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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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temporary accommodation points. at the moment , there are 26 people, including four children, at points in the bolshoi glushitsky district of chernigov. artyom morin, news. the state of emergency was introduced due to flooding throughout the entire arenburg region. the water entered about five thousand houses, more than 2,000 areas were flooded. the most tense situation is now in the village of krasnokholm; more than half a thousand people have already been evacuated from there. those who remained are supplied with water and food; the scale of the disaster was assessed by maria valieva. we work in the village of krasnokholm, where more than 900 adjacent areas have been flooded, the evacuation of people continues here, it is currently known that 320 people were evacuated, but this figure may increase over time, significantly, people still remain in flooded houses, people still remain in houses here. animals, now
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there are rescuers working here, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations and concerned citizens, volunteers are delivering food, water to people who are now afraid to leave their homes, everything they need, what people are asking for, the water has come to the house, the water has just begun to enter the house, children they sent it yesterday, but they thought the water would pass, but it kept getting bigger, my son at krasnoorv 42 refused to evacuate. maybe two women left there, he was the only one left in the house, now worry that he stayed there, where can he at least pass on water, in general he has water to drink in his house, people are constantly approaching the volunteers who sail boats along the flooded streets of krasnokholm, they are asking to give food, medicine, water to their relatives who are still here in the village of krasnokholm, a state of emergency has been introduced due to the fact that here the black river has overflowed and a state of emergency has now been introduced. and in the akbulak region, yesterday we
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worked in the village of akbulak, the situation there is also sad, water continues to approach houses, the situation is difficult now in orsk, several roads there were under water, the bridge over the or river also went under water, it is now reported that partially the federal highway a305, orenburg -ilek, is also flooded, at the tenth kilometer, there in... central russia is eliminating the consequences of a powerful storm, wind gusts reached 21 mea per second, the main blow fell on metropolitan region, dozens of fallen trees, torn advertising banners, damaged roof facades, footage of wild weather in moscow was published on social networks
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. warning messages about bad weather were posted on digital screens. two people became victims of the hurricane that hit the capital, and 16 more were injured. now a short advertisement, and then we will continue.
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these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i had a complete shock, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great ones are there fake artists, wait a minute, wait a minute, more than one cardi can’t say that...
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the app or on the website, magnet -
2:36 pm
price, what you need, bulma, hot thing, studio. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but everyone can get a hot rate on a deposit in gazprombank, a hot rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on, i’m a new nice asset when you my back hurts, i easily get to the fireplace pain and quickly disappear, it’s time to train, introduce me! new nice asset. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. and then he catches it? i can not do it anymore. make a car for my followers. where can one go from this connection?
2:37 pm
nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because megafon can pick up even here. megafon, mobile operator. number one in coverage and speed, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by avtovito brand, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good that we have each other, and that on tv we are still building happiness together, tell your wife, what we caught, we are catching luck by the tail, well, i can’t, i have a delivery, we are working, enjoying life. we are friends and take care of each other. magnit, 30 years by your side. to you, who wants to solve all the mysteries of nature. you. particularly
2:38 pm
attentive to details. i checked. and you, for whom curiosity. opens up new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. batrider is an innovation in plant protection. instantly identifies and destroys major garden pests. safe for humans. the pests will be defeated by batrider. magnet. groats buckwheat uvelka 699. magnet. the price is right. running means energizing others. and you are with namix, the run continues where you are, the hunt, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out
2:39 pm
to win, what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis. promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. lanagitase against prostatitis. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. this friday 5 april we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. magnet - price, what's on. quote curd 2099 is right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention,
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we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. nato remains. nato continues to demonstrate its essence, for nato was conceived as an alliance,
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configured, created and managed the united states of america, as an instrument of confrontation, primarily on the european continent. nato continues to perform its functions in this regard, which, however, at the moment in no way contribute to security, predictability and stability on the continent, on the contrary . with a destabilizing fact. the west wants nato to supply aid to kiev, as long as it fights russia. foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this today. he met with ambassadors of foreign states, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs and diplomats discussed the situation in ukraine. the arming of outright nazis, as well as the entire ukrainian regime , has become the norm for western countries, as you can see.
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conveyed official demands to the ukrainian authorities to take immediate steps to stop any support for terrorist activities and extradite those responsible for compensation for damages. we did all this in full compliance with the international conventions on combating terrorist bombings and combating the financing of terrorism. the west is consistently destroying the fundamental foundations of strategic stability, he believes. chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov, he stated this at a meeting of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces
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of the cis countries. according to gerasimov, in the current conditions , challenges to the commonwealth states are becoming more and more real. during the meeting, he proposed to analyze the military-political situation and discuss issues of military cooperation. recent events indicate consistent destruction. the west's fundamental principles of strategic stability and international institutions security. not without external influence , hotbeds of tension arise in various parts of the planet, and international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still remains a global threat to the world. in these conditions , challenges to the commonwealth states are becoming more and more real and diverse, which is obligatory. have well-equipped and trained armed forces. powerful explosions
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occurred this night in kharkov and the kharkov region of ukraine. a local publication reports that military infrastructure is under attack. particularly near the airport radar warfare stations and missile systems were destroyed. also among the targets was a building in an industrial zone. ukrainian troops used it for an ammunition depot. after the impact , shells in the arsenal began to detonate. the country's energy sector, in turn, reported that energy facilities in the kharkov and dnepropetrovsk regions were damaged and fires broke out. in the moscow region for the last time. in a week and a half , more than 800 people signed up for contract service; they have already begun training at training centers. russian armed forces. in total, since the beginning of the year , more than 4 thousand residents of the moscow region have signed a contract with the ministry of defense, last year over 14,500. many volunteers have recently cited
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the desire to avenge those killed in crocus as their motive for enlisting in the service.
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it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a hot rate on a deposit at gazprom bank, a hot rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese . fine, that we have each other. what will they show us on tv? together we build happiness. tell your wife what you caught? let's catch luck by the tail. well, i can’t, i have delivery. we work, enjoy life, make friends and take care of each other. magnit, 30 years by your side.
2:48 pm
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2:49 pm
details. i checked. and you, for whom curiosity. opens up new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. hair lacks vitality. gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors. try gliskur, exceptional hydration. the legend returns, the same one made from 100% malt. baltika 3 without alcohol. it hurts, you have a uniform, you need it for baking, you need it for sitting down, try it, just like that, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly , you will save up 16% faster, and why
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not yet in shape, let’s spin it and buy it quickly, open a savings vtbet with a rate of 16%. vtb together everything will work out. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. magnet. wafer candies jack. 29.99. magnet - the price is what you need. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets. to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. sponsors of kiev are concerned that a russian offensive could break through ukrainian defenses, writes about this bloomberg agency citing sources.
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according to their calculations, our troops perform significantly more and fire significantly more shells than in the ssu. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what they are going to do in such conditions in the west. the us house of representatives has not yet returned from recess,
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russia is a much larger country, it has 100 million more people and more industrial capacity. ukraine cannot win, and the whole world understands this. however, in the west they are far from realizing this fact. mid czech republic. ported about raising funds for the purchase of 300 thousands of shells for ukraine, however, prague rather has a personal interest, as local media write, the czech military-industrial complex got rich from the ukrainian
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conflict, the country's largest arms companies reported record profits, but hungary shuns such business, budapest refused to participate in coordinating military supplies to ukraine in within nato. we will not be involved in any related operations in this area. "we will continue to defend the position of hungary, which does not supply weapons or send soldiers to participate in this conflict. the brazilian authorities rejected calls from the west to supply shells to ukraine, reports bloomberg. negotiations between japan and great britain on this issue have also reached a dead end. the publication states that moscow is ahead of ukraine's allies in the race for ammunition. more and more militaries are admitting that conflict is coming." we see how in the west there are
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politicians who deny this, and those who are basically resigned, but do not know how to present it to the public because they supported ukraine. even possible the delivery of f-16 fighters, on which kiev had high hopes, does not please the ukrainian military. one of the high-ranking officers of the armed forces of ukraine. the politician admitted to the publication: in the conditions of 2024, these aircraft are not relevant. the russian military is already calculating the optimal placement of anti-aircraft systems to destroy fighters, which means the air defense will be ready to meet the f-16. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. large-scale anti-terrorist exercises were conducted in kamchatka. according to legend, the mock enemy attacked the port of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky immediately from the water from air. sea ​​drones arrived, they were sent to the base of the pacific fleet. the attack was repelled by the crew and warships along with the fsb coast guard.
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the sappers also completed their task. the aircraft dropped a simulated bomb, which did not work; it had to be defused. and the ground services of the airfield, together with the ministry of emergency situations, dealt with the fire near the aircraft parking lot and prevented a fuel spill and fire. based on the results of the exercise , for the most effective protection of the port of reshino. create a joint control center. russians will be able to test the updated version of the first free online game to improve financial literacy in the housing sector. we are talking about the “we consider” project, which is being implemented by the house of the russian federation with the support of the ministry of finance and the presidential platform russia land of opportunities. the first version was released last spring, it was available on the portal sprosia.dom.rrf until september. during this time , 13,500 residents and more than 800 cities connected to it. users learned how to plan a budget, what savings tools exist and how to improve.
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living conditions, ask a question about financial, one of our main tasks is to create conditions so that our citizens have the opportunity to improve their living conditions, purchase housing, and through the understanding that housing is the biggest financial goal, we just came to the strategy, first financial literacy, now financial culture, the mechanics of the service are best suited for conducting an online game, since any and all educational projects in the format gamification makes it possible to learn material, involve users, and, accordingly, gain a deeper understanding of any opportunities that this game provides. and in nizhny novgorod today the focus is on smoot, the name of a russian video game that immerses users in the era of the early 16th century, when moscow was
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occupied. people, not agreeing with the new system, decided to rebel again, and of course, the leader of the patriotic movement became a well-known to us, no longer young, nizhny novgorod resident, zemstvo elder, merchant kuzma minin, who led thousands of people, and russian cities also joined this approach. thirty-year-old prince dmitry pozharsky became the voivode, of course, with their joint
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efforts they managed... to return russian lands, expel the poles and lithuanians, and of course, these historical events formed the basis for a computer game called troubles. also , the basis of this game was the famous russian novel called yuri miloslavsky or russian in 1612, authored by mikhail zagoskin. i now suggest you listen commentary from the organizer and, in fact, the author of this project. this book, as a primary source, we...
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the world has become different, this is exactly the case when we seemed to be in a box, but this situation gave us completely new opportunities, one of these opportunities is to start making a big, useful, interesting a game based on a book by a russian classic, moreover, will work out.
3:00 pm
russia needs accelerated industrial development and increased labor productivity. vladimir putin stated this today, speaking at the congress. federation of independent trade unions. the president believes that the share of domestic products in the domestic market should increase, from transport equipment to medicines and consumer goods. and he expressed confidence that russia will be able to produce them
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