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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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krasnoholom, it is flooded with spring floods, and the water has already flooded more than 900 houses. emergency situations ministry employees evacuated over 350 residents. the situation is also difficult in the voluga region, samara and ulyanovsk regions in mordovia. in central russia, the consequences of a powerful storm are being eliminated. moscow and the moscow region experienced one of the most severe impacts of the disaster. two people died and 15 were injured. the wind knocked down fencing trees and damaged the roofs of nine houses. petropavlovsk kamchatka
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repelled the attack of mock terrorists. according to legend, the enemy attacked from water from the air to a port where ships of the pacific fleet are located. based on the results of the maneuvers, for the most effective protection, it was decided to create a control center. in the earthquake in taiwan, according to the latest data, nine people died, more than a thousand were injured, and another 52 are still on the list of missing persons. in total , more than 300 tremors occurred in the region. and reached a magnitude of 7.7. in moscow , the consequences of yesterday's bad weather are being eliminated; a storm wind hit the capital, its gusts exceeded 20 m/sec in the region, two people died, 15 people were injured, said the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. it is known that torn structures fell on the victims. the wind knocked down fences and trees. two women were caught by branches on one of the streets and an ambulance had to be called. several cars were damaged.
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a hill in the orenburg region, where flood victims are being evacuated. more than 350 people have already been taken out. the water in the river has risen to dangerous levels and continues to remain. there are over 900 houses in the flood zone. a reinforced group of rescuers, boats and special equipment have been deployed to the area. monitoring the situation in the region our special correspondent, maria valieva. in the village of krasnokholm, the chernaya river has overflowed, a state of emergency has been declared, houses are flooded, local residents are being evacuated by the ministry of emergency situations.
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people were ready for the arrival of big water, they were warned in advance, so they quickly collected all the necessary things and went out with them. the regional governor, denis pasler, personally supervises the rescue operation and helps the victims climb into boats and boats. let's take him straight to the base. a state of emergency has been introduced in the village of akbulak. residents come in to flooded areas in a protective manner. wetsuits, they take the animals, the chickens are carried in bags, the poultry, the chickens are there, they were left yesterday, the piglets were taken out, they were in time, and the poultry remained. pigs were taken away on trucks, cows and horses were tied to fences on those streets where there is still no water; old-timers say there has not been such a large-scale flood in the village for more than 30 years. let's see how much water comes, if it doesn't come so much that you can quickly bend the cheese out of it, then the next water will come just like in the old-timers: it will come in 20 years, then
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yes, in 20 years, i will be well over 60 to come and see the condition of the house, whether the house as a whole floated, whether the water was completely deep, that everything that could float right up, raised 30 cm above floor level , a state of emergency has been introduced in the akbulat region , the ilek river has overflowed, water continues to approach houses, people build barricades before leaving for relatives, water from the hallway has to be poured out with buckets, there is no pump, it’s not easy to get them out of there, but our film crew managed to do it, we managed to save the cat, she climbed out of fear on the fence, she was sitting there, now the family is leaving here with their children, during the live broadcast we noticed a dog on a hill next to a flooded house, she was whining, we decided...
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to swim as close as possible, our cameraman yegor vorobyov carried the animal into the boat, you take her take it by the armpits, by the hips, and just like that , just take it and put the boat here. for those who have nowhere to go, there are temporary accommodation centers, they provide everything they need, psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations work with residents of flooded houses, provide services here very good, everything, in general, everything is fine, only the only thing is that i’m worried about the house, the tense situation in the region will last for another 3 days,” said the governor of the orenburg region. compensation to the victims will definitely be paid, all regulatory documents were adopted earlier, money is provided for this reserve fund, so where, of course , appropriate regimes are introduced, well, for example, in krasnokholm, yes, then the money , of course, will be allocated in
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full according to requests. according to the latest data, in the region 56 roads and about 35 bridge structures were flooded. the water level throughout the region is rising here. unfortunately , the situation is stabilizing in very, very minor cases, you can literally count them on one hand, but in general, so to speak, uh, we are in tense anticipation and are even already working somewhere. in orsk, the road to the state farm building was flooded. the bridge over the or river also went under water. the only way to get to the other side is by boat. traffic on the belyaevskoye highway on the a305 orenburg and leg federal highway also had to be limited for a while. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and yulia tyushevskaya, conduct the orenburg region. flooded houses, roads and bridges. now a similar picture in many russian regions in the samara region, the situation is becoming more complicated every day. melt water came to dozens of houses, hundreds of household
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plots were flooded. in the neighboring ulyanovsk region, water flooded the roadway to kazan. reversible movement has been introduced there for now. in mordovia, boat crossings are being organized and residents are being evacuated. for paris itself. the minister announced this in telephone conversation time. it took place on the initiative of the french side and was held for the first time since october 22. shaigu also emphasized: russia will bring the investigation into the terrorist attacks in krokos to the end. according to information today , there is a ukrainian trace in the organization of the crime. and so the doctor, in
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turn, insisted on the non-involvement of the kiev regime and the west in this brutal attack and tried to shift the responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia. at the same time, he expressed condolences and said that. ready to cooperate with moscow in fight against terrorism. in the southern donetsk direction, russian artillerymen destroyed an important target. aerial reconnaissance discovered a ukrainian armed forces hangar with weapons. the task of eliminating the enemy target was given to the combat crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system. our military quickly took up a forward position, aimed the installation and fired sighting salvos. after adjustments, the hangar was destroyed by rockets. drone operators reported.
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calling for reservists, they will replenish the air defense unit, the press service of the military department reported. missile defense system the iron dome is on full alert, on the west bank of the jordan river, israeli military police are conducting raids against fighters of the palestinian movement. meanwhile, in the gas sector, there are new israeli air strikes. in the southern part of the enclave , residential areas came under fire, and at least seven civilians were killed in rafah, al-jazeera tv channel reported. according to information. journalists under the rubble of destroyed buildings, rescuers are looking for survivors, and the palestinian ministry of higher education accused israel of destroying a university in the center gases. meanwhile, palestine has again applied for full un membership. russia is for the resumption of this process, said
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the first deputy representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. the palestinian request was also supported by the countries of the arab group and the organization of islamic cooperation. people were killed, more than a thousand were injured, another 52 are listed as missing, emergency services in taiwan updated data on victims of a strong earthquake, witnesses of the natural disaster for the second day shared footage on... networks, bridges and dozens of buildings were destroyed, from the mountains powerful landslides occur, so a huge stone fell directly on the roof of the car. more than 300 tremors were recorded in the region, the most powerful of magnitude 7.7 was a record for the island over the past 25 years. economic news, maria filippova joins me, masha, good morning, new inflation data has appeared. roman, there is a slowdown, i’ll tell you now. weekly inflation in russia as of april 1 slowed to 10%. a week earlier, the figure
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was 11; since the beginning of the year, consumer prices have increased by less than 9 percent, data according to rosstat. the agency also presented statistics on key types of goods and services, in particular, food products, especially fruits and vegetables, have become cheaper. there is also a decrease in the cost of economy class air travel; here are the prices for new domestic cars. by 3%, diesel prices rose slightly less noticeably. as for the russian fuel market, there are no prerequisites for a significant increase in prices. one of the tasks that the government has set for the oil industry is to ensure large volumes of gasoline and diesel production in order to eliminate all possible risks. russian deputy prime minister alexander novyk spoke about this on the sidelines of the state duma. the market is fully supplied with motor gasoline and diesel fuel. we have. now we are entering the period of planned repairs of oil refineries, so
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today we are paying special attention at headquarters, together with the ministry of energy and the federal antimonopoly service, to ensuring that the market is ensured, that it is stable, and that we have a sufficient amount of balances for this higher than previous years even, so today we will continue to monitor this situation and the situation is quite stable, too. the prime minister called the world oil market balanced; the situation was discussed the day before at a meeting of the opec plus monitoring committee. for several days now, quotes have been growing, now they exceed $89 per barrel for the brand mixture. this price environment contributes to the active replenishment of the national welfare fund of russia. finance minister anton siluanov also told us about expected revenues this year on the sidelines of the state duma. we define that the level of oil prices and the ruble exchange rate. in relation to the dollar, above which, above which the fund is replenished, today it is
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60 dollars per barrel, which means that the price today is also favorable, and we expect that those planned levels of replenishment of the national welfare fund, which today is about 600 billion rubles , under the conditions of current estimates, we will fulfill this year. the unemployment rate in russia has reached a historic low. in february it was 2.8%. rosstat reports this. the previous low of 2.9 was reached in october last year. in in december, the figure increased to 3%, in january it returned to the october value. the total number of unemployed in february amounted to 2,109,000 people, which is 41. lower than the figure for the previous month. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 38 kopecks. euro 99 rub. 42 kopecks raman. thank you, now with the latest message. russian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed
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an important air target in the ssu in the south of the donetsk people's republic. the crew of the thor complex prevented the drone from attacking our positions. the drone was shot down with a precise strike. residents the village of krasnokhim in the orenburg region is being evacuated due to flooding. there are more than a thousand people in the flood zone. the water in the river is rapidly rising, and a reinforced group of rescuers is in the area. and near khabarovsk. fire stations are being set up, rescuers have been sent to the big usuriysky cable island, where they are extinguishing two large fires that arose from a grass fuse. palestine has again applied for un membership. russia is for the resumption of this process, said the first deputy representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. palestine's request was also supported by countries arab group and organization of islamic cooperation. banks will write off the loans of those killed in the crocus. and their relatives until april 15, and there is no need to submit an application, governor of the moscow region andrei
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vorobyov announced this. he noted that the moscow region government is always ready to respond to any problems that may arise for victims of the tragedy. the day before, andrei vorobyov met with the family of one of those killed in the terrorist attack. our task is to materially close the issue. we know that in particular your family has two mortgages. thanks to sberbank and dumrf. this month, mortgages will be closed when - as a governor, i’m talking about material things, you always miss a little, because it’s impossible to replace. our loved ones, but we also know that life is such a thing that it is important to know that you have us. large-scale anti-terrorist exercises were conducted in kamchatka. according to legend, the mock enemy attacked the port of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky from both water and air. marine drones were used, they were sent, among other things, to their bases
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pacific fleet. the attack was repelled by the crew of warships along with the fsb coast guard. also yours. prevented fuel from spilling and igniting. based on the results of the exercises , it was decided to create a control center for the most effective protection of the port. in the central regions of yakutia , ice crossings will be closed to traffic from april 15, but in the meantime , in order to ensure safe passage of cars and trucks, road workers are measuring the thickness of the ice. it's getting heavier every day. the incline of winter roads is reduced. the topic will be continued by inna udovkina. using an ice ax inspectors check the thickness of the ice and its structure. the maximum carrying capacity of the crossing depends on these indicators. ice thickness -25. this ice thickness allows vehicles weighing up to 30 tons to pass.
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to ensure safety on the icy road, measurements are taken regularly. every week, well now. depending on the weather, if it gets warmer, then we will carry out measurements more often, and in winter once a week, we measure the thickness of the ice. after the measurements , road workers change the sign to a new one to warn drivers about unsafe conditions. ice crossing, this was affected by inevitable warming. at the entrance to the yakutsk-nizhnebesty crossing there is a sign that says that cars up to 30 tons can now drive on the ice road . april, this figure will decrease. traffic on the pozimnik road almost never stops; drivers are rushing to deliver the necessary cargo across the lena river, because from april 10 , a limit of up to 20 tons will be introduced at the federal crossing. now cars and even trucks can easily pass along the crossing, but soon, after gradual reduction in carrying capacity,
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the main direction that connects yakutsk with the federal highway will be closed, after which the yakut. all you have to do is wait for the ferries to start operating. at the moment , 46 ice crossings are open in yakutia, there are less than two weeks left for their operation, gims employees remind that those who want to risk going out on the ice after the winter roads are closed will face a large fine. we warn you that after the crossing is closed, the crossing will be unauthorized. there will be posts installed, it will work administrative commission, pay attention to road signs. don't risk over -toning. from april 15, ice crossings and winter roads in the central regions will be closed and travel on them will be prohibited. in the arctic and northern regions this will traditionally happen later, on the twentieth of april. inna udovkina, ilorion fedorov, leading yakutia. gave sports news in the studio alexander abramov, sazh, two-time olympic champion in freestyle
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wrestling abdul-rashid sadullayev will not perform at the olympics in paris. roman, good morning, sadullaev was not allowed to qualify. olympic tournament, which means he won’t be able to go to paris either. let's start with football. st. petersburg zenit won a strong-willed away victory over spartak in the first match of the rpl semi-final in the russian cup. on the eve of the evening in moscow there turned out to be two completely different halves. spartak dominated in the first half. the red and whites took the lead thanks to a goal from manfred ugalda. for the castarican striker, this is the first goal for spartak in official matches. zenit turned the game around in the second half, they worked replacements. zenit wins, the return match in the semi-finals of the rpl will be held in st. petersburg on april 17. in other matches yesterday, cska also beat baltika in the semi-finals of the rpl. davilo's winning goal was scored
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off the crossbar. the return match in this pair is scheduled for tuesday, april 16. regions where the confrontation consists of only one match, lokomotiv lost to the urals and was eliminated from the russian cup. pb forward nikita kucherov updated his own record and once again went down in history. last night, kucherov updated the season performance record in the nhl for russian players. in the victorious game against toronto, kucherov gave three assists, and thus the striker has already scored 130 points for the season using the goal plus pass system. previous record for soviets. kucherov established russian players 5 years ago, then he scored 128 points, also 130 points during the regular season - this is a club record for its entire existence. to end.
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magnitogorsk metallurgist started the gagarin cup semi-final against a motorist with a victory, but it turned out to be ineffective a match in which everything was decided by a successful rebound. in the middle of the second period, the puck entered the goal from the skate of motorist defender nikita tryamkin. there are no own goals in hockey, so the puck was scored on the magnetic striker alexander petunin, who made this one. the score 1:0 in favor of metalg was maintained until the end of the third period, when pavel akoldin scored into an empty net (2:0) , after which the motorist managed to win back one puck, scored by danil romantsev, they interrupted the dry streak of magnitogorsk goalkeeper elin bukova, but no more , 2:1 in the match and 1:0 in series in favor of metallug. the second match between these rivals will also take place in magnitogorsk tomorrow. two-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling. sadullaev at the olympics. will not be able to perform in paris, the international olympic committee did not allow the russian to participate in the qualifying tournament for the olympics, which begins tomorrow in baku, so
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sadullayev no longer has a chance to get to the games in paris. former spanish football federation president luis rubialles has been released from custody. let me remind you that he was detained after returning from spain to spain from the dominican republic. according to the spanish press , rubelis was notified. about the charges against him while he is free awaiting summons to court. the former head of spanish football is accused of concluding illegal contracts in his position over the past 5 years. it is assumed that the investigation has nothing to do with the scandalous episode in august last year, when luis rubialis kissed a football player at the awards ceremony after spain's victorious final of the women's world cup. after this official suspended from football for 3 years.
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a novel about sports, that's all for now. sash, thank you, we continue. investments have become one of the main drivers of growth in the russian economy. last year their volume increased by 10%, a record for the last 12 years. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this when delivering a government report in the state duma. read more about the economic theses of dmitry morocco. despite increasing external pressure. russia has successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. about this, speaking with a government report. stated in the state duma mikhail mishustin. at the end of the twenty-third year, the country's gdp increased by 3.6%. according to the world bank, russia is one of the five largest economies in the world in terms of
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purchasing power parity and is now setting itself the goal of entering the top four. there are prerequisites for this. in january , economic growth was 4.6%. the foundation was a balanced budget policy ; the execution of expenditures in the twenty-third year approached 100%. this is the best result in recent years. revenues exceeded 29 trillion rubles. an important growth factor is support investments. in the twenty-third year, their volume increased by approximately 10%. this is a record for the last 12 years. at the beginning of the year , 65 agreements on the protection and promotion of investment worth 4 trillion rubles had already been signed. one of the main challenges for the economy last year was inflation. we took the necessary measures and carefully monitored the situation, because the level of real incomes of citizens depends on its dynamics. in particular. prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, and important decisions were made to limit exports petroleum products, work has also been done to saturate the domestic market
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with food. annual inflation, although it was higher than the target values, nevertheless, thanks to interaction with the bank of russia, it was still significantly noticeable. the government successfully managed to stop western attempts to organize a blockade of russian foreign trade. trade turnover with friendly countries increased to $548 billion. eurasian is developing. union, its total gdp grew by 3.8% last year. the most important task was to strengthen the technological sovereignty, production of significant types of high-tech products, microelectronics, smart machine tools, gas turbines; in general, there is an increase in industrial production in almost all areas. at the end of the reporting year , production as a whole grew, you know, by 3.5%, fulfilling even the most daring forecasts, but the main driver, this is also known, was the manufacturing... industry, it added 7.5%, this, by the way, record for the last 10 years. it is critical that the industry's share of gross domestic product increases. according to calculations that... but there were
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made taking into account the peculiarities of price dynamics in different sectors of the economy, this figure is close to 13%. thanks to the support of farmers, the government managed to ensure the country's food security. its level has become the highest in recent decades, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. for the first time in many years, decades, such a result has been achieved. after all, never a country, even if we take the soviet one.
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infrastructure development. over the past year , over 110 million square meters of housing were built. almost 4.5 people improved their living conditions million families. more than 3,100 km of roads have been created and repaired throughout the country. traffic on the highway from moscow to kazan is open. over 6 years, at least 75 airports will be renovated. a quarter of a trillion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. a significant part of the government report was devoted to the social sphere to improve the well-being of citizens. the indexation of pensions and benefits continues, the minimum wage increases at the rate of higher inflation. pensions and benefit payments have been indexed. last year with taking into account the planned, as well as additional indexation carried out a year earlier, they increased insurance pensions by a total of 15%, increasing them for 2024. and consistently, on behalf of the head of state, we are
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also increasing the minimum wage. at a rate that is faster than inflation, it has increased above 18% for the current year. the socio-economic development of new regions has become a current area of ​​government work. the volume of investment in their infrastructure has become unprecedented. more than 18,000 installed objects. the territories of all four regions received the status of a free economic zone. investors who come there are offered benefits and preferences. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for boys and girls, there are no concessions here, our hospital is on...
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i believe in myself that i can still do something, hello , mom, everything is fine, we are working, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching in the application or on the website. it's like he
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foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of a foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and... funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit crimes.


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