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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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news round the clock in telegram channels is carried out by the duty department and an honest detective. tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. there is not enough in the ssu. the mechanized brigade is reorganized into infantry. where are the abrams and leopards? the repair shops were burned by our missiles, how long will the worn-out armor last? medusa and rain finance the ukrainian armed forces. how does the money from the project of these foreign agents leak into the kiev wallet? a tortuous scheme, supposedly charity. due to the blackout in kharkov, a nuclear subcritical installation was left without power. ukrainians are already
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accusing russia of terrorism. wait, wasn’t it your nuclear defense that tried to blow up this same reactor in march 2022. she was born in ukraine, but they are in no hurry to save her. american congresswoman with chernigov roots, victoria sparts, is against western support for the kiev regime. why is victory so hopelessly distant? not a childish question arose before the deputies of st. petersburg when they... watched a cartoon, so animated is the skbi series, which collects tens of millions of views, harmful content for schoolchildren or not? the problem is not new, but it seems especially relevant right now, when western partners are not providing enough assistance, quotes from an article by independent military observers of the military land portal, who drew attention to very interesting processes in the camp of the armed forces of ukraine. speech in private. it says that one of
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the mechanized brigades of the kiev regime was suddenly transformed into a regular rifle brigade and exactly the same thing, as stated, in in the near future another formation awaits, whose fighters on paper were planned to be allocated a lot of different equipment, although in reality everything was limited to the recruitment of personnel , and both brigades had not even managed to reach the front line, they were stuck in the rear as reserves, but now, having not received it for a long time the promised tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, one must assume, are especially not eager to... but commander-in-chief syrsky clearly has an alternative opinion on this matter, because no one wanted to disband the formation due to the lack of armored vehicles, and the transformation of potential driving leopards into naked infantry is not a hindrance for ukrainian commanders, evgenia petrukhina will confirm. all this already looks like a trend: the 153rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces has already become a rifle brigade, and now the 150th second mechanized brigade is preparing to become an infantry brigade. where are the bradleys, abramses, and leopards?
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the armor, tanks, everything, the armed forces of ukraine are completely going over, transferring their troops to infantry-only mode, this is to impress western friends, and to finally beg for something worthwhile and modern, so military land writes that remaining equipment in the armed forces of ukraine are now being distributed among motivated units that have proven themselves in battles, the rest will be left without armor, then what, to the infantry, to the attack aircraft, is it really the meat general syrsky who ordered? the strengthening of the front now , first of all, needs personnel who will really perform the function of cannon fodder, but in our sector in the zone of responsibility of the lugansk people's republic, over the past month we have lost over 13,000 ukrainian militants, and this is just the kupinsk and donetsk direction, but so what same donor to the armed forces of ukraine, brussels and the company no longer supplies tanks to ukraine, an american business insider, citing...
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a high-ranking officer writes that the west continues to send weapons to ukraine, but it’s just too late, it’s irrelevant, of course it’s not relevant if you sent all the tankers to the infantry . but france is trying to imitate support, their minister of defense sebastian licarniu said that ukraine needs their armored personnel carriers from paris, supposedly necessary for the mobility of troops. and france will give these armored personnel carriers, but they will give those that she writes off herself. and besides giving, apparently, france has nothing else to give. yes, you can’t fight much with armored personnel carriers alone, except for the evacuation of personnel, which will obviously come in handy, given that tankers from the 152nd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces are about to go on an assault. how do you imagine, if a driver mechanic goes, say, in some kind of assault unit, yes, with a weapon in his hands, if he is not even trained in this, that is, all this re-piping is clearly a necessary measure and.. .on
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the combat readiness of this unit she is well will be reflected very seriously, to go to the assault units as cannon fodder, which they are trying with all their might to recruit, and not only bounty hunters in camouflage, not only military commissars, but also columbia pictures with the hands of the cia, here is another propaganda video released, go to the front, they say, you don’t even need to think, here you don’t have to pump up your abs, they’ll give you an armored vehicle anyway, don’t take your cat, there are so many of them here, there are solid advantages, i just want to tell the authors of this work, solid advantages are when this is how abrams and leopards and tanks burn the enemy, the exquisite work of our uav operators, and as for... the western tanks themselves, they cannot be repaired on the spot, they must first be evacuated to the rear, almost to poland, most of the supplied leopards have been destroyed or have become unusable, the matter the fact is that these tanks, in addition to everything else, they also require a serious repair infrastructure, which
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was not transferred to ukraine in that volume, as a result , these vehicles turned into disposable ones, but if they are repaired on the territory of ukraine, then most likely the repair brigades are assembled from several damaged tanks one. and then, if you’re lucky, well, they’ll assemble one skinny abrams, on the line of combat contact, let’s say, there’s a downpour, there’s already water in the vent, it’s a big deal, the abrams’ engine might jam, abrams is an even more capricious machine than a leopard, and requires, so to speak, more sterile operating conditions, in particular, for example, the ingress of water into the transmission when forcing a water barrier, so to speak, a ford above 120 cm, when it gets into the ventilation hole, the clay of the engine, but often even the repaired leopards are not destined to return to the line of combat contact. look, it was like nothing happened, just one targeted missile attack on the workshop where the heavy equipment and the howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces were based. we are now very intensively striking at the rear
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areas of ukrainian militants, where this equipment is being repaired. nowadays there are practically no enterprises that operate stably. in ukraine, because blackouts, this energy collapse, it hits the ukrainian military-industrial complex very hard. yes, something is not visible in the string of nato equipment on the same polish border. it seems that european enthusiasm for helping ukraine has already waned. so, it looks like trainees from mechanized brigades will have to become infantry, since western armor does not save them. up to 340 personnel tanks. eight vehicles are the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka and krasnogorovka on the donetsk front of the special operation, where fighters of the southern group of our troops managed to occupy more advantageous positions and also destroyed three large ammunition depots of the kiev regime, situations on the line of contact, alexander’s report katsubas. by direct fire at the enemy, tula
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paratroopers in their combat vehicles are punching holes in the defense of the ukrainian armed forces militants. in the event of a retaliatory attack, you need to react quickly. and put my feet in my hands, it turns out, as you can see, the bmd-2 crews replace each other, the stronghold of the soldiers is in the immediate vicinity, the airborne combat vehicle is literally flying to the firing line, the thirty-millimeter automatic cannon, corpse-caliber machine guns, are ready to strike the enemy, it’s just better for us to drive at night, there are fewer birds at night. there will be fewer hits on us, yeah, not so accurate, we rush past the burning dugouts and command posts of the ukrainian armed forces, one of the paratroopers peers into the darkness through a night vision scope, ready at any second to repel the attack of an enemy drone, the combat vehicle turns around in a matter of seconds,
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the enemy is in immediate proximity, now the crew is adjusting its automatic cannon to the positions of ukrainian armed forces militants. high-explosive fragmentation shells against enemy infantry buried in trenches. flickering flashes of a gap ahead confirm the defeat of the target. things five we release further again an amendment. let's get better and...
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with efficient speed, the combat mission is completed. ukrainian nationalists were sitting in the lindage near a platoon and they were destroyed. we had a quick fire and drove back to our destination. acting decisively and boldly, the tula paratroopers of the southern group of forces move forward. alexander katsyuba and alexander malyshev, lead. he brands russians a crazy society and at the same time seems very happy about the opportunity to earn good money in russia. these are the kinds of streams on social networks, as it turned out, that fedor katasonov conducts. the well-known pediatrician immediately after the start of the special operation went abroad, but apparently did not find the strength to sit there
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in silence, so i call a spade a spade and sheds dirt. for example, on the one hand, he sympathizes with the terrorists who attacked the city hall crocus, on the other, he has no sympathy for our military when they die at the front and dreams of literally defeating the russian armed forces. moreover, as the publication ridovka notes about the book of an open russophobe. katasonova is still freely sold on largest domestic ones. in marketplaces, hence the question: where is the guarantee that he will not donate some part of the income to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. well, by the way, about donations, the same ridovka uncovered an interesting scheme of foreign agents, and also unwanted organizations medusa and rain, which for a long time begged donations from their audience under the pretext of harmless charity, but in fact were engaged in secret financing of ukrainian militants, anton potkovenko will show evidence. they are no longer just foreign agents. a tools to finance the enemy. jellyfish and rain, on which there is no place to put brands
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anyway, foreign agents went further to the core. broadcasts of fierce russophobia, and now, in fact, the armed forces of ukraine are being purchased with their money. through this project called let's, we are revealing what can be called the final touch to the portrait of the anti-russian media and the help desk media fund, which is considered undesirable in russia. medusa and rain are supposedly doing charity work for... the people of ukraine, but in fact their project "let's" transfers money, among other things, to the account of the czech-ukrainian fund corridor ua, which, according to ridovka, supplies towing equipment and vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine. and this same corridor also has a partner with the telling name prague maidan, which not only supplies uniforms and shoes for the ukrainian armed forces, but also opened a school for fpv drone operators. all fees go one way or another. directly to the punishers from the armed forces of ukraine, to all these armed neo-nazis, and not to the civilian citizens
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of ukraine, well, the fact is that the yan agents, like jellyfish, rain and other mosquitoes sponsor terrorists from the armed forces of ukraine, it doesn’t surprise me, i’m only surprised that this was revealed only now, and not earlier, here is a specific translation, dated march 12 of this year , 700 euros. i wonder if there is? among the audience of these foreign agents, is there anyone who, at least for a second, believed that the money collected by meduza’s companies, let’s project, is actually spent on helping civilians, just ukrainians, if there are such fans of smiin agents, then they are now accomplices crimes without any quotes, all those people who, over the years, absorbed like a sponge, every word that poured on them in the broadcasts of these publications, yes, as they love on... i call myself the forces of light, warriors of good, even this flock of mine, in part also
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criminal, but by this very deception they were persuaded to the path of crime, the real one, near the notorious ua corridor, which receives transfers from the project let's foreign agents medusa and rain there is another partner, this is a czech company that collects, repairs and transports cars for the ukrainian fund, reunification, and it , in turn, contains 95. against russia, the second is an opportunity
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to make money, reporting is non-transparent, procurement is non-transparent, the third option is to demonstrate to the ukrainians, sponsors, those who finance them, that they are theirs , their own so much that they essentially turned into wallets, or, given ukrainian corruption, into black holes for donations to the armed forces of ukraine, but even if something comes through, it is wasted, the same 2nd battalion and the ninety-fifth brigade of the enemy, they have already suffered such losses on different directions that were sent for rotation, that is, equipment purchased with money from jellyfish and rain, our soldiers knocked out at the moment so... the agents will not have enough wallets. the federal security service today announced the arrest of several more defendants who, according to investigators , are involved in the terrorist attack in city hall. reportedly, all of them provided complicity to the direct perpetrator of the crime, in particular , they helped finance the preparation for the murders in krasnogorsk, and could also be involved in recruiting militants. details in the material
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by natalia solovyova. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, run! come back, detentions are taking place in three cities at once: moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. fsb officers act quickly, so much so that the suspects have no chance to escape. why was he detained? for the tracks. start it up. russian citizens are two foreigners, according to intelligence services, one of them financed the perpetrators and recruited accomplices of terrorists, the rest paid for the purchase of weapons and a car for them. the detainees have already given their first confessions. murderer. and those who helped them began to be tracked down immediately after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. first , four perpetrators were detained; they were caught in the bryansk region when the terrorists were trying to break through to the ukrainian border. later, four more alleged accomplices of the attackers were taken into custody. several more were captured in dagestan at the beginning of the week. makhachkala caspian had to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime. it turned out that
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two of the detainees were preparing terrorist attacks. investigators found pistols and machine guns kalashnikovs and homemade. the goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity, other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic
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fundamentalists, we have a country that demonstrates a unique... .an example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, the tragedy in crocus claimed the lives of 144 people, over 550 were injured, investigation of the entire chain, search for the organizers of the customers continue, it is obvious that today’s detention was not the last. natalya solovyova, lead. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. from zablek.
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another already successful response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to reach the russian energy sector with drones. such targeted attacks washington post we have already counted 160, many of them remain. last month's strikes knocked out 80% of thermal power plants' capacity, and even with the necessary supplies, repairing the damage could take many months, if not longer. the generals of ukraine are trying to justify the deplorable state of the energy sector by the non-standard trajectory of the drones, they were not expected there, they are expected everywhere at the front, but this does not help. the enemy is trying to dislodge us from the bridgeheads on the left bank. the number of assaults has increased, last week we talked about...
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will introduce new conditions for providing assistance, these the speaker of the house of representatives said that the conditions could include turning the aid into a loan, which ukraine will ultimately be obliged to repay . the world bank gives 5 billion, crumbs for ukrainian appetites, but this is another step towards a financial grave. sources in the organization assure that all loans are now irrevocable, and if they are not written off, ukraine will formally become permanent. next year. the sad truth is that even if the aid is approved by the us congress, resupply may be not enough to prevent a major
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disaster on the battlefield. the journalists received recognition that they were publishing politics from the generals of zaluzhny’s team. zelensky has not replaced everyone yet, although he is emerging successfully from the circles of like-minded people. first the army, then the administration. people from the second echelon of the political headquarters are being removed from their positions. the latest of the layoffs is the most interesting. zelensky’s first assistant sergei shifir has left; he is an old friend of the president, in fact his confidant. of those closest to him, only yarmak and budanov remained. the guardian newspaper directly names the intelligence service sponsored by him as responsible for terrorist attacks on the russian rear. senior ukrainian military intelligence officials say they are preparing a third attempt on the crimean bridge. officials have indicated that western weapons would allow ukraine to destroy the bridge faster, and zelensky has repeatedly asked berlin to provide him with taurus missiles. until then, tausy. under the ban, gurver will be saboteurs. according to belarusian media reports , citizens of the country, through a chain of intermediaries, were offered to cooperate at a price of 750 dollars for a photo of the area, 10,000 for surveillance
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installation. explosives, the scheme was discovered by the kgb. place to install. according to the institute , on the territory of smolensk it was necessary in the indicated demography of ukraine, the country’s population by 2050 is unlikely to reach 25 million, exactly half as much as it was in ninety-one. however, no one can guarantee that there are not 25 of them now; there is no record of those who escaped; combat losses are classified; still, there are holes to be plugged at the front.
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467,000 ukrainians, if they are found, of course. alexey knopko, maxim shchepilov, host. the external power supply has been lost and the system is now de-energized. these are the chilling headlines from ukrsmi about the events in kharkov, where russian strikes allegedly left a nuclear research facility, the source of neutrons, without power. it was built back in the pre-maidan era, and with money from the american state department, but the unit was launched much later, shortly before the start. svo. and since then, the kiev regime has repeatedly hinted that because of russian shelling there could be a little, a lot of radiation disaster there. well in fact, now, apparently, the very moment has come when those in the know have a convenient reason to whip up panic. and certain sources even managed to hint that nuclear physicists working at the notorious installation were supposedly urgently evacuated from the city against the backdrop of this accident, that is, everything is presented as if our army had either already provoked it, or
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was ready. almost provoke a new chernobyl, but is it worth believing, we’ll sort it out with the help of evgeniy teshkovets. it’s been a while since the smell of radioactive dust has appeared in the infopol of ukraine. russia threatens again independent nuclear disaster, the old song of kiev propagandists. this is not the first time that singers of the regime are trying to disperse the hysteria around the kharkov institute of physics and technology of the neutron source imprisoned in its depths. for professionals. but this object is a real find, it is nominally nuclear and is located within the boundaries of a large city, ideal for inciting fear, the main thing is not to ask the opinion of real experts, otherwise it will immediately cease to be scary. i want to say right away that there is some real threat there is no catastrophe, and it is not expected, there is no point in worrying about a possible radiation accident, this is not a nuclear power plant or even a research
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reactor. then what is it? we are talking about a subcritical installation, a zero-power neutron source. it started working in kharkov in 2021. the americans lobbied for the project and, according to kiev officials, invested $75 million in it. the source has always been considered an exclusively scientific object, and as the name suggests, it does not pose any threat, even theoretically. zero power means that it literally does not produce any energy, the word is subcritical, that on it... chain reactions are impossible, experts say comparisons with chernobyl are inappropriate, these are assemblies, yes, really hurray, it is enriched 19.7, but they are not participate in a nuclear reaction, in fact, inside just these collections there is a target that is bombarded by high-energy electrons, subcritical nuclear reactions take place there, that is, de-energizing this installation
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itself leads to... they constantly throw information into our side, they are throwing the same horror story at the west, let them lament as much as they want, i repeat, the reactor projects were promoted by the americans, they concluded the construction agreement at the very period when they were actively launching tentacles into the body of the square, and opened it in the midst of the reformatting of ukraine in.. .


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