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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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this unit, there were screams and yells, they were also calling for help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there was shelling everywhere and we need to move forward and quickly, there might be , you know, some kind of instinct is at play, this is a maternal instinct, that you should help, i believe in myself that i can still do something, hello mom,
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belgorod was shelled by czech vampires, so we have to show it, look czechs, that...
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people are starting to ask questions, there are requests from local politicians, articles have appeared in the bulgarian press, how is this even possible, why did the bulgarian shells end up there, why are they firing at the bulgarians, and so on, again, i believe that we must do this purposefully, so that in every country they know, in fact, where they are going weapons, how they are used, against which citizens, against which civilians, in my opinion - miroshnik, a representative of the
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russian foreign ministry, yes, who, in fact, is involved in this, yes, his excellency, well, this is an official appeal, well, yes, here , and i i will definitely ask this question too, as for stoltenberg, you know, this statement is very remarkable, in fact it should be too...
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they woke up the russian, without even realizing that ultimately, again, the same stoltenbergs will have to answer, but in in this case, i draw attention to the fact that he essentially set the task for the north atlantic alliance to destroy russia's military potential, well, yes, with the hands of the ukrainians, let the ukrainians themselves understand, yes, that they are being used in this way and in general they are consumables, nothing more, but forgive me, that is, nato... sets itself the task of destroying the russian army, even with part of its combat potential, and they declared war on us, and thus, stoltenberg can now do whatever he wants , he is still general secretary of nato, he is still a boy on his way out, so he is trying to gain a foothold, kirby shouts to him, where are you going, it’s too early to sit, sit, the herring is back in the jar, i think we are in this regard, starting from these words of the main , is still nato. have to say, well
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then our task, still with the wrong hands, is to destroy the combat potential and living military force of nato countries in any part of the world, we now have every right to do this.
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today i had very positive news that made me smile, this is a statement by the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lepavsky, that they collected pennies from twenty countries, but damn, it wasn’t enough, they only found a shell for 3000, well, with a million it just doesn’t work out, they still have 500, 500 thousand options there, but they need more chip in, you have to chip in, otherwise it won’t work, some info-gypsies. i wanted to say that, well, in general, i kind of read the biography of peter pavel, he is certainly a very unique comrade, it seems that, by the way, he was an issegan, he managed to serve in the czech special forces, was a member of the communist party of czechoslovakia, then he actually underwent training in britain, everywhere it seems to have been completely reforged, cleansed, but the fact that
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gypsyism, this is what it is, this is directly visible, the second thing, of course, is not in the literal sense, that is, we have nothing against the gypsies - i mean gypsyism as , uh, how to say, as a way to...
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the staffing level of mechanized brigades there is 50-55%. the start crews are 55% complete. accordingly, the formation of new brigades is generally interesting, that is, they are forming a total of 10 units, of which four are sosen, and they began to form six in
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january, here are the four that they formed in the fall, they somehow staffed them, but for them there is no heavy weapons in general, that is, they are just infantry, and there is no way they can staff six brigades here. that there is a call comes there, after that they begin to be bullied by the complete sets, which means manpower, manpower, manpower, otherwise it’s like hazel grouse cutlets, well, with the addition of horse meat in a one-to-one proportion, and one hazel grouse, one horse, that is, they may have caught up with people, but there’s a problem with the equipment, so there’s a problem that those who can’t even staff people, that is, the recruitment of teams is carried out according to the principle that people are collected, but they don’t make it to the brigade, they start to be kicked out shut up the landfills immediately holes, that is, in general, this... systemic crisis that we talked about, of course it continues. if we return to us, then today, of course, it is clear, i completely completely agree, when you read on all kinds of closed forums and talk with our guys about how they fight, then in general, well, you are overcome by such
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a feeling of deep pride, when even there at the level of ordinary assault groups they plan such beautiful operations, so elegant and as... frequencies, that is, with this there is a constant fighting, again, which is good, everyone has already noticed this, we probably don’t hear about the problems
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of the counter-battery, because the number of our lancets, the number of other weapons, the number of reconnaissance weapons, most importantly, the decision-making vertical itself, it is now such that from the discovery of any artillery system there, well, there the targets are classified by class, relatively speaking, by significance, that is, in this case, upon detection. priority goals, the decision is made literally in seconds, by this moment the person on duty is already in the sky the lancet is already heading to the target, if you need two, if you need three, and of course, this leads to the fact that now the problem of the ukrainians, they write about it themselves, the artillerymen, is that they are constantly being hammered with lancets, today many probably read, there was an extract from, more precisely, from one of the ukrainian artillery forums, when there they openly scolded their own rap, that in each division... now
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twice as many arrive, that is, this shows how fast we are in general learning how much we have to work with this, here i would just like to convey to our listeners a simple idea, rap that works, when you turn it on just like that, it’s a bait, not a defense bait, yes absolutely, so when people get something i don’t understand . they cut it out, they don’t realize that they are immediately visible, the person immediately begins to think, well, i have something covered with a rabbet, which means it should fly here, something that has nothing to do with what you can drown out, a projectile, can fly there i arrived there and my mother is not on fire, so it’s necessary here too understand, just like if a person with a gun is working, he is, among other things, a target, because he is immediately visible as an element, so rap should be turned on when you really need to suppress the threat that you already see coming. this is not such an abstraction, now i turned it on and went to smoke, 20 o’clock, everything will be nice and
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quiet around, well, again, in this case it ’s very interesting, even this design idea of ​​ours itself, because, for example, they are discussing whether it is possible to use these rybov rifles are needed in assault groups it doesn’t work out, because the battle is so intense, you might not be able to make it in time, that is, you either shoot from a machine gun, or you’re sitting, plus there’s something else there... ours came up with a good trench theme, you throw it away, so this kind of mesh opens up and this too, oddly enough, now the guys reminded you that the combination of passive and active works ideally, and that is, if you have passive detectors, when you understand where the threat is coming from at what frequency at what altitude in what direction and then you also suppress it using active means for detection an ideal combination of both, and finally, of course, we see very big , serious changes in ours. in the navy, almost the entire command of the navy has changed, new fleet commanders have come,
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a new commander-in-chief has come, and of course, in this case we are expecting very serious changes in the fleet, primarily in the black sea fleet, which is fighting a really very difficult war, and we have no doubt that everything will work out for them, well, that’s also a big question, look, when it all started, it was one idea of ​​what a tank is, how it works, the same with the fleet, the size of the ship.
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that the soviet divisions and corps rule, of course, well, they always think about the guys there, well, of course they are simply amazing, simply amazing. when you look now at how our assaults work, well, i remember the old soviet film about alexander vasilyevich svorov, when it was necessary that they took ishmael there, yes, when he built it, they showed a similar one, this is what happens now all the time, when no one abandons intelligence officers, that is
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, the commanders are smart, that is, they understand that where will i recruit these new fighters, because even if they give a person, while you prepare him... pull him up, fire him so that he can enter, it takes time, that’s why we take care of people, we don’t have such a thing that they took a person, knocked him out with handbrake guns, after 3 days he’s at the front, and after what, a few hours later they’re already there, if he’s lucky, then he’s wounded, and if not, then he’s dead, and then it’s not a fact that the corpse will be taken away and buried, no, ours act differently, ours understand the value of the life of every soldier, and of course, our medicine works fantastically, well, this is about...
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it spreads on the soldier’s radio very quickly, because if you don’t take care of people, then it’s the other way around, that’s what people often do, they often go purposefully, they ask to join certain regiments, then of course it gives a huge effect, it’s true, advertising, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. by the way, before you give the floor
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andrey frantsich. parliament, this will be proof that ukraine will become a member of the european union, and most likely, i will be worthy of the honor of being a member of the european parliament and will do everything possible for ukraine, that is the main goal: europe, he did not say from which country, which one
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will be then it will be, well, clearly, not from ukraine, but what if you don’t like it, what is he like, right? what kind of guy is he, that he is a war criminal, he still wants to stick it in somehow, he knows the system in the european parliament, i even see how someone alekseevich speaks and he says, i’ll slam the lid of this royal, but then it starts, he has hatred for zelensky, oh, there’s a lot of this royal accumulated there, we’ll slam it, well, andrei frandovich, and you won’t have to burn the royal alone, this is, by the way, a nato tradition, when a pilot dies on the takeoff and landing... floseni burn the royal, i don’t know where they got it from, they need a lot of pianos lately, in fact, successes at the front, in some parts they can even put us into euphoria , because indeed we dominate in all directions, but here it’s important to approach with a very cool mind the fact that the enemy will change and the enemy will look and inject into a sore spot,
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as they wrote in politicon, the whole article was alarmist, it was more designed for the american ... senators, what if there is no help now give it, everything will collapse there, but a very important fact, they so succinctly said that this is a war of one chance, that yes, you can find some element among the russians, like any people in defense, but they will not give a second chance, they adapt very quickly, and you just in your reports they showed a brigade commander who said: strong black tea with sugar and take notes on the results of the day, what changes, this is very important. by the way, you so - modestly said that you do not pretend to have military expertise, vladimirovich, there is no question about graduation, about the experience that you receive, in principle, we are looking at your weekly trips. the number of weapons you fired from is so wide, it doesn’t scare you in this regard, but politico
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came out with another interesting article, for the first time three foreign ministers, poland, france and, therefore, germany, also a man, one woman was undecided, all, as they say, according to the western agenda, they wrote their vision, and as i understand it, they spoke on behalf of. their states to the ongoing conflict, it’s a complete lie, but it is very important that russia will attack nato countries in any case, that is, they are raising this degree, again we understand what this was aimed at, this is 75 years, tomorrow there will be nato, we understand that training is underway, we understand that nato is now spins this flywheel, because they understand that it’s scary, the russians are approaching, that is, we see that the ladder is escalating, we are slowly moving from step to step. but the americans always say that we do not want to fight with the russians, because this will lead to a third world war, an exchange of nuclear strikes, by the way, this also
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suits us, we would not want to fight with them either, this does not mean that we we will choose shame if they are there conditionally, no, we are ready for any developments in the event, but of course we ourselves should not escalate, in this situation it is very it would be nice to look into the future, that is, we , as nuclear powers, will still agree
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on what was discussed, they cannot do it officially now, it is put on the agenda at the expert level, but we are here for an open discussion, also at our expert level, we evaluate the proposals they want. so, the first point is that we need to start a strategic dialogue on all of the entire line of strategic, offensive weapons, we have always talked about this, we welcome it, this is the development of new, comprehensive, in such simple language, on a planetary scale, the treaty on... on strategic offensive weapons, we have now start-3 stopped, to which more major players will be added, such as china, let's call it that on our side, on their side also france, and britain, this is
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the development of three more un conventions, one of which will not interfere in the internal affairs of other states, we have always, this is exactly what we have strived for, although of course this contradicts american foreign policy in general, the convention. v that the fight against poverty and conventions related to the global, relatively speaking, issues of protecting the nature of everything else, these are our common values ​​and, in principle , all this is acceptable for us, but a very important point, as the americans here, of course, described the issue related to how we will disagree with ukraine, because everyone has interests, and this is theirs, judging by the proposal, but zelensky does not like this, i will now explain why, because... a number of telegram channels say: mr. zelensky, enter into negotiations now, because by the end of may you you will be illegitimate, no one will talk to you, now, if you enter, well, there is still a chance, so they say:
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a stop to hostilities in those places, that is, this, by the way, is also in some part, this is what they want , yes, that is, this is to record the realities that exist on the battlefield, and then it becomes curious, they say, the non-aligned status of ukraine until the fortieth year, and... russia, in turn , undertakes to hold referendums in the fortieth year in those territories who sided with russia about how they would re- they made their election, why do we need this? we definitely need strategic security, this is always the answer, we have superiority in strategic weapons, why should we give them time, try to catch up with us in matters of hypersound in others, they always deceived us, we did not have a single agreement that they would not deceive , first, second, what does geopolitical reality mean? our constitutional territories are occupied. third, do we want to guarantee the safety of the crimean bridge? sevastopol no
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this nazi entity should not have access to the black sea, fourthly, what is ukraine anyway? at the end of this conflict there shouldn’t be any ukraine, but if necessary, let all of romania, poland, hungary take part of the territory, let there be some kind of independent part, i don’t know what it will be called, radovka, well, there’s something around there it blew maybe a kilometer per kilometer, better around chop. there should be no ukraine anymore, we need a cordon sanitaire, that is, if we leave at least a small what is the use of this cancerous tumor, it will grow again, so what conversations can there be with them, what negotiations can there be with them, that minsk there were few of them in istanbul in 1940, and then you will spend in 1940 in every state
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referendum do you even want to live? inside the united states of america, who are they anyway , tell us, like we do on our territories, what we should do, so all of their wishes are always aimed at one thing, to deceive us, so that means you are all gathered, send you, yes, and here you are very clearly noted that this document does not reflect the reality associated with the terrorist essence of the zelensky regime, the situation is connected with the icons that were brought to our territory, we understand that some groups are already waiting for them with explosives, which have traveled all over europe, these are raids on our civilians objects, you... explained this , by the way, for which they have not yet taken responsibility, supposedly it is not them, but we are talking about a french aircraft, or rather a ukrainian aircraft, the a-22 aeroproject, so of course their direct statements that we will now, in the next few months, to strike at the crimean bridge, everything else, military value is not important for us, it is important for us to prick russia, their pride, and so on, this suggests that they have not yet heard the arguments of reason, of course they will have to immediately, that
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did we need it for our strategic security? don’t be insolent, don’t fly into russian territory, they tell the french, mr. macron, you are leading troops, but if the russians shoot at you, nato has nothing to do with this, there will be no american soldiers, get ready right away, and israel pulls back a little, that is, everyone became so excited, realizing that the americans were behind them, that they began to pull them back like dogs on leashes, they are small, but
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there are many of them. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called, does crime have punishment, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i am looking forward to seeing you.
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