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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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we are preparing to open new ones, in those that are working, 363 educational programs have been implemented for 136 thousand students, we also continue to further develop youth infrastructure within the framework of the region for the young program, in the twenty-fourth year 47 regions will receive state support, 24 of them will receive it first. development of values.
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we implement semantic and moral guidelines in accordance with the fundamentals of state policy to preserve and strengthen russian traditional moral spiritual values. in matters of education, we rely, among other things, on advisors to directors of education and interaction with children's public associations. today, more than 37 thousand advisers work in schools and colleges across the country, including new regions, in accordance with your instructions, vladimir vladimirov. starting from the new academic year, advisers will receive payments of 5,000 rubles. the corresponding government resolution is ready. we are also reviewing approaches to organizing the forum campaign. youth forums should become full-fledged educational and a developing environment that helps young people on an informal basis to receive education according to the profile of their personal and professional interests, to find a job, to form. team to implement the project.
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today there are more than 25,000 thematic platforms of various levels, and about a million people become participants in the forums every year. i want to say that there are results, we are certainly carrying out sociological measurements. over the past 5 years, the proportion of young people who believe in the possibilities of self-realization in russia has increased from 64 to 81%, feeling proud of the country from 58 to... 92%. there has been a tendency towards an increase in the share of proactive, patriotic-minded youth. in 1922, the tsom conducted such measurements for the first time. estimated this at 36%. in the twenty- third year it was already 40%. therefore, in order to form an active civic position among young people, prevent interethnic and interfaith conflicts, counter the ideology of terrorism and prevention. extremism, we
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are developing a network of regional coordination centers, today there are nine vector and 83 coordination centers that ensure the implementation of local tasks. one of these, probably, the main tasks of these centers is training state and municipal employees, teaching staff, as well as specialists responsible for preventive work with young people, the skills of diagnosis and prevention. and interfaith relations in modern russia. in the twenty-third year , more than 43,000 specialists completed such training, more than 6,000 took part in various events of the centers student youth. we plan to continue this work. professional development of youth is another extremely important area, which is naturally associated with assistance. russia is a country of opportunity, and
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70% of the participants are young people, but we see a positive trend towards a reduction in the number of young people aged 15 to 24 years, who, unfortunately, do not study or work; 5 years ago there were 10.6%. 8.7 we see a trend, a positive trend towards a reduction in youth unemployment, its level decreased from 6.8 to 5.1% in 2023, of course, this cannot but worry us, because you and i know that the latest indicators for february 2024 indicate that the unemployment rate according to the international methodology of the international organization ...
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earnings, therefore we are expanding the professionalism project, on your instructions, on your on the same instructions, we are forming a new national personnel project, within the framework of which we will continue to work on the professional self-determination of young people and overcome structural unemployment, and we will also continue to create favorable conditions for young people conditions aimed at increasing the birth rate, the formation of family values , and we are implementing a whole range of measures to support them, with an emphasis on...
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including the formation of a positive attitude towards starting a family. i would like to note that among the life goals that young people aged 18-35 set for themselves, 71% give priority to creating a happy family and raising children, so it is very important to support this desire. on your instructions, we are developing a national family project, within the framework of which we will ensure the introduction of new and improvement of existing support programs. different categories of young people, a special area that has already become an integral part of our lives is volunteering. in our country, we have one of the highest indicators in the world for the involvement of youth in volunteer activities, this is already 15 million people,
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we are developing a public, state movement of children and youth, the movement of which 5.3 million people have already become the first participants, of which more than 7,000 people . these are mentors, the activities of the movement are built according to the principle of continuity from primary school to students, and we are implementing these measures in new regions of the country, and we are also implementing measures to counter the destructive behavior of young people, their legal education and information protection. last year , we began implementing a set of measures to prevent negative social phenomena among children and youth at schools, colleges, and universities, and we will certainly continue this work. in new regions, in the twenty-third year, we opened youth centers in lugansk and donetsk people's republics republics, zaporozhye region involved more than 100 thousand young people in various
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projects. we are also improving the youth policy management system. on april 1 , rosmolodezh received powers to develop and implement. state youth policy and its legal regulation, we see the active development of youth structures in the regions of the country, if in the twentieth year there were only 25 of them, now there are already 68, now, as i said, we have begun to develop a national project on youth and children , i must say that we launched... such a preparatory, public discussion of this national project, more than thirty federal executive authorities and 15 public and non-profit organizations submitted their proposals to the national project. a collection of proposals was launched,
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we received 2.0 proposals, we proceed from the fact that it is very important to receive the public’s request for what they would like to see in the new national project. and the national project will make it possible to realize the main national goal, development is an opportunity for self-realization of development talents, we will include everything in the national project. basic measures to support young people, it will be aimed, among other things, at creating conditions for the self-realization of youth, personnel and social elevators, this will also include measures to develop modern infrastructure for children and youth, these are youth centers, major renovations of schools, targeted construction of schools, there where this is necessary, and we estimate this at 150, we will update the material and technical base of pedagogical universities, and also, on your instructions, we will create: flagship schools of advanced level for development of replication of best practices.
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particular attention will be paid to activities to identify talented children and youth. we plan to highlight as a separate area activities that are aimed at implementing educational programs, promoting traditional spiritual and moral values, including through the creation of educational content, development and support of mentoring, and volunteering. we will also continue to create a unified system of training and retraining for educators, teachers, and youth work specialists. and one more event final on promoting russian values ​​and the russian language abroad, taking into account the legacy of the world youth festival , the instructions that you gave to individuals following the results of the festival. the management will be international youth activities, ksenia denisovna
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razuvaeva will talk about this today. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, we hope that the new national project will allow us to build a single, consistent trajectory for the formation of the younger generation of russian citizens. thank you for your attention. thank you tatiana alekseevna, you have already mentioned the preparation of a corresponding resolution. as for additional payments to primary care medical workers, first and second, to teachers, class teachers, when will this decree come out, when will people actually get the money in their hands? when, vladimir vladimirovich, the decree on medical workers came out, came out in march, and we have already started making the first payments; we are the ministry of health.
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since payments are made throughout the month of april, as for additional payments to 500 class teachers, which, according to your decision , should also be made from march 1 , 2024, the corresponding decisions have also been made by the government.
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the employment situation has improved even in the most difficult age group, this is among job seekers under 24 years old, here we are seeing a decrease in unemployment by more than a third. on your instructions, vich, a long-term program to promote youth employment has been in effect since twenty-one. as a continuation of this program, in 85 subjects of the federation there were they have adopted their own sets of measures, and this year the same programs will be adopted in new constituent entities of the russian federation. short. i’ll dwell on what we have done, administrative data showed that even a year of practical
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experience gives an increase in wages for young guys of about 19%, and at the same time it also significantly increases their level of employment, so firstly we worked to eliminate administrative barriers to employment for the first job, the number of documents for employment of minors has been reduced, now registration... permission from the guardianship authorities is only necessary if the teenager is being raised without parents; in other cases, consent can be given by the mother or father. in addition, we removed a group of demotivating factors for employment. youth, now income from part-time work for minors is not taken into account when assigning a single benefit, but separate decisions are made regarding members of russian student groups. now social supplements to survivor's pensions or disability pensions remain; let me remind you that before even short-term employment transferred the guys into the working category, thereby depriving them
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of certain social benefits. the same procedure is now in effect for trawl-built ones, in the direction of service for. the employer receives an additional 75 thousand rubles if he hires a young man who needs support at the start of his career. thanks to this mechanism, we employed almost 50,000 young people last year; in principle, the program has proven itself positively. another solution is free retraining. for example, a young mother after maternity
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leave, let’s say, has a need to update her knowledge or additional skills for employment. now such retraining is organized free of charge; in total, this program helped 60,000 young job seekers find jobs last year . thirdly, we are developing a mechanism to strengthen the connection between a citizen, an educational organization and an employer; monitoring of the employment of graduates and universities will be available in the public domain from june 1 and organizations. secondary vocational education, that is, applicants will be able to see the employment wages of graduates for each educational program. of course, the salary level of a young specialist is influenced by a number of factors, ranging from the region where the university is located to the region of employment, and the personal plans of the student himself, but nevertheless, these data, in our opinion, will become one of
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the useful guidelines for those who make the appropriate choice today between educational programs. another a tool for strengthening the tripartite ligament citizen, educational organization employer - this is a targeted technique. this year , for the first time, we will carry out selection for targeted admission in an open mode, together with colleagues from the ministry of education and science, the ministry of digital development, the ministry of education and deputies of the state duma, we tried to make the procedure as open as possible, that is, the employer will formulate his proposals in the familiar environment of his personal account on the job portal . in russia, applicants will be able to submit an application through the state services portal, where they will all available opportunities for targeted targeted reception have been provided. training for targeted admission is tied to an enterprise specific workplace, companies will be able to formulate their proposals for targeted training starting from may 1 of the current year, applicants will submit
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documents for targeted admission with the start of the admission campaign from june 20. together with our colleagues, we will accompany this process at every stage and closely monitor feedback regarding applicants and employers. fourthly, it is an organization. targeted work with certain categories of applicants. here we are talking about the so-called career support for citizens with disabilities, young people who grew up without parents and those who returned from prison. the range of life situations is quite wide.
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personnel will become part of the national project, and the data itself, as you instructed, the basis for the distribution of control digital admissions to educational institutions, now my colleagues and i are working out this mechanism so that our children learn about modern production, became engineers, scientists, workers, work was done to reboot the career guidance system together with colleagues, this is a separate large block in the long-term program of assistance: companies career guidance activities were also launched by rosmolodezh, these are programs more than work, this is the state start program, the rural work program , participates in our
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career guidance track, also the agency of strategic initiatives, as well as large employers, russian students also make a great contribution to career guidance detachments, and it should also be noted that we are introducing new formats of event- based career guidance right now at the exhibition: russia is hosting, for the first time , a profession festival, it is dedicated to every interesting profession, the whole day at the exhibition all the information regarding this particular direction, as desired for employment. dear vladimirovich, taking into account the current situation on the labor market, we understand the special role that young people play in the economy and development of our country, we continue to work to everyone was able to find their calling, realize themselves and their... thank you for your attention, thank you, valery nikolaevich, what is happening in the field of training specialists in the system of higher secondary vocational
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education. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, strengthening technological sovereignty and training personnel in key areas of the country’s development are fundamental and interrelated tasks; special attention was paid to them in your program message. our absolute priority is identification. education of talented youth, assistance in self-realization in building a career, of course, primarily in the field of science, technology, technological entrepreneurship, as the updated strategy for the country’s scientific and technological development actually prescribes. for 20 years, largely thanks to your support, our country has consistently implemented a set of measures to ensure the influx of young scientific personnel. on the one hand, the working conditions of scientists have gradually improved and are improving. on the other hand, a great contribution the initiatives of the decade of science and technology you announced are contributing to the popularization of science and the research profession; we see that the measures taken are bringing
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results. today, domestic science is one of the youngest in the world, almost every second researcher today is under 39 years old, that’s 44%. at the same time, last year there was an increase in the number of scientists under the age of 39 , which suggests a turning point in the long-term trend. trends, together with ensuring that the influx of talented youth into science does not decrease, and modern campuses are being built, we quite recently they reported on this, new laboratories are created every year under the leadership of young promising researchers, over the past 6 years 940 of them have been created against the plan of 900, the competition for the creation of such laboratories is very high, there are 5-10 applications per place, another important tool, i’m now talking about i would like to say in more detail that the megagrants program, which is being implemented on your initiative, makes a serious contribution to supporting advanced scientific schools, dear vladimir vladimirovich, this year the corresponding
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competition is being held for the tenth anniversary. on your instructions, the conditions of this competition have been adjusted, tangible support can now be received not only by scientific projects led by leading scientists attracted to russian universities by scientific organizations, but for the first time within the framework of this competition, young promising ones... i note that this season the competition has shown serious demand, selection among scientific projects headed by leading scientists amounted to 12 applications for a place. according to the terms of the competition, the proportion of scientists is under the age of 35, and we are talking about students, graduate students, about young specialists, the team must be at least 50%, and at the same time the amount of mega-grants within the main one has increased. competition, it increased to 100 million rubles per year, respectively, a five-year competition is 500 million with the possibility of extension by decision of the council 50 million per year for up to 3 years,
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so the total grant support can extend for 8 years and amount to 650 million rubles. this is a significant grant. well, within the framework of the competition for young people, the conditions here are different for a period of up to 2 years, 15 million per year with the possibility extend for another 2 years.
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by the end of this year will be about 60%. recipients of the corresponding grants for the current year have become 195 organizations, while at least a quarter of the purchased equipment , according to the terms of the competition, must be domestically produced, and we are increasing the share of domestically produced equipment every year. in accordance with your instructions, the approaches to training engineering and technical personnel were significantly updated and focused on the task. staffing of technological sovereignty together with the ministry of industry and trade of russia , we have worked out in detail the requests of industries, it is very important that each project of technological sovereignty now includes a personnel section, for example, in the approved national project for an unmanned aircraft system there is a federal project for personnel, and by 2030 about a million specialists will be trained for this industry, from uav operators to development engineers, the emerging
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data economy national project will include the task of training 15,500 professional programmers, and more than 800 thousands of specialists proficient in industry-specific artificial intelligence technologies. the same applies to a large project on machine tool construction, production of capital goods, radio electronics, everywhere we checked with colleagues from the ministry of brondorg, with companies, looked at how much they needed in the horizon until the thirtieth year and beyond. and of course, i would like to say that our flag. the project remains the development of advanced engineering schools, which train qualified specialists to meet the needs of leading high-tech companies. you you know that 50 such schools have been created, by the thirtieth year, on your instructions, their number will increase to 100. in conclusion, i would like to draw attention to one more project, the ability to promote the application of scientific developments into practice and build production processes with the involvement of engineering personnel, which will help technologically .
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entrepreneurs, according to a recent survey by the russia land of opportunities platform, eight out of ten young russians would like to try themselves in business, in order to give such a chance to all students, we launched 3 years ago there was a large federal project - a platform for university technological entrepreneurship, today it is a truly large-scale project that covers the whole country, about 482 thousand students are already involved in it, which has developed over 20 students, and by the end of this year the same support will receive additional 2,000 people, we expect that all these measures together will allow our country to reliably meet the needs of the national economy for young professional personnel and will certainly strengthen technological sovereignty of russia, thank you for your attention, yeah, thank you very much, sergey sergeevich, do you have anything to add? dear
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vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, i would like to say a few words about the preparation of young personnel for the system of secondary vocational education, and especially thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, for your assistance in developing the system of secondary vocational education, taking into account the development of the russian economy, our grandiose projects, this indeed one of the key tasks. in there are three systems in the country's secondary vocational education system. 1,190 colleges, over the past 3 years, a powerful impetus for their development was given by the professionalism project initiated by you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, more than 900 colleges are already participating in it, 220 of them have been completely modernized, by september 1 there will be 370 such colleges, in fact these are new modern colleges with the most modern high-tech equipment on request.
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economy, of course, this attracts young people, including for entering college, into the professional field have already been drawn.


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