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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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therefore, the bear’s paw will simply cut any of these dogs in half, but in this situation , don’t sing that you need to save the dogs, they begin to pull the leash back, in some situation. probably, well, this also reflects our interests, if we look at the future globally, our interests, so that they don’t exist, as the deputy of the state tolstoy said, we will kill them all, yes, he explained, well, i mean those the french who will try to come to our territory, it’s interesting, today there was a call to the minister defense of france, the minister of defense of the russian federation, and sebastian llekarny had a conversation with sergei kazhugetovich shaigu, this is a rector. reports: the head of the french ministry of defense in
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a conversation expressed condolences and solidarity with the families of the victims and strongly condemned the terrorist attack in the city hall croque. i can say this, doctor, your masters, what kind of deceitful creatures are you? are you supplying long-range missiles to fire deep into russian territory and expressing condolences that the russians died? medicine, you prepared 1500 there, rather transferred them to ukraine, we will kill them all... all of them, we will kill them all. quote: peter tolstoy. quote from tolstoy. quote from tolstoy. so, this war and peace will begin from the first pages, listing the french ones. the idiots who believed macron and went to die in ukraine.
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admit, we will still see what remains , we will see who to recognize there, who is not from the political elite, which today is trying to send part of its military to the territory of ukraine, what will happen to them there and with the british, with the europeans, with the americans, let's see how they conduct the elections, and we'll also see what they will have after the elections, because it is possible to hold elections, relatively speaking. yes, but we don’t know how the situation will develop further, so let’s not rush, i absolutely agree with you that any negotiation process that they initiate, in any case, it will be in their interests, but without without any doubt, they certainly will not act in our interests, now regarding the law that we have been talking about for the second day already, we state the fact that zelensky signed changes to the legislation regarding military conscription or the military -
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the new speaker is disloyal to the president, believe me, his power will actually end very quickly, so he does not have such confidence, there is another important. this law was again needed to resolve a political issue concerning the power of zelensky personally, he needed to neutralize zaluzhny through this law, he did it successfully, now he sits and argues from the tv screen, he definitely knows that by june 1, russia must mobilize 3,000 people, the question a...
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does not take into account the necessary finances to create, so to speak , fortifications, which, well, somewhere in separate stories show how this is happening there in the sumy region or somewhere else there, but you can imagine 2200 km, three lines of defense, how much time, effort, resources and finances are needed to do this, we need to check, i saw different pictures, i have a feeling that.. .the
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russian army will not be stopped therefore therefore all this in fact, no dragon’s teeth, no , it’s all about money, it’s all about very big money because, well, it’s not just that i say it again, he sent his closest ally.
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now, if you can bring out a photo from yesterday's hearing, that's what i want to say, the guys, as they say, are in a mood because this circus is already making them laugh so much, today, by the way, yesterday after the end of this trial the court decided to make it semi-closed the next trial, because it’s really impossible to look at it, by the way, it couldn’t have happened without you, vladimir rudolfovich. yes , they haven’t presented you there yet, well, well, i ’m passing through there, as they say, as a suspect, but why, what is being presented, what is being presented, because there is no evidence, but uh, their friend ka and kallasya is judging, so yes, the task has been set
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to bring in the russians, but without the russians no way, but i’m not struggling, i’m a jew, i’m here in the end. essentially a meeting, but for estonians it’s difficult to understand, the meeting goes like this, so they talk, communicate there with peterson, so you were in moscow, participated in the program?
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coffee, no, oh, what is the purpose of your visit, you just need to testily ask what the purpose of your activity is, that’s all, and then you can judge by any answer, i speak estonian, my estonian is very good, crosses, so they are looking for russians , russian trace, here i need an estonian trace in esto, they all know estonians, wash the estonian, the estonian judges will start to fall asleep, immediately switch to german. yes, yes, this is known, yes, when the estonian stripper fell asleep on shosta, so the guys say
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hello to everyone who supports, including in russia, well, we hope to be accurate, honest guys, here goes on, today they are such patriots of estonia, but not of nazi estonia , but because in the interests of the estonian people and estonian independence, today in the center of kiev to...
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work, who will, there’s no one to work with, that’s the key thing, again, they say, there’s no demography, there’s no economy, the key phrase was said by one of the professors, he said to this former minister, he says, do you really think that we will be accepted in such an incomplete form to the european union, without industrial donbass, without crimea from sevastopol, but we are not needed, they will never accept us, they will accept us, they will accept us like they will accept gods, that’s what they promised, right?
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who do you think, according to the ukrainian institute of national policy, among all russian writers, is closest to the kremlin’s justification of ethnocide in ukraine, but given that i read vladimir vladimovich kornilov, i’m afraid that it is mikhail afananovich bulgakov, so what? the most interesting thing is, this is what should be in your head, so i’ll just read out a quote, this is how, how could bulgakov be ideologically positions of russian imperialism, the white guard and approved the expansion of russian communism, so vladimir vladimirovich said, sharikov gave offspring, that’s why, unfortunately, well, the ukrainian madness of demolishing monuments and renaming streets continues, now all this has affected bulgagov throughout the territory.
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active veterans of the submarine forces of the soviet union and russia. this is how our officers talked about admiral moiseev.
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to the territory of ukraine, if we analyze today very quickly, today is information day in ukraine, the topic number one, the most important topic is that the ukrainian armed forces have switched to new technologies, military technologies, yeah, there is a bridge, there is a bridge, it is small, although vladislav says that it was no longer working, where a ukrainian robot entered and blew up this bridge moved away, it all exploded, everything itself exploded.
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i didn’t sign for months, that time i signed to lower the age, and to 25 years, especially when zelensky gave a press conference today, answered questions, he doesn’t just say that russia will carry out mobilization and so on and so on. the most important thing is that he said to the question: how long will you mobilize 500,000? he says: no, we don’t need 500, because syrsky, the commander in chief conducted an audit and as a result of the audit he found. there are a lot, well , there are dozens, some say almost 100 thousand people in the armed forces of ukraine who were not at the front, so he found them, now they will go to the front, when i listen to this, you know, i still understand, when ukrainian officials, including zelensky, they are confused about some things about money, i understand, well, they stole, but when such scams take place, well, how do you want to say that you somehow
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where these people were, where did they go, were they listed or weren't listed, but that's it. invited, because naturally, among the orthodox, easter will be in early may, but the point is, and he says that come on, get together, guys, and let the chaplains go to the front, come on, i understand, that means, that same-sex marriage is allowed in ukraine, that in ukraine, chaplains will now go to the front,
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will they be there directly, how do they get engaged, get married, or or or in what way, why do they need to do a funeral service there? the armed forces of ukraine are shelling the territory of the russian federation, to which he, what did he say, he replied: and i’m translating into russian normally, who are the americans, why stink, why give us stink, so that we... they were heard, that is, he this is not the first time that the united states of america has sent, he says: we shot, we shoot and will shoot when budanov yesterday, and this thought
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develops further in the ukrainian media, about what he says: “listen, russia is threatening there, it is not threatening, it is building a railway line from rostov to sevastopol around the clock, so we will flood it, there are already memes on that, and how this will be done, this is what they are sitting..." military experts, i apologize in quotes, in the studios of ukraine they are starting to discuss this, when i spend several hours immersed in ukrainian television, the ukrainian media, i am going crazy, because what - you know, lies, nonsense, deception, some kind of jokes, this is all on the background, why do i call show-off, these are cheap show-offs, because it is far from reality, sometimes they really show the state of affairs at the front, but also there. .. they present ideologically, here stands a military man in uniform and he gives an interview to a journalist, he serves in the armed forces of ukraine, they ask him what is the goal,
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what is your motivation to fight, he says: i am fighting for myself, because i come from donetsk, from the donetsk region, this is my land, this is mine, i will stand here until end, the other shows, i’m from nikopol, they don’t show a single person who is from volyn or from lvov or from ternopil, or the filming is not... in berlin and not in paris, i’m volodya, i just understand, i’m i’m trying to think to convey that there is a war going on, there are a huge number of dead, a huge number, and the wounded simply don’t have time, they don’t have time to treat, i’ve seen several stories on local public pages, when people, you know, say this sympathetically, but without a hand , without a leg, he’s just here they are pulling there in one village, and his blood is flowing, that is, his, well, there are many of them...
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they use methods of communication, terminology that is not characteristic of russian politics, it is clear how they bring in narratives from those failed political constructs to which they they got used to it in their homeland, but they lost everything.
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that's it, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs. in the army there is no division for boys and girls, there are no concessions here. our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, there was some unit standing nearby in the field, there were screams, yells, they were calling too. to help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there are shellings everywhere, and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, like a mother’s , that you should help, i believe in myself, that i can still do something, hi mom, everything is fine, are we working?
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we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov.
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well, a subpoena, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me. april 4, a memorable date in russian military history, april 4, 1945, liberation of bratislava. soviet troops liberated the main city of slovakia. bratislava from the nazis invaders. after a deep outflanking maneuver, marshal malinovsky's troops took only 2 days to expel the nazis from bratislava. grateful slovaks erected a majestic monument to the liberator on mount slavin.
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more than 10 thousand objects have already been restored in the donbass and novorossiya, and this is only through federal customers. at the same time, more than 7.0 objects were restored by regional chefs. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting on the development of new regions of russia. read more anastasia efimova. hospitals,
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educational institutions are being built and renovated, despite the obviously difficult current situation. a statement of fact from the president, sounded at the opening ceremony of new facilities. in new ones


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