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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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but thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, for your assistance in developing the system of secondary vocational education, taking into account the development of the russian economy, our grandiose projects, this is truly one of the key tasks. there are 3,190 colleges in the country’s secondary vocational education system; over the past 3 years, a powerful impetus for their development was given by the initiative initiated by you, dear. professionalism project, more than 900 colleges are already participating in it, 220 of them have been completely modernized, by september 1 there will be more 370 colleges, in fact, these are new modern colleges with the most modern high-tech equipment, to meet the needs of the economy, of course, this attracts young people, including for admission to college, they are already involved in the profession...
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enterprises, in fact, we are moving from the regional principle of management of the system sve to the regional-sectoral principle, what you have repeatedly said, that it is necessary to train specialists directly for the task of the labor market, specific enterprises, this has become the core of the professionalism project. today it covers 79 regions, including. our new regions, the lugansk people's republic, the donetsk people's republic, by the twenty-sixth year it will include all subjects of the russian federation. professionalism is an advanced project, its principles help to aim the entire system of secondary vocational education at solving the main, most pressing problems of the development of the russian economy, at strengthening our technological sovereignty, at overcoming the shortage of personnel in the most in-demand areas, here we are with we work closely with anton olegovich.
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so in the last 2 years alone , for example, 30,000 young specialists in information technology and programming, 28,000 young construction specialists, 35,000 welders, about 33,00 kindergarten teachers , primary school teachers, entered the labor market, the task set by you, vladimir vladimevich, to prepare for in the year 28 , we will certainly achieve 1 million qualified workers and mid-level specialists, moreover, we will certainly exceed this level. in general, i want to say that profound, in many ways radical, changes have taken place in the open source software system. first, the share of practical training today is about 85-80%. secondly, we have seriously updated educational standards, especially in the field of the defense-industrial complex, engineering specialties, for specific tasks of the enterprise together with industries, while we have 55%. in technical engineering
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specialties today they study in colleges earlier than 5-6 years ago, many of them were lawyers, economists, these are good specialties, but of course today we need to develop engineering education, including we do this in the structure of secondary vocational education, we have equipped 1,500 laboratories in colleges, 80% of their equipment is russian production, we are doing this work together with the ministry of industry and trade and our colleges can already open a fourth. enterprises, training and production plants - this is also very important for young people to try themselves, including in business. in small business, we have already created about a thousand enterprises at colleges, we will continue this work, guys here they also participate in the development of unique products and defense products.
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enterprises are being created at colleges, this is very important, very much in demand, i would like to note that the quality, of course, of the educational process in colleges depends largely on the masters of industrial training, and for the first time, you for the first time, dear, last year we opened a center, a technology park in kaluga for the preparation of industrial training masters, today this is in great demand, there are winners, including professionals, young guys to teach at a college, we will open the same center in the near future this year in nizhny novgorod and we will create such a network for the training and retraining of industrial training masters, this is extremely in demand. today , promising, talented children are enrolling in secondary vocational education ; career guidance, among other things, helps them make their choice, anton olegovich said, on your instructions, from september 1, in all schools from the sixth to the eleventh grade, it is carried out.
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this is also very important, today we have a wide range of employment in a number of specialties for the enterprise from 80 to 90%. 5 years ago it was about 55%, that is, after completing college, guys go to work at a company, in principle, a good salary, especially now in the defense industry complex, so colleges are very popular, what problems and what questions are we working on...
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bringing it to a normative state, such there is a problem, and we will definitely solve it and bring all vocational colleges to a standard state, there will be excellent educational institutions. third, today college students can study in one region, and a request for a vacancy arises in
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another, we need to make training mobile, so that in the same specialty, you can take a training module in a neighboring region and watch it at the same time. yeah, thank you very much, ksenia denistovna, two words, please, about the results of the world youth festival about the so-called heritage, we talked about this, and you also mentioned this today at the opening of youth centers, please, dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, thank you very much, how tatyana alekseevna said today, among other things, a really important place in our field, work with youth occupies international youth cooperation and of course a huge impetus. the world youth festival gave this topic, and not so long ago you said that we have unfriendly elites of countries, but we don’t have unfriendly countries, in fact, the world youth festival is a very good confirmation of this, because in the process of preparing and holding the festival we received 319 thousand applications, enormous interest in russia, unprecedented competition, 16 people into place, and despite all... it would seem, the restriction, young people from all over the world, from 190 countries, came to us, and many of them, by the way, even today, whatever one may say, have a significant influence on the formation of public opinion in their countries, and we could see with our own eyes how many friends russia actually has
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abroad, they share our values, they share our views, and what is important, they are ready to talk about it publicly and broadcast it... in their countries, and i can’t help but mention the russian participants, volunteers who became not just participants, but were full-fledged organizers, hospitable hosts at the world festival, for example, thanks to the cultural patronage program implemented together with the regions of russia, our russian delegates were assigned to each foreign delegation, and even before the arrival of foreigners, they led working with them, immersing them in our culture, history, even studying... russian words, and, of course, accompanying the children at the festival itself, and in this way we further strengthened these informal connections between the youth of our countries, and this system of cultural patronage, it is precisely as a legacy that we will expand through the creation of permanent
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international friendship clubs, and russians will essentially continue systematic communication with foreigners from assigned countries and expand the practice of regular international exchanges, second. .. the festival has become, of course, a place for consolidating all achievements in the field of working with youth in our country, on the festival site, in addition to broad educational ones. cultural and sports programs, a large exhibition program, and here, of course, we were guided by the experience of the management of the russia exhibition, and a special place in the festival exhibition was occupied by our russian regions, russian participants, large-scale pavilions of cities, presentation of opportunities that are open to our guys in russia, foreigners see such a scale , they even envied us so kindly and said that indeed you russians have such opportunities that... in our countries but not in ours, and, of course, the largest russian companies were also represented here
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at the exhibition. i will also note that at the end of the festival, our foreign participants went to 30 regions of russia, from the far east to kaliningrad. we introduced them to our enterprises, universities, cultural sites, and nature, by the way, the foreigners themselves volunteered to visit us, visit us, including our new liberated regions, and communicated. with the guys from donbass and also many foreigners themselves expressed a desire and became international observers at the presidential elections, this was also quite an important, important step for the guys. thanks to all this, of course, friendship was born, a strong emotional connection between foreigners and us was born, we see that this connection is not interrupted, upon returning to their countries, the guys talk about russia publicly, and they say that what is broadcast in the media, including in reality actually true. is not, in general, promoting the real image of our country, and i want to note that this
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emotional connection, as they say, is in joy in sorrow, unfortunately, and we, for example, did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands of letters of support, videos from all over us, and of course it is important for us now not to lose these guys... to form a stable international community of friends of russia abroad, and we see many opportunities here for organizing this work, and firstly, thank you very much again for making the main decision to hold a world youth festival on a regular basis in our country once every 6 years, as well as to hold annual international thematic meetings, already with this in the summer we will again meet some of the participants of the world festival in russia at the first meeting of the international association... of children's organizations, which, by the way, was initiated by the children of the festival itself, at
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the international meeting of leaders of youth communities, at exhibitions in russia, as well as within the framework of international meetings of our federal youth educational summer forums, in fact, in all sixteen youth centers, as was just discussed at the opening today, programs will be launched through which foreigners will be able to undergo training, also becomes a serious help for us in this work. rossotrudnichestvo new generation program, thanks to which we will systematically be able to invite the most significant active foreigners to russia for joint work. and also vladimir vladimirovich, foreigners, speaking about opportunities for young people in our country, in addition to infrastructure, the quality of our education, and personnel elevators, separately noted the system of grant support for projects in russia, because again, few people have analogues, we have and presidential fund grants. and the internet development institute, there are our grants from rosmolodezh, in accordance with
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your decision to expand this system , it becomes possible to support socially significant projects that promote our values ​​with the participation of foreign citizens, for us this is also a very big step, and we already have such experience in fact, when holding an international award, we are together, and today we have dozens of significant large-scale humanitarian projects abroad and have become our partners. and as already said, of course, we expect that everything this legacy will be included in the new national project youth and children. in conclusion, i would like to say that the preparation in general and the festival has become, of course, such a consolidating event for our entire field of work with youth, and i would just take this opportunity to say a huge thank you, sincere words of gratitude and the federal territory of sirius, which has turned into a real city of the youth of the world. for this period, thank you very much to both the heads of the constituent entities and the heads of federal executive
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authorities, our large companies, educational organizations, universities, colleges, in general, everyone who in one way or another contributed to the holding of this significant event, it really was such a big team effort and thank you very much for your support, yeah, it was really large-scale, this work was both team and productive, as we agreed, let’s do it this way, legacy: this festival, of course, has such serious value for us in the future and we shouldn’t miss out on what... we have in our hands now, we need to work with it, it will work to the benefit of our country, our young people and our partners, our friends, on almost every continent. dear colleagues, we are now in one way or another discussing a new national project, youth and children, there seems to
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be no need to talk about its importance, however, i would like to say this, now we are with some of the participants...
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population and investments are lower, the purpose of these than the national average, and the income indicators of the programs were to create new growth points for conditions for accelerated development, therefore in investments in fixed assets and new jobs were identified as target indicators of the programs. each region was allocated 5 billion rubles for 5 years. each subject of the russian federation was assigned a curator, a sectoral department, as a rule, a ministry, and on the basis of this , a total of about 240 events were developed in programs. as of today, almost half of all activities have been completed, it is already clear that targets are being met ahead of schedule,
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more than 14 thousand jobs have been created, and this 83% from... until the end of the year. the investment plan has already been exceeded, more than 100 billion rubles have been raised. this allowed the regions to develop at rates higher than the russian average in terms of key socio-economic indicators. on average for dozens of regions, per capita incomes grew faster than the national average, especially here i would like to note the leaders of the tva republic + 23%. republic of adygea +15%, chuvashia -14%. the poverty level decreased faster, unemployment fell twice as fast as the russian average. the average investment growth rate is still slightly lower all-russian. at the same time, a number of subjects significantly increased their dynamics: altai almost three times, mariel by half, chuvashia and karelia by a third. how to achieve the results,
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several factors came into play. with the advent of sanctions, we, together with the regions, adjusted individual programs. the focus was on projects that provided maximum effects for the economy and created new supply in priority sectors. first of all, it was rural. in total more than 700 new jobs, launched production of milk, meat processing, purchased equipment for processing pine nuts, this is a specialization, one of the branches of specialization. tv helped open the production of rubber tiles and paving stones, and modernized the production of building materials. the region counts. that this significantly accelerated the time frame and reduced, among other things, the cost of housing construction. on your instructions , a wool processing workshop and utility networks were built; this is one of the long-standing
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projects in the republic. this will be a new channel for marketing products for our farmers, sheep farmers the equipment is currently being installed and production is to be launched; the investor plans to launch it in the second quarter. in marie ell, a new bus station has opened in yozhkorol, an airport terminal and a berth for... ships on the volga are being built. in karelia, a road and bridge were built to the archaeological complex of the white sea petroglyphs. a museum visitor center dedicated to this point of attraction is being built. to accelerate structural changes in the economy , support was directed to the small-medium business sector, and various tools were used here. in kalmykia, the first payment for equipment and road agricultural machinery leased. in the altai territory, entrepreneurs received 1 billion rubles in subsidies for the modernization of production in priority sectors. in many regions , microfinance
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organizations have been decapitalized. as a result, smes receive loans at rates below the market, and this has created such a revolving fund of lending. with the help of the programs, social issues that were most pressing for residents were also resolved. in adega , buildings were purchased for a children's hospital, rehabilitation center and dentistry. moreover, our colleagues did this very economically, i would say, effectively, in the altai republic they opened 11 kindergartens and six schools, including a correctional school, a hospital for war veterans is being built in kalmykia, in the future we offer funding for social projects, first of all, of course , support through national projects to take into account the needs of these subjects; now, when new national projects are being formed, the funds of individual programs, of course, should be concentrated on economic ones. questions, we also combined events programs, with other mechanisms of state support, in kurgan, for example,
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three industrial parks were built under the national project of small-medium businesses, and through an individual program we brought infrastructure to them, due to this we have now supported 12 projects in metallurgy, in the production of body energy equipment, reinforced concrete products, in the pskov region, as part of an individual development program, they created the infrastructure to expand the special economic zone; six new residents came there, among them projects for the production of paint and varnish materials, bitumen, plywood, elements and equipment for electric buses, laboratory diamonds, which are also used for medical products, the largest project here is titan-polymer, 16 billion investments, the company plans to become one of the leading manufacturers of special film, which is needed in the manufacture of packaging, laminate, and shelters for greenhouses. in chuvashia, as was recently discussed at your
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meeting, engineering networks for industrial, special economic zones and two industrial parks. the joint work of the regional teams of their supervisors played a big role. first of all, i would like to mention my colleagues from the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of industry and trade, the ministry of natural resources, and the ministry of construction. and the ministry of finance, in general the mechanism has proven its effectiveness; on your instructions, we have formed new approaches for the further implementation of programs. what do we offer? well, firstly, we propose to determine that at least 70% of the funding for each program should go to stimulating the economy. at the same time, when selecting projects, we will focus on repayment of funds, that is, priority is given to those projects that will bring the maximum.
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at the same time, the program should become not just a mechanism for adaptation and solving accumulated problems, i mean new programs, but a tool for implementing the development strategy of each region, from this point of view they will need to be linked with master plans that will now be developed for key settlements, with implementation of updated national projects in regions with regional strategies. and as before, of course, combining the mechanism of individual programs with other support tools is truly the most effective when we are not trying to replace any activities, we are taking the activities of industry programs, taking the activities of individual programs and implementing them together with the regions. now, regarding the list of regions, when forming a new list of regions, we propose to be guided by four previous indicators: unemployment, poverty,
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personal income, investment, and also, according to to the proposal of the ministry of finance, we propose to add two new ones: this is the volume of tax and non-tax revenues of the regions; the level of estimated budgetary provision; we also propose not to include in the list those regions where other targeted support mechanisms are already being implemented, such as state programs for the development of the north caucasus, the far east, crimea and sevastopol, as well as separate programs of socio-economic development for individual regions, there we have for kaliningrad, for mordovia. according to coma, according to the komi republic in kuzbass, taking into account such approaches, they were applied last time, and we get the following list of subjects: the republic of tva, the altai republic, moriel, the kurgan region, the republic of kalmykia, chuvashia, the pskov region and the altai territory, they we are still among these, which means that the regions for which programs will be developed are adegea and
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karelia. thanks to the ipr, they significantly improved their socio-economic indicators and left dozens of regions; it is proposed to replace them with the republic of khakassia and kirov region. at the same time, i would like to separately note that for karelia, the government, on your instructions, extended the federal target program until the thirtieth year with appropriate funding, so those projects that have not yet been fully completed, we will then be able to complete them and complete them within the framework of this program, but in in relation to odegea, we do not have such... additional mechanisms that would support the momentum gained, the subject still has a number of important projects that, of course, should be completed in in full, as they say, this is a question where a solution has to be found, at the same time i would like to urge colleagues from the regions, regardless of future decisions on extending the program according to their structure, to still concentrate as much as possible on the completion of all objects that are planned in within the framework of existing programs and
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ongoing activities. the government has generally agreed on the approaches voiced, funding by the ministry of finance has been planned for the twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth year, the twenty-seventh year, of course, we will now budget, so vladimir vladimevich, if you support these proposals, we are ready to quickly finalize all programs with the regions over the summer, we already have projects, so that in september the government approves them and reflects them in the draft budget, and we, accordingly, from the twenty-fifth year, as they say, seamlessly and we will immediately begin their further implementation. i ask you to support these proposals. yeah, okay, well, now we ’ll go back to the estimates again, let’s listen to texler alexey lenidovich, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, the mechanism of individual regional development programs, which began working in the twentieth year, has certainly proven itself well, the minister just said about this, this is a great merit of the government of the russian federation, the ministry of economic development, federal and regional authorities who participated in their implementation, in your message... it means that you
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instructed the government to extend such programs until 2030, thank you for this important decision, and what i want to note is that we analyzed the indicators for selecting regions, taken as a basis by the ministry of economic development, and we can say that the level of estimated budgetary provision is, in fact , an integral indicator that reflects the situation in the region as a whole, other indicators have a significant correlation with it, that is, if the region’s rbo is low... then how as a rule, the level of investment will be low, the level of regional budget income will be low, and the level of poverty will be correspondingly higher, taking into account the task that you set in your message about a gradual reduction in the number of regions with a low level of budgetary security, we believe that in addition to the ten regions announced today for the development of individual programs, it would be advisable to look more broadly, for example, for
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regions with a low level of estimated budgetary security before equalization, for which there is no ipr or other special programs, also to present a targeted one.


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