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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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governor of the region alexander osipov noted at a working meeting via videoconference with vladimir putin that the volume of capital investments is growing, it is so solid, much higher than the national average, and this gives reason to believe that there will be jobs.
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particular importance is paid to the extraction and processing of natural resources, noted alexander osipov. this year , we hope, we are trying to introduce the kultuminsky multicomponent deposit, it is also very significant in scale, a number of other large deposits, but in addition mining, we are already building, we are starting to build a large number of transport and logistics warehouses, road facilities, transport facilities, primarily related to our trade from china. in march , the first two trains with barley were sent to china from the trans-baikal grain terminal; the parties plan to increase supply volumes monthly. this year, it is planned to allocate limits for the development of agriculture in the region in the amount of almost one billion rubles, 850 million, of which funds from the federal budget. actively small and medium-sized enterprises are developing, in the last 5 years more than 3,000 of them have appeared in the region and this is the ninth place in...
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the governor of transbaikalia emphasized. new enterprises are now creating 27,000 jobs. we are building three industrial parks to actively develop industry. this year we are building one park for small and medium-sized businesses with the support of the minovostok development ministry. and two parks for the construction industry and agro-industrial industry. in the twenty-fifth and twenty- sixth year we introduce investments in them investors will amount to more than 20 billion rubles. there are already all these investors. we try to carry out all our work on a systematic basis. in 2023, the trans-baikal territory entered the top 10 regions of russia in terms of growth in investment in fixed capital, an increase of 30%. the region's income is also growing; over the past 5 years, the budget has grown by 2.5 times; the region's own income has grown from 40 to 92 billion rubles, the governor of the region noted, and this is one of the highest figures in the country. vera moroz, elizaveta morskaya and elena fedotova, vesti.
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100 years ago and kolya gerasimov will expel us, she wants to go back to the past, i understand, you miss your mom, believe me too, i’m going to grind her out, he dreams of the future, attention, invasion. yes, he left me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies are in our hands, in the present, a movie hit, oh, how i like the way it sounds, 100 years ago, forward, everything will be okay, believe me, ah... and
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soon, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i had a complete shock, of course i i was just dumbfounded, all the great artists there are fakes, wait a minute. wait a minute, not a single painting can be said to be a rogue, because these paintings have never undergone any examination, my husband and i made a will in favor of russia, that’s the conversation. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. in moscow 9:35 onwards, briefly about the main thing. a powerful cold front has hit central russia. to the capital region a stormy wind with rain and icy precipitation struck. gusts tore off roofs and siding from houses and collapsed. despite all the people, 15 more were injured. measures taken in the regions resulted in two victims of the disaster ; floods in the novosibirsk region are gaining in strength and have closed passage on two roads. in orenburg, several
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hundred residents were taken out of dangerous zones. they are evacuating and organizing transportation to mordovia. reversible traffic was introduced on the highway between ulyanovsk and kazan. in the kaluga region, water... cut off the path to the railway station for residents sat down. large-scale anti-terrorism exercises took place in kamchatka; according to legend, the enemy attacked the port from the water where the ships of the pacific fleet were located. the attack was successfully repelled. based on the results of the maneuvers , for maximum effective protection, it was decided to create a joint control center. palestine has again applied for un membership. russia is for the resumption of this process - reported. polyansky. palestine's request was also supported by the first deputy permanent representative of our country, dmitry , of the arab group and the organization of islamic cooperation. new a magnitude 6 earthquake occurred in northeastern japan. according to seismologists, underground debris was felt in 19
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prefectures. there is no information about casualties or damage yet. and emergency services in taiwan updated data on the victims of the earthquake that occurred on... dozens of buildings were destroyed and bridges were destroyed, powerful landslides descended from the mountain, so a huge stone fell directly on the roof of a car. more than 300 tremors were recorded in the region, the most powerful of magnitude 7.7 was a record for the island over the past 25 years. in khabarovsk the fire season has begun in the region for a week. earlier than usual, a special regime was introduced in five regions, rescue teams are transferring a large usturian cable to the islands, there are two large outbreaks there at once that arose from the fuse of the grass. kirill rogachev has all the details.
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flaming tongues blackened the island fields, the fire consumed almost 10,000 linear meters in the territory of bolshoy usuriysk. local residents are already somehow arriving on the ice. uh along the road, which do not yet exist, is already beginning to restore order to their plots, and therefore they burn the grass, ignoring information about the introduction of a special fire regime. it was decided to send a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations to the site to extinguish the fire. the helicopter carries from the truck everything necessary for permanent residence, from electric generators to a barrel of gasoline. it all depends on the scale of the fire itself and on the presence of wind, that is, the greater the wind, the larger the area. groups in addition to the large usuri plan to be on duty on other left-bank islands, the full mi eight will rise in a moment the khabarovsk sky and going to the island of the bolshoy usuriysky route will literally take half an hour; on-site rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations will set up a fire-fighting post. this year, the fire season began
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a week earlier than usual. red spots on the monitor of the emergency situations center. there are currently three such thermal points. the greatest is exactly where the board with rescue and equipment was sent. there we organized interaction. navigation, when gardeners begin to put their plots in order, in fact, the rescuers’ watch will stretch until the end of the dacha season transportation kirill rogachev, vladislav boyko, lead khabarovsk. in the european part of the country, they continue to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. a state of emergency has been introduced in petrozavodsk due to extreme snowfall. in
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the central part of russia, dozens of settlements were left without electricity due to strong winds. we'll talk more about this with our meteorologist ekaterina gregorova, she's joining me. katya, good morning. of course, but extreme weather is expected in the near future, there is no such wind as yesterday it will be cold and even frost will get even worse. over the past 24 hours, 23 mm of precipitation fell in petrozavodsk. the snow cover has increased. from 16 to 32 cm, at first it was pouring rain, then it started snowing, and visibility at times did not exceed 500 m. the roads were jammed with traffic jams, cars were slipping even on small inclines, it was not possible to leave the yards, the city authorities asked drivers today to abandon if possible use of personal transport. a free attendance regime has been declared in kindergartens and schools. yesterday in st. petersburg it contained rain, thunderstorms, and snow pellets. snowfall, ending similar to petrozavodsk, transport collapse, ten-wheel traffic jams. the situation was complicated
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by the fact that many drivers had already changed their tires to summer ones; some motorists had to push their cars on inclines in order to move. an impressive video of yesterday’s storm in the center of the country continues to appear on social networks; in khimki near moscow, the wind of a gale force tore off and threw light tents installed on the embankment into the water. the truck driver suffered an unusual injury. it started to blow, the wind slammed the door sharply. van and from a strong blow the man fell unconscious. luckily, despite the shocking footage, there were no serious consequences. the man in the next video also suffered minor bruises. let me remind you that moscow authorities reported two dead and fifteen injured as a result of the storm. so, a series of cyclones follow in the north of our country. the atmospheric vortex managed to push the anticyclones to the south, which allows the arctic cold to penetrate deep into the continent. the same. cyclone, which is still at the beginning of the week brought summer to the russian plain, now it has brought real winter, and today
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the relative position of atmospheric objects will contribute to the fact that cold air will penetrate to the south along the shortest route. it was a cold morning in the west of the country today, and tomorrow it will be even colder. in the arkhangelsk region the frost will get stronger to 15-20°. in kariliya, thermometers will also tend to -15. in the leningrad, novgorod, vologda regions tomorrow morning - frosts will even reach the bryansk and oryol regions. there will be a cold snap strong, but look at how the temperature is distributed over europe. a new atlantic cyclone is approaching, and with it warmer air will come to the russian plain. in petrozavodsk today even during the day -5, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, tomorrow night the temperature will drop to -16, during the day with partly cloudy -4. on saturday there will be more clouds, it will snow, but warming will begin, at night -4, during the day +1, on sunday during the day +4, on
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monday in the morning +3, during the day +6, light rain, in moscow today it is cloudy, intermittent rain, in places he can turn into wet snow, the temperature at the height of the day will not exceed +5°, the next night frosts will drop to -1, on friday the maximum temperature will be +7°, no precipitation is expected, on saturday night it will be around zero, during the day it will be warmer up to +10, and then the abnormal heat will return on sunday around +16, at the beginning of next week +19 + 20, these are such good forecasts for the next week, sometimes you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream of something beautiful, but you get something completely wrong. but it happens that you are just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best one. alfa bank,
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has again applied for full membership in the un. russia is for the resumption of this process , said the first deputy representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. the request was also supported by the countries of the arab group and the organization of islamic cooperation. the united states has placed secret military bases in the disputed esequiba region. nicolas maduro stated this. according to him, the territory that venezuela considers its own is now a secret. guyana is not ruled by its president, but
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by the us southern command, the cia, they are preparing aggression against the population in the south and east of venezuela. we must always be prepared to defend territorial integrity. large-scale anti-terrorist exercises were conducted in kamchatka. according to legend, the mock enemy attacked the port of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky immediately from the water from the air. marine drones also entered. they were sent to the base of the pacific fleet. the attack was repelled by the crews of six ships along with the fsb coast guard. the sappers also completed their task. the aircraft dropped a simulated bomb, which did not go off, and it had to be neutralized. and the ground services of the airfield, together with the ministry of emergency situations, dealt with the fire near the aircraft parking lot and prevented a fuel fire from spilling. based on the results of the exercise
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, it was decided to create a joint control center to protect the port as effectively as possible. and now let's talk about sports. nikita kucherov beat. a performance record for russian players in the nhl; in the russian football cup , zenit won a strong-willed victory over spartak, and two-time olympic champion in wrestling abdulrashid sadullaev will not be able to compete olympics in paris. alexander abramov joins me, we will learn all the details from him. sash, good morning. tell us about nikita kucherov's record. sash, good morning, kucherov already has 130 points this season using the goal plus pass system, this is a russian record and a record for the entire existence of the tampay club. so, the striker there, nikita kucherov, updated his own record and once again went down in history. last night, kucherov updated the nhl season scoring record for russian players. in a winning game against. toronto kucherov provided three assists and thus, the striker has already scored 130 points this season using the goal plus pass system. kucherov set the previous record for soviet and russian players 5 years ago. then he
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scored 128 points. also, 130 points in the regular season is a club record for the entire existence of the tampa bay club. until the end of the regular season in the nhl, tampa will play seven more matches, so with each new point earned, the record will be updated. magnitogorsk. metallurg started the semi-final of the gagarin cup against motorist with a victory, it turned out to be ineffective a match in which everything was decided by a successful rebound. in the middle of the second period, the puck entered the goal from the skate of motorist defender nikita tryamkin. there are no own goals in hockey, so this puck was credited to magnitogorsk striker alexander petunin, who made this cross. the score was 1:0 in favor of metalluga until the end of the third period, when pavel okoldin scored into an empty net (2:0), after which the motorist still scored one puck.
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two-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling abdulrashid sadullayev at the olympics in will not be able to perform in paris. the international olympic committee did not allow the russian to participate in the qualifying tournament for the olympics. the tournament will begin tomorrow in baku. thus , abdul-rashid sadullayev has no chance of getting to the games in paris. as a result of yesterday's matches of the russian football cup, lokomotiv was eliminated from the tournament on the regional route, and zenit and cska achieved victories in the first semi-final matches on the rpl route. danila makhalin attended the spartak-zenit match. despite the lack of results, the lackluster performance in recent matches and, as a consequence, frequent conversation about a possible next change of coach, spartak fans. they still go to the stadium in large numbers. worse weather is not a hindrance: rain, wind, almost 30 thousand gathered in the stands of the lukoel arena on a weekday evening. still, our rivals are the winner
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of the last five seasons in the russian championship, st. petersburg zenit. spartak coach guilherma abascal is usually emotional, sits on the bench, doesn’t even think, the team picks up his charge and attacks the entire first.
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i think he hasn't adapted yet completely, well, he has not yet shown his full maximum potential, i think that today’s, i hope that today’s game is the first step towards his dawn. meanwhile, in another rpl cup semi-final between kaliningrad baltika and cska, cheliets davilo scored in a fall over himself and off the crossbar. for the army team, the goal was the winning one, and the match ended 1:0. ural won with the same score.
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the former president of the spanish football federation, luis rubialles, was released from custody, let me remind you that he was detained after returning to spain from the dominican republic. according to the spanish press, ryubyalitsa was notified of the charges against him while he is free awaiting summons to court. the former head of spanish football is accused of entering into illegal contracts in his position over the past 5 years. it is assumed that the investigation has nothing to do with the scandalous episode in august last year, when luis rubilis kissed a football player at the awards ceremony after spain's victorious final of the women's world cup. after this incident, the official was suspended from football for 3 years. fans of the polish football club zaglebie beat the head coach of the belarusian team, alexander khatskevich. polish media reported this, however, khatskevich’s agent denies the fact of the beating. they write that a group of radical polish fans broke into the training base, resulting in
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injuries. fifty-year-old belarusian specialist. most likely, khatskevich will now leave the club, which ranks last in the second strongest division of the polish championship. sasha, sports, that’s all for now, see you later tomorrow. thank you, it was alexander abramov and sports news. in moscow, at the russia forum exhibition, a festival of young specialists in the field of television and radio broadcasting is being held - the first step. participants can interact with industry experts. also the first step includes. itself a competitive program for undergraduate and graduate students of specialized universities. on the sidelines of the festival, people are primarily looking for technical solutions in the field of telecommunications. the organizers were the national association of television and radio broadcasters , the country's key media holdings, including the largest vgtrk. in karachay cherkessia , the extraction of mineral water has been taken to a new level. an automated line helped with this, on which not only the drink is bottled, but also
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the containers are produced. you can release it in a day. half a million bottles, this supply is fully justified by demand. russian mineral water appeared not only on shelves in the cis countries, but also in foreign countries. bulat shakiev will tell you all the details. the main source of mineral water is those snow caps and glaciers of the caucasus mountains. they are the ones who nourish rivers, including underground ones, from which water is extracted on an industrial scale using wells. there are a lot of them here in the vicinity of the village of arkhys. belongs to one of the largest mineral water production companies in russia, the finished volume is more than 200 million liters. from making containers to bottling water, everything happens on one line. this is our new product, it was installed in the twenty -fourth year, the line is fully automated and produces 25,000 bottles per hour, which is almost half a million bottles per day. and how many people serves the line? this line is serviced by
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four people, so the workshop. works around the clock, a robot also does the packaging, replaces about 35 people, serious savings, but the main thing is the elimination of the human factor, only sterile mechanisms interact with water at the plant, this allows you to keep its composition in its original form, and scientists and specialists say that the composition so balanced that it is generally very useful for the human body, it is absorbed by 75%, assure the company’s specialists, so that remained... and then the products are constantly checked during sampling at the well, on the line and already bottled. finished products are sent for storage to a warehouse with an area of ​​6,000 m2. there can be more than 5 million bottles here at a time, but don’t worry, they will stagnate, no one will give you mineral water here, everything you see will be delivered in less than a week. the water will go to store shelves, but it is unlikely
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to stay there for long either; this market has become special. after the departure of competitors, a free niche quickly local producers began to occupy. according to the state honest marking system, our republic took first place among all subjects of the russian federation in the production of mineral water in 2023. now, in order to feel the taste of real mineral water, you don’t have to travel thousands of kilometers and come here to the caucasus, just go to any store in our country, there will probably be water extracted here... circassia, the same applies to residents of the cis countries, from some since then, exports have been established to china, to the united united arab emirates. vashakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestikov, news from korachaev, circassian republic.
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it’s 10 in moscow, we continue the morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour.


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