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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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veterans of a special military operation, and the fourth is the international component, you mentioned the world youth festival, a huge competition, thousands of young people from all over the world who share our values, and you lost them to us, instructed us not to lose them, in this regard, a special thank you to you for making the decision to hold a world youth festival in russia on a regular basis, but we also... believe that one of the tools for fulfilling your instructions could be the implementation of international programs with the participation of foreigners, we will be able to train them, immerse them in our context, introduce them to the richness of our regions and thus strengthen and develop this international youth community abroad. and lastly, last year, at the suggestion of the children, teenagers themselves, participants in the first movement, we for the first time opened up for them... the opportunity to participate in our
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youth forums, which, well, previously only included children who were already 18 years old, and we offer this the practice will be transferred to the work of the centers, children will be able to work and study at the sites together with adults, create projects, plan your trajectory, it seems to us that this is a very important tool for the formation of such a unified system of working with young people, starting from childhood, thank you very much again for your support. ministers of youth policy in those regions, probably, without their personal involvement and attention to this topic, well, this is where the centers start today, because it would probably be impossible to thank all the heads of the subjects, ours, so thank you to the youth and i would like to take this opportunity would thank you very much, well, let’s listen to our colleagues from the regions where these centers are opening, please, ivan alekseevich, state start, nizhny. good afternoon, good afternoon,
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vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, gosstart welcomes you, our topic is the development of youth in the public service, and today with us in the hall are guys from youth councils, federal executive authorities, municipal employees of the nizhny novgorod region, we understand that the main task of the center is to help the young man to self-determine, make a choice, give him career guidance, send him on an internship, and help those who are already interested in the civil service, are in the pipeline and... are pursuing their path of service, to help reveal their talents. i myself was in public service, i understand how important it is to have such development institutions, like the competition for leaders of russia, in which i participated, and work in public organizations, all this is an important way to express oneself. the gosstart center is not only additional education, it is also team interaction, it is a search new connections and teams that will help implement a global one in the future. projects,
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state start is the strength of the community, we expect that 12 thousand young people will undergo an educational program in a distance format and full-time at our center during the year. why nizhny novgorod? for 4 years we have been working to improve the efficiency of the civil service, collectively, the corporate university of the government of the nizhny novgorod region, and those projects, including, for example, team 52, the leaders of the nizhny novgorod region help us highlight support people in the regions.
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we think for ourselves that professionalism and humanity are the qualities that are worth paying attention to when preparing future and current civil servants. great, here is the second, second topic and... the next center, it is closely related to what you said, i propose moving to the far east, southern sakhalinsk, the youth agency, anastasia olegovna will just tell you about her center, which will dedicated specifically to the careers of young people, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, hello, in in fact, the theme of our year-round center is career, we looked at your message to the federal assembly and noted it. how
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much time do you devote to personnel training and youth development, why is this topic most relevant for the sakhalin region, i live on the islands, i constantly see how they are changing, a new... airport has appeared, large residential areas, hospitals, schools are growing, on your instructions construction of a world-class campus has begun, new jobs are constantly opening up, in the near future there will be 20,000 of them everywhere basic question: where to get personnel? my own experience is the answer to this question. i received my education in krasnoyarsk, worked in moscow, and 4 years ago i moved to sakhalin to join the team. governor valery igorovich lemarenko. honestly, i came here not for a career, but for a challenge, to put together a model of personnel training to meet the needs of the economy of the only island region in our country. and it so happened that from the deputy director of the college, i became the head of
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the region’s youth policy. such examples of growth are not rare for us, they are the norm. that is why in 2022 at the all-russian forum of the island, which we... a young man could build a career in his region. career consultants, so-called career guides, will also be trained here. their task is to develop individual career plans in schools, technical schools, universities, enterprises and even at youth forums. all these plans
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will be combined in the career navigator. this is a platform that will allow you to see not only your development plan in the country, but also show what support measures are available. exist in in your region, courses, vacancies open here now, at the end of the year, vladimir vladimirovich, we will make this service for creating career plans available to every participant in the new national project youth of russia. thank you very much for supporting the opportunity to make my professional dream come true. thank you, thank you, you see, your center is dedicated to the career successes of young people, but you are already doing this, and our next speaker, alesya anatolna teterina, she works in the yamalonets autonomous okrug, she does the same career, she is already a director, it is more than a journey, a very important, interesting
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direction that, without any doubt , will help young people get acquainted with our country, its history and... based on these objective data , build their own career for the future. olesya anatolyevna, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, today we are actually working in yamal, and here with me in the studio are our guides and young bloggers, travelers, and today we are launching the work of our new year-round center, which is dedicated to the direction. and here we will, as part of our program, be inspired, including by your position, that every citizen of our country should have the opportunity to travel around our interesting homeland, get to know it, be proud of it,
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and love it even more, together with the program more than travel, already 170,000 people have... traveled around our country, looked at it, got to know it even more, in addition, as part of our travels, we promote different formats, including hiking tourism, here we are working together with the movement of the first, and the event for the development of hiking tourism will also be included in the new national project youth and children, which you also mentioned today. as part of our program, we also pay great attention to the training of guides, and for them last year we created the project guides of meaning; in the twenty-third year we trained more than 8,000 and new, well, new
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tour guides. our guides of meaning worked at the world festival and are also working at the international exhibition russia, and they introduce millions of our fellow citizens to the achievements of our country, with its successes they inspire them to new achievements, ours - together with our new center in yamali, we plan at the end of the year to train at least 10 thousand and guides and other audiences who are related to the development of youth tourism. i want to give the floor to ekaterina nikolenko, she has been actively involved in youth policy in the region since childhood and has become the head of our new center. hello, we often come across the stereotype that it’s a long flight to get to imal. many people think that a flight to us takes 6 or
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9 hours, although in fact the road from moscow to the arctic circle takes only 2.5 hours of flight. yamal is an incredibly beautiful region, we have endless tundra, the polar urals mountain, and the northern lights. we want every resident of the country to know about our unique attractions and be sure to come and visit us. russia is a big beautiful country. stimulating travel around the country, thanks to a convenient mobile application, people
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will be able to travel, visit absolutely sights of absolutely any region, share emotions and compete with other tourists, and the best participants in the offer will be awarded exclusive expeditions. vladimir vladimirovich, we know that this year you visited chukotka, thereby visiting all 89 regions of russia, so we consider you an honorary participant in our new one. thank you very much, thank you, you have a very important, interesting line of work, but i will return to this at the end of our meeting, let’s move to the south, to sevastopol, chersonesos, please, elena aleksandrovna, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, in 2023. on the day of family, love and fidelity, in accordance with your instructions, the youth,
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year-round historical and cultural center istoki was opened. this happened in pechory, in the vskov region, but you already mentioned this today, and this summer the stoki center will begin its work in the south of russia, on the fertile crimean land, in the city of the hero sevastopol, on the territory of khersanez tauride, where we are now. this is truly a unique place. with a rich history that can neither be taken away from us nor consigned to oblivion, the huge historical archaeological park khersanez tavrischesky, which is being built, will very soon open its doors to visitors of completely different ages, and we are convinced that no one will remain indifferent from visiting the museum of crimea, new russia, christianity , byzantium and antiquity, more than 3,000 participants. the programs of the istoki center will not just touch history, they will become its researchers, they will not take
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part in archaeological excavations, they will learn create museum exhibits and archives. why is it important? because this is a process of learning about ourselves, because the main meaning and goal is in participation, in self-identification as heirs of a great culture. unique feature. the origins are that our participants, participants in our programs are not just and not only young people, but also entire families, parents with children, next to me there is the chikalka family, natalya, kiryusha and nastyusha, who were participants in the program in pechory in pskov region looks forward to they are waiting for an opening here in crimea, and you know, for me, as a young scientist, as the head of the rospatriot program of the federal agency for youth affairs, this is also a responsible and important mission. i am convinced that by educating our youth to respect cultural
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values ​​and our history, we will raise a generation that will unite around a common goal, the prosperity of a great country, let me say a few words to denis golubtsov, a student at the taurida theological seminary, who will become a mentor at the istoki center in crimea, very soon he will transfer his knowledge and experience to ours participants. complex historical and archaeological park chersonesos-tavrichsky, behind us there is a whole complex of amazing buildings, this is the museum of christianity, the museum of crimea and new russia, the museum of antiquity and byzantium. a full-scale restoration of the st. vladimir cathedral is already underway, not far from which the holy apostolic grand duke
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vladimir was baptized, who united all the tribes together on this blessed land. they preached their sermon on this land. saint clement, apostle andrew the first-called, namely from this place begin the origins, the symbolic name of which our youth center bears, also on the basis of this complex an international archaeological center will be created, in which young people and other pilgrims, tourists will be able to receive moral values, real values ​​of truth, and we are glad that this idea of ​​creating... this complex is located on our land, and i would like to personally invite you to the opening of this complex to thank you for the initiative itself, god bless you, yeah, thank you very much, well there is no need to talk about the importance of your work, the importance of this place, this is one of the most important sources of our spirituality, prince
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vladimir really not only himself was baptized into the khersansiy and the squad. to unite and unite everything, all the slavic premens who lived in this territory, and this, in fact, formed the basis of its baptism, but then spiritually began the construction of a single centralized russian state, in this sense, this place is truly sacred and very important for the russian state, so here it gets mixed up in...
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vladimirovich, my name is daniil lyudokimov, i’m 19 years old, i live, study and work in the kaliningrad region, i’ve been an organizer and activist of youth projects for more than 8 years, i absolutely love my job and how cool youth policy is developing in our country. not so long ago, in the fall of twenty -two, i was lucky enough to attend a meeting with you to jointly open an all-russian project to talk about important things. then i told you about significant events for kaliningrad, the first all-russian. youth media forms of noise and about his dream of building a large youth center on the shores of the baltic sea. 2 years have passed since that moment and today, together with you, we are launching our unique year-round youth educational center shum. to be honest, i have a slight jitters, i still can’t believe that my dream has come true, that i’m sitting here and
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telling you about our results. thank you so much for supporting such initiatives. pilot programs are already being implemented in our center; since august, the center we will have our own site on the baltic coast, everything is as you said. it is important to note that we live in the kaliningrad region, a western exclave, and this in itself is a reason for publication in the media. it’s no secret that both in russia and abroad, kaliningrad is closely monitored for our content. many people are interested in our geography, history, our people and the development of various industries. and this is what is important to write about, it is important to show, this is what we sincerely love and are proud of, for example, this year the participants, the participants of our the center will attract about 20,000 young people from all over the country, thanks to the construction of the center we will be able to host up to 300 participants in various educational programs at the same time, for us media is not just
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a profession or field, for us it is a particularly important job, because if... 15 -20 years ago , entry into the profession of a media specialist was carried out only through obtaining a higher education, but today everyone can and becomes a translator of meanings, and we are ready to give a place for training and development to all young people, speaking not only about skills and knowledge, but about the values ​​of our country, since living in the era of information wars, every journalist, every designer, every photographer is a person who shapes the consciousness of millions of residents of our country and the whole world. thanks to the world youth festival and your mandate, today we are developing international relations through joint educational programs to ensure that our year-round center continues the legacy of the festival. has become a place where they will create tools, trends and opportunities for transmitting the value of youth. once again i want to say a huge thank you for making my dream come true. i am 100% sure
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that this is the dream of many young creators, journalists and media committees in russia. vladimir vladimirovich, to sum it up, i want to say that noise is an amazing opportunity not only to see the kaliningrad region, but also to gain probably the most relevant skills in our time. meeting at the noise, yeah, and you said, if, you said, if we sum up, but it seems to me that it’s too early to sum up, the work is just beginning, i want you in my turn to thank you for choosing such a line of activity, very interesting and very necessary and important for your peers, so i wish you daniluvich success, and i look at the picture on...
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regional, i agree, completely, good, you thank you very much for your support of this project, thank you, yes, i would like to appeal to all participants in our meeting today, we have many participants and government members, regional leaders, is there a need and desire for anyone to add something, please if so... there is a need, say about it, raise your hand so that the camera can pick you up, no, okay, i want to thank everyone,
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that’s what i want to say in conclusion, here are colleagues from the yamalonets autonomous okrug, when they talked about their project, more than travel, remembered those people who work within the framework of this project, called them very correct... in other words, conductors of meaning, so i would like to emphasize that all of you, dear colleagues, everyone who is involved in something so important, so absolutely relevant, the most important, i would say, area of ​​work is working with young people, so you all, in the broadest sense of the word, are conduits of meaning, excuse the taftology, but this is... extremely important work, it is very difficult, but it cannot be more difficult , today in - a huge ocean of information in a huge
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ocean of all sorts of opinions, hypotheses based on nothing, in information noise, in - in the use of modern technologies for selfish purposes with a variety of people pursuing... about our country, about its about the past, about the present, about our goals, development goals, so that the overwhelming majority, ideally
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all citizens of the country, especially our young fellow citizens, are imbued with love for russia and sincerely work for its future with all their hearts, this is the main meaning of your work. and i want to wish you success, you are carriers of meaning, thank you, these were shots from the presidential press service, vladimir putin took part in the opening of youth centers in different regions of russia via video conference. well, we continue now on to other news: three accomplices of the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. the fsb reported this. during the operational activities, it was possible to find out that two of them transferred money to purchase weapons and vehicles, the third was directly involved in recruiting terrorists and financing the crime. it is also known that only
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one of the detainees... has russian citizenship. is he detained? why was he detained? let me remind you that on the evening of march 22, armed people opened fire on visitors to the moscow region kroku city hall complex, after which the building was set on fire. according to the latest data , 144 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. were detained on the same day. the four perpetrators of this terrorist attack were caught in the bryansk region, they were heading towards the ukrainian border. later , four alleged accomplices of the attackers were detained and taken into custody. according to investigators, they helped the terrorists buy a car and found them housing. vladimir putin also commented on the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus today. according to the president, the perpetrator of the monstrous crimes, they wanted to damage the unity of the country, but it turned out exactly the opposite.
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tragedies. damaging our unity, other terrorist acts in moscow were precisely the goals and are not visible, they do not exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity.
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interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object for attacks by islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal to undermine the unity of russian society, it is certainly visible, especially in modern conditions. not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth
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banks. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that happened , posted it on the internet, what they accuse you of, these actions obviously testify that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can handle it.
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