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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough tanks, mechanized brigades are being reorganized into infantry. and where are the abrams and leopards in the repair shops burned by our missiles, how long will the worn armor last. medusa and rain finance the ukrainian armed forces. how. money from the projects
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of these foreign agents seeps into the kiev wallet. the tortuous scheme is supposedly charity. due to the blockade in kharkov, a nuclear subcritical installation was left without power supply. ukrainians are already accusing russia of terrorism. wait, don't did your terrorist defense try to blow up this same reactor in march 2022? she was born in ukraine, but there is no hurry to save her. american. kiev regime, why is victory so distant and hopeless? it was not a childish question that arose before the deputies of st. petersburg when they watched a cartoon, like the animated series skibi, which collects tens of millions of views, is the content harmful for schoolchildren or not? the problem is not new, but it seems
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especially relevant right now, when western partners do not supply enough help, quotes from independent military observers of the militaryland portal, who drew attention to very interesting processes in the camp of the armed forces of ukraine. we are talking, in particular , about the fact that one of the mechanized brigades of the kiev regime was suddenly transformed into an ordinary rifle brigade, and exactly the same thing, as the closest one claims. time is waiting for another formation, whose fighters on paper were planned to be allocated a lot of different equipment, although in reality everything was limited to the recruitment of personnel, and both brigades had not even managed to reach the front line, stuck in the rear as reserves, but now, having not received the long-promised tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, one must assume that they are not eager to go to the front, but commander-in-chief syrsky clearly has an alternative opinion on this matter, because disbanding the formation due to their lack of armored vehicles no one wanted to, and the transformation...
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ukraine is simply trying to plug the holes in the assault troops. all this already looks like a trend: the 153rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces has already become a rifle brigade, and now the 152nd mechanized brigade is being prepared. infantry, where are the bradleys, abrams, leopards, got caught armor, tanks, everything, the armed forces of ukraine, which is completely switching over, transferring its troops to infantry-only mode, this is to impress western friends, and finally beg for something worthwhile and modern, so military land writes that the remaining the equipment in the armed forces of ukraine is now being distributed among motivated units that have proven themselves in battles, the rest will be left without armor, then what about the infantry forever... is it really the meat
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general syrsky who ordered? the saturation of the font now , first of all, is necessary with personnel, who will really serve as cannon fodder. it’s just that in our area in the zone of responsibility of the lugansk people’s republic, over the past month we lost over 13.00 ukrainian militants, and this is just the kupinsk and donetsk direction. who is donussel and the company no longer supplies tanks to ukraine, an american business insider, referring to a high-ranking officer, writes that the west continues to send weapons to ukraine, but it’s just too late, it’s irrelevant, of course it’s irrelevant if you have all the tankers in an infantryman was sent, but france is trying to imitate support, their minister of defense sebastian licarniu said that ukraine needs their armored personnel carriers from paris, they say it is necessary for the mobility of troops. and
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france will give these armored personnel carriers, but it will give back those that it itself is decommissioning. and besides giving, apparently, france has nothing else to give. yes, you can’t fight much with armored personnel carriers alone, except perhaps for the evacuation of personnel. which will obviously come in handy, given that tankers from the 152nd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces are about to go on an assault, as you can imagine, if the driver is to go, for example, in some assault unit, yes, with a weapon in his hands, if he is not even trained in this, that is, all this re-tuning is clearly a necessary measure, it will have a very significant impact on the combat readiness of this unit... well, seriously, go into assault units as cannon fodder, which they are trying their best to recruit, and not only bounty hunters in camouflage, not only military commissars, but also officers with the hands of the cia. here's another propaganda video released: go to the front,
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you don't even need to think, there's a press here you don’t have to download it, they’ll give you an armored car anyway, don’t take your cat, there are so many of them here, all advantages, i just want to tell the authors of this about... the volume, as a result, these cars have turned into disposable ones, but what if they are repaired on the territory of ukraine , then most likely the repair brigades are assembling one from several damaged tanks, and if they’re lucky, well , they’ll assemble one skinny abrams, on the line of combat contact, let’s say, it’s raining,
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now there’s water in the ventilation hole, good luck, the abrams’ engine can jam , it is an even more capricious machine than a leopard and requires so... let's say, more sterile operating conditions, in particular, for example, water getting into the transmission when crossing a water barrier, so to speak, it fords above 120 cm if water gets into the ventilation hole , clay engine, but often even repaired leopards, well, it’s not destined to return to the line of combat contact, look, it’s like nothing happened, one targeted missile attack on the workshop where it was based...
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aid to ukraine has already been noticeably delayed, so to listeners from mechanized brigades, it seems that european enthusiasm for it seems that they will have to become infantry, since western armor does not save. evgeniy petrukhina and the shortage of equipment. the federal security service today announced the arrest of several more persons involved, who, according to the investigation , were involved in the terrorist attack in kroku city hall, and were reportedly the direct perpetrators.
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moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk, fsb officers act quickly, so much so that the suspects have no chance of escaping, for which detained, behind the highway. bring out the russian citizen, two foreigners, according to the intelligence services, one of them financed the perpetrators and recruited terrorist accomplices, the rest paid for the purchase of weapons and a car for them, the detainees have already given their first confessions, the killers and those who helped them began to be tracked down immediately after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, at first four perpetrators were detained, they were caught in the bryansk region when the terrorists were trying to break through to the ukrainian border, later four more alleged suspects were taken into custody... individuals of the attackers, several more were captured at the beginning of the week in dagestan in makhachkala and kaspiysky had to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime, it turned out that two detainees were preparing terrorist attacks, operatives found pistols, kalashnikovs and an improvised explosive device, another, as
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the suspect detained today admitted, had previously helped terrorists with weapons and money, here he is, counting out five thousand dollar bills in a hefty stack, probably to transfer them to one of the criminals, today there is an investigation... vladimir putin commented on the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, those who ordered the monstrous crime wanted to damage the unity of the country, but it turned out exactly the opposite, the tragedy brought even more toll. we have. there is every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity; other goals are not visible, they do not exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks from islamic fundamentalists, we have a country. which demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity,
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interreligious interethnic unity. the tragedy in crocus claimed the lives of 144 people, over 550 were injured, investigations into the entire chain, and the search for the organizers and customers continue. obviously, today's arrest was not the last. natalya solovyova, lead. he criticizes russians as a crazy society and at the same time... it seems that he is very happy about the opportunity to earn good money in russia. these are the kinds of streams on social networks, as it turned out, that feter katasonov conducts: well-known pediatrician. immediately after the start of the special operation, he went abroad, but apparently did not find the strength to sit there in silence. therefore, calling a spade a spade is shedding dirt. for example, on the one hand, he sympathizes with the terrorists who attacked citychol, on the other hand, he does not feel sympathy for our military when they die at the front and dreams of the literal defeat of the russian armed forces. moreover, as noted from...
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medusa and the rain, who for a long time begged their audience for donations under the pretext harmless charity, but in reality they were secretly financing ukrainian militants. anton potkovenko will show evidence, anton, hello, so, how did you manage to catch them? hello, there are financial statements, there are very specific monetary transactions and transfers. they are no longer just foreign agents, but tools for financing the enemy. jellyfish and rain, on which there is no place to put brands anyway, foreign agents went further to the core. broadcasts of fierce russophobia, and now, in fact, the armed forces of ukraine are being purchased with their money. through this. a project called let's, reveals what can be called the final touch to the portrait of anti-russian media and
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the media fund, considered undesirable in russia, help desk. medusa and rain supposedly do charity work for the people of ukraine; in fact, their project let’s transfer money, among other things, to the account of the czech-ukrainian corridor fund, which , according to ridovka, supplies towing equipment and vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine. and this very corridor has it. partner with the self-explanatory name prague maidan, which not only supplies uniforms and shoes for the ukrainian armed forces, but also opened a school for fpv drone operators. all fees, one way or another, go directly to the punitive forces from the armed forces of ukraine, to all these armed neo-nazis, and not to the civilian citizens of ukraine. well, the fact that yan agents like jellyfish, rain and other mosquitoes sponsor terrorists from the armed forces of ukraine does not surprise me, i am only surprised by the fact that this was only revealed
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now, and not earlier. here is a specific transfer dated march 12 this year - 7.00 euros. i wonder if there are any foreign agents among the audience of these someone who, at least for a second, believed that the money collected by the meduza companies, the project, come on, is actually spent on helping civilians, just ukrainians. if such fans. from the collection of agents there are, then they are now partners in crime, without any quotes, of all those people who, for many years, absorbed like a sponge, every word that poured on them in the broadcasts of these publications, yes, as they like to call themselves forces light, warriors of good, even this flock of theirs, partly also criminal, but by this very deception they were persuaded to take the path of a real crime. the notorious ua corridor, which receives transfers from the let's project, foreign
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agents medusa and rain, has another partner, this is a czech company that collects, repairs and transports cars for the ukrainian reunification fund, and it, in turn, supports the ninety-fifth airborne assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the twenty-third separate mechanized battalion, which participated in the failed kiev counter-offensive, that is again, financing the enemy through imaginary... charity, but why do foreign agents need this? medusa in riga, rain in latvia, which, by the way, was deprived of a broadcasting license there, maybe they are looking for an additional reason to curry favor? there are several reasons.
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with four ukrainians, such a number is obvious, he passed the check, was recruited for 1,500 belarusian, that is, 42.00 russian rubles, the ukrainian special services asked to monitor the military, take photos, send their coordinates, the grug coped with it, the gur entrusted him with a more difficult task, he was sent to russia ,
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last year, he said, like, well , depending on how much you want to earn, it’s like, look. cells, brothers named kapuza hid explosives in the forest, the wife of one of the men took a photo, sent it to the ukrainian curator, then these shots were taken in russia, so he curled inward, it broke out, you see
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how thick it is, the terrorist attack on the railway was carried out by sergei eremeev for 600 dollars part. the ukrainian curator gave him cash through a bookmark, some of it was transferred to a card, it was all from ukraine, the sbu or something else, man i was interested in how, well, you know, on the second day, i think, he even said, well, you know how strange i am, the ukrainian special services select low-income people for their intelligence network, preferably with bad habits, so that they can lure with money or threaten with compromising evidence to receive it begin as soon as the candidate agrees to cooperate. they threaten to open the correspondence, but the result is always the same, they are used and forgotten, and those recruited become organizers and accomplices of terrorist acts, officials ukraine does not hide its schemes. our forces have already our forces and the gur and the sbu have proven to the whole world that they can carry out unique special operations and hit both oil refineries and
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infrastructure facilities, including air, if there is a threat to our territory, we will do everything necessary, including on the territory of belarus, which for... ukraine is a unique special operation, for the entire normal world a terrible terrorist attack. to the terrible death of 144 people, including six children in the town of cityhole near moscow, kiev too involved facts emerged during the investigation. obviously, there was a ukrainian trace, especially since ukraine’s involvement in many other terrorist acts on russian territory no longer worries anyone. doubt, bearing in mind the terrorist attacks that cost the lives of journalists dugin and tatarsky, which led to the injury of prilepin and the death of his driver shubin. the death of civilians during the explosion of the crimean bridge, the injury of 42 people during the explosion of a cafe in st. petersburg and much more. ukraine
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has turned into a terrorist state, foreign minister sergei lavrov announced this at a meeting with ambassadors of foreign states. the number of facts cited, the bloody crimes of the kiev regime, let alone refute, does not give the opportunity to doubt this statement. egor grigoriev, vitaly harutyunyan, valeria borovikova. external power supply has been lost and the system is now de-energized, these are the frightening headlines from the events in kharkov, where russian strikes are said to have left without power a nuclear research facility, a source of neutrons, it was under construction back in the pre-maidan era, and with money from the american state department, however , the unit was launched much later, shortly before the start of the northern military district, since then the kiev regime has repeatedly hinted that not much could happen there due to russian shelling. radiation disaster, well , actually, apparently the very moment had come when those in the know had a convenient reason to whip up panic, and certain sources even managed to hint that
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nuclear physicists who worked on the notorious installation, that is, everything is presented as if our army has either already provoked, or is ready to provoke, almost a new chernobyl, but is it worth believing, we’ll sort it out with the help of evgeniy teshkovets, evgeniy, hello, but is a catastrophe really coming? good evening! alexey, well, unless the ukrainians themselves blow it up, by the way, they have already tried. it’s been a while since the smell of radioactive dust has appeared in the infopol of ukraine. russia is again threatening an immediate nuclear disaster - the old song of kiev propagandists. this is not the first time that singers the regime is trying to disperse the hysteria around the kharkov institute of physics and technology of the neutron source contained in its depths. for professional liars, this object is real. nakhodka, it is nominally nuclear and is located within the boundaries of a large city, it is ideal for inciting fear, the main thing is not to ask the opinion of real experts, otherwise
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it will immediately cease to be scary, i want to say right away that there is no real threat of some kind of catastrophe, and it is not expected to worry about about a possible radiation accident, there is no point, this is not a nuclear power plant and not even a research reactor. then what is it? we are talking about a subcritical installation, a zero-power neutron source. it started working in kharkov in 2021. the americans lobbied for the project and, according to kiev officials, invested $75 million in it. the source has always been considered a purely scientific object, and as the name suggests, it does not pose any threat even theoretically; zero power means that it literally does not produce any energy. and the word is subcritical. experts say comparisons with chernobyl are inappropriate. these are assemblies, yes, indeed of uranium with
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an enrichment of 19.7, but they do not participate in a single reaction, in fact, inside just these assemblies there is a target that is bombarded with high-energy electrons, subcritical nuclear reactions take place there, that is, the de-energization of this installation. in itself leads to the fact that it simply costs everything, that is, nothing happens to it, but who in ukraine now listens to the voice of reason, all 2 years of the svo, local newspapers and the notorious telethon mercilessly cited the source neutrons. news about how evil russians are shelling a nuclear facility appeared with enviable regularity, the last time just a month ago. naturally, there is speculation around this object. will continue, such a horror story about which they are constantly throwing information in our direction, the same thing for the west, they
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are throwing a horror story, let them lament as much as they want, i repeat, the reactor projects were promoted by the americans, they concluded the construction agreement during the very period when they were actively launched tentacles into the body of square, and opened in the midst of the reformatting of ukraine into... a dying anti-russia, and even after the start of the northern military district, the local defense forces blew up one of the buildings of the institute in order to hide traces of some activity on neutron sources. in general, the object is extremely suspicious , probably it will be better for everyone if it remains disconnected from the power grid for now? we have a certain installation, which, according to the russian federation, participated in the illegal nuclear program of ukraine, which. was carried out under the zelensky regime, it was definitely possible that it was even started under the poroshenko regime. the kharkov institute, among other things, violated the regulations
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of the treaty on the non... proliferation of nuclear weapons, and despite the fact that in this installation one must understand the real russian uranium, russian specialists were not allowed to the industrial site as part of the mht inspection, even before the start of a special military operations. we don’t know what exactly the ukrainians were trying to achieve with the help of a neutron source, but we would really like to find out. and this completely breaks the line of kiev propaganda. russia has no motivation to destroy the object. on the contrary, let it remain untouched; when the goals of the svo are achieved, we will definitely study the installation and record all the crimes of the ukrainian regime. evgeniy tishkavets, and nuclear speculation. russian air defense crews destroyed almost 200 ukrainian drones and intercepted 18 hymers missiles in one day. a ukrainian su-27 aircraft was shot down near kramatorsk. in addition, in the kharkov region , russian forces hit an ammunition depot
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and a deployment point for foreign mercenaries. a directly on the line of contact, our troops improved the situation along the front line in the ovdeevsky and kupinsky sections of the special operation, reports of the day in the material of denis alekseev: the result of night flights on the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov is as follows: explosions were recorded in the area of ​​​​the airfield, where rails stations and anti-aircraft complexes are located, another target could have been a building in an industrial zone, where a warehouse with ammunition was equipped, worked accurately... one hit was enough, then the entire contents of the warehouse self-destructed due to detonation. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery hit an ammunition depot, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries in the mirefa region, kharkov region, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 135 districts. our military is eliminating western equipment with minimal costs, they have already gotten used to it, the crew of the rszzo
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grad, which in these... in the footage , destroyed a hangar with american m3 seven howitzers in one salvo. this is how the vostok missile forces work. in her area of ​​responsibility within a day the tactical situation was improved. in the avdeevsky direction, another group - the center - improved the situation along the front line; with the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, our troops inflicted a serious defeat near orlovka, a thin one. the militants have not given up hope of recapturing lost positions; they cannot come to terms with the fact that every day they are forced to retreat to the west ; counterattacks do not save the situation; they have lost three hundred people. and here is footage from the seversk area, the armored group of the tula landing after the der night raid reported the results. an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed, but how was it? in the darkness, our infantry fighting vehicles rolled up close to the militants’ positions and opened fire. fortunately, we knew the exact
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coordinates, thanks to the vigilant one. intelligence among russian fighters who constantly push the enemy aside, they have a stern disposition, they know their business, they don’t let them down, they push the rod to break, without even leaving a chance to contradict, and harmless call signs, they are only for their own people, my function is to let the car down, accordingly, so that it doesn't break along the way, uh, and after we have worked, accordingly, take everyone back, and also so that it does not break, that is, monitor it, take care of it, in the event of a retaliatory attack, we need to react quickly, then we have the artyomov direction, our military is putting the pressure on there the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, which began, it seems, to understand that the situation is a dead end, worse than ever, chasovyar is just around the corner, a powerful logistics hub from which the armed forces of ukraine has survived, it seems that all the juice has been lost for decades, it is turning into an area cut off from kiev, in fact all the roads are in the area is now under under our control, it’s already
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less than 500 meters to chasofyar. at the beginning of the week it was about a kilometer. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. now, a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. she was born in ukraine, but there is no hurry to save her. american congresswoman with chernigov roots, victoria sparts, is against western support for the kiev regime. why is victory so distant and hopeless? russia - traditional, modern, technological,


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