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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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fourth. the task set by the president is to strengthen technological sovereignty. we are now completing the formation of large projects to organize our own production of the most significant types of science-intensive products, including microelectronics components, smart machines, gas turbines, medical equipment, 10 initiatives have been launched to develop end-to-end technologies, agreements have been concluded with companies that are leaders in their fields managed. build
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effective work with them in areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, software, hydrogen energy, new materials in a number of the most important innovative, critical areas. the total amount of financing for these projects amounted to about 137 billion rubles, of which almost 3/4 were business funds. to achieve leading positions in all priority areas , may passed...
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projects, information technology projects, the register of russian software was replenished with almost 5,000 positions in just a year, and the share of their use in state-owned companies has also tripled, just recently 5 years ago it barely exceeded a quarter, no later than december, on the instructions of the president for certain classes of software, such organizations should, by the way, completely switch to domestic products, we keep these issues under constant attention.
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dear colleagues, to build our own competence in critical industries, we have a solid scientific foundation with infrastructure throughout the country. as the head of state noted, this is our powerful competitive advantage. there are about 600 centers for collective use equipment and about 400 unique installations, which carry out fundamental and applied research. you know too. the development of seven megascience class projects continues, we have updated approximately half of the instrument base of leading scientific organizations, we have opened more than 700 laboratories under the leadership of our young scientists, the best of our science, we have managed to ensure that now in the total number of researchers almost half of those who are not and 39 years, this is a very serious achievement, and we are increasing cooperation in...
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higher schools of science and the real sector in 15 world-class research educational centers have developed about 400 technologies in 2 years, they are already ready for implementation. all these areas are reflected, by the way, in the strategy for scientific and technological development of russia, which was approved by the president. to achieve technological sovereignty, our economy must become an economy of skilled personnel. and we have redefined the way we approach college education.
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from this almost all graduates after after completing their studies, almost everyone is employed according to their profile, professionalism is in great demand, it covers about 900... colleges in russian regions operate over two hundred centers that produce specialists for more than twenty priority industries. by the way, the importance of this was discussed during visits to production facilities in the regions, and the governors constantly talk to me about this. last year, another 60 educational clusters were created that train employees in the fields of medicine, pedagogy, tourism, and the arts of the creative industry. and in such project is our enterprise.
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we are increasingly attracting talented youth to research in higher education, and scientists to solving key problems of the country's development, this is also helped by the implementation of the priority 2030 project, on its basis universities, mainly regional ones, together with academic centers, with large companies, conduct fundamental and applied research , including materials science, microbiology, medicine, quantum physics, i can list it endlessly. years ago we started the program with 106 universities, now already 132, about twenty thousand research and development work has been completed, almost half of which last year only the largest industrial companies invested about 18 billion rubles. well, what’s important is
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that several thousand innovations have already been introduced; the advanced project is designed to provide personnel for high-tech hires in the economic sector. engineering schools, for this purpose our main universities, with grant support from the state and the participation of business, are creating sites with the most modern laboratories, pilot production facilities, now there are already 30 of them are working and by the end of this year their number will increase to 50, a network of campuses is being built, seventeen projects have been approved, more than a dozen facilities have recently been opened, including in moscow baumanka, in iq-park, stability, sustainability of balancing our budget, increasing our own
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long-term tools resources, increasing investor confidence in the russian market, the resumption of the influx of foreign capital, new tools have appeared, including those that allow attracting finance for a long period. you were recently accepted the law developed by the government, which determines the procedure for tax deductions for such investments, this, of course, should increase the interest of domestic investors, on whose activity we are counting. the most important thing is that today all payments in russia work, despite any external pressure. colleagues. of course, you know everything, and you see that the west continues to do everything possible to limit the russian economy’s access to the international settlement and payment infrastructure, and , of course, global finance, as consequence, hinder the development of our country. the bank of russia is actively working to solve this problem, and the government, for its
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part, is providing full support here, together we are working to ensure that both the trading and investment operations of our company are protected. the sixth priority. the task is to expand foreign economic interaction with promising partners from friendly countries. first of all, i would like to note that we managed to stop the west’s attempts to organize a blockade of russian foreign trade. trade turnover with friendly countries has not only grown, but today is comparable to the volume of trade between russia and the whole world, which was 4 years ago. on instructions from the president, the government approved the development strategy. economic activity, it, of course, takes into account all modern trends in the global economy, calculated until the end of the decade, the support system for non -raw materials, non-energy exports, industrial agricultural products was rebuilt, they helped
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entrepreneurs redirect cargo flows, the decrease in trade turnover with the european union, of course, to a large extent compensated by increased trade with china, india, and... in this regard , it is necessary to solve the problems of developing international corridors to these friendly countries, these are north-south, west-east, and also to create infrastructure, including a port in the azov sea - the black sea, northwestern, eastern directions, well, last year we launched road bypasses for the cities of anapa, aksay, krasnodar, which helped speed up traffic along the busiest sections of the m4-don highway. in accordance with the instructions of the president continued to expand the eastern range
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of railways, its capacity reached 173 million tons, and paid special attention to increasing the capabilities of the northern sea route, the shortest route between europe and asia across the waters of the arctic region, transported over 36 million tons in a year, this is the best figure ever history. when it comes to international cooperation, i can’t help but touch on the topic of migration, we talked about this during consultations before the report, first of all, by the way, all factions about they said this, but above all in the context of the monstrous crime that was committed at the end of march in the crocus near moscow, people died at the hands of terrorists, i am sure that the perpetrators will be punished,
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and the state as a whole, these are the services that implement the decisions made, are responsible for their results, therefore it is necessary to carry out coordinated work, only in this way it will be effective, as the president said, terrorists have neither nationality nor religion, representatives of many nationalities live peacefully in our country, many faiths, we have a truly multinational state, dear colleagues, in the context of unprecedented sanctions , we have concentrated on developing cooperation with
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russia’s strategic partners. our closest neighbor and ally is belarus. together we are building a union state, we have laid the legal basis for a unified macroeconomic, industrial and agricultural policy, for the formation of common energy transport markets, we have agreed on common standards for the protection of consumer rights, and it is developing successfully. our eurasian economic union, its total real domestic product grew by 3.8% last year. in the twenty-third year of russia's presidency of the bodies of the union at the level of heads of state, a declaration was approved, you know, on the development of integration for the future, it was called the eurasian economic path, it is a guideline for the further strengthening of strategic... actions in all directions. our country is expanding cooperation with members of the commonwealth and
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the independence of states, by the way, our russian trade turnover with them grew by almost 6% last year. russia has retained and strengthened its presence in key regional associations, but this is primarily brix, in which our country chairs this year, the sco, and we also plan to deepen the dialogue with other constructively minded organizations. including within the framework of the humanitarian agenda in education, science, culture, and here an important area is sports. well, unfortunately, the international olympic committee and other sports organizations are under serious political pressure. prevents the participation of russian athletes in world and european competitions. and in this situation, we are actively developing new competition formats. we hold games of the cis countries, russian-chinese games. games, children of asia , a festival of student sports was held in yekaterinburg. the most
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striking event, of course, was the games of the future, a unique multi-sport tournament, which, as the president noted, is free from political considerations, from any kind of discrimination and from double standards. much planned for the current year, including games, friendships, we will continue to create conditions so that athletes can show their best. results in competitions with worthy opponents. dear colleagues, the decisions made, which i spoke about earlier, have ensured serious progress overall in a number of sectors of the economy. well, most importantly, these achievements have become part of the everyday life of people, from kaliningrad to vladivostok; issues of the development of russian regions are constantly on the government’s agenda. last year, together with my deputies, with others members of the cabinet of ministers visited all regions of the country. since 2020, i myself have visited fifty, or five of them. we have a very
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beautiful country. there is something to see, and the people are wonderful with all their hearts, they... support their native places, work actively, and of course, there is progress. over 4 years , the consolidated budget revenues of the constituent entities increased by 50%; the volume of investments increased by almost 2/3. these are the main parameters by which we evaluate our work with subjects. my deputies are responsible for four indicators for each of the subjects - this is the growth of domestic, domestic regional product, the number of jobs . investment, real income , job creation. this is, in fact, what we are constantly monitoring. by the way, on the initiative of valentin ivanovna matvienko and vyacheslav ivich volodin, the mechanism for transferring income tax to regional budgets was improved. funds began to flow into them much faster, this will ensure additional stability of the financial systems
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of our subjects. at the same time, many of them carry a serious debt load. by on behalf of the president, we will... write off 2/3 of their debt on budget loans - this is about 1 trillion rubles. this opens up opportunities for solving infrastructure problems locally, including construction, updating utility networks, gasification, laying transport highways, and all the most important issues that are on the agenda of our regions. the most popular instrument is infrastructure budget loans, 1 trillion rubles have been allocated for them... over 6 years. more than half of the funds have already were sent to constituent entities, which helped complete work on 252 sites, and provided another 190 billion rubles as part of special treasury loans, which almost all regions received last year. we also allocate resources to equalize their level of provision. and
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, of course, special economic zones remain a fairly effective support mechanism. over the past 3 years, another 20 such territories have appeared, and preferential conditions have helped them attract a record amount of investment. of course, we will definitely link all the tools infrastructure support with development programs for 2.0 settlements and master plans for 200 cities, which the president spoke about in detail in his message. we will decide on the regions in the near future. we organize this work and... within the framework of eight federal districts , the institution of their curators from among my deputies continues to operate effectively, each of them controls everything that is being done in the regions today in the four areas in which i said, everywhere there are corresponding results, comprehensive development is underway
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rural areas, just last year from the federal budget... with income, helped them with the purchase of equipment, taking on part of the costs in the amount of at least 100,000 rubles. for each site. and last year, by the way, almost 40% more houses were connected to gas than the year before, which means we were able to make the lives of tens of thousands of people more comfortable. on instructions from the president, the program will be expanded to include gardening
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partnerships in gasified settlements. as you know, this seems to me to be also important for people. a whole range of solutions was proposed for the north caucasus, for the far east, for the arctic, for crimea, for sevastopol and for the kaliningrad region, they require an accelerated expansion of their own production, as well as the removal of infrastructure restrictions and improvement of the investment climate, investment attractiveness. well, as for the north caucasus, as a result of the implementation of government programs last year , citizens. more than 400 new social engineering transport facilities became available, significantly increased reliability energy complex in the caucasus, by the way, a year ago during a working trip to karachay-cherki. we launched the krasnogorsk hydroelectric complex with two small hydroelectric power plants there, a wind power station opened in the stavropol region in the fall,
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there are significant results in the far east, in recent years, with the use of government support, the implementation of about 3,000 investment projects has begun there, almost a quarter of them have already been completed, quite active business in the arctic zone in economics. into the social sphere of the far eastern subjects over the past more than 3 trillion rubles were invested per year. a variety of tools are used here to attract private funds, priority development territories operate, the free port of vladivostok has special conditions, which helped put about 110 projects into operation last year. almost 3 years ago, as a result of a trip, in my opinion, to initurup, we decided to... introduce preferential treatment for entrepreneurs on the kuril islands, there are already 24 residents, probably not a lot, but already 24, have started new projects with a common volume of investments
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about 5 billion rubles, creating more than 400 jobs there. the mechanisms that are used in the macroregion have also shown good dynamics, among them the far eastern concession, a single presidential subsidy, and, of course, the far eastern hectare. which made it possible to create about a thousand social engineering infrastructure facilities in 4 years, and over 120,000 people received land plots; now this is available, by the way, to residents of the arctic zone. another important tool is the far eastern quarter. it will contribute to a comprehensive development taking into account modern standards of people's needs. the level of transport connectivity is actively increasing. within the district. for 3 years, at preferential rates, united far eastern airlines transported more than 800 thousand people. i will separately dwell on
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the integration of new subjects of the federation into the russian legal framework. this required the adoption of about 60 laws. i would like to thank valentina ivanova, vyacheslav viktorovich, colleagues of all deputies and senators for the enormous large-scale work done. seriously. seriously helped to accelerate these steps, experiences, practices gained in crimea, where just last year, by the way , over sixty social, transport, and engineering infrastructure facilities were built or repaired, including , by the way, 16 new kindergartens and schools were opened for reliable water supply to the peninsula , three sports complexes. all these changes are happening literally before the eyes of the crimeans themselves, they are already taking advantage of new opportunities, the same
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standard of living will be available in the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, in zaporozhye and kherson regions, in the twenty-third year they began implementing a program for their socio-economic development, no one had invested in infrastructure there in such volumes before, and never, but over the past 2 years...
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by order of the president, they sent to the belgorod, bryansk, kursk regions, as well as the republic of crimea 1 billion rubles. the funds have now been used for grants for enterprises, financing on... terms in these subjects, we will also use the preferential regime of the free economic zone to reduce the burden on companies, save jobs and, most importantly, restore the economy. the day after tomorrow, by the way, we will consider a draft government meeting and introduce it to the state duma, work to support both people and businesses in these regions will continue, dear.
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our defenders had everything they needed, we significantly increased production, additionally involved hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, scientists, engineers who developed advanced models, increased the production of equipment, weapons, equipment protection, electronic warfare, sets of medical equipment for use, including in the field, in military equipment for very... many positions by times, for vehicles and armored weapons - three times, by means of destruction by seven times, for communications equipment, radio electronic warfare and intelligence nine times. i would like to especially thank all the specialists who take an active part in the production of everything necessary for our heroes, our army and navy. thank you.
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a fund has been created to resolve the social issues of fighters and their families. defenders of the fatherland. in each region, its employees help restore documents, obtain medicines, medical products, undergo vocational training and, if necessary, find employment. and they placed special emphasis on the efficiency of providing benefits. the procedure for issuing a combat veteran's certificate has been simplified. now the department.
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i said, we prepared with your personal participation and we managed to soften the most difficult period of adaptation, create a solid foundation for further economic growth and, of course, for improving the quality of life of our citizens, our country, fulfilling new tasks. in his message , the president instructed to think through approaches to modernizing our fiscal system for a more equitable distribution of the tax
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burden. citizens and companies, and the head of state especially noted this in his message, together with you, dear colleagues, dear deputies, we have to solve this, you know well the interests of the needs of your voters, the processes that are taking place in the regions, the demands of business, public institutions, and upcoming tax changes should primarily work for the benefit
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of people. the economy of our country as a whole. dear friends, following the meeting of the council for strategic development of the national project in december, the head of state set tasks for the current twenty-fourth year. this is the strengthening of economic, technological and financial sovereignty, where we will pay special attention to meeting the growing domestic demand for goods and services, i will say again, that are produced in russia with friendly partners. country in cooperation to increase the real incomes of citizens, accelerated infrastructure renewal, and also...


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