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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24 in the studio of artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova, that’s what we’ll talk about in this issue. choosing a strategy or importing labor from abroad or increasing labor productivity? statement by the president at the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. how much the minimum wage will increase in the next 6 years is a pressing question: training, how to attract employers. young specialists. roads are washed out, bridges are flooded, and 34 russian regions are in the grip of floods. evacuation of villages in the vologda region, meanwhile, in leningradskaya there is high water on the territory of the tikhvin monastery. rescuers are working in emergency mode in altai, as well as in the orenburg region, where almost a thousand houses are already under water. when the peak of the flood is predicted, we wait for live coverage from the spot. at a party on the occasion of the anniversary of nato, the north atlantic alliance. the west wants nato to supply
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assistance to kiev, as long as it fights with russia, relations are at the level of direct confrontation, a statement by peskov, as well as the head of the general staff gerasimov, according to whom the west undermines the foundation of strategic stability, nato remains an instrument of confrontation. unsportsmanlike behavior of the international olympic committee, one of the best russian wrestlers is not allowed to participate in the olympics. abdulrashida sudulayev. about how the committee is pushing the strongest russian athletes out of the race for medals. and will they challenge sudulaev’s right to participate in the tournament? we'll find out on our broadcast. the warmth of recent days in the european part of russia has given way to a sharp cold snap. true, the cyclone that caused the day before the real storm in central russia is weakening. yes, today the wind is no longer so dangerous, but night frosts are returning to the region, so we’ll find out from our weather forecasters when to expect spring. and let's start with the news
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of the last hour: three accomplices of the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. the fsb reported this. during the operational activities, it was possible to find out that two of them transferred money for the purchase of weapons and transport, the third was directly involved in recruiting terrorists and financing the crime. it is also known that only one of the detainees has russian citizenship, why was he detained? you know? for what? why was he detained? for the tract crucuses. let me remind you that on the evening of march 22 , armed people opened fire on visitors to the kroku city hall complex near moscow, after which they set fire to the buildings; according to the latest data, 144 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. on the same day , four perpetrators were detained. after the terrorist attack, they were caught in
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the bryansk region, they were heading towards the ukrainian border. four alleged suspects were later detained and taken into custody. accomplices of the attackers. according to investigators , they helped the terrorists buy a car and found them housing. today , vladimir putin previously commented on the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, those who ordered the monstrous crime wanted to damage the unity of the country, but it turned out exactly the opposite. tragedy. paid the russians even more, as for the customers who are now trying to confuse their tracks, the president noted, russia cannot be the target of attacks from icelandic fundamentalists, as the west is trying to pretend, all because our country demonstrates interfaith, interreligious and interethical harmony. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible... other
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goals are not visible, there are none, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity.
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in the nwo zone, judging by ukrenergo reports, today a large power facility in the kharkov region was damaged, what about the strikes retribution? yes, no matter how much the kiev authorities say, and the kharkov authorities echo them, that there is nothing strategically important in kharkov and its environs that could become a target for russian drone missiles, our military will still find the task to be completed. here is the result of night flights on the military... infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov : explosions were recorded in the area of ​​the airfield, where radar stations and anti-aircraft systems are located. another target could be a building in an industrial zone where an ammunition warehouse was equipped. well done, one the hit was enough, then the entire contents of the warehouse self-destructed due to
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detonation. another target for the strike could be the location of the lyut assault battalion. they were based in the police department building, too. there is still unconfirmed information about the destruction of a batch of tanks delivered to kharkov the day before. the vehicles and the instructors sent to them, exclusively of nato origin, did not go unnoticed by the next group of mercenaries. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and were hit by artillery from groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation. an ammunition depot, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries in a populated area. our military is eliminating western equipment with minimal costs, they have already gotten used to it, the calculation of the rszzo grad, that in these frames, in one
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salvo, they completely destroyed the hangar with the american m3 howitzers. this is how the vostok missile forces work. the tactical situation in her area of ​​responsibility was improved over the course of the day. on... in the dievsky direction, another group - the center - improved the situation the front line, with the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, our troops inflicted a serious defeat near orlovka, a thin one. the militants do not give up hope of recapturing their lost positions; they cannot come to terms with the fact that every day they are forced to retreat to the west, counterattacks do not save the situation, they lose three hundred people. and here is footage from the seversk area, the armored group of the tula landing reported after a daring night raid. an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed, and as everything was in the dark, our infantry fighting vehicles rolled up close to the positions of the militants and they opened fire, fortunately they knew the exact coordinates, thanks to the vigilant reconnaissance. russian fighters, who constantly push back the enemy, have a stern disposition, they know their business,
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they don’t let them down, they push the rod to break, not even leaving a chance to argue, and the harmless call signs, they are only for their own people, well... you understand, the situation is deadlock, worse nowhere. chasovyar is just around the corner, a powerful logistics hub from which the ukrainian armed forces has survived, it seems that all the juice has been drained over the decades, it is turning into an area cut off from kiev, in fact, all the roads in the area are now under our control. and if
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the ukrainian command has almost come to terms with the loss of the strategic importance of chasar, then the loss of image will clearly not be easy for them. after the capture of chasovyar , a direct path to liberation opens for russian troops. kramatorsk and slavyansk, to chasofyar itself is already less than 500 m; at the beginning of the week it was about a kilometer. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday april 5th. we give 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia, only in the alfa travel service, not just profitable, alpha profitable! mom, guess who started a new job today?
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russian regions are now experiencing severe flood, in the novosibirsk region they limited traffic on two roads, which actually... drowned several large settlements at once, but in altai, which was
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one of the first to receive the blow of the elements, the flood finally began to subside. in the orenburg region, due to the flood, a state of emergency was introduced; the region has the longest border with kazakhstan, where snow is also actively melting now. water also comes to the orenburg region from bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. as a result , about 500 houses were flooded. the most difficult situation in village of krasnokho. in the village of krasnokholm the situation is not so tense, the water level here is decreasing, but
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the evacuation of local residents is still ongoing, the ministry of emergency situations is evacuating people on a caterpillar conveyor, as well as on boats, not everyone, of course, wants to leave their homes, many , despite everything, remain inside, mainly, of course, those people whose houses the water did not fill, we talked today with local residents who still remain in their houses, of course, they cannot go out, because all the streets are flooded, they are currently food and drinking water are brought by volunteers on boats, these are... residents of neighboring villages and hamlets, there is no light, well, in the whole village there was no light, in all circles there was no light, that’s the same thing, we are preparing gas, eating, preparing, well, food we have everything, we stocked up on bread, because it’s dark early, we go to bed early, but we don’t sleep, because we’re waiting, looking here, looking there,
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we don’t have to sleep at all at night, only a little during the day. let's lie down and sleep for half an hour again, we'll monitor the situation, how are you going to work? i just can’t go, it doesn’t work out, i haven’t been able to go to work for the third day, the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the orenburg region held a meeting of the permanent headquarters today and discussed the goals of the task, what needs to be done to... the consequences of floods in the future, we are ready, because there are alarming conditions in the west and in the east of the region, but for this season this is a normal phenomenon, let’s say we understand the situation, we control it, fortunately there were no deaths, at the moment, at least
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such cases are unknown and the population receives that help, which is necessary precisely in an emergency situation, that is, a threat. life and health are primarily prevented. currently, according to the latest data , 554 houses and 2,742 household plots have been sunk in the region , 1,700 and 1,376 people have been evacuated, including 320 children. a state of emergency has been introduced in the region. the governor signed this decree today. we have people who were evacuated from their homes today, today they all live in temporary temporary accommodation facilities, some, of course, are with relatives, and of course, after returning to their home, everyone will be guided by well those regulations that have been adopted in the region regarding, respectively, payments per home
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with appropriate well... the length of this dam is 600 m, since the water level in the ural river is gradually increasing, over the past day it has increased by 39 cm and there is a risk , that in the village of ilek approximately 200 plots could be flooded; at the moment , 720 people live in the village, of which 229 are children.
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olga, artyom. so maria, thank you, our special correspondent spoke about the situation in the orenburg region. them currently, 34 russian regions are at the mercy of floods. its own savings account for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, search for the best location for a retail outlet. open an account with useful services for free forever sberbusiness, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for everyone there is a good car, find it on the author, sometimes you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream of something beautiful, but you get
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75 years of expansion, aggression and russophobia, the north atlantic alliance celebrates its anniversary and admits to being pumped. ukraine's weapons are a direct investment in the security of nato itself, so the alliance will not stop. it was formed in 1949 as an instrument of opposition to the ussr; in fact, no one in the west hid this, but even after the collapse of the soviet union, the russophobic essence of nato did not change, moreover, it even became obvious. russia, which the nato leadership now calls the main threat, says in plain text: for the security of the alliance it is necessary to have combat. actions in ukraine continued. these are the words of agent nato jens stoltenberg, spoken at a meeting with the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry dmitry kuleba. supplying weapons to you is an investment in
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our security, stoltenberg said , recalling that nato wants to put the supply of weapons to ukraine on a planned basis, that is , a mandatory basis for all countries of the alliance, in contrast to the voluntary transfer that is in effect now. how exactly this will be done , whether everyone will agree, has not yet been decided, but it is a statement.
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and the withdrawal of soviet war troops from europe, after the collapse of the ussr, the end of the cold war, moscow was promised that expansion supposedly there will be no north atlantic alliance in the east, promises were broken, countries of the former socialist camp joined nato in 1999, the same year when nato troops bombed yugoslavia, and after that there were several more stages of expansion. the alliance eventually approached russian borders. at the same time, the united states and nato were destroying all the most important international security treaties. nato forces also took part in
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the aggression in afghanistan. iraq and libya conducted exercises in which, without hesitation, they rehearsed a clash with the russian army, and then the west took over ukraine, and although no one directly promised to take it into the alliance, the west provided instructors with weapons to kiev long before russia was forced to launch a special military operation. arming outright nazis, as well as the entire ukrainian regime, has become the norm for western countries, as you can see, now from voluntary military assistance to ukraine they want to make mandatory military assistance under the roof of nato, to force all nato members, through strict discipline, sign up for mandatory provision.
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funding and armament to the kiev regime, so that it continues to fight with the russian federation. the west is consistently destroying the fundamental foundations of strategic stability, which is how the chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov, in turn, commented on the actions of the united states and nato. he took part in a meeting of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the cis countries. according to gerasimov, in the current conditions there are challenges for countries. the community is becoming more and more real. recent events indicate the consistent destruction by the west of the fundamental foundations of strategic stability and international security institutions. not without external influence , hotbeds of tension arise in various parts of the planet, and international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still
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remains a global threat. world, in these conditions , challenges to the states of the commonwealth are becoming more and more real and diverse, which obliges us to have well-equipped and trained armed forces. now we’ll take a short break, and then we’ll wait for our european correspondent to join us directly. let's find out what statements are being made in brussels on the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato. it's not that simple. don't switch. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for a boy and a girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, next to a field with... maybe
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maybe i did something good, maybe no, because they scolded me, there are shelling everywhere and we need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one, that you should help, i believe in myself, that i am something else i can, hello mom, everything is fine, we are working, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, we are watching, in the application or on the website, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would be a layer of people who
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they call them foreigners and... he wrote in his face his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for. they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have it here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.


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