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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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he dreams of the future, attention, invasion, but what of me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and 13, thirteen galaxies in our hands, in real kinahita, as i like the way it sounds. 100 years ago, forward, everything will be fine, trust me, soon, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i had a complete sensation, of course, i was simply dumbfounded.
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all the great artists there are fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute, not a single painting can be said to be fake, because these paintings never we didn’t undergo any examination, my husband and i made a will in favor of russia, just like that.
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russia has successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation, as mikhail mishustin said in a government report to the state duma. at the end of the twenty-third year, the country's gdp increased by 3.6%. according to the world bank, russia is one of the five largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity and is now setting itself the goal of entering the top four. there are prerequisites for this. in january , economic growth was 4.6%. foundation became a balanced budget policy. execution of expenses in the twenty-third year approached 100%, this is the best result in recent years, revenues exceeded 29 trillion rubles. an important growth factor is investment support. in the twenty-third year, their volume increased by about 10%, this is a record for the last 12 years. at the beginning of the year , 65 agreements on the protection and promotion of investment worth 4 trillion rubles had already been signed. one of the main challenges for the economy last year was inflation. we took the necessary measures, carefully. situation, because from it
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the level of real incomes of citizens depends on the dynamics; in particular , prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, the most important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products, and work was carried out to saturate the domestic market with food. although annual inflation was above the target values, thanks to interaction with the bank of russia, it still slowed down significantly. the government successfully managed to stop western attempts to organize a blockade of russian foreign trade. trade with friendly countries grew to $548 billion, the eurasian economic union is developing, its total gdp grew by 3.8% last year. the most important task was to strengthen technological sovereignty, produce significant types of high-tech products, microelectronics, smart machine tools, gas turbines; in general, there was an increase in industrial production in almost all areas. at the end of the reporting year , production as a whole increased, you know, by 3.5%. having happened.
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they went to moscow with sausage, empty shelves, all this happened, the nineties also all this happened, therefore, when we sum up the results, we must honestly admit. the result is impressive. the next task on the government's agenda is the priority development of infrastructure. over the past year, over 110 million km of housing were built. almost 4.5 million families improved their living conditions. more than 31.00 km of roads have been created and repaired throughout the country. traffic on the highway from moscow to kazan is open. over 6 years, at least 75 airports will be renovated. a quarter of a trillion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. a significant part of the government report was devoted to social sphere. to improve the well-being of citizens , the indexation of pensions and benefits continues, the minimum wage is increasing at the rate of higher inflation. pensions, payments, and benefits were indexed. last year, taking into account the planned, as
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well as additional indexation carried out a year earlier, insurance pensions were increased by a total of 15%, and they were increased for 2024. and consistently, on behalf of the head of state, we are also increasing the minimum wage at a pace that is faster than inflation, for the current year it added over 18%. the socio-economic development of new regions has become a current area of ​​government work. the volume of investment in their infrastructure has become unprecedented. more than 18,000 objects have been restored and built. the territories of all four regions received the status of a free economic zone. investors who come there are offered. and preferences, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main
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exhibition site of the country, 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. they recruited teenagers to set fire to relay cabinets on the railway, an unknown curator promised them money, and two residents of the village of selyatina near moscow agreed to become, in fact, agents of the enemy. kirill gorkov and evgeny zaechkin, defendants in the first
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criminal case in russia on the creation of a sabotage community. according to investigators, twenty one-year-old kirill gorkov met on social networks a certain resident of voronezh, who was obviously backed by the ukrainian special services after. rubles for each destroyed relay cabinet. gorkov shared the idea with his cousin, thirty-six-year-old evgeny zaechkin , and together they began to recruit teenagers from selyatin for sabotage on the moscow railway . the classic work of the ukrainian special services, unfortunately, by narrow-minded people, our fellow citizens, who are sold, like ... to our opponents, to the enemies, to the nationalist kiev regime, they involve minors in this work, including by promising them a reward, in the end the ukrainians deceive them, and people receive huge sentences, arson actually happened in
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the kiev direction of the railway in the spring of that year and at first a case of hooliganism was opened, the recruited teenagers were detained and they immediately told gorkov that it was he... for several thousand rubles he offered to set the cabinets on fire, when they took one organizer, it was not difficult to find his accomplice, zaechkin, both admitted guilt, albeit partially, in arson cabinets they admitted to recruiting minors, how much rope is there to avoid, in general there is an end, it is very important that the whole society sees the inevitability of punishment, and that it is as public as possible, so that those same minors know that... then this will not be a hooligan, but this is terrorism, but there cannot be a conditionally humane attitude towards terrorists, and especially towards the organizers of terrorist attacks, who, excuse the suang expression, deceive minors,
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deceive them, push them to crimes, ruin them life. kiev is asleep, seeing sabotage and terrorist attacks on our territory, planning them in langley and on the banks of the thames. ah... but about a year ago, there was a whole series of arson attacks on relay cabinets by teenagers or already adult citizens, who were incited by provocateurs on social networks, the story with gorkov and zaechkin is all the more indicative that the new newspaper europe, recognized as undesirable in russia, reprints russian sources in a very peculiar way, omitting, for example, the fact that the cousins ​​were both arsonists previously convicted, one suspended for drug possession, the other for car theft, fraud and illegal border crossing, and in this article there is a clause, allegedly, the defendants were allegedly promised to be paid for organizing sabotage, is it that the newspaper exposes the arsonists as underground heroes, the media are foreign agents ? they are already calling into question the conclusions of the investigation, the confession of the accused themselves, and i would not be surprised
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if they still present this as persecution of dissenters to bloody regimes, this is wartime, the west has long declared this war on us, yes, in general, there should be an increasing coefficient in relation to crimes of a socially dangerous nature, in the relay cabinets of equipment for controlling switches and crossings, if... the damage could cause a train to leave the real estate, that’s the socially dangerous nature of the crime. by the way, the saboteurs did not have time to receive the money; they were detained by the police, and ukraine would not have paid; the recruited teenager certainly would not have suffered anything. well, this is some kind of political pedophilia, recruiting a child to go and set fire relay cabinet. and ukraine will always deceive you, it will always deceive you, and you will be left a fool, or you will blow yourself up, or you will be imprisoned for many years, or they will simply not transfer any money to you.
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characters kiril gorkov and evgeny zaechkin completely involving minors in a particularly serious crime and creating a subversive community. the case of the arsonists was submitted to the second western district military court of moscow. preliminary hearing on april 10, for what they admitted to, the punishment could be 15 years to life. not child's play in different parts of russia, the growth of youth banks began to rise. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing
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nineties, decided to take the territory under their control, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, but they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening, posted it on the internet, what are they accusing you of, these actions obviously indicate that that there were indifferent consequences, accuses him of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he came to belgorod for 3 days, you’re a boxer, you can deal with almost any person, well i also loved him, there is a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals are the young men pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment under a blaze of brilliance, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs, and documentaries, look, look, in the application or on
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the website, what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on april 4, 1103, a battle between the russians and the cumans took place on the suten river. today it is in the zaporozhye region. little is known about battle, but from those documents that have survived, we know that the united army of seven russian princes and... icons fought, killed many polovtsians, including 20 of their leaders. this was the first offensive of russia in the confrontation with the polovtsians. vladimir monomakh, then still the grand duke of pereislavsky, called for an attack, to act proactively, and not wait for the next polovtsian raids, and the russian princes won the battle. they also got rich booty, cattle, horses, camels, after which the russians managed to push the polovtsians deeper into the steppes, forcing them to migrate from the borders of russia. later, when the invasion of khan batey began, the common danger brought the former enemies together; they
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jointly tried to repel the ardyns, but they then turned out to be stronger. on april 4, 1920 , baron pyotr wrangel became commander-in-chief of the forces of southern russia. the military council of sevastopol chose him to replace general anton denikin, who resigned. a brave commander with combat experience, he looked at things realistically and realized that after a series. disasters, you don’t need to fight the reds, but at least save the white army, which england then categorically refused to help further. all the forces of the white army were already in crimea, evrangel understood the vulnerability of the floor. the wrangelites repulsed the first attack of the reds, raising morale; to strengthen patriotism, the general even renamed his troops the russian army, but it was too late, he could no longer change the balance of power. denikin actually lost the civil war, and now the reds pulled up reserves and broke through to crimea. the remnants of the white army, civilians from among the opponents of soviet power, were evacuated
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to constantinople. wrangel himself also ended up in exile, first in turkey, then in serbia, then in belgium. and even after wrangel’s death, for many leaders of the white movement, he remained a symbol of their struggle. on april 4, 1961, us president john kennedy approved the plan for an operation against cuba. after the victory of the revolution, washington began to view the island of freedom as a source of danger. the zapata operation was prepared in complete secrecy and was led by cia chief alain dalis. the invasion began 2 weeks later. leader of the cuban revolution fidel castro addressed the cubans on the radio and called on them to fight back, introduced martial law, and announced a general mobilization. the cuban air force sank two transport ships and two landing barges with weapons and ammunition, and in just a few days the cubans managed to drive out the invaders. the us operation in the bay of cachinos or bay of pigs ended in failure; us aggression against cuba was condemned by
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many un countries. demonstrators stormed the american embassy. later it became known that several options for provocation were planned so that the united states would have the reason for direct military intervention in cuba, but the failed operation remained a shameful page in the history of the american intelligence services, but washington finally abandoned the idea of ​​​​an invasion, only a year after the caribbean crisis. on april 4, 1973 , the two world trade center towers were officially opened in manhattan, new york. american. japanese -born architect minoru yamasaki designed a complex of seven buildings, two of which , the twin towers, became two dominant landmarks of new york. 110 floors more than any another building in the world, and this record was surpassed only by the burch khalifa tower 37 years later, when the twin towers had already been destroyed. it happened on september 11, 2001, as
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a result of the largest terrorist attack in us history. al-qaeda terrorists hijacked a passenger plane. sent them straight to the tower. their design could not withstand such influence. the south tower collapsed 56 minutes after the impact, the north after 102. then 2,750 people died, including passengers and crew members. the mountain of debris at the crash site continued to burn and smolder a few months. hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on clearing the area. in 2014 , a new high-rise building, the freedom tower, opened on this site. then it was renamed worldwide. the shopping center alone is the same height as the twin towers, not taking into account the lard. this is what this day in history was like. april 4: a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 4, 1945 liberation of bratislava. soviet troops liberated the main city of slovakia, bratislava, from the nazi invaders.
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after a deep flanking maneuver, the troops it took marshal malinovsky only 2 days to drive the nazis out. lower price with the same or higher quality, in russia over the past 10 years there has been rapid growth, development of knowledge, technology, expertise, production, everything, everything related to pharmaceuticals, in 2023 alone eight new production facilities of domestic drugs were opened , almost 70% of the drugs that appear on our
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market are made in russia, what helped the pharmaceutical industry adapt to new conditions? a spontaneous garbage dump is not only aesthetically pleasing, but dangerous to health, how to act if it appears, where and how to contact it, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. so, placing waste outside organized sites is considered illegal. such spontaneous dumps are called unauthorized. what is considered a landfill? should the area be greater than 10 km? and the volume of garbage on it is more than 5 m3? who should ensure that landfills do not arise? according to the law, the owner is responsible for the frequency of the territory. ordinary citizens cannot know exactly who. will is responsible for an unauthorized landfill located on a particular territory, therefore, in case of detection of an illegal garbage dump, citizens can contact both
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local government bodies, these are city and district administrations, and state bodies, such as rospotrebnadzor, rosprirodnadzor, in addition there are specialized organizations and departments are housing and communal inspections, environmental control departments, including law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office and police. first of all, contact the local administration, but do not hesitate to bother the most serious authorities; any unauthorized dump is dangerous from the point of view of the epidemiological situation. the environmental protection law stipulates a number of requirements: consumer production waste must be collected, removed, neutralized, and then eliminated or disposed of in such a way that it becomes safe for both human health and the environment, where to write found out, now about how to record violations, you need to start with
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a photograph of the landfill, such that it is clear where it is located, then make a diagram linked to objects on the ground that are easily recognizable, you can use online maps, marking the boundaries of the landfill, then take a screenshot, as such, legally established the forms of such an act are not dealt with, indicate the address where you plan to receive the answer to which the department should send you the answer, and sign accordingly.
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you can send a complaint either electronically or by regular mail. by mail. what's next? the general period for consideration of written requests from citizens under the law is 30 days. in some cases, for example, if it is necessary to make requests or carry out additional measures, and this period can be extended, but not more than 30 days; if the citizen received a refusal from the municipality or there was no response to the appeal within the period established by law, a citizen can appeal to the supervisory authorities, these are rospotrebnadzor, rosprirodnadzor, if measures are not taken there, then constitution of the russian federation, every citizen has the right to appeal to the court. and here it is important to note that since 2019 , the responsibility for cleaning the territories... waste removal falls on regional operators, let’s say there was a response to the appeal, an order was issued to eliminate the dangerous accumulation of waste,
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when will this be done? we do not have specific deadlines for the liquidation of an unauthorized dump in our legislation, if , on the proposal of the prosecutor’s office or by order of the relevant control and supervisory authorities, the landfill will not be liquidated, otherwise the next authority will certainly be the court. the right to file a claim in court and the obligation to liquidate an unauthorized landfill, we have the relevant officials, this is the prosecutor, these are the authorized bodies of state power of the russian federation , including constituent entities, these are local government bodies, as well as non-profit associations, public associations of citizens, which are precisely oversee environmental protection, we repeat the most important. landfills can and should be fought, in any form, but don’t forget to contact the local administration and a number of departments responsible for environmental safety, write a complaint
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, attach photographs and coordinates of the landfill, and also sign up, leave your address, and must respond to the appeal in within 30 days, if necessary, the period can be extended, but no more than another 30 days, you still have questions, want to know how else... with environmental pollution, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask us we will trouble the responsible departments and tell you about everything in one of the next issues. instructions. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program bissagon tv, called. will there be a punishment for the crime, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i look
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forward to seeing you.
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that the child has autism, but not autism, you may be scared, what a horror, what is it to be perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can you give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, we haven’t tried to see a healer, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about this, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it , if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about this, well, you can tell me, they ’ve jinxed you, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this, any war is infantry, until
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the infantryman’s foot steps on ...
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of course, the most important thing today is not what happened there in the west, but we don’t care about this west, don’t care about all their reactions, then
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the minister of defense called brainlessly.


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