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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 11:30am-11:59am MSK

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the country is a new country, russia was just being created, there was inflation of 100% per month, my salary was 15 dollars, you can’t count it in rubles, it was there that zeros were attributed, attributed, then everything fell apart, all the employees left for america, europe, i stayed with graduate students, at that time i received a call from viktor antonovich, they did not yet know each other personally, but vsevolad arsenievich had heard a lot about professor sadovnichy before. his name is respected in russian and international scientific circles. he told me: a month ago i was elected rector. i think that through i might be fired in a couple of years because many people are unhappy with me, but i want to do something important for the university. and the most important thing, i think, is to return medical education to the walls of moscow university. the main university in russia according to mikhailo’s plan. manosov
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began with three faculties, philosophical, legal and medical, the latter was removed from moscow state university at the beginning of the 20th century, now it is sechenov university. from then until the beginning of the nineties, the country’s classical higher education institutions did not prepare doctors. i received the support of two outstanding academicians, biologists, ashmarin and severin, they supported me very much, they said: “well, you take a risk, but try.” when i signed the order, one of the first, everyone got on me , how dare he, what is he coming up with, breaking the system, including the minister of health at that time, i stood my ground that i was right, time will tell, we are in the culture room is a room that allows...
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the analysis of protein mixtures for nucleic acid analysis. in the next room work with preparations for microscopic studies, she says, she is a biochemist, graduated from the faculty of fundamental medicine and is a graduate student.
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still being created, he left me in russia, the so -called brain drain abroad, lack of funding and clear prospects, meager salaries, privatization hanging like a sword of domocles over universities and other problems... overwhelmed the country's higher education immediately after the collapse of the ussr. this period of struggle, it left such a mark that all the memories are vivid, as if they happened yesterday. it was in those years that russian rectors, at the instigation of sadovnichy, united into a union to jointly defend the interests of science and education. viktor antonovich is the permanent president of this organization, and viktor egorovich romanov was vice-president. headed
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the st. petersburg state university of technology and design. we changed premieres quite often during this period. after gaidar, there started to be one or two, some better, some worse, some, so to speak, somehow attentive to the universities, to our requests, some not. rectors did not give up, knocked on all possible thresholds, asked, proved and solved complex problems related to equipping universities, financing, and forms of education. with every minister. met with everyone, there were more of them than prime ministers, about six or seven people, probably during this period, everyone was told that please do not make decisions without the consent of the union of rectors of russia, they are still the same now, decades later gather, hold advice, discuss, think about how it will be better, but not for them, higher education, students in the end in the end to the country, colleagues, but...
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you know, with age there is such a feeling that a friend is someone who has never betrayed you, understood you and you went through difficult times with him, and he was there, i have this feeling towards to the rector of the first wave, these are those who survived in the nineties, maintaining the education system, here we are , we are still like family when we meet, here we are...
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to somehow eat or cook, thus, here is love for the land , cultivation, this land, this has been for me since childhood. already teenagers , he persuaded three friends to sit down together stowaways on the train and set off for the big life. we decided to go to the first mine,
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we’ll see terikon, we get out, let’s go get a job while we can. at first he worked in the face at the komsomolets coal mine, he was very good, having received a certificate, he sent documents to the belarusian agricultural academy, but at the last moment he changed his mind in favor of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of moscow state university, my roommates gave me a send-off, when i entered, they first gave me a suit, which i didn’t take it, i was afraid, and then
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one of them took off the victory watch from kuibyshev factory, he says, take mine, i took them, they suited me, i was already a professor, he admits that the first year of study was not easy, the course was strong, olympiad winners and excellent students, i had to study a lot in order to keep up, i mean until ten library, after 10 to 12 in the classroom, hiding behind a chair there, i solved problems on motor analysis, on which i later wrote books myself, a textbook, then i taught everything. well, indeed , after the first year i flew, i was an excellent student, first everywhere, candidate, doctoral academy, i was already the youngest university professor. in those years , the space industry was developing rapidly. the soviet
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union was the first in the world to successfully launch an artificial earth satellite. and a little later he opened the era of the saw. i simply told him: viktor antonovich, i need to create weightlessness on the ground, and so this dynamic maneuvering program appeared. it is impossible to create weightlessness on earth, so they discussed the most plausible imitation; a squad of astronauts needed
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such a simulator. i created a group, there we have there were five or six people, and they began to think about how to do this. and then there is the question of mathematics. our main principle is to create. turning the console into a situation where there was overload, chest-back, and this was close to simulating weightlessness, then it was necessary to deal with the blood, it was necessary to squeeze it out.
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this is a whole flotilla, tatyana one and tatyana two, vernov, nucleon, the largest of the museum exhibits presented here - the clematis satellite. by the way, you know that the companion of the clematis, well, after all, he is such a peculiar child, but he entrusted him to fly on the first rocket from vostochny, this is also worth a lot. in 2017, moscow state university created the faculty of space research, one of several dozen areas open to gardening.
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i was struck by the following, you see, the view from the country, how much he could, having his own rather
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firm and definite guidelines in life, yes, find a common language with the people on whom the implementation of these lines depended, i believe that this is completely his main feature is expressed in a concentrated manner; it is not even the mind. this was difficult to accept at the university and was not exactly what you need. the next round of development of the university and its strategic
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foundation for the future is associated with the technological valley. when asked whether it is correct to compare it with a science park, he answers. it’s the same way you can compare a hunter’s hut, yes, this park and a skyscraper, somewhere in abu dhabi. this is the path the university has taken.
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adopted, according to the rector’s idea, msu will become an effective link between the university’s science and the country’s advanced technologies. students will be able not only to carry out developments in suitable conditions, but to immediately communicate with investors, customers, partners. i am a marine systems explorer, graduated from the department of geoacoustics of moscow state university, we use acoustic waves to explore the earth’s crust of the seas of the oceans, below the surface of the bottom, that is... our planet, its upper part, is structured directly in the sea. andrey potemka has been going on marine scientific expeditions since his student years; this is his first hobby, his second is developing technologies for his own research. before us is a fragment of the seventh-custic complex; in fact , the heart of the complex is the synchronizing a device that allows you
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to control all sources and receiving lines on a ship at one point, says that they started... with a startup and a small grant from the ministry of education and science, and recently their complex received departmental recognition and became a laureate of an international development competition for the development of the arctic. before the advent of such devices and this particular device, often different methods of seismic reconnaissance were carried out in separate passages of the ship or from separate ships, and a similar history made it possible to combine everything on one ship, thereby by increasing the information content of the received data, well... more efficiently use the ship's time and people's equipment resources. students, graduate students, researchers and graduates of moscow university are working on the technology. their team - explains andrey, a resident of the clematis innovation cluster in the technological valley. moscow university, in principle, is expanding its activities far beyond the limits of just scientific
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and academic activities. generally speaking, it makes it possible to develop, to bring developments to... technological industries, well, ours engineering school, it is mainly focused on health conservation and concerns both new pharmaceuticals, diagnostic systems, new technologies in the agricultural industry, and, in general, our nutrition. now a new educational
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standard is being developed, a program for training specialists, fundamental engineering, which is also...
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this is his human quality, very rare, and he is still in such super-mature years, he is still the leader of moscow university, the leader of the university,
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not only the rector, not only the boss, he is the leader of this university. robert iskandyrovich nigmatulin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician, professor, they have known viktor antonovich since their student years and studied at the same faculty, mechanics and mathematics. this is talent, this is great talent, there are such geniuses who...
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millions of readers have visited, but they don’t look into this hall often. department of rare books and manuscripts: 500,000 items. the
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earliest manuscript in our collection was found miraculously, this is a fragment of the georgian manuscript vi century, which fell out of a 19th-century manuscript brought by an archaeographic expedition from the old believers of the kirov region. how did this fragment end up being included in the manuscript in the church slavonic language?
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on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of moscow state university, work with colleagues to update the corporate identity of the university. i immediately thought that this restyling should not be related to, let’s remove everything old and build something new, i wanted to rely specifically on some things of the tradition that moscow state university operates. so it was decided to change the typographical font of moscow state university for printing scientific publications university printing department. the option we finally settled on refers to the
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style of type 18. of the imperial moscow university. the corporate style of moscow state university is based on this font, which we took and used as the basis for the new branding. the new font is still in work, but it is already being used in the design of the lomanosov moscow state university website. they print posters with announcements of university events. in fact, immediately after viktor sadovnichy was elected rector of lomanosov moscow state university, he introduced a cultural tradition. once upon a time there were three of us, his holiness patriarch of moscow of all russia alexey, sviridov and i, and sviridov said.
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several russian regions at once, a difficult situation according to the ministry of emergency situations in 34 constituent entities in the orenburg region, in the village of krasnokholm more than 900 houses were flooded, an additional group of rescuers, boats and special equipment are working in the area, more than 350 people were evacuated. details in the report.


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