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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
about the fact that the military option in relation to us, in relation to whom, in relation to china, no, iran also, iran, and us, absolutely, but iran is meant in a broad context, yes, iran, the middle east, this whole what is called a wedge, and we, so, this suggests that they are seriously beginning to consider the option, the option of such a direct military clash, this is the result of what they have realized that economically. they won't knock us down. advertising. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs. in the army there is no division into boys and girls. there are no concessions here. our hospital was
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in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, there was some unit standing nearby in the field, there were screams, yelling, they also called for help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe no, because they scolded me, there is shelling everywhere and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one. that you should help, i believe in myself, that i am something else i can, hi, mom, everything is fine, we are working , we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, we are watching, in the application, or on the website fyodor
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mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear, who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west. many of them property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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everything is fine with us, but there the people have completely gone crazy, i really like now how trump is dealing with biden, while they, of course, are already fighting with all their might, so in wisconsin, what is trump saying to good grandpa joe? immediately after i win the presidency, i will settle a terrible war. between russia and ukraine, i will deal with this, i know them both very well, we will bring back peace through force and prevent a third world war, and no one else will say that we will end up in a third world war, this guy doesn't know what the hell he is does what he says, doesn't know who to talk to, he's lost, he's a lost soul, our president is a lost soul, it's pathetic, a lost soul, wow, beautiful, continued: they rob
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wealth, take wallets, electronics, watches, all cash , and people come back asking what happened if you don't want criminal illegals breaking through your windows and rummaging through your drawers, then you should vote yes, the fact is we need to kick out corrupt joe biden as quickly as possible, that's a certain kind of damage he can do, we say about a certain type of damage, and even greater damage could be the third world war, because this guy doesn’t understand anything at all, he can’t...
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an amazing person, a talker, by the way, i always like watching north korean television, i don’t know, did you see no, they they have now shown life-affirming footage of an absolutely amazing woman, so optimistic, i will now ask our editors to find when she
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talks about yesterday’s test of a new nuclear cancer, and you just feel such joy, such urbanity, that’s just what they need to use as speaker. white house, anyone, not these pathetic, insignificant, tormented transgenders, but a cheerful staged voice, well, while our editors are looking, because well , we just need you to see it, a question for dmitry, dmitry, what are they pestering their grandfather about, that one grandfather pestered another grandfather, note that for the first time a very precise formulation appeared, yes, through force, no, no, yes, that is, he sincerely believes that he can do something to us through force. this is reagan’s formulation, which means not thanks to disarmament, but thanks to a demonstration of force, in fact, in english, at least in the american language, as it were, its version, this is a slightly softer expression than even we are translating, to say now in
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america it’s just piss - it’s to show, no to war , and so to speak, the world is gone, so to speak, that’s all, that’s all, but really...
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it’s simple, it’s just some kind of nonsense, you see, i can understand, relatively speaking, there’s a showdown with stormy daniels, who, by the way, doesn’t deny that they had sex by consent, that’s okay, but all his other claims about sexual harassment are just complete nonsense even by american standards, this, well, i don’t know, but so to speak, this is the case here,
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but that’s not the point, the point is that there are actually two opposing forces before us, i always really see them, well, as a person russian, i can’t, i still have more sympathy. conservative america, of course, but at the same time we must understand that for us this is still a confrontation from the well-known american franchise of strangers against a predator, that in general, both of them, whoever, yes, whoever it’s okay, but here it is. before returning to the international part, after all, about ours, yes, well, in general, i liked everything today that was connected with our government representatives, firstly, vladimir vladimovich is in a great mood, so to speak, the spirit is not, despite that , what he a former intelligence officer and generally a person who controls himself, you can clearly see when he is in a good mood, so today he all together checked and double-checked the figures that we brought before the meeting, and he was directly pleased, this is not often the case to say, he he maintains optimism, so to speak , maintains it all the time, but at the same time, so that he is directly satisfied, it is clear, well, this means things are going well, that’s what concerns the government, i was curious that
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mishustin even said with some pleasure how much sanctions imposed on us, what we had unprecedented restrictions, it was somehow a challenge for me, this excitement appeared, well, generally speaking, according to the government report, i can say this, there were similar situations in our long russian history of 100 years, like the northern war , for example, yes, when there was both growth and war at the same time. and the russian blasphemy, by the way, was accompanied by this whole thing and the infrastructure, i don’t remember that era well, yes, yes, but the youtube video, and youtube videos were not preserved from that era, this is understandable, but, but of course, you need to understand, that sanctions did not exist then as a fact, that is, even before naval blockades it didn’t really come to that, and what this government did is, of course, a truly unprecedented thing, well, it’s just that i can only compare it with what, again then not there were sanctions of this kind, because there never were such sanctions. no one in history imposed on anyone, i don’t know, maybe they’ll correct me if anything, but - in fact,
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in the usa there was a similar situation in terms of growth and such a front to the other world in the second half of the 19th century, towards the end of the 19th century, when they were just becoming the number one economy, no one believed in it, everyone said, the united states will never become the number one economy, germany, the british empire, this means the exhibition in paris, the tower just collected, for the first time calculated gdp according to current ones, by the way, the patterns are, well... similar, and i found out that the number one economy in the world has changed, well, this is happening to us now, it’s like a very important moment, and it’s good that it’s located just like in the hands that they really seem to feel a certain courage in this sense, this is important, as for electronics and all other things in general, well, yes, we live in a time when we need to do everything, because mishustin himself seemed to note that in the government is forming projects to organize its own production of significant types of high-tech products, including components... microelectronics, gas turbines, medical equipment, that is , so far this is only at the formulation stage, although
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it is clear that there are prototypes, but this is obvious seems completely insufficient, especially since we cannot rely on any of the external sources of this good, well , as for what is happening there, it seems to me that the situation in general may soon move from a state of alarming to a state of complete uncertainty, and this complete lack of captivity will be worse than anxiety and danger, why? well, look, i’m like two...
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i thought the next news came, so there is one, which means, accordingly, the us, eu council on technology and
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international trade, so here they are too are holding a two-day meeting this week, the main agenda, what do you think, trump proof, that is, transatlantic ties in case trump comes to power, but how are these transatlantic ties if the us president is, as it were, against it, he’s a tariff there, conspiracy, us government in exile. well, here, here’s something, something, something, something like that, that is, really, and now let’s see what i’m used to, and we still have enough friends in rostov, well, to find apartments for everyone in exile, no, but... just like that, carefully and under supervision, no, well, yes, you can, you can take excursions later, yes, but what does that really mean, this whole situation,
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listen, we’re really in reality after what’s about to start happen absolutely from the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, with one speed or another, in one form or another, we can come to a situation where there will be no, so to speak, usual addressees for us, not to mention our indignation, for our even some kind of response, well, here's reality, here who can’t wait, trump is sitting in the white house, well, imagine, he’s sitting in the white house and says this, i’m not against the war in ukraine, i won’t give zelensky a cent, it’s the government in exile that collects money, that means it collects everyone .
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not state-owned, then now they will be fueled by finances and weapons also not of state origin, which creates big problems in the settlement, yes, but still, as long as we have the largest supplies in one form or another, this is a variant of a proxy war, and there is there are some behind this state, now none of this will happen,
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that is, everything turns out to be hung in space, such a suspended structure, and moreover.
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could ever have been imagined, well, this gives rise to a completely new situation, here’s the 21st century, it seems to me that such dangers really need to be dealt with, so to speak , in this regard, very briefly in conclusion i want to say the following, and it is clear that even if they do, we are still committed to state building, and not a network organization, it is clear that they will still crap on us, but some will be okay with us, others will crap on us, will, in this sense, firstly, we need, so to speak, a complete decoupling from their this global system, because it is understood what will happen to it, and secondly, behavior when, due to their intimidation or on their advice and whispers, our friends or not friends, or in general, so to speak, there the countries with which we are dealing, begin to refuse , for example , from cards the world, at some point, it seems to me, we need to do this a situation like this, this is increasingly, this situation, i’ll say, as i said, it means that richa
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sunak, that’s what he said, the situation is becoming more and more intolerable, in my opinion. people get it only on the world card, yeah, yeah, then let them try to transfer it through the system, in percentage terms they will lose a lot, and also limit the withdrawal of cash?
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they knew exactly who they were hitting, that they were targeting humanitarian workers, they did it deliberately, and there is no evidence of this. i would like to remind you that we continue to review incidents as they
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occur. the state department has certain procedures. and to date, as we speak, not a single case has been found in which the israelis violated international humanitarian law. and lest you think we're not taking this seriously, i can assure you it's quite the opposite. we are monitoring this in real time. over the past 5-6 months they have never violated.
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when the american military killed a bunch of people in kabul, in particular those who worked with him, mirzavets, this is not the first humanitarian convoy that was covered by the israelis in the gaza strip, only before that it was mostly palestinians who died, employees, even of the un organization bapor for assisting palestinian refugees, now there is a scandal due to the fact that ... seven of the dead were from poland, great britain, australia, and canada. obermens, and not some of these untermensch, which they are not
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used to reading in the hall, well, women and children died there, they are palestinians, that’s right, but here a white man, well, yes, and the head of this organization, jose andre, is a spaniard by origin, by the way, they worked closely in ukraine, on the other side, and were in kherson, distributing humanitarian aid there, no one touched them. and here in the gas sector they hit, they hit, and despite the fact that netanyahu is now saying that this was not done on purpose, but by previous convoys, and by previous civilians, who were also killed more than once during the distribution of humanitarian aid, but netanyahu is now going all-in, and this is not only due to his plans carrying out an operation in rafah on...
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they write that muhammad riza zaidi, who died as an iranian general, is how one israeli military expert wrote the
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largest booty.
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not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, but they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening , posted it on the internet, what are they accusing you of, these actions are obvious indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he
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arrived in belgorod for 3 days, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment under the brilliance, we we took on this matter and conducted our own investigation, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, installed it. we open and watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
2:59 am
dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv, called. will there be a punishment for the crime, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i’m looking forward to seeing you, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty -four, 2124, that’s the... situation ,
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now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find my mother, what meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections? yes, there is no other, 100 years from now, what do you want, soon, it’s strange that such expressions are used about an iranian official, a general from the islamic revolutionary guard corps.
3:01 am
is at war, officially not, but what happened is...


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