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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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russia needs accelerated industrial development and increased labor productivity. vladimir putin announced this today, speaking at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions. the president believes that the share of domestic products in the domestic market should increase, from transport equipment to medicines and consumer goods. and he expressed confidence that russia will be able to produce more of them independently.
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in much larger volumes than now, but what is this? you and i understand that these are structural changes in the economy, this is ensuring its growth rate, gdp growth rate, and these are decent wages. we don’t have much choice, either we need to import labor from abroad or increase labor productivity. at the same time, vladimir
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putin stated that in the near future the country will experience a personnel shortage and noted that it is important to achieve an increase in the income of qualified specialists. taking into account demographic challenges, in the coming years the russian economy will experience a high need and even a shortage of personnel. this is absolutely accurate, we must understand this, we we will live by this in the coming years. and in these conditions, it is critically important to increase productivity. labor, modernize industry, the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, many other sectors of the economy, the social sphere, with the help of digital technologies, automation of production of management processes, modern management processes, which in turn should directly lead to improving the working conditions of specialists, to increasing their incomes, industry competence centers should help in this work, where they will generalize and... the best practices of lean
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production. we will continue to create such centers throughout the country. vladimir putin also commented on the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, those who ordered the terrorist attack wanted to damage the unity of the country. putin noted that russia cannot be the target of attacks from islamic fundamentalists, since it demonstrates interfaith, interreligious and interethnic harmony. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity and others goals are not visible, they do not exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that
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demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena, it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack from islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society , it is, especially in modern conditions. she certainly is being viewed. a state of emergency has been introduced in the orenburg region due to flooding. the region has the longest border with kazakhstan, where snow is also actively melting now. water also comes to orenburg from bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. as a result, about 500 houses were flooded. the most difficult situation is in the village of krasnokholm, people are being evacuated from there, and drinking water and food are being delivered to those who remain. the scale of
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the disaster was assessed by maria valieva, she is now in direct contact. maria, hello, is it possible to land on land from time to time, as i understand it, get out, but what is the current situation? region as a whole, yes alexander, hello, at the moment a state of emergency has been introduced in the region in the orenburg region, now we are working in the village of ilek, a dam is being built here, six units of equipment are working, the length of the dam is 600 m, all this is being done in order to avoid the arrival of large amounts of water on the territory of a settlement, because the level in the river... the water level in the ural river is increasing, over the past 24 hours it has increased by 39 cm, 720 people live here in this settlement, 229 of them children, at the moment the evacuation of local residents in the village of krasnokholm continues,
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not far from here, the distance from here is 50 km, emergency workers there are now evacuating a local. residents on a caterpillar transporter, on boats, also volunteers are working there now, on their own boats, bringing drinking water, food to those people who are still in their homes, cannot leave them, there is no light, well, there is light in the whole village, there was no light in all the surrounding areas, that’s the same thing, we’re preparing gas, we’re cooking, well, we have all the food, we have bread we stocked up, because it’s dark early, we go to bed early, but we don’t sleep, because we’re waiting, we look here, we look there, we don’t have to sleep at all at night, during the day we’ll lie down a little, sleep for half an hour again, we’ll monitor the situation, how you go to work, i just can’t
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go, it doesn’t work out, i haven’t been able to go to work for three days, at the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations. a meeting of the operational headquarters was held today in the orenburg region, they assessed the situation, discussed what needs to be done in the coming days, we are ready, because there are alarming preconditions in the west and east of the region, but for this season this is a normal phenomenon, let’s say we understand the situation, we control it, fortunately there were no deaths, at the moment, at least no such thing is known... the population receives the assistance that is needed specifically in an emergency situation, that is, a threat to life and health is prevented in the first place. currently, 554 houses have been flooded in the region,
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this is the latest data, 2,742 household plots, 1,376 people have been evacuated, of which 320 children, a state of emergency has been declared. we have people who, accordingly, today were evacuated from their homes, today they all live in temporary temporary accommodation facilities, some, of course, with their relatives, and of course, after returning to their homes, everyone will be guided by those regulations that have been adopted in region in terms of home payments at the appropriate - well, according to the moments when an emergency situation arose, today i signed a decree introducing an appropriate emergency regime in the region in order to including, by the way, so that residents can
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receive appropriate payments where property is lost. it is also worth noting that in the akbulak district, where a state of emergency was previously declared. at the moment the situation has stabilized and the water is gradually receding. alexander. thank you, maria, our special correspondent, spoke about the flood situation in the orenburg region. in brussels, on the day of nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary , a meeting of the alliance is taking place at the level of heads of foreign affairs in the center of discussions, military assistance to ukraine. the delegations are also discussing who should become the next secretary general of the alliance, as well. the swedish authorities have officially supported the candidacy of dutch prime minister mark ryta. according to media reports, the appointment of the politician is approved by more than twenty countries, including the usa, germany, great britain and france. as for weapons for kiev, ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba demanded that nato transfer
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patriot systems to the ukrainian armed forces. western allies have not yet responded to the request. at the same time, the current secalliance gene jens stotenberg stated that the complexity. situation at the front is a reason to increase support for kiev, and military operations, according to him, must be continued for the security of all nato countries. nato. remains a destabilizing factor and an instrument of confrontation, stated presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, answering a question from journalists about how he assesses the status of our country’s relations with the alliance? the country of the nato alliance itself is already , in fact, not only constantly increasing, but already involved in the conflict around ukraine. nato continues its movement in towards our borders, expanding its military infrastructure to the side. borders, in fact, nato continues to demonstrate its essence, because nato was conceived as an alliance
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configured, created and managed by the united states of america, as an instrument of confrontation, primarily on the european continent. nato continues to carry out its functions in this regard, which, however, at the moment in no way contribute to security, predictability and stability on the continent. on the contrary, it is a destabilizing fact. west is consistently destroying the fundamental foundations of strategic stability, says chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov. he stated this at a meeting of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the cis countries. according to gerasimov, in the current conditions , challenges from the state of the commonwealth are becoming more and more real. during the meeting, he proposed to analyze the military-political situation and discuss.
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foundations of strategic stability and international security institutions. not without external influence in various corners hotbeds of tension are emerging around the planet, and international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still remains a global threat to the world. in these conditions , challenges to the commonwealth states are becoming more and more real and diverse, which obliges us to have well-equipped and trained armed forces. no one doubts the involvement of ukraine in many terrorist attacks in russia, including in kroku city hall . foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this today. he met with ambassadors of foreign countries. head of meade and diplomats discussed the situation in ukraine.
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in the pyansk direction, units of the western group of troops improved the situation along the front line and defeated enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of rozovka, raigorodka, zhovtnevaya of the lugansk people's republic and ternye of the donetsk people's republic. in the avdievsky direction, units of the troops center group, through active actions, improved the situation along the front line and defeated the enemy formation. twenty-fourth, forty-seventh mechanized, third assault and twenty-fifth air.
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the fsb found that he had a negative attitude towards the svo and the policies of the russian leadership, so he sent his personal data to the address. he was expelled from russia and... entry denied. the russian military has noticeably improved the tactical situation in the southern donetsk direction. artillery and aircraft continue to destroy enemy equipment. there are also large losses in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the crews of the top anti-aircraft missile systems help our fighters advance. they cover ground units, and also
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saving the lives of civilians by intercepting ukrainian missiles and drones. eduard watched the air defense work. toor anti-aircraft missile systems of the fifth army from primorye are on duty in the south of the donetsk people's republic, covering army units on the front line, and also intercepting missiles that fly towards peaceful settlements. the main fractors are, of course, kamikaze drones, alone, they are not so dangerous, but when there are many of them, the threats increase many times, so the crew constantly changes their location and hides in a forest belt. in military language, this is...
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85, range 20, altitude 800, speed 12, now we will clarify it, here we have a screen, an all-round visibility indicator, the head of the crew, now we are making a report on the target, if it is an enemy, we will to work out, the crew always double-checks the information so as not to mistakenly strike a friendly target, i am observing a presumably enemy, an enemy
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aircraft type striker, destroy the target. accepted, the missile takes off at great speed, after a couple of moments the target is hit, the crew sees everything that happens on the thermal imaging screen. orion, arion, target destroyed, one cost, one cost, how did you receive it? yes, i accepted, readiness number three, air defense crews of the vostok group are on duty around the clock. tors capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 32 km. drone.
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nato? yes, usa, britain. driver mechanic tora with the call sign aist, originally from the khabarovsk territory. he has been serving in the army under contract for approximately 13 years. he looks after his car every day, regularly carries out maintenance so that at the right time it does not let me down. the principle is that after combat work, especially if a launch has occurred, it is better to quickly change location. sometimes
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you have to drown it. the crew successfully returned to the shelter. soldiers have rare moments of rest, but even for leisure they always have. in full combat readiness, the command to leave can come at any minute. eduard ponigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. two-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling, abdulla rashid sadullayev. he will not be able to compete at the olympics in paris. international the olympic committee did not allow the russian to participate in the qualifying tournament for the olympics, which will begin tomorrow in baku. thus, sudullaev has no chance of getting to the games in paris. deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia nikita stasishin visited tyumen on a working visit. looked around. modern residential complexes appreciated the infrastructure of the area, including the integrated development of the territory. tyumen is participating in the federal stimulus project, thanks to which
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new streets are appearing in the city. emil mersaev will tell more details. seven multi-storey buildings, 12 hectares of a comfortable and safe environment were created according to the latest trends in architecture. in the apartments, with panoramic views from the windows of the river, on their own embankment, happy novosyolki rest without hyperbole every now and then. these are two hundred families who have already moved to a new residential complex, not far from the center of tyumen, but before there was a vacant lot of three dozen wooden, tumbledown houses, here there is a school, kindergartens, developed infrastructure, safe closed courtyards, wonderful walking areas, and amazing arrangement all sorts of opportunities for walking with a stroller, which is important; you really can’t imagine when you have a small child how important it is to have them on the roads. congresses, arrivals. all thanks to the federal program for integrated development of territories, it is often compared with moscow renovation, because the latter also provides for the demolition of dilapidated housing. the only difference is that
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the nationwide initiative is being implemented mainly at the expense of developers; for example, in tyumen, a local developer with the eloquent name of the country took up the work. local authorities provided administrative support, and federal authorities came with an inspection. we looked at the apartments, the apartments are here.
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the development of social infrastructure is one of the priorities of the integrated development program for territories. today , 16 agreements for the development of built-up areas are being implemented, already 17 agreements for the integrated development of territories, only within the framework of the crt , about 270 hectares are already involved in development and this... emil mirsaev, lead. on the tenth anniversary of the charity foundation, life in the movement in the photo exhibition “and you can” has opened in guma.
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20 children and adolescents with disabilities took part in it. the fund's wards are from different regions of the country. the goal of the project is to change society's attitude towards such children and draw attention to the problems of their adaptation. the most important thing.
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science, education, social sphere and large families. there is a very tough fight for a new course, there is a struggle to ensure that the state-patriotic line prevails in everything, in the economy, in finance, in the social sphere, the support of everyone who this is what is most needed, and children, women and the elderly, disadvantaged citizens need it, we insist that we need to take the left rudder and... we understand perfectly well that this requires a new program, here is a victory program, the government actually has it on the table, 10 of us met
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before the report. the government put 17 documents on his desk, including a development budget , and especially highlighted advanced science, education and the social sphere, support for large families and resolving issues related to the dissemination of the experience of our people enterprises. and now it’s time for economic news: exports of russian agricultural products should reach $55 billion by 2030, she announced. minister of agriculture oksana lut. according to her, last year the volume of supplies abroad was at the level of 43.5 billion. as president vladimir putin previously stated, russia fully ensures its food security. timber production in russia is at the pre-sanction level. its volumes at the end of the year exceeded 3 trillion rubles. this was stated by the deputy prime minister and the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov. production was supported by increased domestic demand. now
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the industry is recovering. exports primarily to friendly countries, these are the cis, eac and brix. the volume of car loans issued in russia has more than doubled over the year. in january-february , russians took out almost 273 billion rubles in such loans. this was reported to the national credit bureau. according to him , the low base effect was due to the shortage of new cars at the beginning of last year. the size of the loan also increased; on average, citizens took out 15 million rubles to buy a car. prices rabusto coffee soared to its highest level in 16 years; its price on the ice exchange in london reached $3,840 per ton. the reason, according to bloomberg, is the expected shortage. abnormal heat threatens coffee production in vietnam. it is one of the largest exporters of rabusta in the world. it was economic news. short. in the samara region, flooded roads were blocked everywhere due to flooding. water too.
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i also reached residential buildings, the hardest part is now in the south of the region. in some villages , the evacuation of local residents is already underway, for people we have prepared more than 200 temporary accommodation points in safe areas. elena polonskaya will tell you what other measures are being taken. we are located in the most affected by the flood, the village of the samara region, the regional center of bolshaya glushitsa. here the bolshoi irgiz river overflowed its banks, several streets were flooded, and water entered 316 houses. in the flooded part of the village , people move on rubber boats; local farmers have provided powerful tractors, with their help the evacuation of those who find themselves cut off from the mainland is being carried out. flood in the village it has been going on for the third day, today the water continues to remain, even in the morning this road on the main street of the village was dry, now not every motorist will risk driving along it. there is hope that the situation will improve by tonight. already upstream, the water level in the river has stabilized.
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elena polonskaya, alexey sergeev, host samara. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new episode of the author’s program bissagon tv. it will be called: does crime have a punishment, i hope you you’ll understand why we named our program that way, and i’m looking forward to seeing you.
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