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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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more than 10 thousand objects have already been restored in the donbass and novorossiya, and this is only through federal customers. at the same time, more than 7.0 objects have been restored by regional chefs. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting on the development of new regions of russia. more details, anastasia efimova. housing, roads, hospitals, educational institutions are being built and renovated.
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situation, we build and repair housing, roads, facilities, social facilities, energy, infrastructure, healthcare institutions, education, culture sports, we are establishing agricultural and industrial production, all regions of our country are providing great assistance here, there are significant results, well, significant, not significant, but in any case.
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there was no place to give birth, so today we received such a good, truly worthy facility, very beautiful, professional, and but besides this facility, we first have, first of all, the implementation of the program, 331 medical facilities have been built, restored, equipped with equipment and we... now with the ministry of health we have made a program for 3 years of restoration all objects with each region, including children's centers on your instructions in melitopol, including the renovation of existing ones; now, after the extension of the program, we are doing a complete health care program until the thirtieth year. from this most rebuilt residential quarter , not only the head of the dpr government got in touch with the president, but most importantly, the people who are celebrating the housewarming and whose voices are not trembling so much today.
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which connects people in all territories of our vast country, our common culture, our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about this and will not forget, we will always proceed from this, but thank you very much for not forgetting about this when it was especially difficult, remember now. this is the basis
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of the restoration of our unity, but not only housing is being put into operation, a new perinatal center has already begun work in donetsk, for the region it is... the most modern medical institution in the field of family planning and, as doctors say, an important symbol of a new life, new hopes and, of course, a happy, peaceful future. only for today the light two kids appeared here. for us , the donetsk republican perinatal center, now named after professor vladimir kirillovich chaika, well, it has already begun its work, began quite well, well, let’s say, effectively productively on the first day, because anna alexandrovna said. today two babies have already been born, because well, they are not waiting, a natal center has opened, so they were born, and the boy volodya and the girl eva, today the light appeared, and after the event there will be an opportunity to go congratulate, because this is all
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happened almost in the last moments. the rapid revival of new regions also means educational opportunities; in mariupol, a branch of the volgograd academy of the ministry of internal affairs is ready for commissioning. already from september 1 , 600 people will begin training here; the olympic reserve school of weightlifting has been restored in lugansk. the building was virtually destroyed, there was no need to talk about any training. now there is an opportunity to prepare for competitions of any level of complexity. unfortunately, even since during ukrainian times, absolutely no attention was paid to sports and the building fell into complete disrepair. we decided to carry out a major overhaul. on our own behalf , vladimirovich, we assure you that with their generally persistent training, their persistent work, in the field of weightlifting and not only, our athletes will defend the honor of our country at competitions at any level, thank you
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very much again, all this became possible after after we became part of our great country, we returned home, but not weightlifting.
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she worked in the precinct election commission of the zaporozhye region and died during the terrorist attack. her car was blown up. for his great contribution to the development of the domestic automotive industry , avtovaz director maxim sokolov was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland, third degree. in addition, the head of state noted
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cultural figures in his decree, including for their great services in the development of art. the honorary title of people's artist of the country was awarded to the ballerinas of the bolshoi theater ekaterina krysanova and... different numbers, what do you think, how much bridge will it ultimately cost? 300 billion bridge and 300 billion approaches. it is necessary to connect sakhalin with the mainland via a bridge and development there will proceed at a different pace, i am
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absolutely sure. let's get back to this topic. i wanted to ask for your blessing to run for governor this year in september, which means, as they say, it’s up to your decision, yes, valeriyvich, in general, everything works out for you, well, maybe not everything, but it works out, and the results are there. the work is fully carried out on all issues of state defense ordering, production, repair, armor, aviation equipment,
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they themselves launched the production of protective equipment for armored vehicles, people, social activists ask me, this year there is an election for the governor of the trans-baikal territory, they ask me, well, how are you? and of course, i would like to do more good deeds, to support everyone in good deeds as much as possible. you managed to create an investment-attractive, investment-attractive... economy in the region, now, if this continues, and there is reason, as i already said, to think that this will happen, then the results will appear, and their people they will see, but of course, you need to work actively and directly discuss these issues with the residents of the region, i wish them success, i think that everything will work out for you, because of the spring flood , travel along the federal highway m5, the urals is closed, in 32 regions it was flooded. hundreds of house plots. the president instructed to provide assistance to people who found themselves in flood zones.
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read more about the situation, report by maria valieva. residents of the village of akbulak enter flooded areas in protective wetsuits, pick up animals, and carry chickens in bags. the bird, the chickens are here, they were left yesterday, they took the piglets out in time, but the bird remained. the pigs were transported on trucks. cows and horses were tied to fences on those streets where there was still no water. state of emergency, the ilek river overflowed. water continues to approach houses. people
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build barricades before leaving for relatives. water from the hallway has to be poured out with buckets; there is no pump. we will monitor and look, we checked this morning, then in the afternoon, in the evening we will come again and look. frightened cats climb onto the roofs of barns and onto fences. it's not easy to get them out of there, but our film crew managed to do it. we managed to save the cat, she was out of fear. gathered on the fence, sat there, now the family is leaving here with their children, for those who have nowhere to go, there are temporary accommodation centers, they provide everything they need, psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations work with residents of flooded houses, the service here is very good, everything, in general, everything great, the only thing i’m worried about is the house, the state of emergency in the village of krasnokholm, the chernaya river overflowed its banks, and the road in orsk was flooded. state farm builder, and the bridge across the or river, you can
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only get to the other side by boat, the water level throughout the region rises here and there, unfortunately, the situation stabilizes in very, very minor cases, you can literally count them on one finger, but in general, let’s say, in tense anticipation and even somewhere we are already working, a cargo gazelle due to the floods, which was transporting food to the flooded village of azirki and... emergency situations ministry employees came to the driver’s aid in time. traffic was also partially limited on the roads on belyaevskoye highway on the federal highway a305 orenburg and lay down. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and yulia tyushevskaya, vesti orenburg region. in moscow, two people died and 17 were injured due to bad weather. this was announced by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. according to him, all city services quickly eliminate the consequences of bad weather. the storm wind knocked down trees from the fence, some of them fell directly on parked cars,
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window frames flew out, and all parks, including the capital's zoo, were closed due to weather conditions. russian defense minister sergei shaigu held telephone conversations with the head french defense ministry at the urgent request of paris. sebastian licarniu expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall and announced paris's readiness to cooperate with. moscow in the fight against terrorism, while according to the russian ministry of defense, the french minister insisted on the non-involvement of ukraine and western countries in the terrorist attack and shifted responsibility to those prohibited in russia. the investigation of the terrorist attack will be brought to the attention of sergei shaigu in response, stressing that the end, all those responsible will be punished, in currently, there is information specifically about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. shaigu also added that the practical implementation of the statement of the elysee palace about the possible dispatch of a contingent to ukraine will create problems for france itself. russian troops
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have improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevsky and south donetsk directions.
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t-90 type vehicles are the main target of the kronazis. according to statistics, each departure of these combat vehicles brings new losses to the ukrainian armed forces. this is footage of the combat work of the crew of the t-90a tank in the kupinsky direction. the soldiers work a machine gun point that hinders the advance of our infantry. having received confirmation of a hit, the crew immediately leaves before
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the drones are activated. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, russian troops inflicted a serious defeat on the enemy in kherson and the south. donetsk directions. as a result of unsuccessful counterattacks, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 200 servicemen. british self-propelled gun as-90 brarehart, rszzo grad combat vehicle, d-20 guns and d-30 howitzer. in the ovdeevsky direction, units of the group of troops-center with active actions improved the position along the leading edge. the enemy lost up to 305 troops. two armored combat vehicles, three cars, a 155mm howitzer m-777. a 152mm d-200 gun, two 122mm d-30 howitzers and a 122mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount. the southern group of troops is actively working. crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroy enemy manpower, fortifications, command posts and armored vehicles. they hit strategically important targets. so, in
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the kurakhov area, the uragan mlrs crew struck across the railway bridge through which the ukrainian armed forces transported military equipment to donetsk. yuzhnodonetsk and zaporozhye directions. the russian army is conducting active battles in the donetsk direction. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has launched 10 unsuccessful counterattacks in the areas of beristovo, konstantinovka, krasnoye and bogdanovka. according to the ministry of defense, enemy losses amounted to up to 390 military personnel, 19 vehicles and two artillery pieces. morale in the ssu is falling, every captured neo-nazi speaks about this. they are calling more and more often. and surrender voluntarily. in russian for the army, the situation is the opposite; since the beginning of this year alone , more than 100 thousand people have signed a contract with the ministry of defense, while over the past week and a half they have increasingly come to military registration and enlistment offices wanting to avenge those killed in the tragedy that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. the extreme point of choice was the event in kroku city, this terrorist attack, and i
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understand that i have a family, children, and so that... all this would not reach my family, i decided to accept a contract, i came to visit a friend , we talked here, there’s the whole situation, that children were killed here, the next one day i went to the recruiting office, submitted an application, it’s time to stop all this disgrace, many of the volunteers have already begun military training at russian training grounds. stanislav vasilchenko, irina zaborskaya, news. nato. to deliberately take control of all military supplies to ukraine, this is precisely the proposal that secretary general jens stoltenberg made at the anniversary meeting of the heads of the alliance's foreign ministers. about other statements by the chief of our european. bureau anastasia popova. nato is celebrating its anniversary. 75 years since the military alliance brought its democracy to the world with bayonets, but the mood is foreign ministers are not at all
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festive. the ukrainian front is trembling. in the united states , the chances of trump returning to power, who does not want to sponsor kiev, are growing. how to prevent the war from ending? secretary general stoltenberg proposes to create a multi-year support fund worth 100 billion euros. nato appears. member of the contact group on ukraine , she did a very great job, nato countries supplied 99% of all weapons to ukraine, now we will be able to coordinate this work, in fact it will be the same people, this commander-in-chief of nato allied forces in europe, general cavoli, an american general, but at the same time the commander of nato. the americans will coordinate everything, but they just don’t want to send their troops to the territory of ukraine, assured secretary of state blinken, who was the last to arrive in brussels, and he’s on...
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in any case, the americans do not welcome amateur activity. macron had been urging berlin and washington for months to make a strategic shift to scare the russians by sending nato troops, but he publicly reprimanded. biden didn't like the idea. the details of this behind-the-scenes dispute are published today by the wall street journal. chief of staff of the french armed forces burghart sent a letter to his nato colleagues describing how the allies could support ukraine by deploying. domestically, but the prospect of western personnel in ukraine, both civilian and military, raises the pressing question of how allies should respond if any service members
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are killed in a russian strike. paris brushes it off, saying that the french have died more than once in the same africa, and nothing, paris did not turn to nato for an article on collective defense, and it will not happen here. why such deep involvement? the french defense minister, together with his polish and german counterparts, explained in a militaristic article released the day before. for there to be peace in europe, russian imperialism must be stopped, defense spending of at least 2% of gdp is a necessary condition and the basis on which we build our collective defense. secondly, we need to use the full industrial potential of our continent to modernize our military capabilities, increase production and achieve economies of scale. we must meet the moment, which may determine the future of our children. to ensure that children in europe have a future at all, budapest intends to block all initiatives.
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or be called a russian collaborator. olaf scholz may be hoping that history will repeat itself, he will be able to repeat gerhard schröder's trick in 2002 before the us invasion of iraq when it refused to provide troops or money. estonia, which today is hosting the prime minister of ukraine, also did not dare to send troops. the set of topics is standard, the use of frozen russian assets, sanctions, problems on the way to nato and the european union. it’s all about helping kiev and not being distracted by the accompanying internal distractions. political problems of european countries, advised her colleagues to the head of the cabinet kaja kallas, who, by the way, refused to lead nato in october this year, casting her vote in favor of the prime minister
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netherlands. but on the path of the dutch prime minister there are four more countries that have not yet given their consent: hungary, romania, slovakia and turkey. they are trying to come to an agreement, hoping to find a compromise no later than the summer. the same is true with the new fund; they want to make a decision on its creation at the think tank of the north atlantic alliance, the summit at... the russian championship in kazan, as well as the first for russian swimmers are preparing for the upcoming 2 years of international competitions in bosnia and herzegovina. stas redikultsev attended the training session of the national team. world record holder in the 200m breaststroke , evgenia chikunova, walks out of the pool in a great mood. there are less than 2 weeks left before the start of the russian championship. i miss large-scale competitions, so the russian championship is the holiday that i’m looking forward to, maybe it will be
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the hundredth in the hundred-meter race, to film this, of course... it would be incredibly cool, two-time olympic champion evgeny rylov is easy to identify in the first lane, not so much the red swimming trunks, as well as the cap with a cartoon cat, are decorated with tattoos on the powerful arms of the swimmer. this appeared after the olympics, the first, second i finished off later, i just didn’t know what to connect the dragons with, e ying yang finished off in japanese mythology, and my wife and i did this as a couple, damn cats, well, they have wings like damn them bite.
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coaches are boiling water, here the preparation of the strongest russian swimmers for two main starts at the beginning of the season ends, firstly the national championship, and secondly, for the first international competition outside of russia in the last 2 years. at competitions in bosnia at the end of april, the team russia will compete without restrictions, 20 of our athletes will take part in the competitions. at the tournament it will be possible to fulfill the qualification standard for the olympic games. but none of the russians have.
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i’ve probably come to terms with our realities a long time ago , i’m already training calmly, and i try, no conditions are offered at all, i don’t think about competitions anymore, i’m just training for fun. one of the exercises of the world record holder in 50m backstroke kliment kolesnikov is more like a magic trick: a plastic cup on his forehead does not change position even when turning. habitual position. heads in the water, that balance, so i keep it calmly, confidently, but it has already become a habit, so it is not a problem for me, despite the strict sanctions from world aquatics against russian swimmers, the opportunity to compete internally, our athletes broke two world records in the past year. i don’t have any thoughts in my head that i can set a new world record there, i just have an orientation based on the time
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shown by the guys there from other countries. who set the same world records there strives to these results, because there is an understanding that the guys can swim so well, why can’t we? the russian swimming championship starts in kazan on april 14, one hundred mid-kul residents sergey ukhvaryonok, dmitry belous and alexander stalmoshevsky, lead the way!
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from me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies are in our hands, in a real movie hit, as i like the way it sounds, 100 years ago, forward, everything will be fine, believe me, soon , these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i felt completely dumbfounded, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great fake artists there, wait a minute, wait a minute.


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