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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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let's talk to you, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening and posted it on the internet, how do they explain it to you? these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can deal with almost any person, well, i killed him like that, there is a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what are the goals of the milk? we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries . we look, we look in the application and on
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the website. hello, there is a legal program on air, the moderator is tatyana petrova. the end of a gang of black lumberjacks in the ivanovo region was immediately heard by 29 members of the forest plunderers group. the prosecution was able to prove that there was a clear organization and distribution of roles within the organized crime group, and that the loggers themselves operated in the region.
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almost 10 months. about the details of this story andrey romanov. for this process , the ivanovo district court chose the most a large courtroom, in the distance behind a partition and a wall of lawyers in a glass chamber, a close line of defendants, these are members of a gang of black lumberjacks that have been operating in the lands of the region for 10 months. these are black loggers at work in the last few months of activity. they were being monitored by gangs, police officers and employees of the regional federal security service. operational activities showed that the thieves of natural resources came to the forest before dawn and started chainsaws. the poachers selected the best trees in the plot and worked quickly, they cut down about 20 cubic meters. on the black market, such a volume costs approximately 2,000 rubles. the spoils were loaded onto timber trucks and taken out at first light.
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the police , together with fsb officers, carried out a special operation to detain illegal miners quickly; some of the poachers were caught at the scene of the crime in the forest, and a total of 29 people were detained. the police estimated that over 10 months the criminals stole forests worth 34 million rubles. the criminal case turned out to be voluminous, several dozen volumes, they were stitched together in a separate room using a drill. in progress investigations into the gang's activities by forest rangers. counted 35 illegal loggings, in which the plunderers of natural resources were involved, all the plots where the poachers operated are located deep in the forest, we visited one of them together with the ivanovo police officers, we had to get to the place by snowmobile, we arrived at the site of illegal logging, from here from the snowmobile, of course, when you get off, you immediately find yourself knee-deep in snow, please tell me, here you detained illegal poachers, yes, absolutely true.
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here we detained about illegal poachers, just a little further from here, about thirty meters away, a number of illegal fellings were carried out, yeah, that is, they chose which trees, well, it’s clear that not everything was cut down, it’s somehow just in parts there, there are no trees there, the clearing remained absolutely true, they chose commercial trees, which are approximately 80 by 80 in diameter, this is the kind of prey that black lumberjacks always choose, their working methods were well studied by our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program, two decades, a series of documentaries was created about the trade of natural resource plunderers, talking about the smuggling of timber from the leningrad region and karelia to finland, the rampant behavior of timber poachers in the far east in the krasnoyarsk territory, the irkutsk and omsk regions, illegal logging in the regions of the central federal district. according to the documents there are 16 cubic meters, in fact, you can see by eye that there are more here. over a decade of work, it was possible to achieve a significant tightening of legislation. forestry sector and
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significantly curb the appetites of black lumberjacks, those who still dare to go out fishing will face severe punishment, it has already been suffered by gang members from the ivanovo region. the organizer of the criminal business was sentenced to 14 years in prison, the rest received sentences from 12 to 2 years in prison. andrey romanov, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. the traces of the terrorist attacks on kroku sitikholi lead to ukrainian and western intelligence services. this was stated in astana by the secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev, who heads the russian delegation at the annual meeting with secretaries of the security councils of the sco member countries. immediately after the massacre in the concert hall, patrushev noted the russian emergency.
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it was on that day, as witnesses reported, that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack visited crocus city hall to assess the situation on the spot. nikolai patrushev assured that the organizers of the terrorist attack in crocus will be punished. between vegetables and fruits in the city of myas chelyabinsk. region, a mother with three children found herself registered in a grocery store. this happened after a woman lost her own home in a fire. while she i wandered around to rented apartments looking for help, and a store was built on the ashes. social activists and our film crew drew attention to the situation. report by galina
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hungureeva. there are seemingly unremarkable pavilions on oktyabrskaya street in the city of mias , chelyabinsk region. closing the brick row with bright signs is a gray building called a standard grocery store. in all the guests of the russian outback, there are thousands of them around the country, but only this one can boast of an original story, here says local resident svetlana tyamkina, next to refrigerators with sausages and cheeses, trays of bakery abundance and other simple assortment, she is registered with two daughters, i have to live here, it is registered, i can put a cot under the counter, probably, well, of course no one will allow me to do this, an everyday conflict with very unpleasant consequences has begun back in the nineties, svetlana lived in an apartment building with her grandmother, in the ninety-four there was a fire that destroyed most of the house, the walls on the first floor survived, exactly where svetlana’s apartment was located, new the owners of the ruins did not bother themselves, they set up a shopping pavilion here, here is the window of my room, that is, there were two
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apartments here, well, there was just a partition, here was an apartment and here was an apartment, the walls, in my opinion, were like this nothing has been rebuilt, and nothing has been added, even though the walls are the same, but in fact the trade pavilion is already...
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well, the one who runs our stock fund, yeah, in the future we’ll have to go step by step, all this time the tyamkins are huddled around rented apartments, now housing is not free, of course, it was provided by relatives, but as they admit, they can ask to leave at any moment, the apartment of my distant relatives, relatives can appear at any moment to say, thank you for looking at the apartment, we don’t need your services anymore, they are desperate, hoping that they will be put on the housing queue . and the thirty-year story with china will end happily, but at the moment, one might say, only the tip of the bureaucratic iceberg has moved. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. royal regime for the king of crime world, the so-called thief in law, oleg
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medvedev, known under the nickname shishkan, used mobile communications during his escort. this opportunity was provided to him by the employees of the convoy unit. now they are under investigation.
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including murder, extortion, risk to life. with complaints about work causing harm to health. lunch or dinner from a restaurant in the south of moscow, several residents of the capital turned to our program. people sent us footage of food being prepared in appalling conditions throughout the establishment rats are running around, and food and dishes are stored on the floor. surprisingly, the establishment was checked several times, but for some reason it was not closed. my colleague maria bucato decided to find out what they actually feed visitors. in this restaurant, but she managed to get out of there only with the help of the police. these shots were sent to the editorial office of our program by visitors to one of the capital’s cafes in the south of moscow. above the heads of cheykhana's customers, a rat sniffs the contents of their plates. the employees of the establishment , such a fat gray pet, don’t seem to care at all cares. here, in principle, there is a proprietary approach to sanitation issues. a barman-point scoops up compote without gloves. from an open vessel he fills mayonnaise buckets with it, this is to take it to the counter and pour it
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into a jug for cocktails, now his colleague and dirty manipulations with borscht. it is not surprising that cheykhana has a bad reputation among the locals; checks from the federal service for surveillance on consumer rights protection confirm that dining here has a high chance of ending up in a hospital bed. pots of food with shurpat were simply placed on the floor when rospotrebnadzor on... they revealed that one cook had some kind of illness, then the person is still working in the kitchen. the owner of the establishment named ilyos, according to former employees , prefers to pay off problems instead of solving them, here is the moment of transferring the money, supposedly to the next auditor, they sealed the door, photographed all this, opened the door again, the bribe was given on the street, with this temperature , cough, that is, we worked, we served people, after a family dinner in the same place.
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in this establishment the products are completely open, soups, some meat cuts, chicken,
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let's move on, here we have porridge preparations and no markings, suitcases, probably one of the cafe employees, waiters, maybe the administrators even spend the night here, clothes, that's all adjacent to a lot of fruit, so please, vegetables, even a full set of soup, in bags, apparently, chicken, while we... click, the film crew found themselves locked in a damp basement. here you go, the employees of the establishment are so outraged that the truth may come out outside, we were simply closed, and it is unknown how many they plan to keep here. several police squads arrived at the scene at once. investigators carefully examined cheykhana's premises; it turned out that the waiters and cooks had repeatedly violated immigration
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laws. during activities aimed at checking compliance with the requirements of migration legislation, a violation was discovered in a cafe on orekhovoy boulevard. the investigative committee has already joined the investigation, a number of examinations have been appointed, and the prospects for the establishments are not at all sweet. the owner of cheykhana, as we learned, tried to fly out of the country, but did not have time. obstruction by a journalist. in volgograd, six teenagers were detained who had brutally beaten a bus passenger the day before, just for making a remark; the identity of another one has been established, and they are looking for him. all young people, from 15 to 19 years old, had already confessed and were brought to court. it turned out that the attack on public transport is not the first criminal incident of this group, what else
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teenagers were involved and is it possible to stop the aggression of youth gangs, alexander's report.
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the residents of the house, they were awakened by screams, at night, around the beginning of one, they heard screams near the entrance, that a man was shouting and, as it were, other voices of guys, that we were kickboxers, we will kill you, a man was walking near the entrance, we have a big curb there, they they threw him off this curb, the man jumped up and started to run away, the three of them caught up with him, well, they started kicking him,
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calling him names, the teenagers deliberately attacked in a crowd for no reason, now these shots are carefully investigators are studying, a criminal case has been opened under the article hooliganism. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , demanded a report on the progress of the investigation. the self-proclaimed kickboxers were detained several hours after the beating. the persons involved in the beating of a man on public transport have been identified. they turned out to be seven residents of volgograd aged 15 to 19 years. six defendants were detained and interrogated. one of the suspects, a sixteen-year-old teenager, is wanted. the attackers included college students. inspired by the so-called boyish romance, cases where teenagers unite in youth gangs are recorded throughout the country, a clear example is teenagers from belgorod, they kept the city residents in fear, the abuse of people was filmed on a smartphone camera and broadcast online. there is a similar story in the tambuv region, where in
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february sut arrested seventeen-year-old karina. she, according to investigators, led a youth gang whose members... beat up visitors to the shopping and entertainment center. karin, how what are you doing? and in st. petersburg , the investigation into the case of tural mamedov’s youth gang has been completed. together with his friends, mamedov provoked conflicts and beat people in public places. they recorded all this trash content on a mobile phone camera and posted it on social networks, probably for the sake of likes and donations. according to the investigation, in 2023 , the accomplices, with hooligan motives, as well as motivated by hatred and enmity, systematically attacked local residents and provoked cancer in public places. all youth gang members ended up on the bench defendants, the teenagers from volgograd did not escape this fate. the probable leader of the youth gang, daniil guryunov, was placed under arrest. alexander mostova, mikhail shirin and sergey klinkov, conduct: duty department.
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youth groups and the causes of teenage aggression will be discussed in a new investigation by eduard petrov, street gangs. they didn’t film it, they posted it on the internet, what are you accused of? these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he is belgorod,
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there are fewer free riders, violators are encountered during almost every raid, even those caught red-handed are not always ready to pay, during the filming of the next story, some tried to escape, while others tried to turn off the tv camera, but they cannot hide from our correspondent victoria khairulnaya. we are located not far from kolomensky park, now it is especially crowded here, it would have been rush hour, people are rushing to work and many are in such a hurry that they forget to pay for the fare. this is a gross violation, which... will certainly follow punishment, fine for what, i was just there, they told me, go, this man clearly had a bad day, his attempt to travel on public transport for free was unsuccessful,
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by the way, he is not the only violator, together with the employees of the state public administration, we are the organizer of transportation went on a raid on the so-called hares and, as it turned out, not in vain , there are enough violators, for example, this woman, without a travel card without a passport, well, no, i don’t have us with me, there’s a banking application, there ’s one there too, no, attempt disrupt the shooting failed, the hysteria did not help to disrupt the drawing up of the administrative protocol, after such a fiasco the violator was laconic, why don’t you pay how much the fine was issued, and why don’t you talk to me, are you my friend, no, not my girlfriend, i’m just asking why not pay for... i’m ready to admit my mistake, but the fact remains : ticketless travel, a serious violation will not be possible to escape punishment. the answer is silence, it seems that the woman is not after all
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. ticketless travel is administrative an offense, this is a violation of the rules, respectively, of travel, this is a violation of the moscow city code of administrative offenses, article 10.1, the fine for traveling without a ticket in our land-based transport is 2.0 rubles. for illegal ones. use of a preferential social card or moskvich card 4.0 rub. employees of the state public administration and the organizer of transportation closely monitor the payment of travel. there is no way without this. moscow is a huge city with a constantly developing infrastructure. uninterrupted operation of public transport - the calling card of the megapolis. the process is complex and expensive. it’s clear that passengers who use the metro, electric buses, and trams every day help support the system by paying their fares. but, apparently, the hare doesn’t care at all, but the controllers do, who every day face the most unpredictable violators, well, the difficulty , of course, is in the passengers who do not pay
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for their fare, not all of them are adequate, unfortunately, but the majority, passengers who admit that they have not paid their travel, provide their document without any problems, we make a decision, they have 10 days to appeal if they do not agree with our actions, and as a rule, those who do not agree. there is more than enough confidence in such passengers, as they say, but it does not play a special role; you will still have to pay for violations. the controllers had just caught another stowaway on the bus; apparently, he planned to remain unnoticed, but that was not the case. as soon as the intruder saw the camera, he ran away. why not pay the fare, and there’s a trap man there. the malicious offender was detained. he failed to provide proof of his innocence , it’s not updated, yes, i wrote to the bank, they’ll write me an answer now, not only do you know, it’s so interesting, you go to the store,
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you don’t pay there either, it’s ugly, not paying for travel, that’s what it really is ugly, and the controllers, having rested a little, continued their raid, such work probably requires certain qualities, patience, resistance to stressful situations and, of course, the desire to work for the benefit of the capital. victoria khairulina, emil musaev and dmitry kamsky. news. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. follow along with us. and that's all we have. tatyana petrova was with you. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out comics. when
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there is no accompaniment, you go, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, let’s be brief, but i’m watching, the people who are here at the control points, they are working no less than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, this is the pace they’ve entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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dmitry, when the sanctions pressure began, it was generally scary, for you personally, of course, it was, it was such a period of a very serious challenge, today russian pharmaceuticals have learned to compete, western companies see that domestic production provides more low price with the same or higher quality. in russia over the past 10 years there has been rapid growth, development of knowledge and technology. examination, production, everything, everything related to pharmaceuticals, in 2023 alone , eight new production facilities for domestic drugs were opened, almost 70% of the drugs that appear on our market are made in russia, what helped the pharmaceutical industry adapt to new conditions? your home,
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install a fire alarm. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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