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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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footage from a belarusian tv channel: kgb officers are arresting a thirty-year-old employee of a housing and communal services company in the malarid region and is suspected of terrorism. and he invited me to talk to his supposed boyfriend. he was. then evgeniy gruk talked
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with four more ukrainians, this number was obviously tested, passed, was recruited for 1,500 belarusian, that is, for 42 thousand russian rubles, the ukrainian special services asked to monitor the military, take photos, send their coordinates, the grug coped with it, the gur, he was entrusted with a more difficult task. just since the beginning of this year, belarusian special services have detained several dozen recruits and converts. agents gur and
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the sbu, 12 residents of the border drogichensky district immediately organized the transfer of explosives and components for improvised explosive devices from ukraine. entire families turned into terrorist cells, brothers named kapusa hid explosives in forest. the wife of one of the men took a photo and sent it to the ukrainian curator. then these shots were filmed in russia. here it is an explosion inside, i tore it out, look how thick it is. sergei eremeev staged the terrorist attack on the railway for $600, part of which the ukrainian curator gave him in cash through a bookmark, and part of which he transferred to a card. all this was from ukraine, the sbu or something there, the person was interested, as he said, well, you know, on the second day, i think, he even said, well, you understand which side i’m on. ukrainian intelligence services select people for their intelligence network low-income people, preferably with bad habits, so that they can be lured with money or... they are used and forgotten, and
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those recruited become organizers and accomplices of terrorist acts, ukrainian officials do not hide their schemes. our forces and the gurus, the sbu, have proven to the whole world that they can conduct unique special operations and hit both oil refineries and infrastructure facilities, including aircraft. if there is a threat to our territory, we will do everything necessary, including on the territory belarus, which is a unique special operation for ukraine, a terrible terrorist attack for the entire normal world, kiev is also involved in the terrible death of 144 people, including six children in the crocus city hall near moscow, facts emerged during the investigation. it is obvious that there was a ukrainian trace, especially since ukraine’s involvement...
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ukraine has turned into a terrorist state, foreign minister sergei lavrov announced this at a meeting with ambassadors of foreign states, the number of facts cited of the bloody crimes of the kiev regime not to refute, but to doubt. approval is not given. egor grigoriev, vitaly harutyunyan, valeria borovikova, news. well, now to informagentv clients, where messages marked urgently are received. the candidacy of irina podnosova was recommended to the president for submission to the federation council for appointment as chairman
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of the supreme court. published on the kremlin website. well, we continue. it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of medical quality. education in russia, this was stated by the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. according to him, it is important that educational institutions produce competent specialists; serious attention should be paid to this. today, the demand for medical education is high, due to prestige, profession and demand in the labor market. according to recent surveys, young people are increasingly choosing medical specialties, and this is confirmed by statistics. as valery said. folkov, minister of science and higher education, in just 4 years the number of budget places in higher educational institutions of the country, who train doctors increased by 14%. and the number of medical university students increased from 312,000 to 35,000. today in russia
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there are specialized, specialized educational institutions that will introduce clinical, laboratory or scientific and educational activities, and there are 49 of them in 42 regions, and there are also. classical universities, where medical faculties also train future doctors. similar educational institutions have been opened in thirty regions of our country, for example, in crimea, sevastopol, kaliningrad, pskov regions in republic of mordovia. we talked about the training of medical personnel in the higher education system with valery folkov, minister of science and higher education. let's see. valery nikolaevich, good afternoon. good afternoon, tell us how the number of budget funds is distributed? well, our colleagues from the ministry of health play a key role here, since the number of places in the regions at the corresponding and specific university is determined primarily by the ministry
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of health as the relevant ministry with our participation, there is such a concept as a responsibility center, and so they are a responsibility center, it is clear that coordination takes place quite... according to a complex procedure , first universities submit their applications, then this is agreed upon with the subjects, then it all comes to us, but the final decision for our colleagues from mizrav. the amount of the budget for training future doctors is growing and what are the numbers, what can we say? over the past 4 years, the number of budget places, or rather the number of students studying, has increased by 14%. by medical specialties from 312 thousand to 355 in the system as a whole, these are only those who study in budget places, well , accordingly, every year we added more than a thousand budget places in this area. how many
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non-core classical universities are there now in russia that train future medical personnel? i do not agree that classical universities are not specialized in relation to medicine, one at a time. it is called classical because for it everyone, without exception, is profiled areas of training, and the faculty of medicine, traditionally, historically, was one of the first to be created in all universities, i must say, confirmation of this is also our russian history, if you look, one of the first three faculties of moscow state university was the faculty of medicine, but if you look, which one is the most in demand today? popular, the most famous faculty at st. petersburg university, these are our flagships, this is the faculty of medicine. if you remember the story siberian imperial university in tomsk, it was one of the first to be created; there was a medical faculty, which, as a result
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of the reform in 1930, was separated and transformed into a separate educational institution. well, i can continue this story, just remember the same saratov state university, created. at the beginning of the 20th century , one of the faculties was also the faculty of medicine, which again in the thirties was transformed into an independent medical transport, by the way, in the same... moreover, in those regions where we do not have medical universities at all, our regions are divided into
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three categories, where there is no medical education at all, there are 14 such regions, in forty-two regions we have 49 specialized medical universities that train personnel, they the most numerous, there are more than 30 subjects where there are no medical universities. the decision to open an educational program is made by any university itself, or rather, not just any one, but by the university, this is the decision
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of the academic council, in the future, in accordance with the requirements established by the state educational standard , an application is submitted and a decision on licensing is made, that is, the possibility of admitting students to the program is accepted by the special federal executive body rosobnadzor, the federal service for supervision in the field of education and science; it also carries out the second procedure, which is called accreditation, that is ... the opportunity not just to teach students, but to issue a state diploma , so if you represent this or that university, you look at what requirements are imposed by the standard for the training of physicians, write an application, go through the licensing procedure and receive consent to train specialists, what are the criteria, that is, what conditions must a classical university comply with, well, in the most general form, then any university, and a medical, classical one, is of course, the presence of qualified personnel, this is of course... the availability of appropriate space, and, as a rule, taking into account medicine, this is
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also a special requirement, and of course, equipment, a clinical base, and then depending on what medical specialty we are talking about, there is its own specificity, in general terms this is so. valery nikolaevich, you have already spoken about the role of rosobronadzor, but if we talk about quality control of education, how future medical specialists are trained for our country, what is the role of the ministry of education here?
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medical engineers receive - one of the directions, they receive good grants, fight every year, compete in very high positions, so in this part, uh, we ... do everything possible to medical universities received proper support, or universities where they train medical personnel. by the way, the day before yesterday there was a selection process for universities to receive candidate status for the priority 2030 program. a number of regional universities received this
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status, i mean, of course, those with a medical university in their name. in this sense, this is a very good tendency towards our issue being resolved. at the government report in the state duma, the day before they talked about the deficit medical personnel, how does the quality of education in universities and the interest of employers affect this situation? a good question, this is a shortage of qualified personnel - this is a complex problem for the healthcare sector, it is extremely relevant, but here, first of all, you need to look at interesting working conditions.
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only universities should carry out career guidance work and ensure closer communication between the healthcare sector itself and the education sector to guide graduates - their medical faculties or technical specialties in the areas in which they study to work in the healthcare sector, but future employers themselves, of course, must create favorable favorable conditions so that graduates strive to go to work with them. valery nikolaevich, thank you very much for taking the time for our interview. thank you. in the country's main elections, vladimir putin received the greatest support in history. the result was called the presidential supermajority. this was discussed today at a round table organized by an expert institute social research. with details from linta dadokaeva, she joins us
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live. linda, welcome. what else did the experts talk about? yes, colleagues, greetings, well, first things first. experts at the central election commission called the result of the head of state a presidential supermajority. according to official data, the latest elections in russia were a record high in terms of the number of voters and the level of support. this is evidenced by sociological research in the central election commission. let me note that this result was achieved under tough conditions. global confrontation and conflict with the west, the sanctions war against russia and the ongoing special military operation in ukraine. force majeure, of course, is also... the stimulating factor is the sanctions, the most severe sanctions , implicated in such direct russophobia that it very well sets off the taste and color and content of this political product, which we now call the supreme power in russia, yes, which we associate with one person, vladimer
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putin, so we can bow to western colleagues regarding the fact that they made a huge contribution to the formation of the political image of vladimir putin throughout the world. alexey mukhin also noted that people who make up a super-majority have different political views, but are united by one idea. today , more than 50% of russians are confident that in a year they will live much better than now. in 2018, this group made up 29%. the majority of the population - 77% - say that vladimir putin can provide. development of the country, experts noted. also at the base sociological research in the center for public opinion, experts examined the main criteria for the unconditional victory of vladimir putin. one of the main factors that influenced this outcome is the donbass consensus. according to experts, 68% of russians support the decision to conduct a special military operation in ukraine.
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74% also assess the union of the dpr and lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions with russia positively, and 85% trust the army. the deputy minister of construction, housing and communal services of russia visited tyumen on a working visit. he examined the modern residential complexes, assessed the infrastructure of the area, including the integrated development of territories. they are not participating in the federal project stimulus, thanks to which new streets are appearing in the city. emil mirsaev will tell you more. seven multi-storey buildings, 12 hectares of comfortable and safe environment.
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development of the territory, it is often compared with the moscow renovation, because the latter also involves the demolition of dilapidated housing. the only difference is that the nationwide initiative is being implemented primarily at the expense of developers. for example, in tyumen for work a local developer with the eloquent name of the country took on the task. local authorities provided administrative support, and federal authorities came with an inspection. we looked at the apartment drawing. apartment design here meets the tasks that... the president of our country stated in his message, a large number of two-room and three-room apartments, the average age of residents is 30-35 years old, this is exactly the
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segment to which all support measures implemented by the government are aimed in terms of preferential mortgages and in terms of support through national projects, so there would be more such projects in the country. in fact, in just a year and a half, the developer will begin commissioning the second phase of the residential complex, which will include 10 more comfortable and... development of social infrastructure is one of the priorities of the integrated development program for territories. today, 16 agreements for the development of built-up areas are being implemented, already 17 agreements for the integrated development of territories; within the framework of the crt alone, about 270 hectares are already involved in development and these are truly striking examples of truly integrated development territories. spot construction, and most importantly, these are the mechanisms that make it possible to realize, at the expense of extra-budgetary funds, the dreams of people in terms of relocation
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to comfortable, comfortable housing. now the mechanism for integrated development of territories is gaining momentum; in total, about 200 projects are being implemented across the country in fifty regions, and a large share relates specifically to residential development. the authorities consider this program to be the most important for the full development of cities. emil mirsaev, news. and now it's news time economy: russia increased oil and gas revenues by 40% in march. the budget received a trillion 300 billion rubles. the ministry of finance reports this. according to the businessman, such a jump is calendar in nature. the entire increase came from the additional income tax, which oil workers pay not monthly, but four times a year. its amount in march was almost 590 billion rubles. collections of the main oil and gas tax (met) decreased in march. up to 800 billion. exports of russian agricultural products should reach $55 billion by 2030. about it said first deputy minister of agriculture oksana lut. according to her, last
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year the volume of supplies abroad was at the level of 43.5 billion. as president vladimir putin previously stated, russia fully ensures its food security. europe did not plan to hit the russian economy with sanctions, but only wanted to weaken its military potential. this was stated by the head of eu diplomacy , jose borel. he noted that the european embargo on coal and oil has led to a reduction in russian income. at the same time, the eu, according to barel, never wanted to prevent the country from exporting fossil fuels, which could provoke a serious crisis in world energy markets. and leading cocoa producers are raising prices sharply. according to bloomberg, the largest company raised the selling price of beans by one and a half times. he plans to do the same. and neighboring ghana. countries want to share profits from rising world cocoa prices with farmers. this should encourage producers to supply more beans and encourage investment in
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their farms. according to reuters, cocoa prices have already tripled over the past year. it was economic news. short. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website. well, now there is new footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello, our main topic today is the identified results of the implementation of individual development programs.
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regions and plans to extend them for the twenty -fifth to twenty-thirties, but first of all i would like to congratulate you all and chairman of the government with a report to the state duma, i saw how this happened in a dignified manner at a good level, in a substantive manner, yesterday evening we talked to michal vladimirovich about this, discussed it, but we need to move on and... i would like to start our meeting today with a discussion of one of the most important new national projects, namely youth and children, we have just opened 12 new youth centers in different regions of the country with some colleagues and young people, let’s start with this, tatyana alekseevna, please, how is work going on to formulate this program?
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thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, at the beginning of the opening of twelve new youth centers, vladimir vladimirovich, you said that youth is the driving force for the development of any state and how youth policy will be built depends on the future of russia. today, based on the legally established qualification, 14-35 years old, this category in the russian federation amounts to 37 million people, almost a quarter of the country’s population, 2/3 live in cities, 5.3 million young families are young families, children are growing up in these families, this is another 3.9 million such families. in december 2022 , the first
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results were summed up at a meeting of the state council. implementation of the main directions of youth policy and the changes that occurred in connection with the adoption of the law on youth policy in 2020. you have been tasked with developing a strategy for the implementation of youth policy until the thirtieth year and a national program, which should be aimed at creating conditions for effective self-realization of youth. i would like to say that the draft strategy has been developed and passed through extensively.
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child in the family, so i just want to dwell on this; not only our strategy, but also the new national project “youth and children” is based on this. in order to develop youth infrastructure, we are expanding the network of youth centers. there are already 257 regional and 1,786 municipal youth centers that work according to a single methodological standard, ensuring
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the involvement of young people. self-determination, career guidance for young people, prevention of destructive behavior, education of patriotism and spiritual and moral values, involvement in creativity in sports. more than 10 million young people took part in them. as you know, we also just talked about this, we are developing four federal ones. year-long youth centers, we are preparing to open new ones; in those that operate , 363 educational programs have been implemented for 136 thousand students. we also continue to further develop youth infrastructure within the framework of the region for young people program, in in the twenty-fourth year , 47 regions will receive state support, 24.


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