtyards and public spaces, in total within the framework of a specialized federal project there are more than 65,000, and what is very important , taking into account the opinions of residents, is precisely this and it is very important that people themselves determine what their cities should be like. in the twenty-first year they launched online voting, asked them to choose, what is more necessary, for example, a children's room... the projects of the all-russian
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competition for creating a comfortable urban environment help us change the appearance of our small towns and historical settlements, about 700 of them have already been implemented, last year, on the instructions of the president, two such competitions were held, especially for cities in the far east ... the modernization of utility infrastructure, of course, requires close attention and significant efforts. we are solving this problem in a comprehensive manner; we have launched a five-year program to update housing and communal services, in within the framework of which about a thousand activities began, including the repair of heat and water supply systems. another very important tool: concessional loans from the national welfare fund, with these funds we repaired approximately 800 facilities, including boiler houses, wastewater treatment plants, almost 900 km of utility
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networks, and now about roads, we were engaged in large-scale renovation of them from streets to in every settlement to access roads to enterprises. the goals in road construction that the president set, by the way, have already achieved in many ways, and exceeded a number of indicators. finally last year everything matched. highway, we opened traffic on the m12 east highway from moscow to kazan, the most important project is new jobs, quality of life for people, we will further develop this route, like many others. increased connectivity. transport accessibility within our large country is, of course,
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a strategic priority, given its unique geography, russia needs strong modern aviation with a divided ground infrastructure, so they not only revived the domestic aircraft industry, but also actively modernized airfields in the regions. over the past year , runways in nine cities were reconstructed and put into operation. including in pivek, yakutsk, blagoveshchensk, arkhangelsk, magnitogorsk, at the beginning of this year the first stage of work was completed in kemerovo, in the settlement of udachny, which is located in close proximity to the arctic circle. construction has been completed in tomsk, and people are already using the benefits of shorter, more convenient routes. for the first time, about 53% of domestic flights began to take place without landing in moscow. in his message to the federal
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assembly, the president set a new task for the government to increase the aviation mobility of citizens. over the next 6 years, at least 75 more airports will be renovated, and we will allocate a quarter of a trillion rubles for these purposes. we also continued to implement other projects as part of a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of ours. main infrastructure, including railway, separately about one in a significant event already this year, the head of state in march launched the creation of our country's first high-speed highway moscow-st. petersburg. we are updating public transport so that residents can get to their destinations comfortably. to achieve this, we are implementing two programs, including with the participation of our key development institute , the russian federation, thanks to them last year. buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric buses, which is
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twice as much as in the previous 3 years. dear colleagues, the president emphasized the need for proactive economic policy, in order not only to respond to the current situation, but also, which is very important, to create demand for new goods and services that we produce in our country in the first place, last year, the government, as a priority... was engaged in this work , the formation of a supply economy, which is impossible without ensuring food security, achieving the technological and financial sovereignty of the country. i'll tell you more about this. i'll start with one of the strongest sectors agro-industrial complex, successful in many respects thanks to the decisions that were made with your participation. last year , over half a trillion rubles were allocated to support agriculture,
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more than 440 billion rubles only within the framework of the state program. among the measures, more than 500.00 hectares of land were involved in turnover over the past year, including through land reclamation work, which was discussed in detail; farmers increasingly began to resort to insurance with state support; over the same period, more than the production of agricultural machinery in russia increased by 8%... the production of machinery and equipment for the food industry increased by almost 40%. agricultural exporters will receive assistance at every stage of investment in a new enterprise. before entering foreign markets, and the volume of supplies abroad exceeded the value of 2020, the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was collected, good results in processing, especially for fish, all these achievements contribute to the implementation
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of our food doctrine safety, production exceeds by a significant margin... the planned indicators for vegetable oil, for grain, for fish, for fish products, for sugar, for meat, for meat products, there are already some successes in potatoes, vegetable crops, we continue to increase volumes milk, fruits, berries, salt, these are all very important elements of food security. we pay special attention, of course, to seed production, more and more in the domestic market of domestic... seed material, in 150 new laboratories we are actively research is underway in the field of breeding, seed production and molecular genetics. over the course of 4 years, 34 technologies were created based on our own developments. of course, there is still something to work on, we will continue to actively help implement advanced solutions
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to increase, if you like, the competitiveness of our agricultural industry, achievements. which we are very proud of. now about industry. at the end of the reporting year, production as a whole increased, you know, by 3.5%. even the wildest predictions have happened. but the main driver is also it is known that there was a manufacturing industry. it increased by 7.5%. this, by the way, is a record for the last 10 years. it is extremely important that the industry’s share in the domestic domestic product is increasing. according to calculations that were made taking into account the peculiarities of price dynamics in different sectors of the economy, this figure is close to 13%. thus, the task set by the president has been completed. moreover, we achieved profitability in almost all types of activities, especially
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those focused on domestic demand. it was his restoration that became one of the key factors. year, the greatest growth of over 21% was demonstrated by our machine-building complex. i will dwell on this in more detail. the aircraft manufacturing industry, the volume of its industrial production increased by almost a fifth. in the aircraft industry, enormous, significant work has been done to transition to domestic science-intensive materials and products in order to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers. this year we plan to increase the production of civil helicopters by almost..., visiting regions, factories, i’m constantly in contact, talking, i communicate with directors, with chief designers of factories, with those who are directly responsible for the airworthiness of our new airplanes and helicopters, and the primary task for all of us is to ensure the safety of people, so
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we must make the most reliable and modern machines, our engineers... other specialists are trying, of course, trying to launch them into series as soon as possible. a few words about unmanned aircraft systems. we adopted a development strategy for this important area, approved a national project, and today we we understand in detail how this area will move further. to achieve practical results, we will begin to carefully remove the barriers that hold back development and become more, if you like, active. the production of cars of all types increased by 16%, now amounting to over 7,000 cars, including half a million cars, which, by the way, became possible thanks to the launch of a number of new factory sites, machine tool manufacturing, production
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increased by more than 60%, 60%, the industry faces. the most serious tasks: for 30 years we have not been involved in the development of this area, now we are not just starting to restore it, we have reassembled the federal project, in 6 years we will allocate about 300 billion rubles from the budget alone, including 130 billion in the next 3 years, they are in the budget, as a result more than 70 modern machine tool and construction industries will be created , the production of over 500 new types of domestic machine tools has been mastered, but of course we need to help. now enterprises need to carry out technical re-equipment and modernization. goals are defined. russia intends to become one of the 25 leading countries in terms of quantity within 6 years. industrial robots, the president recently set this task for us, and the metal complex, despite all the difficulties caused by
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sanctions, here we see an increase of 3%, but primarily due to the increase in domestic consumption of metal products and the following energy sectors, there is a lot of industry, but i’ll try let’s touch on each briefly: power engineering and its market volumes have increased. over third. among the major achievements, i would like to note the production of the first domestic high-power serial gas turbine. this, of course, it will strengthen our technological independence and enhance the reliability of our energy supply system. shipbuilding. industrial production increased by 4%. our own equipment was actively created, enterprises were modernized, production volumes of civil vessels, cargo and passengers increased by... a quarter and more than doubled for fishing companies. three universal nuclear icebreakers are being built at the baltic shipyard in st. petersburg.
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you know this. in march , they decided to allocate almost 22 billion rubles for such the work continued. our energy is gradually adapting. this required a significant reconfiguration of logistics, and this is not a quick task. but unlikely. segments there are significant successes: last year our country became the fourth largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world, the volume of its exports has almost tripled in 6 years . chemical complex, production of low -volume products has increased by almost a quarter over 3 years. the president set the task of achieving thirty percent growth by the end of this year, we we are moving towards this goal ahead of schedule. now a few words about...
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to expand the production of priority products, we launched a cluster investment platform mechanism last year, but in simple terms this is preferential lending to enterprises for the implementation of large priority projects, 36 were approved within its framework, with a total of about 800 billion rubles, and 10 of them have already started, industrial mortgages have also shown very high demand, over... 800 preferential loans have been issued , amounting to about 80 billion rubles. facilities were used for the acquisition and construction of factory space, which is
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millions of square meters. the industrial development fund also provided significant assistance to enterprises; using its resources , high-tech products were developed, necessary equipment was leased, production was opened, production of components was established, in total from the beginning of the year and during the year... over 300 applications were supported, amounting to more than a quarter trillion rubles over the last 3 years, about 600. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfabank. in this friday, april 5, we give 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service it is not just profitable, alpha is profitable! dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i
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going our separate ways, no, it’s hard to get used to it, 10 years ago i saw him being beaten through the window, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is hope, there is always hope. it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them
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have property there and.. . funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have a cortia here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and it turned out to be me. the fourth task set by the president is strengthening technological sovereignty. now we are finishing
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the formation. large projects to organize our own production of the most significant types of high-tech products, including microelectronics components, smart machines, gas turbines, and medical equipment. 10 initiatives for the development of end-to-end technologies were launched and concluded


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