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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i see space pirates are hunting us, well , they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions , return, but not to another, 100 years ago, forward, what you want was given. soon, it’s strange that such expressions are used about an iranian official, a general from the islamic revolutionary guard corps , who is at war with iran? officially no but what happened is... they don’t recognize
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each other, but there is no state of war, but what has been done now is an invitation to war , everyone is wondering, is israel and syria in a state of war? yes, again, this consulate is located on the territory, was located on the territory of syria, and syria is periodically struck. what particularly alarmed me was the biography of muhammad riza zahidi.
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preparation for a nuclear strike is preparation not for a nuclear strike, perhaps, but for a strike on nuclear facilities, which is actually the same thing they are not very deep, how else will you take them, this is one of the exits that netanyahu seems to have outlined for himself, who have now crossed all the red lines, as american political scientists say, in particular an employee of the international crisis group, its center is in belgium. but an american of iranian
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origin, ali vais, that is, the red lines have been crossed, how will iran now respond, the iranians blamed the united states of america for this, quite rightly, because although the strike is carried out by the israelis, it is clear who is behind it, so one of the answer options is iranians - this is a missile strike on american bases, for example, in iraq, but this... now the matter may not end there, so we, we saw such a scenario in january 2020, rather a little later, when he was killed by the americans in baghdad, qasim soleimani, also an iranian general, then there was such an indirect response through american bases, now things could be much worse, it could lead to a lebanese-israeli war, that is... iranian
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allies in southern lebanon, in particular the hezbollah party, could be involved , this could escalate at any moment in a major regional war, the americans are allegedly trying to avoid such a war lately, but the scenario speaks for itself, behind this scenario there are a lot of unresolved and insoluble problems, well, one of them can be identified on the last friday... of the month of lent ramadan iranians celebrate jerusalem day, this week they will celebrate jerusalem day, and the israelis will celebrate their jerusalem day a little later in may, this is one of the unresolved problems, what to do with the city, which is saints, sacred to so many, at one time the soviet union proposed giving international status to jerusalem and bethlehem, but we are unlikely to do this now. let's go back, what
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else is important in this confrontation? the americans and israelis are now striking iranian groups in iran. directly against iranian targets in syria and so on, thereby weakening this shiite front, a group of muslims, shiites who cause a lot of headaches for the israelis, which usually happens when, when this happens, we we saw this in 2014 in iraq, when the then prime minister, seeing that radicals from the extreme... islamic state groups were going to baghdat, seeing this, i talked to him about it then, he called the americans, being in an illusion, that they would help him, since it seemed like he
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was partly their man, who came to power with their help after the overthrow of saddam hussein, but they did not provide help, they did not provide assistance, then nuri al-maliki began to call moscow. he started calling president putin for help, logistical, specifically military, support was provided, although not so large, but it was timely and fast, now these strikes that the americans are inflicting on iran and its allies will inevitably lead to the strengthening of such groups as the banned islamic state group, un reports indicate what this group has at its disposal. representatives of the former afghan security services say that this group received a large tranche of one and a half million dollars last fall
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up to 2 million dollars, but if the americans , their allies in the region continue their current line, they will strengthen it even more. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property there, funds invested, if you have some property in germany, yes,
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i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. 미사일 시험 발사에 성공. 최강의 국가 방위력을 백방으로 다지기 위한 우리 당의 구상과 결심을 투철한 신념과 정확한 .
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trump's words that his soul flew away there and that he is no good, like he is no good, you see, they are talking with sisin pinn, yes, he knows, pin says, where am i, where did i end up, who? "hello, this is zhek, this is zhek, zhek, with me, with me, zhek, no, with me, now the name is, so, i think that this is the first very important reason, so to speak, to show that it was not just a call, and it was not a short call, like, hello, goodbye, no, there was a call on which they discussed almost all the key modern problems of american-chinese relations, and in general
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, he will go there, but this is very important, because elen will consider issues of financial and economic cooperation, blinkin will consider issues of political cooperation, in general, americans now seem to have accepted this, that is, when blinken went to vietnam, before his visit biden called the vietnamese secretary general, well, before this visit he also calls, third - this is apparently due to the fact that the general weakening of the american presence of influence.
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from the point of view of the latest surveys of singaporeans, this means that the americans have begun to yield to the chinese in terms of, so to speak, popularity, in terms of approval of their policies, and that americans are always very worried about this. the next moment, which is today too what is happening, also disappointing for the americans, is that the elected indonesian president probov was on his first visit to china for 3 days, so they barked at him, that the americans were trying to gore him.
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the situation has become very aggravated due to the death of fishermen, so to speak, to protect chinese fishermen, and apparently here too. so to speak, one of the reasons to talk now, so to speak, because the key points that they discussed was the issue
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of taiwan, and on the issue of taiwan, biden, so to speak, actually completely capitulated he said that that’s it, we recognize one china, we will not supply anything, we stand for peace, brotherly friendship and in general the taiwan question in general, it is already losing its urgency, so to speak, and indeed it is losing, by and large , now menziu went to china for 11 days, he is received there, this is the kuomendang prime minister... of china, who, in taiwan, excuse me, who promoted relations with china, who was positive, and there china now has such an opportunity, to appoint the current president to show, this is a good person with whom we are ready to work, and so to say, that person who, in general, we are not completely satisfied with, that is, a whole complex of issues that have arisen, as a result , biden called, taiwan was not discussed, which means where biden said that we are ready, so to speak, we admit,
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to him explained how to conduct business, how to build relationships, the third phrase was, you have time to write down, yes, you apparently do, or or to someone there you wrote down chinese sources , as it were. no, i understand, well, according to chinese sources, he said that there are three principles china should now have relations with the united states - this is peace, stability and trust, that’s what we must work together for the benefit of peace, we must develop our relations in accordance with those, yes, this same senzimpin said that there is such a spirit san francisco, and in the spirit
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of san francisco, there was a meeting in november, now they will develop relations in the usual american way, so to speak, that biden asked the president to influence us, so to speak, in order to decide what... that questions on ukrainian, but they have been talking about this for a long time, they are always trying to say so, and by the way, they also discussed north korea, that is... there is still a moment here that apparently worries the americans very much, they are talking about this they wrote a lot in the press, it’s very worrying that this is the formation of a new bloc, so to speak, china, russia, north korea, it’s easy for them, if this is to say, it will begin to somehow be formalized, it’s just that for them it will be an absolutely unacceptable situation for - east and southeast asia, that is, it
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will indeed be a very serious force, and i do not rule out that another super task of this call is all these...
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china, but we must still clearly understand that often european and american analysts
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they are trying to believe that the chinese are the same as them, only pretending, only walking with chopsticks, well, absolutely inadequate, that is, they are growling, illiterate, rude barbarians, because the way blinkin began to negotiate even,
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and then in anija, then continued under beijing, after what he allowed himself after, because this phrase about the spirit of san francisco is very interesting, that is, you can interpret it as the americans interpret it, that this is about friends, or you can talk about what biden allowed himself even there.
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in fact, the war is lost, this seems to be clear to everyone, and here, it would seem, it would be necessary, so to speak, to give the word to diplomacy to try to find some way out of the current situation before it becomes even worse than it is now case for a united west, instead we see something else, we see a statement in the sense that, so to speak, negotiations can only be conducted. based on these very proposals of mr. zelensky, that is , the complete unconditional surrender of russia, so to speak, the return of the 1991 borders,
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so to speak, putin’s entire team to the hague tribunal and so on, here it is very difficult to somehow understand that lies behind such a very strange position, a position that actually... it seems to me, i could be wrong, some deep, so to speak, in the ideas of our former westerners
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, we see something completely different, as partners, not enemies, but regarding their role and place in the modern world, they look at themselves as a superior race of masters, and at everyone who does not belong to the western world, as of inferior untermenschs, this does not mean that all untermensches should be sent straight to the gas chamber. those who, so to speak, from the untermensch are not ready, so to speak, to make this deal, these are evil savages, like the same russians or the
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same chinese, with whom you need to deal, so say, a life-or-death struggle. the problem for the united west is that the further you go, the more evil barbarians there are, and the further you go, the fewer good savages ready to serve the big one. your state in exchange for glass beads, remember this famous slogan on the maidan, i want lace panties in the eu, so to speak, there are fewer and fewer people who are ready for this, the further we go, hence the importance of ukraine. for the united west, if it is handed over, well then , will there be such eccentrics, let’s say, who will express their readiness to go and die for these
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very ones. first they will renounce their economic national interests from the cards of the world, and then they will go in a crowd to die , it will be, it will be, never, this, this is inescapable, there is always a crowd of people who invent for themselves what they do, what they don’t, well us they will deceive, well, no, well, some of us, what about these, well, well, well... beads, it is not yet very conducive, let ’s say, to increasing the number of this kind of people who are ready, so to speak, to give up everything for glass than they contribute, before this experience was
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egyptian. what they say: no, well, we, well , we, it’s okay, we’re fine, that’s it, amazing, by the way, they’ll cheat the germans too, they’ll cheat them too, they’re like, they usually call those they occupied allies when it’s advantageous , and then they are also scammed, while the americans don’t understand what the problem is, they are honest people, they scam everyone, they never do it for anyone, they have no favorites, they don’t have favorites, they are absolutely consistent, that is here i
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think, well, we are so... you start reading all this information about now it’s all full everywhere, there is a description, there they describe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, i think so, well, maybe they are, of course, about a month pregnant, well, they look more like taxicosis, but they look like normal toxicosis and this is all normal, but you understand, mr. hristo grozev, their most important intelligence officer, is immediately investigating or suddenly broke out, today a gigantic article was published in the swiss
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press, it’s not his article, but his interview, where he describes such terrible things, i don’t care at all i know how we can continue to live in europe, because these terrible russians, since 2014, they have been using this kind of guided-action weapon, which causes this so-called govan syndrome.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikazas, when there is no escort, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you do not know what is ahead of you, an outpost , yangil outpost, let's be brief, yes i observe the people who are here at the control points.


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