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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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and i certainly really appreciate the dedication of alumni to my university.
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several russian regions are experiencing peak floods. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the situation is difficult in thirty-four regions. in the orenburg region, in the village of krasnokholm, more than 900 houses were flooded. an additional group of rescuers, boats and special equipment are working in the area. more than 350 people were evacuated. details in the report by maria valieva. we work in the village of krasnokholm, where more than 100,000 are flooded. 900 adjacent areas, evacuation of people continues here, it is known at the moment, that 320 people were evacuated, but this figure may increase significantly over time, people still remain in flooded houses, animals still remain in houses here, now rescuers are working here, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations and concerned citizens, volunteers deliver to people who are afraid now... to leave their
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homes, food, water, everything they need, what people are asking for, the water has come to the house, it has just started to enter the house, they sent the children yesterday, but they themselves thought the water would pass, but it still more more, krasnoorma 42 refused to refuse, because two women left there, he was left alone in the house, now he’s worried that he ’s left there, i should be there, he doesn’t have any water to drink in the house at all, he’s constantly visiting volunteers who... swim on boats along the flooded streets of krasnokholm, people come up and ask to give food, medicine, water to their relatives who are still here, in the village of krasnokholm, a state of emergency has been introduced due to the fact that the black river has overflowed here, a state of emergency has now been introduced in okbulaksky district, yesterday we worked in the village of akbulak, the situation there is also sad, the water continues to approach the houses, it’s not easy now...
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houses, roads and bridges, a similar picture in many russian regions in the novosibirsk region, due to the flood, traffic on two roads was limited, they actually went under water, overflowing rivers near kaluga flooded more than two hundred garden plots, the voronezh region is also suffering, the hydrological situation is being monitored in kurgan, where the tobol river rose by 40 cm in a day, in mordovia they are organizing boat crossings and evacuate residents from dangerous areas to temporary accommodation centers. in transbaikalia, military engineers are rescuers. began detonating ice on rivers, this
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will avoid congestion and flooding of several large settlements at once. but in altai, which was one of the first to suffer the blow of the elements, the flood began to decline. the west is consistently destroying the fundamental foundations of strategic stability, says chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov. this was stated at a meeting of the chiefs of staff committee armed forces of the cis countries. according to gerasim. in the current conditions , challenges to the states of the commonwealth are becoming more and more real. during the meeting, he proposed to analyze the military-political situation and discuss issues of military cooperation. recent events indicate the consistent destruction by the west of the fundamental foundations of strategic stability and international security institutions. not without external influence , it arises in different parts of the planet.
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tensions, and international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still remains a global threat to peace. in these conditions there is more of everything.
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what are you waiting for? are you a metaphor? i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and this has been the case for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for? change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, based on the results of yesterday's lokomotiv russian cup matches. flew out of the tournament from out of the way regions, and zenit and cska achieved victories in the first semi-final matches of the rpl way. danilo mokhalin attended the spartak-zenit match. despite the lack of results, the inconspicuous performance in recent matches and, as a result,
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frequent talk about a possible next change of coach, spartak fans still go to the stadium in large numbers. bad weather is not a hindrance: rain, wind, lukorens in the stands on a weekday evening with... spartak coach guilerma abascal is usually emotional, sits on the bench , doesn’t even think, the team picks up his charge and attacks the entire first half, the result comes quickly, red and white score and go ahead 1:0. so far the most productive foreign player in the history of spartak quincy. promez is in an emirati prison and can be extradited at the request of the netherlands and russia, his team did not score a single goal in three matches in the championship, so for the costa rican ugalda, acquired in the winter, the goal against zenit in the cup was only the first in official matches for spartak. we
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controlled the first half and manfred scored a great goal, we can congratulate him. this inspired optimism, but it was not enough. unfortunately, zenid was able to turn the tide of the match. zenit's only chance in the first half was the pass of the brazilian pedro, who beat four opponents and hit the post. after the break, everything turned out differently: the eighteen-year-old newcomer scored a double in 10 minutes, and the second goal turned out to be a sight for sore eyes, a shot into the top corner. i think that he has not fully adapted yet, well, he is not yet showing his full maximum potential uh. i think that today, i hope that today’s game, is the first step towards its dawn. meanwhile, in another cup semi-final on the rpl route between kaliningrad baltika and cska, chiliits was under pressure, scoring in the fall through himself also from crossbars. for the army team, the goal was the winning one,
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and the match ended 1:0. with the same score , ural defeated lokomotiv at home, and sergei penyaev , colliding with goalkeeper alexei mamin, received an impressive hematoma on his face with a knee to the eye. in the european part of the country, they continue to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. an emergency situation has been introduced in petrozavodsk due to extreme snowfall. in the central part of russia, dozens of settlements were left without electricity due to strong winds. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. greetings. no more extreme weather is expected in the near future. there will no longer be such a strong wind as yesterday, it will be cold and even frost. will intensify even more. so, over the past 24 hours , 23 mm of precipitation fell in petrozavodsk. first there was freezing rain, then snow began to fall, visibility at times did not exceed 500 m. the roads were jammed with traffic jams, cars skidded even on small inclines. it was not possible to leave the courtyards. city authorities asked drivers
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today to refrain from using personal vehicles if possible. in a free attendance regime has been declared in kindergartens and schools. in st. petersburg, where on monday it was almost... +20, there is now 3 cm of snow in the vicinity of the northern capital , in some places the height of the snow cover is 12 cm in the city, like yesterday, there are many accidents that significantly slow down traffic, because most drivers would have already changed their cars. impressive videos of yesterday's storm in the center of the country continue to appear on social networks. in khimki near moscow, a gale-force wind tore off and dumped water on the light tents installed on the embankment. unusual injury received by the truck driver. the wind sharply slammed the van door and the man fell unconscious from a strong blow. luckily, despite the shocking footage , there were no serious consequences. the man was also dressed with minor bruises. in the next video, let me remind you that moscow authorities reported two dead and fifteen injured as
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a result of the storm. there are victims of the disaster in other regions, in the city of gagarin , smolensk region, the wind knocked over advertising brushes on a woman, she was hospitalized. so, in the north of our cyclones follow a succession of countries; the atmospheric whirlwind managed to push the anticyclones to the south, which allows the arctic cold to penetrate deep into the country. the same cyclone that, at the beginning of the week, created summer on the russian level. now has brought real winter, and today the relative position of atmospheric objects will contribute to the fact that cold air will penetrate to the south along the shortest route. today in the west of the country the morning was cold, tomorrow it will be even colder. in the arkhangelsk region the frost will get stronger to 15-20°. in kareli, thermometers too will tend to -15. in the leningrad, novgorod, vologda regions. tomorrow morning -5-10°. frosts will reach... the cold snap will be strong, but look at how the temperature is distributed over europe, a new atlantic
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cyclone is approaching, and with it warmer air will come to the russian plain. in petrozavodsk today even during the day -5, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, tomorrow night the temperature will drop to -16, during the day with partly cloudy -4. on saturday there will be more clouds and snow again, but warming will begin, -4 at night, plus during the day. on sunday in the afternoon +4, on monday in the morning +3, in the afternoon +6, light rain. in moscow, today it is cloudy, intermittent rain, and in some places it may turn into sleet. the temperature, even at the height of the day, will not exceed +5°. the next night frosts down to -1. on friday the maximum temperature will be +7°, no precipitation is expected. on saturday night it will be around zero, during the day it will warm up to +10. well then. abnormal heat will return on sunday around +16 at the beginning of next week +19 +20 may warmth will peek into the weather again
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perfect planbír, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat of july, carried by a silver bullet, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, go nowhere, nowhere, because the megaphone is bursting even here, the megaphone is a mobile operator number by... and speed alfa friday - super cashback every week from alfabank, this friday, april 5th we are giving 30% cashback for purchase. air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. posters for sporting events include lectures, master classes, and competitions. register and receive bonuses for participation. sportmaster is
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a digital sports platform. all methods are good when you want to be a special barbecue beacon. knocked down! instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces, what are you ready for? magnet, jack wafer candies, 29.99. magnet, price, what you need, try the sushi, try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs it, it’s necessary, again i feel like i’m dizzy, cashback from alpha. yandex food. receive 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any alfabank card. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card. the involvement of ukraine in many terrorist attacks in russia, including the crocus in city hall, is beyond
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doubt. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this today. he met with the ambassadors.
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residential buildings and 226 personal plots, seven low-level bridges, people are being evacuated. all details from our correspondent, artyom morna. artyom, hello, which areas are in the most dangerous zone? vera, hello, 226 household plots, 36 houses and seven bridges have already been flooded.
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the emergency was recorded in nine municipal districts of the region. on april 3 , another bridge in a populated area went under water. frunzinsky, bolsheglushitsky district, samara region. now flooding is occurring in the stavropol, as well as in the pestravsky, bolsheglushitsky, bolshechernigovsky, alekseevsky, elkhovsky and volsky districts. in for some, it became necessary to evacuate residents. the rapid melting of snow led to serious flooding in the villages of the samara region, including in the settlements of the stavropol region and the upper verkhniye belozerki; water not only filled the streets and courtyards, but also entered houses. now the prosecutor's office of the samara region has taken control of the issues of eliminating the consequences of the flood. in areas of flooding, the administration pumps out water if it is necessary for citizens to evacuate to prepared temporary accommodation centers. currently in there are 26 people, including four children, at points in the bolshenigovsky and bolsheglushitsky districts. faith.
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artyom, thank you. artyom morin spoke about the flood situation in samara. the degasification program for gardening non-profit partnerships could be launched as early as this year; the government plans to approve the regulatory framework within a month. this was announced yesterday by deputy prime minister alexander novyk. who can take part in degasification, what documents are needed for connection, what to pay attention to caution when using gas. my colleague dmitry gorno knows the answers to these questions. today, as part of post-gasification , not only private households, but hospitals, medical and obstetric centers, schools and
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kindergartens, and, indeed, all medical and educational institutions located in gasified settlements are connected to the network fuel. more than 560 contracts have been concluded with such organizations, more than half of which have already been executed, dozens of facilities are already using gas, and the upward trend continues. number of new consumers in industry. has always been, is, will be the most important priority for gazprom - this is our domestic gas market, and it is gratifying that gas consumption in the country is growing, consumption in the electric power industry is developing and growing in metallurgy, in the construction industry, in the production of building materials, our gas consumption by the population is growing, i can say that today gazprom mezhregiongaz has 32.5 million subscribers. from the population category, taking into account the development of the gasification and additional gasification programs, we are getting more and more new consumers, 5,700
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new settlements will be gasified, rural gasification is underway, according to estimates, 75-78% of gazprom’s investments in gasification concern the gasification of rural areas, which means that agricultural enterprises are gasified, we see a growing demand for gas in greenhouses. grain dryers, food production, this is the food security of the country, and, of course, gazprom, supplying gas to the domestic market, increasingly in large volumes, expands, including those bottlenecks that have formed in the country, in order to to ensure the growing consumption of russian industry, even in deeply gasified regions, reconstruction is underway. stations, main gas pipelines, in order to ensure, i repeat once again, the growing consumption of russian industry, and this is a fact, this is an indicator
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of the general growth and development of the russian economy. in total, as part of degasification in the regions of russia , the technical ability to connect 1,200,000 households has now been provided. by the end of 2024, this figure should increase by several more hundreds of thousands. beyond the boundaries of the land plot. the networks are installed without attracting funds from the future consumer; all that remains is for him to lay the networks, which is called installing gas equipment behind the fence. now for the last 2 years, gazprom, through its own investment program, has been building gas pipelines to the border of the land plot, you, dmitry, only need to equip the gas system inside your house, buy a stove, boiler, gas meter, and you will be able to use gas at home, that’s a million. 200,000 households received this opportunity, and 530,000 people have already installed gas facilities and actually have gas for
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use, gas for the stove, gas for the boiler, the house is cozy, warm, there is no need to go for firewood, for coal or have serious, very high electricity bills where the transition is taking place with electric heating. today , the burden on the shoulders and wallet of the homeowner is several times less than, say, just a few years ago, while in the regions of the country there are regional social support measures; when gasifying a house, it can be fully or partially compensated cost of work inside the gas equipment purchase area. firstly, if you buy everything russian, a good russian boiler, a gas stove, a russian metering unit, and so on, then it will definitely not be more than 100,000 for the average person. at home there is a pipe on your site, gas distribution inside the house and gas equipment up to 100.00, but besides this, there are still 13 categories of beneficiaries, which are determined by the president
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of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, for which subjects with the support of the federal budget provide benefit and it says that expenses of at least 100 thousand rubles are paid per household, including veterans. participants in a special military operation and large families and low-income families raising disabled children there, and so on, 13 categories of beneficiaries who have the right to receive a benefit of at least 100,000 rubles according to the instructions of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. besides this, i can tell you that if you are not a legotnik and spend 100,000 on arranging a gas system inside your home, then you will literally behind. in a few years, these investments will pay off, because it is really cheaper than heating with electricity, functional, more technologically advanced and cheaper than heating with coal or diesel fuel. laying a pipe
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takes literally one day, this morning, they dug a trench 50-70 m long, laid a pipe in it, connected it, and is already burying it. contrary to prejudices that the majority of applications, it would seem, should come from residents of cold regions, southern regions and the central part of russia are increasingly connecting to their gas, although the possibility there are, of course, everywhere, and the difference in the cost of heating a house with electricity or solid fuel in comparison with network gas reaches several. penza region, mariel, mordovia, i can say, chechnya, for example, in general, this is a southern region, but there is high activity, krasnodar territory, it would seem, yes, it’s warm, but there are 1000 applications in the krasnodar territory, i can say, about 90 thousand applications for gasification private residential buildings, sverdlovsk region, moscow region 18,400 applications, and i will continue to do so, with every year
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the possibility of connection. will appear appear in more and more households, on behalf of the country's president vladimir putin, degasification became indefinite; this year he gave another instruction to expand degasification to houses in the gardens of gasified settlements. it is certainly important that in the message of russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin to the federal assembly on february 29 , the task of gasifying horticultural non-profit partnerships was set;
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participation in additional gasification is now being worked out; it is assumed that the package documents will be the same, only a passport, i dreamed of a certificate of ownership. a large-scale program throughout the country, and i really want to receive as many applications from citizens of the russian federation as possible in the near future, because that is the program for the development of the gas supply system for gasification 2125, and we have
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slabs of excellent quality, very good design, do you want white, do you want brown , black, want a hob, metering units for a gas analyzer, you know, competition has arisen on the russian market. between gas equipment manufacturers, that's me i think that this is our victory, our technical and technological sovereignty in implementing the gasification program.


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