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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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it is necessary to eliminate gaps in wages in different regions, we often talk about this, as i already said, first we will carry out pilot projects in the constituent entities of the federation, at the beginning of 2027 the so- called sectoral wage systems for public sector workers will have to move to nationwide, and of course, wages at enterprises of any form of ownership must be paid without delay. in full, the situation here should be controlled jointly by trade unions and the federal labor service employment, as well as the prosecutor's office. dear colleagues, i would like to especially note the contribution of trade unions to the nationwide support of our guys, our heroes, who defend the fatherland during a special military operation. the trade union movement is involved in collecting and sending aid to fighters, as well as humanitarian aid for residents. front-line
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areas, i want to sincerely thank everyone for this work, thank you very much, including i want to express my gratitude to those who are now essentially reviving the system of trade unions, protecting the interests, and rights of workers in our historical territories of donbass and new russia. this is difficult work and not easy.
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the task is to ensure that these values ​​are fully shared by the future generations of russia, so that today’s schoolchildren, students, young people, as they say, from the school bench, develop respect for honest, responsible work, so that they grow up following the examples of our outstanding compatriots, representatives of labor there are very, very many such dynasties, real heroes, in our history today.
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there are many who can join this work, there are a lot of such people in trade unions, including as mentors, as i already said, sharing their experience with future specialists, and of course, learning from young people ourselves, this is a road that should move in both directions, we should feel new generations of people, understand them and respond to their requests, so...
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all our legislative innovations, plans, programs, financial investments must work for economic growth and improve the quality of life and well-being of russians.
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dear comrades, dear vladimir vladimirovich, yesterday on the first day of the congress , a detailed report of the general council of the fnpr was presented to the congress, and a resolution was adopted recognizing the work of the fnpr from 2019 to 2024 to this day.
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economy, the share of people working remotely in a mixed mode has increased significantly, they were implemented in such a way...
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which was confirmed by yesterday's government report in the state duma, our enemies expected that...
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social partnership is mandatory . article 75.1 of the constitution of the russian federation talks about ensuring social partnerships in our country. at the same time, article 140-14 specifies that the government
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ensures the implementation of the principles of social partnership in the sphere of regulation of labor relations related to it. thus. social partnership has been officially elevated to the rank of a state institution and a constitutional guarantee, and what is important is that it works, it works beyond words. the main document of social partnership on an all-russian scale is the general agreement between all-russian trade union associations, all-russian associations of employers and the government of the russian federation, which you just rightly said, vladimir vladimirovich. responsibility for its implementation lies with the russian tripartite parties. commission meetings of the rtk are held monthly; over the past 5 years
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, more than 450 pressing socio-economic issues have been considered. it must be said about the problems, although social partnership is a constitutional guarantee, its principles are often ignored by both employers and government authorities. some plenipotentiaries in districts, federal ministries and independent employers disown the social partnership enshrined on paper in the form of agreements; this allegedly does not fall within their area of ​​​​responsibility. in this regard , there is a proposal: firstly, the regulations of the ministries should be supplemented with instructions on the development of social partnership in the industry. we hope the new government will do this. secondly, all
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employers must participate in social partnerships, that is, be members of industry and regional agreements, enter into collective agreement, be part of an association of employers. among business associations, there is only one association of employers - the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. therefore, therefore, all employers, in our opinion, must be members of the rsp or its regional branches, otherwise they cannot be certified as employers with all the ensuing consequences. and apparently, and
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apparently, the time has come to remove the concept of other representatives, representative bodies of workers from the legislation. which are used in articles on collective agreements: everything is done by trade unions, and in practice no other representative bodies of workers exist. at a certain point , we were faced with the problem of calculating the company’s social guarantee for wages; the problem was related to the methodology for calculating it. mrod on... began to count not from citizens' expenses, but from income, this led to a slowdown in its growth and the need for
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intervention, you, vladimir vladimirovich. the current method of calculating rod was suspended, and its increase occurred in manual mode, from this year it is 19,242 rubles. already today, mrod exceeds the cost of living by 14.2%. in your message to the federal assembly, vladimir vladimirovich, you outlined the prospect of growing the rod to 35 thousand rubles by 2030. we support this ; in fact, we believe that in the future it is necessary to move towards the minimum consumer budget guideline in order to calculate mrod on its basis, but this is, of course, a higher figure. according to our calculations , the minimum consumer budget excluding family burden amounted to
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49,951 rubles in the fourth quarter of 2023. for years, unions have pushed for progressive personal income tax rates. first, an additional gradation of income tax was introduced for individuals with incomes of more than. 5 million rub. at the rate of 15%. and just recently, vladimir vladimirovich, you supported this position, stating the need for improvement. the federation of independent trade unions of russia is the largest public organization in russia, the main element of civil society. there are about 20 million people in our ranks, this is a third of all workers in the country,
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including families, almost half of all citizens of the country. we present. the only public organization that has the right to work within enterprises and organizations. in addition, we have an ideology, which many political parties, including parliamentary ones, do not have, and we have not changed this ideology for more than 100 years. briefly, we can say that our ideology is based on three main principles, which. are our goals: this is a decent workplace and decent wages, occupational health and safety, the implementation of social guarantees, this also actually contains, fully describes the concept of decent work. our, our common goal in the country is
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to build a society where all citizens cooperate to achieve common results and... benefits, where everyone has the opportunity to work and develop as an individual, enjoy economic freedom and receive protection from poverty and unemployment. in such a society, the rights to a decent life for all people, regardless of their gender, age, health, nationality, family and social status, religious and political beliefs. we see russia as a social state, politics. which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. our mission is to represent the protection of social and labor rights, production, professional, economic and social interests of workers, their honor and dignity. over the past 30 years, you and i have put forward a lot
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requirements to the government and the state, and now we can state that in national...
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everything should work out, and there is, and there is one more factor, stability in society, largely thanks to us fnpr, in
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order for the ship to be stable , as they say. rivers or stable, during storms and storms, it must have stabilizing elements of the structure, mass trade unions and are such elements of stability in society, reflecting the demands, aspirations and will of the working people, they are inertial, but they are also unshakable, small... small trade unions resemble jet skis and small vessels that can easily change course and turn. on the spot, working off some external influences, large trade unions and the fnpr
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resemble a supertanker, which has a turning radius of several kilometers, or a container ship that recently demolished a bridge in baltimore. and we are aware of this mission. let me turn to the words of a russian poet written 100 years ago, but still relevant today. the earth is a ship, but suddenly someone is looking for a new life, a new glory, straight away. didn’t fall, didn’t vomit or swear, they few with an experienced soul who
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remained strong in the swing, the trade unions remained strong in the swing, we went through five russian revolutions, through several socio-economic structures, but did not betray our ideals for... 118 years of history, and i want to finish, too turning to the words of the poet: now we are at a different age, and we feel and think differently, and we say over festive wine, praise and glory to the helmsman.
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we will succeed, we will win, dear, respected colleagues, friends, when... we hold events like this, well, this they do not take place on a large scale, but nevertheless , large events with colleagues from law enforcement agencies, then after several reports of a general nature, the press leaves, we already have a more substantive, frank conversation on the relevant areas of responsibility.
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he said this quite vividly and emotionally: the unity of the russian multinational society is the main thing, the basic condition for our success. and in this regard, of course, and judging by what the investigation now provides, we have every reason
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to believe that the main goal of the customers the bloody terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely the damage to our unity, other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because. russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of inter-religious harmony and unity, inter-religious and inter-ethnic unity. and in the external arena it behaves in such a way that there could hardly be an object. to be attacked by islamic fundamentalists, that is the goal to undermine unity russian society, especially in modern conditions, it is certainly
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visible. it is clear that trade unions have their own specific tasks, mikhail spoke about this just now, and i also said it in my short opening speech, and you know, we have succeeded so far, so far, and i very much hope that it will turn out in the near future, in a more distant historical perspective, to treat very responsibly the functions that are entrusted to us, the laws, the constitution, and the very meaning of existence, and administrative authorities at all levels, entrepreneurs and trade unions, this social responsibility, it is always important, always, but in modern conditions it
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becomes... extremely important, and i draw your attention to the fact that despite all the difficulties of today, we are not we are transferring the economy to wartime mode, there is no such thing, yes, we are concentrating efforts, concentrating administrative resources, financial resources on the development of defense industries, but there are people sitting here who know what defense industries are production. and how they are related to other industries, how it affects, when i spoke, i saw head nods that meant agreement with what i was saying, how does an increase in wages affect, say, light industry, the food industry, agriculture , because the purchasing power of the population is increasing, it’s all very interconnected, we are not putting the economy on
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a war footing, we are currently quite balanced, we are not canceling any social guarantees there are no workers, we fully comply with them and do not fully comply, we even tighten the responsibility of all government bodies for their compliance, and i really count on our joint, consolidated work to achieve national goals. thank you very much! this was a broadcast from the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia, in which vladimir putin took part. in the samara region, the situation with spring floods has worsened. the water is quickly rising and has already reached
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residential buildings; people are being evacuated safely. to places, more than 200 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for them in the region. artyom morin will tell you what other measures are currently being taken in the region. already 226 household plots, 36 houses and seven bridges have been flooded. the emergency was recorded in nine municipal districts of the region. on april 3 , another bridge in the village of frunzinsky, bolsheglushitsky district , samara region, went under water. now flooding is occurring in stavropol, as well as in pestravskoye and bolsheglushitskoye. more in chernigov, alekseevsky, elkhovsky and volsky districts. in some, it became necessary to evacuate residents; the rapid melting of snow led to serious flooding in the villages of the samara region, including in the villages of the stavropol region in the upper belozerki, water not only filled the streets and courtyards, but also entered houses. now the prosecutor's office of the samara region has taken control of the issues of eliminating the consequences of floods. in areas of flooding, the administration pumps out
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water to citizens if necessary. evacuate to prepared temporary accommodation centers. currently in there are 26 people, including four children, at points in the bolshenigovsky and bolsheglushitsky districts. artyom morin, lead. a state of emergency was introduced due to flooding throughout the orenburg region. the water entered about five thousand houses, more than 2,000 areas were flooded. the most tense situation is now in the village of krasnokholm; more than one has already been evacuated from there. five thousand people, the rest are being delivered water and food, the scale of the disaster was assessed by maria valieva. we are working in the village of krasnokholm, where more than 900 adjacent areas are flooded, ongoing people are being evacuated here, at the moment it is known that 320 people were evacuated, but this figure may increase significantly over time,
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people still remain in flooded houses, to this day... they remain in houses here.


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