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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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russian regions, as the head of state recalled, by 2030, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and the kherson region should reach the all-russian level in key indicators of quality of life, and work in this direction is in full swing. despite the difficult current situation, we are building and repairing housing, roads, facilities, and social facilities. ethics, infrastructure, healthcare institutions, education, sports culture. we are establishing agricultural and industrial production. there is a lot of help here all regions of our country. there are significant results. well, significant, insignificant, but in any case there are definitely results. in 2022 , work was completed on more than 10 thousand objects. only through federal
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customers. in addition, during the same period , more than 7.00 objects were restored by regional chiefs. in total, 18 thousand objects have already been restored, the figure given today by marat khusnulin. as the deputy prime minister specified, the construction or repair of about three dozen buildings is being completed, attention, every day. of what is ready as of today, first of all, housing, 10 apartments.
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implementation of the program, 331 medical facilities have been built, restored, equipped with equipment, and we and the ministry of health have now created a 3-year program for the restoration of all facilities in each region, including children's centers on your instructions in melitopol. including, therefore, the repair of existing ones, now after the extension of the program, we are generally doing a complete health care program before the thirtieth year, from this very rebuilt residential area to contact with the president came not only from the head of the government of the dpr, but most importantly from the people who are celebrating the housewarming and whose voices are trembling today, not so much from excitement, but from the realization that they are at home, thank you very much, we are very grateful to all the builders for building us such wonderful...
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our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about this and will not forget, we will always proceed from this, but thank you very much for not forgetting about this when it was especially difficult, remember now , this is the basis of the basics of recovery our unity, but not only housing is being put into operation, it has already begun in donetsk. work of a new
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perinatal center. for the region, this is the most modern medical institution in the field of family planning, and, as doctors say, an important symbol of new life, new hopes, and of course, happiness. peaceful future, just today two babies appeared here. for us , the donetsk-republican prenatal center, now named after professor vladimir kirillovich chaika, well, it has already begun its work, it has already begun enough, well, let’s say effective and productive on the very first day, because anna alexandrovna said, today two babies were already born, because well, they are not waiting, the perionatal center opened, so they were born, and the boy... volodya and the girl eva, today the light appeared, and after the event there will be an opportunity to just go and congratulate, because this all happened almost in the last moments. the rapid revival of new regions also means educational opportunities. a branch in mariupol is ready for commissioning
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volgograd academy of the ministry of internal affairs. already from september 1 , 600 people will begin training here. and in lugansk, the olympic reserve school for weightlifting has been restored. the building was virtually destroyed, there was no need to talk about any training. now there is an opportunity to prepare for competitions of any level of complexity. unfortunately, since the times of ukraine , absolutely no attention has been paid to sports; the publication has fallen into complete disrepair. we decided to carry out a major overhaul. we are from ourselves, vladimirovich, we assure you that with our , in general, persistent training, our persistent work in the field. athletes will defend the honor of our country at competitions at any level. thank you very much again, vladimir vladimovich, all this became possible after we became part of our great country and we returned home. but
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sporty lugansk does not live by weightlifting alone, as the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik said in the region there is a strong football club - dawn, but the stadium is unsuitable. condition, the request to repair it, and not only it, the president supported, there is a program for the socio-economic development of new territories, it includes 282 activities, the total amount of funding from all sources is 4.4 trillion rubles, this is decent money for the twenty-third to twenty-fifth years, it is necessary to ensure that every invested ruble out of these four-plus trillion effectively works for the benefit of people. who live in these territories, people deserve it, we, for our part, must do everything that depends on us for so that these people's expectations are justified. the president today thanked all the builders, as well as the organizers of the work done, expressed the hope that
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the same will continue, in the near future, in the more distant future, and clarified that there is no doubt about it. well, nothing, on wednesday vladimir. putin signed a decree on awarding state awards. in particular, the president awarded the title of hero of russia to cosmonaut anna kikina. as noted, she showed courage and heroism during a long flight on an international space station. the order of courage was posthumously awarded to elena ilyina, a teacher at the berdyansk children's creativity center. she worked in the precinct election commission of the zaporozhye region and died during the terrorist attack. her car was blown up. for his great contribution to the development of our country. autovaz director maxim sokolov was awarded the order of merit to the fatherland, third degree. in addition, the head of state noted in his decree cultural figures, including for their great services in development of art. the honorary title of people's artist of the country was awarded to the bolshoi
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theater ballerinas ekaterina krysanova and anna nikulina. actress of the chekhov moscow art theater irina pegova, as well as theater and film artist konstantin lavronenko.
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the results are obvious, this is a fact, of course, a lot still needs to be done, i’m sure you know. and what and how to do, vladimir putin also spoke via videoconference with the head of the trans-baikal territory, alexander osipov. today our main task is victory, helping the soldiers, helping our army, therefore, we have expanded the work to the maximum, all the issues of state defense order are being fully implemented, armor and aviation equipment are being produced and repaired, we ourselves have launched the production of protective equipment for...
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and the results will appear and people will see them, but of course, we need to work actively and directly discuss these issues with residents region, i wish him success, i think everything will work out for you. in moscow, two people died and 17 were injured due to bad weather. this was announced by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. according to him, all city services promptly eliminate consequences of bad weather. the storm wind knocked down the barrier trees, some of them fell directly on parked cars and flew out. window frames, due to weather conditions all parks are closed, including the capital's zoo.
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russian defense minister sergei shaigu held telephone conversations with the head of the french defense department at the urgent request of paris. sebastian licanu expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall and announced paris's readiness to cooperate with moscow in the fight against terrorism. at the same time, according to russian ministry of defense, the french minister insisted on non-involvement. ukraine and western countries to attack terrorists and shifted responsibility to the isis group banned in russia. sergei shaigu responded by emphasizing that the investigation into the terrorist attack will be completed, all those responsible will be punished, and currently there is information about the ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack. shaigu also added that the practical implementation of the statements of the elysee palace about the possible dispatch of a contingent to ukraine will create problems for france itself. russian troops improved the position along the front line in the avdeevsky and south donetsk
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directions and occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. stanislav vasilchenko, more details. the largest ukrainian energy holding dtek lost 80% of its generating capacity as a result of russian strikes with precision weapons. burshtynskoe and ladyzhinskaya tes are out of action. the work of zmeevskaya has been stopped. this is a response to attempts by neo-nazis to attack targets on russian territory. no less noticeable blow. on the line of combat contact they feel the pressure of the ukrainian armed forces. with sniper precision, guided missiles from the fagot anti-tank system hit an ukrainian armed forces tank. aerial reconnaissance spotted the car at the entrance to krasnogorovka, so russian motorized riflemen were ready. we just had to wait for the tank to reach a position convenient for our soldiers. one somewhere in the driver’s area, the second somewhere under the tower. after the first one, he tried to leave, but could not. well, the second one caught up with him. the loss of even one tank for the ukrainian armed forces is a significant problem,
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russian tank crews are sure. the west is cutting back supplies of weapons, and this significantly affects the tactics of neo-nazis. they roll out very rarely, they work out a little, just two or three shots , they all roll back, well, because they no longer have, probably don’t have, the funds for the machines themselves, probably, that many. so that they can safely roll out, the ssu has no choice but to hunt for russian tanks; vehicles like the t-90 are the main goal of the ukranazis. according to statistics, each departure of these combat vehicles brings new losses to the ukrainian armed forces. this is footage of the combat work of the t-90a tank crew in the kupinsky direction. the soldiers are working at a machine gun point that is hindering the advance of our infantry. having received confirmation of a hit, the crew immediately leaves before the drones are activated. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, russian troops inflicted a serious defeat on the enemy in the kherson and south donetsk directions. as
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a result of unsuccessful counterattacks, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 200 troops, the british ac-90 breyhart self-propelled gun, the rszzo grad combat vehicle, the d-20 gun and the d-30 howitzer. in the avdeevsky direction, units groupings of troops at the center through active actions improved the situation along the front line. the enemy lost up to 305 troops, two of them armored. vehicles, three vehicles, a 155-mm m777 howitzer, a 152-mm d-20 gun, two 122-mm d-30 galubits and a gvozdika artillery mount. the southern group of troops is actively operating a twenty-two-millimeter self-propelled gun. crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroy enemy manpower, its fortifications, command posts, armored vehicles, and hit strategically important objects. so, in the kurakhov area, a crew of the rszzu uragan struck a railway bridge through which the ukrainian armed forces were transporting military equipment to the donetsk,
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yuzhnodonetsk and zaporozhye directions. the russian army is conducting active battles. in the donetsk direction over the past 24 hours, the enemy has launched 10 unsuccessful counterattacks in the areas of beristovo, konstantinovka, krasnoye and bogdanovka. enemy losses, according to the ministry of defense, amounted to up to 390 military personnel, 19 vehicles and two artillery pieces. the morale of the ukrainian armed forces is falling, everyone is talking about it captured neo-nazi. they increasingly call volga and voluntarily surrender. in the russian army the situation is the opposite, only since the beginning of this year there has been a contract with the ministry of defense. march 22 in the moscow region. the extreme point of choice was the event in kroku city, this terrorist attack. and i understand that i have a family, children, and
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so that all this would not reach my family, i... decided to go for a contract, i came, it turns out, to visit a friend, we talked here, then this is the whole situation, there they just killed children, the next day the military registration and enlistment office went, filed an application, it’s time to stop all this it’s a disgrace, many of the volunteers have already begun military training at russian training grounds. stanislav vasilchenko, irina zaborskaya, news. nato intends to take control of all military supplies to ukraine. this is precisely the proposal that secretary general jens stoltenberg made at... about other statements, the head of our european bureau, anastasia popova. nato is celebrating its 75th anniversary since the military alliance brought its democracy to the world with bayonets, but the mood of the foreign ministers is not at all festive. the ukrainian front is trembling. in the us, the chances of a return to the power of trump, who does not want to sponsor
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kiev. how to prevent the war from ending? secretary general stoltenberg proposes to create a multi-year agreement. support fund for 100 billion euros. nato is a member of the contact group on ukraine, it has done a lot of work, nato countries have supplied 99% of all weapons to ukraine. now we will be able to coordinate this work. in fact, it will be the same people. this is the commander-in-chief of nato's combined armed forces in europe, general cavoli, an american general, but at the same time time as nato commander. the americans will coordinate everything, except their troops on ukrainian territory. they don’t want to send, assured secretary of state blinken, who came to brussels to visit the latter, and was overtaken by the problems of the booing corporation. the plane broke down in paris. the entire delegation had to travel 3 hours to the belgian capital by car. there will not be a single american soldier on ukrainian soil. but some kind of nato training mission may appear there in order to share experience with the armed forces of ukraine.
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the possibility of deciding to create nato mission, not military, but to support ukraine. this would make it possible to use the alliance’s potential to train the ukrainian military and use our logistics. in any case, americans do not welcome amateur activities. macron spent months urging berlin and washington to make a strategic shift to scare the russians by sending nato troops, but he was publicly rebuffed. biden didn't like the idea. the details of this behind-the-scenes dispute are published today by the journal. head of the main burghart sent the headquarters of the french armed forces. civilian and military, raises a pressing question: how should the allies react if one of the western personnel in ukraine, like paris, brushes it off, saying that the french have died more than once in africa, and nothing, paris did not turn
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to nato for an article about collective defense, and it won’t happen here either. why would such a deep one die as a result of a russian strike? involvement? minister of defense. together with a polish and german colleague, explained in a militaristic article released the day before summit. for there to be peace in europe, russian imperialism must be stopped. defense spending of at least 2% of gdp is a necessary condition and the basis on which we build our collective defense. secondly, we need to use the full industrial potential of our continent to modernize our military capabilities, increase production and achieve economies of scale. we must meet the moment, which may determine the future of our children. so that children in europe have a future at all, budapest intends to block all nato initiatives that threaten world war iii. we do not support any proposal that might.
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gerhard schröder in 2002 before the us invasion of iraq when he refused to provide troops or money. estonia, which today is hosting the prime minister of ukraine, also did not dare to send troops. the set of topics is standard, the use of frozen russian assets, sanctions, problems on the way to nato and the european union. it’s all about helping kiev and not being distracted by the accompanying distractions. internal political problems of european countries, the head of the cabinet of ministers, kaja kallas, advised her colleagues, who, by the way, refused.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreigners, and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have... property, funds nested, yes do you have any property in germany? yes, i have spoiled it, they all broadcast
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a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv. it will be called: does crime have punishment? i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i’m looking forward to seeing you, i’m not afraid, i came for my brother, here. all senses are heightened to the limit, happiness has been resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i
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'll come back for you, do you hear how this day in history is remembered, we'll tell you right now, hello, on april 4, 1103 , the battle of the russians with the polovtsians took place on the suten river, today it is in the zaporozhye region, little is known about the battle, but from those documents that have been preserved, we know that the united army of seven russian princes fought, both on foot and on horseback, and killed many polovtsians, including 20 of their leaders. this was the first offensive of russia in the confrontation with the polovtsians. vladimir manomakh urged to attack, to act proactively, and not to wait for the next poloved raids. then the grand duke of pereislavsky and the russian princes won the battle. they also got rich booty, cattle, horses, camels. after the russians succeeded...
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on april 4, 1920, baron pyotr wrangel became commander-in-chief of the forces of the south of russia, the military council of sevastopol chose him instead of general anton denikin, who resigned. a commander with combat experience, he looked at things realistically and realized that after a series of disasters it was necessary not to fight the reds, but at least to save the white army, which then categorically refused to help england further. all the forces of the white army were already in crimea; wrangel understood the vulnerability of the peninsula. the wrangelites repulsed the first attack of the reds, raising morale; to strengthen patriotism, the general even renamed his troops the russian army, but it was too late, he could no longer change the balance of power. denikin actually lost the civil war, and now the reds pulled up reserves and broke through to crimea. remnants of the white army, civilians from among the opponents of the soviet the authorities evacuated to constantinople itself.
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wrangel also ended up in exile, first in turkey, then in serbia, then in belgium, and even after wrangel’s death, for many leaders of the white movement, he remained a symbol of their struggle. on april 4, 1961 , us president john kennedy approved the plan for an operation against cuba. after the victory of the revolution , washington began to view the island of freedom as a source of danger. operation zapata was prepared in complete secrecy. it was driven by the head of the cia, alain dalis. the invasion began 2 weeks later. leader of the cuban revolution, fidel castro addressed the cubans on the radio and called on them to fight back, introduced martial law, and announced a general mobilization. the cuban air force sank two transport ships and two landing barges carrying weapons and ammunition. and in just a few days , the cubans managed to drive out the invaders. the us operation in the bay of cachinos or bay of pigs ended in failure, us aggression
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against cuba. condemned by many un countries. demonstrators stormed the american embassy. later it became known that several options were planned at once provocations so that the united states would have a reason for direct military intervention in cuba. but the failed operation remained a shameful page in the history of american intelligence services. however, washington finally abandoned the idea of ​​invasion only a year later, after the caribbean crisis. april 4, 1973 in new york. the two world trade center towers officially opened in manhattan. american architect of japanese origin, minoru yamasaki, designed a complex of seven buildings, two of which are twin towers, which became the two dominant features new york. 110 floors, more than any other building in the world, and this record was surpassed only by the burch khalifa tower 37 years later, when the twin towers had already been destroyed. this happened on september 11, 2001, as
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a result. worst terrorist attack in us history. al-qaeda terrorists hijacked passenger planes and flew them directly into the tower. their design could not withstand such influence. the southern tower collapsed 56 minutes after the impact, the northern one 102 minutes later. 2,750 people were killed, including passengers and crew members. mountain the wreckage at the crash site continued to burn and smolder for several more months. hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on clearing the area. in 2014 at this place. a new high-rise building, the freedom tower, opened, then renamed world trade center one, the same height as the twin towers, not including the spire. this is what this day in history was like.
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not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, we decided to take the territory under our control, let's go and sort it out, then we'll talk to you, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening, posted it on the internet, how do they explain you, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he came from belgorodnya, you’re a boxer, you can deal with almost any person, well,
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i didn’t kill him. there is a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, a sword under the ice of shine, we took up this matter and conducted their investigation. are you used to watching video sites? stopped working? install, open, look. russian channel. and all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries.


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