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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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it is expected that eventually the share of domestic equipment in the segment will increase to 80%. let me remind you that russia intends to increase the production of liquefied gas to 100 million tons by 2030. it was economic news, briefly.
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any war is infantry, as long as there is a leg. kotinets will not enter the territory, it is as if it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikas, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking , blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost angel, let’s be brief, yes i observe that the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture. we have entered into such a pace,
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the work has been built, the work is on the rails. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is a typical novoross program, our name says it all, we are talking about that one. with the help of
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a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today: foreigners in donbass, the fate of new immigrants, why... attracts people from europe. conversation with a program expert. a hero with a steely character. alexander parkhomenko. we talked a lot about people of different nationalities who came to novorosi in the 18th-19th centuries. they developed these lands, received benefits, became russian subjects and part of the multinational. people, today
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foreigners travel not so much in search of a better life, but with a desire to find out the truth, to defend justice, to see what they often cannot find at home, sincerity in views and commitment to universal human values. since 2014, on the territory of the dpr and lpr, only according to official data , there have been more than one and a half thousand people...
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who would like to come to the lpr and dpr to participate in the liberation movement. most of them came from the countries of the middle east, from above. 16 thousand. in june twenty-two , the authorities of the donetsk people's republic allowed foreign citizens to serve in the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. the corresponding resolution was then signed by the head of the dpr denis pushilin. they go to novorossiya and those who want to know more truth about what is happening in the nwo zone and tell western readers and viewers about it. journalists from france. canada, great britain, italy, the netherlands and other countries talk about the crimes of the ukrainian military in the donbass, risking not only their professional career, but sometimes their freedom. according to frenchwoman christelle nehan, she and her colleagues in the donbass insider project are threatened with persecution
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by the intelligence services of their countries. for many, the only option is to stay in russia. about what attracts today novorossia. foreigners, why many, having been here, decide to stay for a long time, in the story of anna efimova, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, a huge, very affectionate dog luna is clearly bored, her owner, a french independent journalist, christelle nen, is often absent, she regularly travels to the front line and to the sites of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, makes reports from... the very epicenter of events, so every return home is a special joy. i always wanted to live in a house, i always lived in an apartment, so there was a moment when i i thought, damn, it’s unworthy to pay rent, let’s buy a house, kristel has been in donbass for 8
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years, during this time she has managed to thoroughly settle down, acquired an extensive farm, there are only about a dozen goats here, this is masha, hello, machine, this is pasha. this is our goat, and of course, the chickens are preparing a large vegetable garden for planting; the whole economy is based on the principles of permaculture, christelle brought a book on this topic with her from france, it sounds scientific, but in fact it is familiar to a resident of any russian village, tanks for watering the crops rainwater, organic waste for animal feed, manure for fertilizer, in short, waste-free and environmentally friendly farming.
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a full-fledged international news agency, fortunately there are many foreign journalists in donbass. the editor-in-chief of the finnish international news agency, janas putkanin , moved to donbass back in 2015; he knew only a few words of russian. yes, putin smokes too. three words in russian. the decision to move to a troubled region was fully supported by his mother, also a correspondent. over the past time he. studied in detail what is happening in the donbass, as janos says, his task is to think more critically. now the journalist is writing an analytical piece on the progress of the investigation into the tragedies at the crocus concert hall near moscow. i
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don’t have a boss, i’m the boss of my own work. it is very important to look at what happened from the other side so that you can assess the situation from a different point of view. and if i don't do my job. then, probably, no one will be able to give true information to finnish readers. however, among the foreigners there were also those who managed to find donbass peaceful. doctor tariq hamuda is originally from palestine; in the mid -2000s he studied in krasnodar, then lived a little in kiev and kharkov and finally finally settled here in lugansk. the people here are simple, they don’t look, what are you, you’re a foreigner, not a foreigner, you, you, you have a religion, you’re muslim, as soon as i entered the city, you already understand, somehow there’s already peace in my soul, that’s it, i feel feel calm. after
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the first shelling in 2014, he saved the wounded and continues to do so to this day, without working only in the hospital, but also when traveling to front-line areas. 14 was the hardest year, we can say that our republic lived through the war, there were a lot of wounded. calm and peaceful. however, despite the difficult situation, donbass does not stop developing and creating. and foreigners, among others, are directly involved in this process. once upon a time with the humanities.
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let us say that when we had a terrible situation with coronavirus, the first country that helped us was russia. a few years ago, rikado opened a real italian pizzeria. for him, this is more than just business, it is a cultural dialogue, a piece of his native italy here in donbass. do you like salt and salami? yes, then i’ll cook this. i can say that the products are from the lugansk forge. especially the salami sausage, very crafty. i see. in lugansk the development of new roads, new traffic lights, a new park is already underway, there are already a lot of people in
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lugansk. in a word, just like centuries ago, donbass continues its main tradition, multiculturalism, it does not build a new world on the ruins of the old, each time carefully gathers him to crumble. anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. we will talk about today’s foreign re-settlers to novorossiya, about what prompts them to come to this region, not the most favorable time for life, with our regular expert, historian and political scientist, alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon, good afternoon. what distinguishes the motives for coming to novorossiya today’s migrants or just people coming from the west, foreigners from...
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one might say, like a labor migrant, yes, for in order to have the opportunity
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to make good careers in russia, if from this point of view we compare them with those people who come to novorossiya today, then, of course, people do not go there for a career, but precisely in order to get, well maybe that degree of freedom and that understanding of justice, which, despite this tragic time, maybe after the fourteenth year you lived and worked in donetsk, saw many of these new immigrants, foreigners who came from abroad, what is this? what kind of people were they, how long did they come for and why did you stay? i can name my comrades graham philips, a famous british reporter; we generally called him an odessa journalist of english origin. graham came to ukraine at that time during the european championship, yes, in 1912, 1912, many foreign fans,
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after the matches, of course, they went to look at odessa, there at the sea, and so on and so forth, here. graham was one of these, he came, he liked everything so much, it’s a wonderful place, and he bought himself an apartment in odessa, but in a residential area, there in an ordinary panel of this very thing, then ukrainian nationalists there broke into him already there in 1414, while already here, and while in ukraine, he plunged into these events of 1414 and went there to donbass, well , you know, a british reporter, now broadcast on our channel. thank you very much, please, thank you, okay, dear vyacheslav viktorovich mikhavich, dear colleagues, friends, thank you first of all for
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the invitation to the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. yours the association is one of the leading institutions of domestic civil society, carries out a responsible mission, protects the labor rights of employees of companies, enterprises, teams of entire industries, those who work in the field of education, science, and culture. you are doing a lot to improve legislation to harmonize relations in the field of employment. the foundations are solid here.
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issues are discussed, some colleagues talk about the advisability of making certain decisions, but some representative offices government representatives directly say: no, this will not pass, the trade unions will not let it pass, i am not saying anything unnecessary, this is how it happens in practical life, but it is the integrity of the parties, the openness of their
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positions, the understanding that behind every action are the interests of the country and millions of ours citizens are... of greatest interest to workers, but in this way and contact on individual issues that maintain a balance of interests of both workers and business and the state, in the near future signing is scheduled. of the next tripartite general agreement between the government, employers and trade unions, among its priorities, forecasting the personnel needs of the party, developing targeted training mechanisms, popularizing blue-collar professions and increasing the social protection of workers. i certainly hope
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for your fruitful cooperation in all these areas, especially since they are an integral part. village, one of the key factors here is, of course, affordable, high-quality education is a real opportunity for a person to acquire.
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to establish their close partnership with employers, i mean the development of the career guidance system, which is already operating in the country’s schools, the implementation of the federal professionalism project, within the framework of which , on the basis of updated educational and production centers, in the context of the requirements that business also makes, about a million specialists will be trained blue-collar jobs for sectors of the economy, including... electronics, it technologies, pharmaceuticals, light industry, aviation, shipbuilding and so on. in the future, cooperation between educational organizations and enterprises will cover the entire secondary education system,
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including training for schools, hospitals , clinics, the service sector, tourism, and so on. we will additionally support higher education institutions that are launching personnel and technology projects with regions, companies in the real sector of the economy and the social sphere. the priority 20230 program will be extended and here i also hope for the support of traditionally strong and authoritative university trade unions. in particular, the message set the task of increasing the wages of teachers of fundamental disciplines in universities. i don’t think i need to explain how important this is. from september 1, this year, we will begin implementing this solution in pilot mode. and please provide it here.
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in the country in 5 years for a more distant future, already on this basis it is necessary to set target figures for admission to educational institutions, that is, to determine the volume of training of such specialists. the forecast will be regularly updated taking into account business activity, the state of economic sectors, as well as the situation on the labor market. here i would like to note that thanks to the actions of the government, business, regions, trade unions, we... have achieved a significant reduction in the unemployment rate, today it is at record lows, less than 3%, and the dynamics are good; in
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2023, unemployment in russia dropped below three for the first time , as i already said , the percentage was 2.9%. and in february of this year it dropped further to 2.8%. this is one of the most important indicators of the state of the economy in general, i would like to emphasize that, taking into account demographic challenges, in the coming years the russian economy will experience a high need and even a shortage of personnel, this is absolutely certain, we must understand this, we will live with this in the coming years, in these conditions it is critically important to increase labor productivity, modernize. the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, many other sectors of the economy, the social sphere, with the help of digital technologies, automation of production of management processes,
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modern management processes, which in in turn, should directly lead to improving the working conditions of specialists, to increasing their incomes, industry competence centers should help in this work, where the best practices of lean production will be generalized and... replicated, we will continue to create such centers throughout the country. further, as was said in the message, the next 6 years should become a time of accelerated industrial development of russia. in our domestic market the share of domestic goods, equipment, machines, vehicles, medicines, consumer. goods and so on, we can and will produce all this ourselves in much larger volumes than now, and what this is, you and i understand, this is... and
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there are structural changes in the economy, this is ensuring its growth rate, gdp growth rates, and these are decent wages, we don’t have much choice, or do we need to import labor from abroad or increase labor productivity? modern production, jobs should appear everywhere in all regions of the country, for this we will additionally set up tools and mechanisms to support business and the development of our territories, while measures to stimulate investment will be linked to increasing employee salaries, as i already said, with improving social packages, including high-quality healthcare and recreation for specialists, i
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would like to emphasize again, only where. .. work is decently paid, where people are taken care of, their working conditions will be worked by professional qualified personnel, it will be in modern conditions, this is not an empty phrase, this is generally clear to all experts, factors such as the level of specialist training.
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well, of course, trade unions, of course, first of all , must think about this, it affects the well-being of people, but this affects purchasing power, and therefore the economy, entire sectors of production, of course, everything must be balanced, but this is a factor in this regard, i want to emphasize that the most important task of trade unions is to be, what is called the first, the first supporters
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of intensive, high-quality... renewal of the economy and social sphere, and if you allow, you should push even management of enterprises, owners of enterprises, management of institutions, authorities towards modernization, towards the introduction of better technologies, there is no need to be afraid of excessive release of workers, we actually have no unemployment, this does not threaten us in the coming years, therefore because...
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increase almost doubled to 35,000 rubles. that of course, you know all these mechanisms will have a positive impact on real wages in the economy and in the public sector. by the way, the government has instructions that as early as next year, as part of pilot projects in the regions to work out a new remuneration model. public sector workers, including workers in education, healthcare, culture and the scientific sphere, this is difficult work, it is capital-intensive, but of course it is necessary, and i very much hope that in such a positive, mature dialogue with trade unions, we will find a solution, it is important to achieve, of course, it is very important to achieve income growth for these
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qualified people. the specialists needed by the party.


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