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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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go under critical nuclear reactions, that is , de-energizing this installation itself leads to the fact that it simply costs everything, that is, nothing happens to it. but who in ukraine is listening to the voice of reason now? for all 2 years, the northern military district, local newspapers and the notorious telethon mercilessly parasitized the neutron source. news about how evil russians are shelling a nuclear facility appeared with enviable regularity. the last time was literally a month ago. naturally, speculation around this object will continue, such a horror story about which they constantly throw information in our direction, it ’s the same for the west, they throw a horror story, let them lament as much as they want, i repeat, the reactor projects were promoted by the americans, they concluded the construction agreement at the very period when they were actively launching tentacles into the body square, but they opened it in the midst of reformatting ukraine into...
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a crazed anti-russia, and even after the start of the northern military district, the local defense forces blew up one of the buildings of the institute in order to hide traces of some activity at the neutron source. all in all, the object is extremely suspicious, and it will probably be better for everyone if it remains disconnected from the power grid for now. we have a certain installation, which, according to the russian federation, participated in the illegal nuclear program of ukraine, which led. under the zelensky regime, it was definitely possible even started under the poroshenko regime. the kharkov institute, among other things, violated the regulations of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and despite the fact that in this installation it is necessary to understand directly the real russian uranium, russian specialists were not allowed into as part of the mht inspection at the industrial site even before the start of the military operation. what exactly were the ukrainians trying to achieve with help?
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we don’t know the source of the neutrons, but we would really like to find out, and this completely breaks the line of kiev propaganda: russia has no motivation to destroy the object. on the contrary, let it remain untouched; when the goals of the svo are achieved, we will definitely study the installation and record all the crimes of the ukrainian regime. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg today , almost for the first time, directly admitted that the kiev regime may be defeated in a confrontation with russia, but... immediately made a reservation, saying that this should not be allowed, which means that the countries of the collective west need to strain even more to support the armed forces of ukraine, all this was said at the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the north atlantic alliance in brussels, where the ukrainian the topic of predictability has become the main one, although even the yastrebs have an increasingly contradictory attitude towards it, report by our european correspondent mikhail antonov. what would a birthday be without a treat, especially an anniversary? 4 in april 1949, nato emerged in washington.
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supporting ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in the nato countries’ own security. nato has found meaning in the confrontation with moscow, this is how the western press is commenting on the anniversary of the alliance today. it turns out that 30 years before that, its existence was generally meaningless. but now there is a non-trivial task - to break ukraine against russia. kiev emissary kuleba arrived in brussels without a gift. the kiev regime is a gift to the west in itself. i don't want to ruin the party in honor
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birthday, but my main message today will be petriots. what ukraine needs most now is air defense systems and 155 nato caliber ammunition. the czech republic collected 800,000 units worldwide. 20 countries chipped in to buy it. germany gave 180 million euros, latvia took away 10 million, but there is still not enough money, the czech foreign minister complains.
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they are desperately trying to convince their voters that time is running out. this cannot continue, we cannot afford to play russian roulette with our future. we have moved from the post-war to the pre-war world. the british ministry of defense decided to please western audiences by posting a sign on its website
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showing the balance of forces between nato and russia. by all indicators, the west has an overwhelming advantage, three times more military personnel, six times more equipment, four times more artillery, four times more fighters - the polish president’s traditional dig at germany, where they literally just reported that they had reached the standard of 2% of gdp for defense . there is plenty of criticism of berlin. 75 years ago, nato was created to project
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american influence on europe and contain germany. now, on the contrary, everyone is trying to push germany forward. london is persistently demanding the transfer of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. well, everything else that is, here is a white homemade probe, it has proven itself, if you move through the forest, move the caps under an umbrella, then there is not a single chance that you will be detected using any thermal imagers that are on the market today, it’s as simple as that, yes, but it's a homemade umbrella, soldier's ingenuity, an umbrella against a drone, hides the heat signature, equipping the bundespheres with such is probably not difficult, especially against the backdrop of the tasks that pistorius's department sets for itself.
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for this reason, the initiative of the nato secretary general to donate to ukraine within the framework of the alliance spoiled the holiday for some colleagues. after the presentation, some ministers rolled their eyes at the 100 billion euro figure, wondering where it came from, said one diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. some western european countries fear that
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giving nato so much money to power would undermine the european union's efforts to increase its defense role. among those rolling their eyes was the german foreign minister. based on the size of gdp, that is, germany would again have to pay more than others in europe. another weakness of stoltenberg’s plan is that nato simply does not have a mechanism for collecting funds from member states into a common pot; on the contrary, this scheme worked well. antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, and opaque financial flows. michael is a competitor in the fight for control of the big news in berlin, germany. killing an entire
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generation of ukrainian men is all they can do. a harsh but fair assessment of the actions of american hawks from congress. russia in ukraine, which does not fit into the interests of us national security or the interests of ordinary americans. sponsorship assistance to kiev in the amount of 60 billion dollars is presented to congress not as charity, but as a loan. well, according to taylor greene, it's just it’s ridiculous to try to prove to the american people that ukraine will someday... return this money. it is interesting that among the opponents of financing the kiev regime were
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the ukrainians themselves, or rather one particular congresswoman, victoria sparts, originally from chernigov. boris ivanin will explain what confused her. she grew up in the chernihiv region, but is in no hurry to save her homeland. american congresswoman victoria sparts is also far from fighting, as it is hopeless and the victory of the kiev regime itself. moreover, she does not intend to. vote for new ones multibillion-dollar military tranches, victoria has turned its back on ukraine, the wall street journal laments, although this is its only representative who has already taken root on the capital’s hill. spars is actually the surname of her american husband, whom victoria met on the train; her maiden name was victoria kulgeika from the town of nasovka in the chernigov region of ukraine. she cleaned up the country in the 2000s and now represents the state of indiana in the lower house of congress. well, about support for ukraine, the kiev media says this: your country, not hers. listen for yourself.
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very concerned about how we will implement i will say honestly that both republicans and democrats supervision, if such a lot of money is spent in ukraine, you need to solve it, or if you cannot solve it, then your president should not be offended when he communicates with the west, well, that’s it, but victoria was first presented as a frontman, or rather a frontwoman of american aid. for ukraine. this law provided for quick gratuitous assistance, but now sparts demands kiev to pay and washington to control supplies of equipment. and in general he says, let biden deal with what is closer - quote, to his home, not at all ukraine. for a ukrainian, you must agree, the rhetoric is amazing. sparts almost destroyed the entire mainstream us trip. which, in her opinion, does not imply any alternatives other than unconditional expenses for military operations, of course, at
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the expense of american taxpayers, even iraq and afghanistan were recalled to the white house, although 2 years ago one of the first american politicians visited the notorious bush where west then was promoting anti-russian provocations with all her might, but now the situation has changed, it’s like she has cognitive dissonance, on the one hand she’s a right-wing republican, on the other hand , she seems to come from ukraine, so... at first she still supported this whole story, then , when polls began to come out showing a sharp decline in the popularity of the ukrainian war, especially among republicans, she changed her shoes in the air, like many other republicans, and stopped voting for the ukrainian tranches, and now she is completely demanding to engage internal american problems, and not this foreign policy. insiders about why sparz decided to break with ukraine are published by the american magazine newsweak. congresswoman, it turns out, accused zelensky of... the ability to conduct military operations and control where western weapons go. in other words, the ukrainian woman
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accused her fellow countrymen of corruption and incompetent management. having grown up there, she knows all this well, unlike western politicians, who for a long time were under illusions about the so-called democracy in ukraine. sarah jacobs, a colleague of spaspo capitol, even accused her of unwillingness to help kiev. victoria sparts pursues such a line, very characteristic of... sparts opposes the new package of military aid, a vivid example of the contradictions that are now tearing apart the entire american
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establishment, whether the states should continue to support kiev, about this and more, the press writes in washington. the vote on the ukrainian tranches in congress, which was expected back in the winter, is again being shifted to mid-april, if not to may at all. bloomberg reports. and again, this threatens to lead to scandals and even the resignation of the speaker. meanwhile, at the nato anniversary in brussels, 100 billion euros were announced for ukraine, however, the ministers, as they write... and the destruction of russia, these goals were not achieved, it is obvious that russia won this confrontation with the west, therefore, now there is no point in allocating additional large amounts of money, because the result is not a weakening, but a strengthening of russia. victoria spas
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now more closely resembles ukraine itself, which has lost its course in its political wanderings and is therefore drifting. to complete collapse. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. the deputies of st. petersburg asked a childish question when they were watching a cartoon. so, is the cbd animated series that gets tens of millions of views harmful content for schoolchildren or not? when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide double benefits, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on air conditioning
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a spectacle for the official report of the ombudsman , of course, not typical toilets have ever sung within the walls of the marina palace, but it turned out to be a worker. this is the influence on the parliament of the northern capital, whether legislators liked the cartoons, anastasia found out ivanova. toilets can cause addiction in children. well, what else can you call it if the animated series has tens of millions of views. and more than 40 million users are subscribed to the page where the episodes are published. it's interesting with parents. we became seriously interested in the impact of such content on the children's psyche in st. petersburg. the local ombudsman anna mityanina already told us in an interview that this was beyond the bounds when it started for children.
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and writes that the cartoon influenced the psyche, but to what extent, he doesn’t specify, but what about children? here is the imbalance that i have been observing all these years, it’s called taste, yes, that’s all -
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experts, everyone, so to speak, understands this topic, and accordingly, some people like it, some don’t like it, but according to by and large, i think this question certainly requires a serious examination, where a professional would say in what sense, so to speak, can a child calmly watch this cartoon or is there a violation of his psyche somewhere? by the way, the creator of the cartoon alexey gerasimov, he is a 3d animator, left russia, lives in georgia, reportedly regularly posts toilet animation content. in addition to it, by the way, there is a whole series of toys, dozens of sellers on marketplaces have picked up the trend and are offering characters with kbd, who can complain about them, now you can complain about a cartoon, there’s no one you can even complain about a toy, that ’s why i created a working group in the state duma , that is why - i turned to the luxury that the guest wrote, and well, probably, as in that very children's fairy tale, before good wins, it must go a long way when you have to
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struggle, as for monitoring content for children on the network, it exists, this is roskomnadzor, only there are people to keep track of each such cartoon, but there are not enough of them, and we have a kind of poor roskomnadzor there -i think there are still 100 people , but of course this is not serious, so we need to really strengthen this structure, and not spare money. we will save them this money, you know, in the end, by getting, well, maybe a little healthier, cheerful, good children of ours. children, as it turned out, even artificial intelligence can intimidate; in the same legislative assembly of st. petersburg , the ombudsman gave an example of how a smart speaker communicates with a child. alice, why does masha live alone in the forest without her parents? the answer is on i read that masha lives without parents, because she is just the ghost of a murdered girl. that is why. does not grow and only animals can see her, the parents could not bear the loss of the child and left, leaving an empty house, and masha torments the bear, because he took her life, and for me in general
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it’s not funny, it’s 5-6 years old, well , the producers said to this that the column could incorrectly answer the question about masha’s family in isolated cases, since it takes information from different sources, but it doesn’t answer like that anymore, especially since there is a special mode , limiting content, when they hear a child’s voice, you just need to... install it, maybe do the same with a cartoon about toilets, if you don’t like it, judging by the comments left by parents of schoolchildren, there is only indignation that their children are constantly watching series, but for some reason they are not forbidden to watch it, but the word of parents is much more important for a child than roskomnadzor, every success begins with a dream, to do something with... we sing the desire to stand out, the desire to act and
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are never... dignified, objective, on good level. vladimir putin gave this assessment of the government report, which was presented the day before in the state duma. and today the president held a meeting with the cabinet of ministers via video link. earlier, the head of state took part in the opening of important facilities.


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