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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. and these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property there, invested funds, have do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense.
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this victim turned out to be news from the middle of the hour in short: in the orenburg region , residents of the large village of krasnokholm are being rescued, it is flooded with spring floods, and the water has already flooded more than 900 houses, the ministry of emergency situations employees have taken out over 350 residents. the situation is also difficult in the volga region, in the samara and ulyanovsk regions in mordovia. in central russia , the consequences of a powerful storm are being eliminated. one of moscow and the moscow region experienced the most severe impacts of the elements. two people died and 15 were injured. the wind knocked down fencing trees and damaged the roofs of nine houses. in petropavlovsk-kamchastsky they repelled an attack by mock terrorists. according to the legend of the exercises , the enemy attacked from water and air the port where the ships of the quijocean fleet are located.
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will last when the spring warmth returns, we’ll tell you right after the advertisement. the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. magnet - the price is what you need. i
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help with liver problems, forten essentials are tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a hot rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on appetite anywhere. only dad will shorten it. sausages will help, there is always a moment to relax when greenbelt is working at your dacha, the spark from greenbelt is a universal remedy for sixty types insect pests, especially effective for aphids, green belt works, you have a uniform, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this and like that...
7:34 am
i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s spin and save quickly, open a savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection.
7:35 am
its own sber-business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about customers, comparing performance with competitors, finding the best location for a retail outlet, open an account with sbery, use. with useful services for free forever sberbusiness. european russia is in a bag of cold. the storm cyclone brought real winter frosts back to the region. where will the temperature in the coming days be like january, in which regions will frosts hit when warm spring returns? time for weather news on channel russia 24 and i am evgeny teshkovets. leading specialist of the fobos center. hello. storm cyclone brought winter back to russian plain. the main weather news of the past 24 hours was the first spring storm in central russia. video from moscow. the wind in the capital began to intensify in the morning and by the middle of the day gusts reached maximum values ​​of
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24 m/s. the result is broken trees and metal structures, including in playgrounds. the roofs of the houses were damaged. alas, there were some casualties. a man died when a fencing element fell on him. in a number of other cases caught on camera, it was only by luck that no one was injured. well, this is already northern capital. all possible types of precipitation hit st. petersburg on wednesday. the morning started with freezing rain, then regular rain. during the day there was hail in places, and then heavy snow began to fall. by evening , visibility on the banks of the niva deteriorated. up to 1 km, this is the meteorological criterion for a blizzard, traffic jams of nine points formed on the roads. it is not surprising, given that many motorists in st. petersburg, inspired by the warm march, hastened to change their shoes. the day before yesterday it was 20°, today -3. how to go
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home on summer tires, no idea at all. winter unexpectedly descended on the russian north, snowstorms swept across corilia and the sea. this is what arkhangelsk looked like, for example, visibility 600 m was only -7. on thermometers, the climate norm for the month of february. the cyclones that staged an arctic invasion of the russian plain are quickly losing strength. today the weather in the region will become much less dangerous. almost everywhere precipitation is expected to be light. however, the cold air in the circulation of the vortex will be able to make its way even further into the continent, so that snow can fall all the way to the vologda-bryansk line. against this background, the cooling will reach its peak. it will be fully manifested in the european north. russia, quite winter weather is expected here and even during the day the temperature will be negative, in the rest of the territory the temperature regime will return to the climate of the beginning of april, in the middle zone +5:10, in the south up to +15:20, this is during the day, but at night the air will be
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frosts will return to the mid-latitudes of the russian plain; if in the middle of the week they were observed only in the arctic zone, then by friday they will make their way 100 km to the south, right up to the upper reaches. it’s winter in arkhangelsk until the end of the week, today the snow is no higher than -6, tomorrow the day after tomorrow -2-4, and at night the january cold is -15-16°, only on sunday will the thermometer readings timidly approach zero . in moscow today there will be short-term rain, and wet snow is possible in places. the maximum temperature will not exceed +5°. tomorrow the precipitation will stop and it will become another degree warmer, on saturday in the center of russia. will be at the mercy of another atmospheric front, it will rain again. to fortunately, this frontal section will be warm and may temperatures will return to +14-16 on sunday-monday. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. and
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today we’ll look at the usa. 10 years and 3 billion dollars, this is exactly how much time and money, according to washington estimates, it may take to liquidate one of the largest. accidents in what remained of the bridge over the potapska river in the city of baltimore, it collapsed after the history of modern america, in the image of how a container ship crashed into the supports, temporary channels were organized around the wreckage wires of ships, and the structural elements themselves are planned to be lifted from under the water using special barges. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now economic news mash ministry of development has published gdp data for february. roman, growth accelerated noticeably in february, and below are all the details. russia's gdp growth accelerated in february to 7.7% year-on-year . in january, the figure increased by more than 4.5%. the figures were published in the review of the ministry of economic development on the current situation in the economy. in general, in january-february the gdp growth rate was 6%. industrial production growth at the end of february, it accelerated to 8.5% year on year, which is almost 4% more than in january. the manufacturing industry showed similar dynamics. deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov spoke about her prospects for this entire year in an interview with our tv channel on the sidelines of the state duma. judging by the results of the first three months of production, i think that if
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things change for the better, and interest rates are key, banks will actively issue loans for investments, for working capital to enterprises, i think that show. should be at least 5% of processing this year. russian authorities and novatek are working on the issue of exporting products from the arctic lng2 project. the search for suppliers continues, said energy minister nikolai shulginov. after the introduction of american sanctions against the project, foreign shipowners do not risk providing their gas carriers. therefore, exports from arctic lng-2 never began. let me remind you that the project provides for the construction of three stages for the production of liquefied natural gas . 6.5 million tons per year, each, one of which i earned this year. china,
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saudi arabia and indonesia are against the confiscation of frozen russian assets. representatives of these states privately call on the european union to continue to resist pressure from the united states and great britain. politico writes about this with reference to anonymous sources. the same sources claim that at the moment all plans to seize russian assets and use money to finance ukraine have been relegated to the background. of course, washington and london will not back down just. own budgets are limited. the electorate is dissatisfied with the temptation to take money from someone else's pocket. the issue will therefore be discussed at the g7 finance ministers' meeting next month. at the same time, the voice of reason is heard in the states themselves. thus , professor at columbia university in new york, famous economist jeffrey sachs called attempts to confiscate russian assets an improvisation by officials, and the initiators of this idea themselves clowns. in conclusion. exchange rate dollar today 92 rubles 38 kopecks, euro 99 rubles and 42 kopecks that's all i have. magnet - the price
7:44 am
is what you need. you give me candy. 3299. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on! tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand, it happens, you go to an island, you book, it starts, all inclusive, clouds, breakaway, shoes, offline, start your vacation among millions of hotels and apartments, your vacation starts on the island. let's do this again, and now bastard, there is another idea, of course, let's count
7:45 am
we’ll pay, legal, without a qr code it will take a long time, with vtb online the camera calculates everything itself, well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, magnet, jak wafer candies, 29 .99, magnet, price what. it’s necessary, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because there’s even a megaphone. here the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed picks up a megaphone at bigfest, you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank in a delicious and hunting point, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles.
7:46 am
hunt, come out to win. magnet - price, what you need, servila will help, 1199, you have a form , for baking, for squatting, try it, just like that, so, i liked the trial lesson, but for the kopeyte subscription you have a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and you will save up for 16 % faster, why aren't you in shape yet? we spin the debt, save quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate 16%. vtb. everything will work out together. in the donetsk people's republic, russian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed an air target. the crew of the thor complex prevented an attack on the positions of our troops by shooting down a nationalist drone. anti-aircraft
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systems also intercept missiles that fly towards populated areas. residents affected by the flood are being evacuated from the village of krasnokhol in the marinburg region; more than 350 people have already been evacuated; the water in the river has reached dangerous levels and continues to remain; more than 900 houses are in the flood zone. near khabarovsk fire stations were organized, rescuers were sent to the big pusuri islands to put out fires there, they arose due to the burning of dry grass. palestine has again applied to join the un. russia is in favor of resumption. about a million electric scooters, hoverboards, and segways will appear on the roads of russian cities in the spring, what rules will they follow and what liability is provided for an accident, irina matyushenko will tell you in the instructions in the program. electric scooters
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are entering our lives at full speed, and also new rules are rapidly emerging. what to do if you, a motorist, are literally faced with a personal mobility device, we will tell you in 5 minutes the instructions in the program. let's start with the fact that the responsibility of electric scooters has increased significantly; the general provision of traffic rules defines personal mobility devices as a vehicle with one or more wheels or rollers, intended for the individual movement of a person through use. engine or engines and includes electric scooters, electric skateboards, hoverboards, sigvias, unicycles and other similar devices. the rights and obligations of persons using personal mobility devices for transportation, including taking into account their age, are defined in section 24 of the traffic rules. that is , now a collision between an electric scooter and
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a car by public transport, motorcycles, pedestrians and even other scooters is officially considered a traffic accident. incident and the motorist needs to act accordingly: stop, turn on the emergency alarm, set up a reflective triangle, assess the condition of the victims, provide them with first aid or call an ambulance. simply put, the general procedure is the same as for any other accident. however, there are also specifics. in the case of an electric scooter, you cannot issue a european protocol. individual mobility aids are not insured by osaga. if by scooter. a child, an ambulance is called in any case, even if he has no complaints or visible injuries, after an accident with an adult, if there was no injury damage, you can agree without the traffic police, but be sure to record it on paper and in numbers. it is necessary to take a photograph and video of the circumstances of the accident, then issue a receipt for no claims,
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indicate in it the passport details of the participants in the accident, the car number and details of the electric scooter, and describe the accident separately. a vehicle with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused. in the example you provided, the indicated persons. may be brought to administrative liability under articles 12.29, this is a violation of traffic rules by pedestrians or other persons participating in the traffic process, and 12.30 is
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a violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or other road user, which resulted in interference with the movement of vehicles or causing minor or moderate harm health of the victim. what about compensation? despite the absence of osaga, the civil code provides. responsibility of owners of electric scooters if the scooter refuses to compensate for the damage, the car owner can go to court, it is necessary to collect the maximum amount of evidence, photographs, video recordings from cameras, testimony of witnesses and documents confirming the repair, ideally indicating the causes of breakdowns. a separate case is a rented electric scooter. the owner is again obliged to compensate for the damage. kick-sharing companies have different conditions for insuring the amount of payments to victims. the scooter drivers themselves , of course, don’t have this information, you’ll have to call to find out on your own, it’s better to do before drawing up an accident report. if the driver of the car himself caused
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the accident, insurance payments under osaga are already included. of course, during the analysis , all the circumstances and causes of the traffic accident are always taken into account. in any case, the question of whether the actions of a road user constitute an administrative offense may arise. an accident with an electric scooter is a real accident, and you need to act according to the general procedure, but there are some peculiarities, for example, it will not be possible to issue a european protocol, because that scooters are not insured under osaga, but this does not exempt the sim driver from compensation for damage, unless, of course, he is the culprit of the accident. there are still questions, you want to know how to protect your rights in...
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this is in the zaporozhye region, little is known about the battle, but from those documents that have been preserved, we know that the united army of seven russian princes fought, both on foot and on horseback, many polovtsians killed, including 20 of their leaders. this was the first offensive of russia in the confrontation with the polovtsians. attack, act proactively, and not wait for the next polovitsky raids, vladimir monomakh called, then the grand duke priislavsky and the russian princes won the battle. there was also rich booty left, cattle, horses, camels, after which the russians managed to push the polovtsians deeper into the steppes, forcing them to migrate from the borders of russia. much later,
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when the invasion of khan batey began, the common danger rallied the former enemies; they jointly tried to repel the horde, but they then turned out to be stronger. on april 4, 1920, baron pyotr wrangel became commander-in-chief of the forces of the south of russia, military council of sevastop. chose him instead of general anton denikin, who resigned. a brave commander with combat experience, he really looked at things and realized that after a series of disasters it was necessary not to fight the reds, but at least to save the white army, which then categorically refused to help england further. all the forces of the white army were already in crimea, evrangel understood the vulnerability of the peninsula. the wrangelites repulsed the first attack of the reds, raising morale; to strengthen patriotism, the general even renamed his troops the russian army, but it was too late, he could no longer change the balance of power. denikin actually lost the civil war, and now the reds pulled up reserves and broke into crimea.
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the remnants of the white army, civilians from among the opponents of soviet power, evacuated constantinople. wrangel himself also ended up in exile, first in turkey, then in serbia, then in belgium, and even after wrangel’s death, for many leaders of the white movement, he remained a symbol of their struggle. on april 4, 1961 , us president john kennedy approved the plan operations against cuba. after the victory of the revolution , washington began to view the island of freedom as a source of danger. the zapata operation was prepared in complete secrecy and was led by cia chief alain dalis. the invasion began 2 weeks later. the leader of the cuban revolution, fidel castro, addressed the cubans on the radio and called on them to fight back, introduced martial law, and announced. general mobilization. the cuban air force sank two transport ships and two landing barges with weapons and ammunition, and in just a few days the cubans managed to drive out the invaders.
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us operation in the bay. us or the bay of pigs ended in failure; the us aggression against cuba was condemned by many un countries. demonstrators stormed the american embassy. later it became known that several types of provocations were planned so that the united states would have a reason for direct military intervention in cuba. but the failed operation remained a shameful page in the history of american intelligence services. however, washington finally abandoned the idea of ​​invasion only a year later, after the caribbean crisis. april, 4 in 1973, the two world trade center towers were officially opened in manhattan. an american architect of japanese origin, minoru yamasaki, designed a complex of seven buildings, two of which are twin towers, which became the two dominant features of new york. 110 floors are more than in any other building in the world, and this record was surpassed only by the burjkhalifa tower 37 years later, when the twin towers were already
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at... it happened on september 11, 2001 as a result of the largest terrorist attack in us history. al-qaeda terrorists hijacked a passenger plane the planes sent them straight into the tower. their design could not withstand such influence. the south tower collapsed 56 minutes after the impact. north through 102. then 2,750 people died, including passengers and crew members of the aircraft. the mountain of debris at the crash site continued to burn and smolder for several more months. hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on clearing the territory; in 2014 , a new high-rise building, the freedom tower, opened on this site. then renamed world trade center one, the same height as gemini tower, not taking into account the lard. this is what this day in history was like.
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it’s not childish fun in different parts of russia that the rise of youth banks began to rear its head, belgorod youths having watched enough films.
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what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment , a little bit of glitter under the ice, we took up this matter and carried out our investigation, got used to watching videos, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies... cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
8:00 am
there are dead and injured in moscow , they are eliminating the consequences of bad weather in the central area. in russia, village residents are being evacuated in the orenburg region. the first missiles hit the target immediately. the crew of the thor complex prevented an attack by an enemy drone on our troops. at the initiative of paris, the french defense minister called sergei shaig for the first time in a
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year and a half, which was what the russian told him. and minister. first step. a festival of young professionals in the field of television opens.


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