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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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more than 90 large investment projects are being implemented in the trans-baikal territory, the most promising ones in our material. large-scale anti-terrorist exercises were conducted in kamchatka. let's show how it was. in central russia, the consequences of a powerful storm are being eliminated. wind gusts reached 21 m/s. the main blow fell on the capital region, dozens were killed. bad weather warnings were posted on digital screens. two people became victims of the hurricane that hit the capital, and 15 more were injured. but the regions continue to suffer from big water. in the orenburg region
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, the flood has approached its peak values, the water level in the rivers is rising, in some areas it has already reached critical levels. in the village of krasnokholm, water has already flooded more than 900 houses, an additional group of rescuers, boats and special equipment have been brought to the area, more than 350 people have been evacuated. our special correspondent, maria valieva, is monitoring the situation in the region, and she joins us now. masha, good morning, how are you? what's the situation today? yes, alexandra, hello, we are working in the village krasnokholm, where more than 900 residential areas are flooded, the evacuation of people continues here, it is currently known that 320 people were evacuated, but this figure may increase significantly over time , there are still people in flooded houses, look, a woman is there now, she is scared. my home, but
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unfortunately, i won’t get there, because my wetsuit doesn’t allow me to walk along the passages here, of course, not just along the flooded ones, because under my feet, i feel like there’s ice on me, i’m starting to slide, until still here animals remain in the houses, we saw a goat today, now there is a rescuer working here, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations and concerned citizens, volunteers deliver deliveries to people who are afraid. now to leave their homes, food, water, everything necessary, what people ask for, they keep in touch with each other through social networks, there are groups in various messengers, now, for example, with a volunteer we delivered food to boats to house number nine on shcheglova street, now there is no light in this house, but the owner is in no hurry to leave it, she says that the water has not yet flooded everything too much inside. is with his daughter,
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food is cooked on gas, and at night in the evening, of course, they sit by candlelight, the rescue operation is currently ongoing, today we were sailing on a boat in an all-terrain vehicle by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, evacuating an elderly man, who is over 80 years old, and his daughter , the water has approached the house, it has just begun to enter the house, the children were sent yesterday and... they themselves thought that the water would pass, but it kept getting bigger, the son at krasnoorma 42 refused to evacuate because two women left there, he was the only one left in the house , now he’s worried that he’s there stayed, where at least there is no water to drink in his house, people constantly come up to the volunteers who are sailing on boats along the flooded streets of krasnokholm, asking them to give food, medicine, water to their relatives who
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are still here in the village of krasnokholm introduced state of emergency due to the fact that the black river has overflowed here, a state of emergency has now been introduced in the akbulak region, yesterday we worked in the village of akbulak, the situation there is also sad, the water continues to approach houses, the situation is difficult now in orsk, several people were under water there roads, went under the cart and the bridge over the or river, now. it is reported that the federal highway a305 orenburg elek at 10 km is also partially flooded, traffic police officers are currently on duty there, and this is a difficult situation, also in the village of pogromnye, all the streets there are also flooded, houses are flooded, people are waiting for them to be evacuated. alexandra, thank you, our special correspondent. spoke about
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the flood situation in the orenburg region, it was maria valieva, and the governor gave the most detailed information about the situation in the region in an interview with our tv channel region denis pasler. watch with him after 10:30 minutes moscow time. flooded houses, roads, bridges are a similar picture in many russian regions. in the novosibirsk region , traffic on two roads was limited due to flooding. they actually went under water. the swollen rivers near kaluga flooded more than two hundred garden plots. meanwhile, the voronezh region is also suffering. the hydrological situation is monitored in kurgan, where the tobol river is located daily. rose by 40 cm, boat crossings are being organized in mordovia and residents are being evacuated from dangerous districts to temporary accommodation centers. in transbaikalia, military rescue engineers began blasting ice on rivers, this will avoid congestion and the sinking of several large
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populated areas at once. but in altai, which was one of the first to bear the blow of the elements, the flood began to decline. and now to the situation in the zone. special operations, the russian military has noticeably improved the tactical situation in the southern donetsk direction. artillery and aviation continue to destroy enemy equipment, causing heavy losses and damage to the ssu. advance our the fighters are assisted by the crews of the tor anti-aircraft missile systems. they cover ground units, and also save the lives of civilians by intercepting ukrainian missiles and drones. eduard punigov observed the air defense work. anti-aircraft missile systems. dors of the fifth army from primorye are on duty in the south of the donetsk people's republic, covering army units on the front line, and also intercepting missiles that fly towards peaceful settlements. the main factors are, of course, kamikaze drones, one at a time, they are not so dangerous, but when there are many of them, the threats increase many times, so the crew
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constantly changes its location and hides in the forest belt. in military parlance, this is the so -called garage. they are constantly changed so that the air defense installation is not detected by enemy aerial reconnaissance. the vehicle takes a combat position, the commander operator simultaneously launches the target detection system, turn on the beta search, it’s coming, this is a circular rotation of the target detection station, it only takes a few minutes to deploy all the necessary equipment, the gun commander shows our workplace, everything is already familiar, we literally feel like we are at home, everything is fine, marks on targets are recorded on this monitor, a couple of minutes here is the first potential... we have taken on a target for tracking, here is its form, what we observe, its azimut 85, range 20, altitude 800, speed 12, now we will clarify it, now we are making a report on the target, if it is an enemy, we will work it out, the crew always double-checks the information so as
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not to mistakenly strike a friendly target, enemy, enemy of the aircraft like, destroy the target. the missile takes off at great speed, after a couple of moments the target is hit, the crew sees everything that is happening on the thermal imaging screen. orion, orion, the target is destroyed, the cost is one, the cost is one, as accepted, yes, accepted, readiness number three, air defense crews, vostok groups are on duty around the clock, tors capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 32 km, unmanned aerial vehicles, airplanes, helicopters or missiles, recently shot down by anti-aircraft gunners. went, went, went, there, hit, a repeater is such a thing, it flies into the river at 10 km, they put rentranslator, it is already flying 20 km, a total of 30 km there, it turns out that they were a nightmare for our artillery, but we worked it out, everything left, on the body of this torus there are traces of
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shell fragments that flew in response, mainly unmanned aerial vehicles, valkyrie , fury, leleka, now they have new ones, many very different modifications, mostly... all some foreign analogues, matte ones? yes, usa, britain. driver mechanic tora with the call sign aist, originally from the khabarovsk territory. he has been serving in the army under contract for approximately 13 years. for your he looks after the car every day and regularly carries out maintenance so that it doesn’t fail at the right time. the principle is that after combat work, especially if a launch has occurred, it is better to quickly change location. sometimes you have to drown it. the crew successfully returned to the shelter, and the soldiers had rare moments of rest. but even in their leisure time, they are always in full combat readiness; a command to attack can come at any minute. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in st. petersburg over the past week and a half, significantly the number of people willing to do military
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service under contract has increased. in the city during this time alone, almost 500 people entered into agreements with the ministry of defense. many have already begun training at training centers in training centers. and at the beginning of the year ... due to the constant shelling of belgorod , the terrorist in the city circle could not stay away, he decided to go help, the situation in belgorod, the surrounding areas, sitikhov’s croco, this is all without a single chain, so naturally it all needs to be stopped, defense minister sergei shaigu warned his french colleague sebastian lacarnu. that sending troops to ukraine will create problems for paris itself. the minister stated this during a telephone
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conversation. it took place on the initiative of the french side and was held for the first time since october 2022. shaigu also emphasized: russia will bring the investigation into the terrorist attacks in crocus to the end. according to current information, there is a ukrainian trace in the organization of the crime. lekarnu, in turn , insisted that the kiev regime and the west were not involved in this brutal attack. and he tried to shift responsibility to the forbidden. russian isis expressed condolences and said that paris is ready to cooperate with moscow in the fight against terrorism. kiev's sponsors are concerned that a russian offensive could break through ukrainian defenses, bloomberg writes , citing sources. according to their calculations, our troops fire significantly more shells than the ukrainian armed forces. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what they are going to do in such conditions in the west. us house of representatives.
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the us government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting an undeclared war against russia. during all this time, no one really
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explained the purpose of this war. we sent at least $75 billion to the ukrainian government to fight on our behalf as a proxy force, but it didn't work. russia is a much larger country, it has 100 million more people and more industrial capacity. ukraine cannot win, and the whole world understands this. however, in the west they are far from realizing it. from this objective of the operation in this area, we will continue to defend the position of hungary, which
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does not supply weapons and does not send soldiers to participate in this conflict. the brazilian authorities rejected calls from the west to supply shells to ukraine, reports bloomberg. negotiations between japan and great britain on this issue have also reached a dead end. the publication states that moscow is ahead of ukraine's allies in the race for ammunition. more. one of the high-ranking officers of the armed forces of ukraine admitted to the publication of a politician. in the conditions of 2024, these
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aircraft are not relevant. the russian military is already calculating the optimal placement of anti-aircraft systems to destroy fighter jets. a this means the air defense will be ready for a meeting with the f-16. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. slovak prime minister robert fitso criticized the ambassadors of the eu countries. they refused to participate in the flower-laying ceremony in honor of the red army soldiers. laying flowers at the slaven monument is the least we can do to remember the suffering that fascism caused. we invited all the ambassadors of the countries of the european union and former allies of the former soviet union, and of course, the ambassadors
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of russia, belarus and ukraine. it's shocking but the ambassadors justify their absence from the official flower-laying ceremony. which takes into account the participation, i emphasize, the natural participation of the russian and belarusian ambassadors, i’d better not comment on this, now let’s take a break for advertising, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this thursday, the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it based on support. experts are striving further to get more, we have something to offer them, bks, the world of investments, it ’s not necessary like that, it’s necessary like this, like that, like that, clearly, i realized, like this at the megamarket, sportswear and shoes with cashback up to 40%. for products um freshness we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, m
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on the author, this is the ivanovs, the average russian family throws away 664 plastic bottles per year, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things a new life, from a dream to a home, one click home. we continue the broadcast: banks will write off the loans of their relatives who died in the crocus until april 15, and there is no need to submit an application, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov announced this. he noted that the government of the moscow region is always ready to respond to any problems that may arise for
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victims of the tragedy. the day before, andrei vorobyov met with the family of one of killed in the terrorist attack. our task is to materially close the issue. we know that your family in particular has two mortgages. thanks to sberbank and domf. you always hesitate a little, because it is impossible to replace our loved ones, but we also know that life is such a thing, that it is important that you know that you have us, the russian economy in february accelerated its growth rate to 7.7% per year ... thus , our country’s gdp continues the trend confidently set last year, which is exactly what was mentioned in the report on the government’s work for the past twenty years
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prime minister mikhail mishustin told the third state duma deputies; the heads of relevant departments later explained what potential the country has to achieve its goals and commented on achievements in various sectors. maria filippova has all the details, she will join me. good morning. tell me, what? they talk about the main drivers, what are they? sasha, this is, of course, housing construction and production. the russian government is coping with difficulties that other countries in the modern world have not yet encountered. state duma deputies assessed the work of the cabinet of ministers after the annual report of prime minister mikhail mishustin. in short, russia has become stronger, despite covid and sanctions. the best result of recent years, noted mikhail mishustin, showed close execution of budget expenditures. to 100%. timely financing made it possible to launch priority projects faster. revenues exceeded 29 trillion rubles, which is almost 5% higher than the previous year. and
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this also helped to fulfill social obligations. in addition, the rise in prices oil and the price situation in general contributes to the active replenishment of the national welfare fund of russia. on the sidelines of the state duma, the minister of finance, anton silanov, told us about the expected revenues this year. we define. at the same time, as the prime minister emphasized, the russian economy is becoming less dependent on foreign exports. last year, non- oil and gas sector revenues increased by a quarter. as for
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petroleum products, much attention is paid to the domestic market and the situation there stable. today we are working to ensure that , together with enterprises , the full utilization of non-permanent plants is ensured, the situation is stable, and petroleum products are exported both to the domestic market and for... export, the market is fully supplied with both motor gasoline and diesel fuel, and we are now experiencing the period of planned repairs of processing plants, so today we , at headquarters, together with the ministry of energy and the federal antimonopoly service, are paying special attention to ensuring that the market is secured. on the market housing record in 2023, more than 110 million square m2 were built; so much has never been built in russia. the construction industry is one of the drivers of the country's development. as a result, housing conditions ... we have good results, over the past
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year the construction industry has grown by almost 9%, since the twentieth year, during the period of government work, we have had a 27% increase in the construction industry, we have not fallen in a single year during a pandemic , not from the beginning, that is, construction was very active, it worked out. these results were obtained because we very strongly support the development of housing construction, we have commissioned 110 million square meters, this is the largest commissioning in the entire history of the country. production development turned out to be higher than forecast, with an increase of 3.5%. the main driver is the manufacturing industry, which added 7.5%. here mechanical engineering rose above the rest, plus 21%. and this year, the ministry of industry and trade is confident that the numbers will continue to grow rapidly. judging by the results of the first months in the manufacturing industry, i think that even more so will change. loans for investments,
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for working capital for enterprises, i think that the figure should be at least 5% for processing this year. russian products, despite the efforts of the west, remain in demand on the world market. fall in goods...
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russia was exempted from paying value added tax on the sale of tours until june 30, 2027. the construction of hotels is available on preferential loans; thanks to the corresponding program, more than 20,000 new rooms will appear. last week , the results of a large selection of projects in the tourism sector were summed up, almost a trillion rubles, 900 billion. we supported investments only in this selection, these are very good
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investment projects, something that will really allow. saturate our economy with the services that our citizens need, yes, these are hotels, ski resorts, water parks, and so on and so forth. in general, deputies note, successful communication helps achieve solutions to problems, for example, effective interaction between the state duma and the government when drawing up laws. procedures are now faster. more than 100 amendments were prepared by the government last year and taken into account by the state duma when adopted. laws, but the main thing , it seems to me, is that this is not a quantitative indicator, and we also talked about this today, but a qualitative one, but on the one hand , the speed has increased greatly, and if we take it from previous years, then ours compared to last year there, let’s say, the number of transfers has decreased by half, the number of transfers or non-compliances under the by-laws has decreased by three times. results 2023 will become the foundation for completing tasks for
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this year, including them, mikhail summarized. currently, more than 90 large investment projects are being implemented, and 27,000 jobs are being created at new enterprises. the governor of the region, alexander osipov, announced this to vladimir putin at a working meeting via videoconference. vera moroz will talk about the most promising investment projects. the largest copper deposit in russia is in transbaikal udakan. according to metallurgists' forecasts, 150,000 tons per year can be mined within 70 years. now
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company. is preparing to launch a hydrometallurgical plant. since transbaikalia entered the far eastern federal district, the region has seen a continuous increase in investment, noted the region’s governor , alexander osipov, at a working meeting via videoconference with vladimir putin. the volume of capital investments is growing, it is so solid, significantly higher than the national average, and this - and this gives reason to believe that new jobs will appear, the level of wages will be higher. keep on on on the required level there will be new jobs to be created, this is the most important thing, you managed to create an investment-attractive investment-attractive economy in the region. over 5 years, 16 thousand jobs, this is the fifth place in the country. more than 90 large investment projects are currently being implemented in the region.


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