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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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in the appendix or on the website fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to keep all their shares. in the west, and many of them have property, funds are invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they are all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. so, in brussels
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, on the day of nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary , a meeting of the alliance is being held at the level of heads of foreign affairs. the focus of the discussions, of course, is military assistance to ukraine. and our european correspondent regina sevastyanova is in direct contact. regina, greetings. regina, what statements are being made from the belgian capital, what is kiev demanding from its western partners, and what are they really ready to give? here, by the way, is kuleba of ukraine. said he was ready to ruin the nato anniversary party. what will he ask? what do i mean? at the party, the party, of course, means the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary, they decided to celebrate the diamond date with a chocolate cake, which, by the way, as many journalists here noted, forks and plates were not served on time, so the ministers first had to put the cake back, it was notched, and then even some still pricked him with their fingers. dmitry kuleb was invited to...
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the celebration to share the cake, naturally ready, but not ready to share the promises that were so expected, in particular the promise about the prospect of ukraine joining nato at the nato-ukraine council, which took place here this morning, this issue was not discussed, as jan stoltenberg said, first of all it was a discussion about prospects for further cooperation on how to bring ukraine closer to the possibility of accession. dmitry kuleba stated that his priority at this meeting is to ask the allies to supply more air defense systems, this is exactly what today he intended to talk in brussels about any specific results of this meeting, well, at least at the moment it was not announced, while, as the media writes , the shadow of donald trump invisibly hangs over this celebration, who may well return to power in the united states states, and if he fulfills his promises.
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a plan to create funds of $100 billion to help supply weapons to ukraine in the next 5 years. the day before, jens stoltenberg had now officially voiced this idea. also as part of this plan, it is planned to transfer control of the so-called ramstein group from washington to brussels, thus, according to nato, in particular in brussels, assistance to ukraine will be protected from volatile political changes. today we have not made any final decisions about what format we will establish, but we have agreed to start planning and that is what we are doing to nato, asking the military authorities to provide plans, details, and then we will make final decisions based on those proposals for plans that the military authorities will now begin to develop for us. but as bloomberg writes today, some foreign ministers have issued a warning. taking on obligations
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that they may not be able to fulfill. poland, for example, has stated that it supports the efforts of gene seka. germany stated that existing funds need to be converted into reliable ones. and stable, the uk believes that the best response from nato now would be to increase its own defense spending and bring it to 2% contributions, 2% of gdp contributions to nato from each ally, but spain first wants to understand what exactly these 100 billion will be spent on, and as the head of the foreign ministry of this country said, many large countries agree with this position, as for hungary, then the head of the foreign ministry of this country immediately announced that budapest would blockade.
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thank you, our european correspondent regina sebastianova was in direct contact. chocolate cake without forks is like ukraine without western weapons. good analogy. thank you. ural sip is a bank for business. and we are working on all or nothing principle. all.
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the expansion of economic potential should be converted into an increase in wages for russians, president vladimir putin spoke at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia and stated. only where work is decently paid and where working conditions are taken care of will professional and qualified personnel work. this was stated by president vladimir putin at the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. unemployment in the country is now at record lows, while the economy will experience a shortage of personnel in the coming years. in such conditions it is necessary to either increase. - said the president. thanks to the actions of the government, business, regions, and trade unions, we have achieved a significant reduction in the unemployment rate. today it is at record lows, less than 3%. and the dynamics are good; in
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2023, unemployment in russia dropped for the first time, below three, as i already did. the percentage was 2.9%, in february of this year it dropped further to 2.8%. this is one of the most important indicators of the state of the economy as a whole. the president emphasized: it is extremely important not only to increase labor productivity, but also to modernize industry, the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, other sectors of the economy and social sphere, using digital technologies and modern production automation. management processes, this work should be carried out in close cooperation with trade unions. the next 6 years should be a time of accelerated industrial development in russia. the share of domestic goods in our domestic market should increase,
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equipment, machine tools, vehicles, medicines, consumer goods and so on. we can and will produce all this. ourselves in much larger volumes than now, and what this is, you and i understand, these are structural changes in the economy, this is ensuring its growth rates, gdp growth rates, and these are decent wages. in his message to the federal assembly, the president announced the launch of a new national project on personnel. one of the goals of the program is to strengthen the connection between all levels of education, from school to university. the government is now forming a forecast for the personnel needs of the economy; we are talking about understanding how many specialists the country needs to train, including for the coming years. at the same time, an important issue remains the growth of incomes of qualified specialists and the elimination of the wage gap in different regions. expanding
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russia's technological and industrial potential and strengthening the domestic economy should directly translate into increased well-being of our citizens and increased wages. in the next 6 years, the share of payment labor in the country's gross domestic product should grow confidently, look what happened here, here it is... and so it is growing, in the twenty-second year its share was 38.5%, in the '23 it was already 40.7%. the minimum wage should be almost doubled by the year 1930 to 3,500 rubles, the president said. this should have a positive impact on real wages. trade unions propose to calculate the minimum wage based on the minimum consumer budget. we actually think it’s in the future. it is necessary to move towards the minimum benchmark consumer budget in order to
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calculate mrod on its basis, but this is of course a higher figure; according to our calculations, the minimum consumer budget without taking into account the family load amounted to 49,951 rubles in the fourth quarter of 2023. the federation of independent trade unions of russia unites. more than 19 million members, it includes more than 120 organizations, about a dozen more cooperate with the fnpr on the basis of agreements. vladimir putin praised the role of trade unions in informed decision-making in the field of employment. movement, according to the president based on the fundamental values ​​of serving the people, justice, respect for honest and responsible work. it is important that these values ​​are shared by future generations, therefore trade unions should be actively involved in... the national project youth and children as mentors.
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there are no great countries without quality education and fundamental science. the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov , presented his program to bring russia out of the crisis. the chairman of the party's central committee also praised the government's report to the state duma. by according to gennady zyuganov, the cabinet of ministers works skillfully in emergency conditions, because it is this composition of the government that has faced the problems of recent years, the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, sanctions of incredible scale and external pressure from unfriendly countries, as well as terrorism, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation noted, mikhail mishustin and the cabinet of ministers, they cope with all challenges perfectly. savvy, this is a quote from zyuganov, that is, about mishustin, he himself is perfectly savvy technologically, his
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government works more disciplinedly and intensely. gennady zyuganov spoke about how he and the communist party of the russian federation see the development of our country in the future. according to him, the implementation of the president's message requires a change in the financial and economic course. the authorities should keep the pace of economic development above the world level. in addition, the state should dominate in all areas.
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well, as for the economy and finance, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation believes that for sustainable growth of the russian economy, investments are needed, the source of which can be banking resources. dzyuganov also proposes to introduce changes to the law on the banking system to introduce a progressive tax scale. the chairman of the central committee of the party proposes to fight poverty and support. large families and return to soviet standards of the education system, well, the communist party of the russian federation paid a lot of attention to the budget in the program. without a change of course, there can be no way out of the impasse. we have already proposed a development budget that is 10 trillion more than the current one. and the president’s message requires an additional 7.5 trillion in spending. our budget is already this. envisaged and envisages, the new government, i believe, should build on
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precisely this development budget. to mark the tenth anniversary of the life in movement charity foundation, a photo exhibition “and you can” opened in guma. 20 children and adolescents with disabilities took part in it . the fund's wards are from different regions of the country. the goal of the project is to change society's attitude towards such children and draw attention to problems and... adaptation. the most important task of our foundation is socialization, helping children adapt to this new life, in new conditions. and here we...
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in general, do not allow him to compete at the moment. just 4 days ago, the united world of wrestling, as the international federation is called, rightly called sadulayev the main star of the tournament in azerbaijan. decisions regarding eligibility were made by the commission based on detailed verification reports provided by an independent and private intelligence service provider. sadullayev was declared unfit after the commission discovered new information about him support for the ukrainian-russian war that he still is.
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the internet, the media and public statements. we also offered to the ukrainian side and not only offered, but also asked to provide us with their information. any patriotic statement and exclusion from the olympics is guaranteed. the un has repeatedly warned about the inadmissibility of discrimination based on nationality . i had to remind bach about another basic right of athletes: freedom of speech. however, the capital is olympic. our athletes are not expected to play, mayor of paris she directly called russian and belarusian athletes unwanted guests. sadullaev would have been the undisputed favorite at the games; in february he was not allowed into the european championships in romania, and now he has been swept out of the qualifying carpet in baku. sports bureaucrats are so afraid that one of the russians might win in paris that they are doing everything to
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prevent our best athletes from even coming close to the olympic stadiums. general prosecutor's office. published a statement in response to a message from representatives of the mcfa company, they stated that the enterprises were operating normally, well and the measures taken do not interfere with production, wage payments, or the fulfillment of tax obligations. the information that makfa group enterprises have suspended operations is untrue. this is rather a pr fantasy of some lawyers, disseminated by the media, for the sake of artificially creating social tension and putting pressure on the court to make a decision. decisions in favor of the holding's beneficiaries. let me remind you that they are on the international wanted list, but the company continues to operate as normal. accepted interim measures do not prevent the payment of wages to employees, the fulfillment of social tax obligations, as well as the production and sale of finished products. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new episode of the
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besagon tv author's program. it will be called whether there is a crime. punishment, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i look forward to seeing you. now this is footage from the presidential press service, dear friends, good afternoon, can everyone see me and hear me?
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historian-archaeological park, i repeat, only in recent years, in these four year-round centers
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, about 15 thousand young people from all regions of russia have discovered new opportunities for themselves, reached new heights, found true friends, now we will already have 16 such youth centers, and two more will open in the near future in zaporozhye and kherson regions. that is, we are combining our best practices, developments and initiatives, the movement, the infrastructure of youth centers is already acquiring a nationwide scale of coverage, they will work in all federal districts, from sakhalin to kaliningrad, from the white to the azov and black seas, from yamal to novorusiya, as we planned, i think that this is absolutely correct, all new centers will have based on the results of a competitive selection. its own flavor, so that every young person can find a meaningful thematic specialization or find his own, choose exactly what is interesting to him,
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what is important to him. for example, in kamchatka this will be an environmental agenda. in the nizhny novgorod region state and municipal government, in the khantomansi autonomous district, development of civil society and volunteerism, traditions of volunteering. region, support for rural youth, it’s difficult to list everything, of course, i won’t do it, during direct participation from the regions, colleagues themselves will talk about the unique specifics and advantages, about the prospects of their centers, but all these centers are united by the main thing, they are designed to become points attraction, engines of growth in their regions and throughout russia, together they will give, i am sure of this, they will give a single one,
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so that today’s schoolchildren, students, young people specialists, residents of small villages and megacities had ample and equal opportunities to find themselves, to become established as professionals, to build a clear trajectory of their own success, right here, in their homeland, sharing the values ​​of our society, striving to be the first, the best in their field, and this will benefit your side. today. we are taking an important step towards meaningfully expanding our youth-oriented programs and increasing their accessibility, because all new centers, all
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new centers will be able to conduct not only one-time events, large forums, they will function on an ongoing basis, throughout the year, hosting a total of tens of thousands of young people, boys and girls from all over russia, as well as from other countries within the framework of... international - shifts and exchanges, well, games, the future world youth festival have shown how such contacts, conversations, frank conversations on equal terms, without any stereotypes or teachings, are interesting and attractive for millions of children from different countries, for foreign peers of today's young generation of russia, and of course, the potential of year-round centers will be fully used within the framework of our... new national project of youth and children. in addition, i ask, separately, i ask that you actively use the infrastructure and educational capabilities of all youth centers. in
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the “time of heroes” personnel program, which he recently spoke about in his message to the federal assembly. directed programs aimed at ensuring that our real heroes, veterans, special military operations, defenders and patriots of the fatherland took leading positions in all spheres of the country's life. let's start working, let's speak to the head of rosmolodezh, ksenia denisovna rozuvaeva. please, ksenia denisovna. vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, at the end of the twenty-second year at the state council on youth policy you gave instructions for the creation of such centers, and a little over a year has passed, and we are completing the implementation of your instructions, although of course the main work is certainly ahead, but nevertheless for us it is so very important, significant today event, thank you very much for your support, the centers are a logical continuation of our system of work with youth and...
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on theater stages they even appeared on screens in big cinema, there are actually a lot of such examples, vladimir vladimirovich, the third thing i would like to say , you talked about the “time of heroes” program, and of course, today in our work we see how much heroes of a special military operation are in demand in our field, as mentors, in quality. teachers, and teachers, leaders of our patriotic centers, even in the role of ministers for youth policy in the regions of our country, they really become a reference point for the younger generation, an example, as part of the work of all centers , this year we are providing for the possibility of additional training for young soldiers who have undergone a special military operation, we already have such experience , last year more than one and a half thousand
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veterans passed through the existing center. special military operation and the fourth is the international component, you mentioned the world youth festival, a huge competition, thousands of young people from all over the world who share our values, and you lost them to us - you instructed us not to lose them, and in this regard, special thanks to you for making the decision to hold the world youth festival in russia on a regular basis, but we also we believe that one of the tools for fulfilling... your instructions could be the implementation of international programs with the participation of foreigners on the basis of centers; we will be able to train them, immerse them in our context, introduce them to the richness of our regions and thus strengthen and develop this international youth community abroad. and lastly, last year, at the suggestion of the children and teenagers themselves, participants in the first movement, we for the first time opened up for them the opportunity to participate in
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our youth forums, which... well, earlier ?


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