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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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[000:01:48;00] the international book fair "nonfiction spring" opened today in moscow's gostiny dvor. more than 250 bookseller publishing houses presented new items and
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domestic reprints. foreign literature in a variety of genres. our correspondent, sofya sergieva, is now at the fair and she is in direct contact. sofia, hello, what interesting things are happening at the fair now, are there many books on display? yes, alexander, hello, there are a lot, these are tens of thousands of books, no one can say exactly how many, they are simply filled entirely, all the shelves, stands, queues line up around them, because it’s a book exhibition. and small book publishers who offer today's very sophisticated reader and viewer the newest works, the best of what is now on the market, this includes fiction, scientific literature, popular science, journalistic literature, even various culinary recipes, in general, everything is here can be found, everyone will find something
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for themselves. in the top of interest are books in the true genre, people are interested in horror stories, people are interested in reading about crimes and things how they are revealed, and we also see still a very high interest in books about history, and in history not only russian, but foreign, because people are trying to understand world events, what is happening, trying to form their own opinion, also people are interested in books about finance and investing, this is also evidenced by data from the moscow exchange , the number of russian investors is increasing, so interest in this topic is also returning. while american researchers claim that literature today it is already dead and soon there will be no readers of paper books left. today the evidence in nonfiction is completely opposite. look at the excitement here, families came here, not only with bags, with packages, but even with suitcases and carts, to take away as many books as possible. the choice is always the same, wonderful, i’ve been coming here
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for years. i really like everything, i already bought several books on art, right at the very beginning, i put it aside because it’s impossible to carry it all, thank you very much, last year i had a record, i carried 15 kg from here, being in heels, i’ve always probably already, well, how was this exhibition organized, i’ve been visiting since then, so yes, i hope that i will have additional discounts, the event program is here... very richly announced 10 discussion platforms, more than 300 events in cross-media format, these are presentations, exhibitions, lectures, master classes, meetings with authors, critics, illustrators, who, by the way, offer not only to learn more about the process of creating illustrations, book design, but even become heroes of these books and illustrations, which by the way our film crew managed to do? the cameraman films at a level, almost at
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the water level, as sheila learns to breathe underwater, and the correspondent encourages her with the help of a rubber duck, which feels great in the water. the book fair will last from april 4 to 7 from 11 am to 9 pm, so everyone can come here both after work and after school, not only to buy something new for themselves, some new items, but to communicate with like-minded people, meet favorite authors, writers, of course, learn more about new products. alexander, thank you, sofia, the nonfiction spring book fair, which opened today in moscow, was told by sofia sergieva. urgent message from the tas agency: fsb officers detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk, three alleged accomplices of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole, this was reported in the public relations center of the fsb of russia,
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we will show the details of the detention and the details of this message a little later. magnet. caribbean blend miratork. 1599. magnet - the price is right. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. all ways good when you wanted to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with large beefsteak, amental cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for, radi big special bbq bacon. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing
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let's do without pain. it’s completely different, you dream of something wonderful, but what you get is not what you get, and it happens that you’re just waiting for a comfortable office, but you get the best one. alfabank, the best bank in every office. the expansion of economic potential must be converted into an increase in wages for russians. president vladimir putin. spoke at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia and set several tasks in the personnel field. nika yankova will continue this. nick, hello, so what are the goals for the labor market? greetings, well, it is extremely important to increase labor productivity, about this
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stated the president. i’ll tell you about other tasks right now. only where work is decently paid and where working conditions are taken care of will professional and qualified personnel work. president vladimir putin stated this. at the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. unemployment in the country is now at record lows, while the economy will experience labor shortages in the coming years. in such conditions it is necessary. or increase labor productivity or import labor from abroad, said the president. thanks to the actions of the government, business, regions, and trade unions, we have achieved a significant reduction in the unemployment rate; today it is at record lows , less than 3%. and the dynamics are good; in 2023 there will be unemployment in russia for the first time. fell below three
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percent, as i already said, amounted to 2.9%. and in february of this year it dropped further to 2.8%. this is one of the most important indicators of the state of the economy as a whole. the president emphasized that it is extremely important not only to increase labor productivity, but also to modernize industry, the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, and other sectors of the economy and social sphere with the help of digital ones. technologies, production automation of modern management processes, this work should be carried out in close cooperation with trade unions. the next 6 years should be a time of accelerated industrial development in russia. in our domestic market , the share of domestic goods, equipment, machines, vehicles, medicines, consumer goods, etc. should increase
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further. all. programs to strengthen the connection of all levels of education from school to university. the government is now forming a forecast for the personnel needs of the economy; we are talking about understanding how many specialists the country needs to train, including for the coming years. at the same time, an important issue remains the growth of incomes of qualified specialists and the elimination of the wage gap in different regions. expanding the technological and industrial potential of russia, strengthening
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the domestic economy. the minimum wage should be almost doubled in the thirtieth year to 35,000 rubles. stated the president. this should have a positive impact on real wages. trade unions propose to calculate the minimum wage based on the minimum consumer budget. in fact, we believe that in the future it is necessary to move towards the minimum consumer budget guideline in order to calculate the cost on its basis. but this is of course a higher figure. according to our
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calculations, the minimum consumer budget , excluding family load, amounted to fourth quarter of 2023 rub 49,951 the federation of independent trade unions of russia unites more than 19 million members. it includes more than 120 organizations. about a dozen more cooperate with the fnpr on the basis of agreements. vladimir putin at the congress of the federation of independent
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trade unions of russia. three accomplices of the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. the fsb was informed about this. during the operational activities, it was possible to find out that two of them transferred money for the purchase of transport weapons, the third directly participated in the recruitment of terrorists and their financing. only one of the detainees has russian citizenship. what was he detained for, do you know what he was detained for? over the past 4 years, 30 new pharmaceutical production facilities have been launched in russia, mikhail mishustin announced this during a report in the state duma. more than 80% of vital drugs are produced by russian enterprises.
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marina gromova will tell you how the domestic pharmaceutical industry is developing and how the state is helping to develop and bring new drugs to market. the program has a solution. breast powder for you, here you go, this is the historical pharmacy of alexander pel, a scientist, pharmacist, at the end of the 19th century he invented a hormonal immunomodulator, a medicine that helped against many ailments, was in demand not only in his homeland, but from... how the state supports the industry today, is there a universal solution - a magic pill, or is a set of measures and
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an individual approach important? people stood in queues, in pharmacies, bought medicines, and believed that there would be no more medicines. we met this challenge. methods of prevention, treatment, new drugs equipment are not valuable in themselves, they are designed to preserve the health of our citizens. new challenges are what most sectors of the economy will face in 2022. the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. sanctions led to restrictions
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on the supply of vital drugs, but the industry coped. domestic enterprises not only provide the population with the necessary drugs, but also develop and launch them. new production, including those that were not previously produced in the country. last year alone, it was registered in russia 686 drugs, and most of them are either fully or partially produced at domestic enterprises. what kind of exhibit is this? our st. petersburg artist, he came up with it in such a way that when you walk away, you immediately recognize the silhouette of monolysa. monolyses because they are a symbol of the renaissance. this is the flowering of everything, science, medicine, uh, art. in russia over the last, uh, 10 years, there has been rapid growth, development of knowledge, technology, expertise, production, everything, everything related to pharmaceuticals. pyotr rodionov, general director of the company, history, which began more than 20 years ago. today
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it is the only full-cycle insulin manufacturer in russia. a very important process is underway, by the way. looks like pancake dough, this is a future substance, in general the production of substances, something that the russian pharmaceutical industry really lacked just a few years ago, without this stage factories, well, like mechanical engineering, unit assembly factories, along with it a full-cycle enterprise with a high degree of localization. two main sites operate in the moscow region and st. petersburg, constantly they are developing, increasing capacity and improving internal processes in order to produce more. more drugs, we now have almost 90% of our production capacity, in the future we need additional capacity, which will allow us to produce the same portfolio in large volumes for other markets. increased demand for domestically produced insulin arose in 2022; simply replacing a foreign medicine is not always possible, this is
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a violation of patent rights, this was the case with one of the most popular drugs in the world for diabetic patients. last year, the company received a compulsory... license to produce its analogue, we took the initiative to the state, but the state must say, it owes its due, that it was enough to react quickly, there was such a complete understanding that this must be done, because if the company is a regenerator leaves the market, then there is no other mechanism to make this drug available to our patients, when some foreign drugs disappeared from the russian market, the government took urgent measures, simplified by the end of this year the procedure for state registration of drugs, both russian and from other countries, and this is important, does not affect the quality and safety of drugs. the period for registering an examination itself has been reduced by 30 days, and the examination can be done remotely. also, again. registered foreign drugs can be sold in foreign packaging with a label in russian. medicines not registered in russia
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can also end up on the shelves of pharmacies if the ministry of health has issued a temporary permit for them. how did you connect your life with pharmacology in general? everything in life is random. i worked for a financial company, which at some point, while acquiring shares in various enterprises, bought shares in a pharmaceutical plant. couldn't sell it either. we got involved further, the company produces and supplies almost 600 types of drugs, from antibiotics and antivirals to antitumor drugs, necessary for cancer patients. some of the active substances are produced ourselves, and some are purchased in russia and abroad. in 2022 , we had to revise the list of suppliers; changes should be reflected in registration certificate, and these are new examinations. we felt the shoulder, there was a very important moment when the industry heard drugs where there is rizik. some components will be unavailable, the mestray undergoes examination first of all, in the mestray and the delivery of the institution to it, due to this, simply without loss of quality,
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but simply the focus on the drug with the risk of defects was possible and there they were brought to the market in a timely manner, it changes how -the drug itself, there are quality standards, there is registered regulatory documentation, for which cannot be eliminated, and there is no defect, no reason to arbitrarily change something or go beyond the limits of quality.
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which, in terms of the quality of the medicinal product , can directly reduce the research time, well, new methods appear, laboratory ones, in particular, we see today, the further science advances, the more opportunities for quality control, we have already... invested in our production site in besaransk, probably more money than the soviet union invested when building this great plant. history of this enterprise began in 1959, one of the oldest pharmaceutical plants in the country, and today it is also one of the most modern, new opportunities for the production of innovative drugs analogues of popular drugs allow manufacturers to increase capacity, this is the largest plant for the synthesis of substances or one of the largest, which is on. .. today there are up to 150 types of molecules in the country, which is more than 350 tons
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of active pharmaceutical ingredients. a year ago, the president participated in the opening of this workshop, today the company continues invest in expanding space. if earlier we always had the feeling that we were catching up with someone, that we were reproducing, that we needed analogues, now we are moving forward and ensuring that the drugs that we will need in the future are being developed now. the basis of any successful product is science, a foundation that takes decades to build. pharmaceutical companies conduct scientific activities themselves in collaboration with the largest medical universities in the country. according to the priority 2030 program of the national project science and universities grants are provided to educational institutions. currently , 118 universities from 50 regions of russia are participating in it. for example, at the pirogovo university, these funds are used to develop
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a strategy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. multilateral, and the chairman of the government approved the project “science for people”, which supports the development of drugs from laboratory samples to industrial production, conducting clinical trials, because those who are involved in the development... i know very well that this is the most difficult and marketable path. these drugs are expected in other countries today. this is a unique case when there are no similar developments at this level abroad; according to my estimates, we are 7-10 years ahead of our colleagues in the west. sergei lukyanov, rector of the university named after. pirogov, a scientist who has been developing a cure for ankylosing spondylitis, a pathology affecting the joints, has been working for more than 20 years, for him it is also part of his personal history. according to
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sergei anatolyevich, the studies were similar not even looking for a needle. straws in a haystack, and we managed to find this straw, the human body is infinitely complex from the point of view of the technologies around us, familiar ones, we believe that artificial intelligence, computer networks, spaceships are complex there, but all this is compared to working alone there the cells of our body are children's toys, there is such a large, wide, diverse group of diseases called autoimmune. and these seemingly completely different diseases have a single mechanism when cells appear in the body, which belong to the so-called lymphocytes, which are supposed to protect our body, but as a result of some mistake they begin to attack their own body and our drug - this is the first approach in the world
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when the effect is aimed at the cause. .. not just a drug, a technology, a principle has been developed, on the basis of which it is possible to select treatment for other autoimmune diseases, for example, type 1 diabetes. the medicine, unlike its predecessors, does not cause addiction is introduced every six months. now clinical trials are underway, already in the third phase, and the drug demonstrates good data, which allowed biocad to submit
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the drug for accelerated registration. scientists have become in demand in terms of sales opportunities in their country, our people can be sure that not a single drug that is vital will remain unsubstituted. is there a magic pill for the pharmaceutical business? you know, if you want to create an industry, yes, you need to provide a market. pharma 2020 was like this. state program, it just talked about what changes should appear in legislation, this is what gave a great impetus to investing in the development of our portfolios, creating new products, creating new production, what we expect from the state so that we can quickly to reproduce any drug that comes from the market, then it is still necessary to make at least preferential loans available for these purposes; the volume of investments over
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the past 3 years has amounted to closer to 17 billion rubles. we have very big plans for the following several years, not only the number of drugs and their varieties on the shelves of pharmacies has been growing, which, contrary to fears, have not been removed at all. since 2021, the russian pharmaceutical industry has grown by 18%. at the same time, many domestic drugs are much cheaper than their foreign analogues, which means that there is a solution; in the case of this medicine, there is far from one, five types of drugs with the same active ingredient. there are plenty to choose from, all made in
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russia. information picture of the day in facts - this is russia 24 in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova, that’s what we’ll talk about in this release. the choice of strategy is either to import
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labor from abroad or to increase it.


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