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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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dignified, substantive, at a good level. vladimir putin gave this assessment of the government report, which was presented the day before in the state duma. and today the president held a meeting with the cabinet of ministers via video link. earlier, the head of state took part in the opening of important facilities for young people from different regions. anastasia will tell you all the details. a place where dreams become
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reality, year-round youth educational centers, the opening of twelve of which was attended by the president today. thematically, these objects are very different, say, in kamchatka the environmental agenda will become central, in nizhny novgorod state and municipal governance, in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, volunteerism in the rostov region, support for the village, but they all have one thing in common, these are dots.
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conduct not only one-time events, large forums, they will function on an ongoing basis throughout the year, hosting a total of tens of thousands of young people, boys and girls from all over russia, as well as from other countries in within the framework of international shifts and exchanges, and of course, the potential of year-round centers will be fully used within the framework of our new national project youth and children, in addition - i ask, separately, i ask that you actively use the infrastructure and educational capabilities of all youth centers in the personnel program “time of heroes” ". the “time of heroes” program, as the president recalled, is aimed at ensuring that veterans of a special military operation take leading positions in all spheres of the country’s life. and as the head of rosmolodezh ksenia clarified razuvaeva, youth centers already have such experience of cooperation. today in our work we see how...
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as mentors, as teachers, educators, heads of our patriotic centers, even as ministers for youth policy in the regions of our country, they really become a reference point for the younger generation as an example, within the framework of their work already this year, in all centers we are providing the opportunity for additional training for young soldiers who have undergone a special military operation, we have such experience we already have. last year , more than 1,500 veterans of special military operations passed through the operating center. one of the kaliningrad centers that opened today is called noise. the shifts here will one way or another be devoted to modern media technologies, in an era when everyone is their own blogger, this is very relevant. but as the president noted, in an era of endless information noise, where facts are replaced by opinions, and audiences are manipulated rather than educated. youth centers can become just those very platforms where... information, including
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country, young citizens will be conveyed both effectively and objectively, today in the vast ocean of information, it is extremely important, intelligibly, effectively, competently, and in a highly objective manner, to convey to young people information about our country, about its past. about the present, about our goals, development goals, so that the overwhelming majority, ideally all citizens of the country, especially our young fellow citizens, are imbued with love for russia and sincerely work for its future with all their hearts. youth children are one of the most important new national projects, the president emphasized this already at a meeting with members.
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countries, we are also implementing measures to counter destructive behavior ; we are implementing these measures in new regions of young people, their legal education and information protection. last year, we began implementing a set of measures to prevent
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negative social phenomena among children and youth at schools, colleges, and universities, and we will certainly continue this work . will be included in the national project. in accordance with the instructions of the president, from the beginning of the new academic year they will receive additional payments, the corresponding resolution is already ready, but the head of state asked how things are in other categories, in particular about class teachers and medical workers, as for the additional...
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the real image of our country, and i want to note that this emotional connection , as they say, she is in joy in sorrow, unfortunately, and we, for example, did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners, in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands of letters support, videos from all over the world, from different parts, it was such a genuine unity with us, and of course, it is important for us now to have these guys, not to lose, to form a stable international community of friends of russia abroad, as the president summarized, the work on holding the festival was large-scale , both team and effective, the legacy of which needs to be worked on, which will benefit both the country and friends on all continents.
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youth and children as a national project, therefore a key initiative, its importance, no matter how you say it, cannot be overestimated. you know, what came into my head, i remembered, strangely enough . gospel, remember, jesus came to galilee and next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw slaves, some were catching fish, some were straightening nets, and he said to them: “follow me, and you will be fishers of men, that is , of human souls.” they became preachers and his disciples. this was very important, the period of formation of world religions, but it is no less relevant. it turned out now that we are forced and must defend our traditional values, of course, the country will change, and people will change, but preserving identity is the basis of the future of the country, and this program that we
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are talking about, all the work, it is of course broader than just this program, it should not be of such a protective nature. it must be modern, looking to the future, if we approach it this way, then we will definitely achieve our goal. by the way, new youth centers are coming soon. will open in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, the president also spoke about this today. best practices for developing initiative not only unite, but also scale up in order to become available to every young citizen of the country, from sakhalin to kaliningrad, from yamal to novorossiya, from the white sea to the black sea. three more accomplices of the sitikhol terrorist attacks were detained. two of them transferred money to buy weapons , transport, and the third. recruited accomplices, the fsb reported this. natalia solovyova has all the details. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, hands back.
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detentions are taking place in three cities at once: moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. fsb employees they act quickly, so much so that the suspects have no chance of escaping. why was he detained? for the tract crucuses. a russian citizen, two foreigners, according to intelligence services, one of them. financed the perpetrators and recruited terrorist accomplices, the rest paid for the purchase of weapons and a car for them. the detainees have already given their first confessions. the murderers and those who helped them began to be tracked down immediately after the terrorist attack in croco city hall. first, four perpetrators were detained. they were caught in the bryansk region, when terrorists tried to break through to the ukrainian border. later, four more alleged accomplices of the attackers were taken into custody. several more were captured at the beginning of the week in dagestan, in makhachkalaika. peyske had to introduce a counter-terrorism operation; it turned out that
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two detainees were preparing terrorist attacks; operatives found pistols, kalashnikovs and an improvised explosive device. another suspect, detained today, confessed that he had previously helped terrorists with weapons and money. here he is, counting out five thousandths from a heavy stack bills, probably to transfer them to one of the criminals. today , vladimir putin commented on the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, the customers are monstrous. may be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists, we have
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a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic. the tragedy in crocus claimed the lives of 144 people, over 550 were injured, investigations into the entire chain of searches for the organizers and customers continue. it's obvious that there was an arrest today. now there has been an attack on the governor of murmansk , news from social networks in the apatity region, andrei chibes, according to local media reports, after a meeting with citizens at the exit of the building of the stroitel cultural center, the governor received a live wound in the stomach and was hospitalized in the apatity-kirov hospital , the attackers were detained, the next message immediately is the fact of an attack on the governor. was confirmed by the press service of the regional government.
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russian air defense crews were destroyed within 24 hours almost 200 ukrainian drones and intercepted 18 khaimars missiles. a ukrainian su-27 aircraft was shot down near kramatorsk. in addition, in the kharkov region , russian forces hit an ammunition depot and a location for foreign mercenaries. and directly on the line of contact, our troops improved the situation along the front line in... the ovdeevsky and kupinsky sections of the special operation. summary of the day in the material of denis alekseev. the summary of night arrivals on the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov is as follows: explosions were recorded in the area of ​​the airfield, where radar stations and anti-aircraft systems are located. another target could be a building in an industrial zone where an ammunition warehouse was equipped. it worked well, one hit was enough, then the entire contents of the warehouse. self-destructed due to detonation. operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles,
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missile forces, artillery, hit an ammunition depot, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries in the mirefa region, kharkov region, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 135 districts. western technology our military is liquidating it with minimal costs, the calculation of the rszzo grad has already become accustomed to the fact that in these frames it destroyed a hangar with american howitzers in one salvo. the center grouping improved the situation along the front line; with the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, our troops inflicted a serious defeat near orlovka, a thin one. the militants have not given up hope of recapturing their lost positions and cannot come to terms with the fact that every day they are forced to retreat westward. counterattacks do not save the situation; three hundred people are lost. and here it is
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footage from the seversk area, armored group of the tula landing after a daring night raid. reported on the results, an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed, and as it all happened, in the darkness, our infantry fighting vehicles rolled up close to the positions of the militants and opened fire, fortunately they knew the exact coordinates, thanks to the ever-vigilant reconnaissance, russian fighters who constantly push back the enemy have a stern disposition , they know their job, they don’t let them down, they push the rod to break, not leaving even a chance to contradict, and harmless call signs, they are only for their own people, my function is to let me down. respectively, the car so that it does not break down on the road, and after we have worked, take everyone back accordingly, and also so that it does not break down, that is, monitor it, take care of it in case of a retaliatory attack, so we need to react quickly, then we have the artyomovsk direction, there our military is putting pressure on the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, which have begun,
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it seems, to understand that the situation is deadlock, worse than ever, the chasovyar is just around the corner, powerful... a node from which the ssu has, it seems, already lost all its juice for decades, he turns into the area is cut off from kiev, in fact all the roads in the area are now under our control, it’s already less than 500 m to chasofyar itself, at the beginning of the week it was about a kilometer. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. the nato bloc, celebrating 75 years of its existence, officially admitted the possibility of ukraine’s defeat. secretary general, jens sto. this is exactly how much , according to the secretary general, is needed to purchase weapons for the needs of kiev, and stoltenberg proposed transferring the management of all military supplies into the hands of nato, but are european countries ready to forcibly fork out the head
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of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov, will tell you how to get involved in new adventures, given the state of affairs in ukraine. what would a birthday be without some treats, even more so. anniversary on april 4, 1949 , nato was founded in washington, 75 years old, and to the sounds of the alliance anthem approved in 1818, the nato secretary general and the belgian foreign minister opened the cake with large kitchen knives. they just forgot to serve the dessert dishes and cutlery, so it was all done by hand. congratulations somehow didn’t work out either. stoltenberg listed the achievements of the alliance, which in the name of democracy they left behind .
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nato caliber. the czech republic collected 800,000 units worldwide. 20 countries chipped in to buy it. germany gave 180 million euros, latvia took 10 million. but there is still not enough money, complains czech foreign minister lepavsky. lepavsky said that prague has already received funds from the allies for the purchase of the first batch of 300,000 ammunition, and the allocation of funds for another half a million is under negotiation. it was previously stated that the purchased ammunition may be delivered to ukraine in the summer, but we need to fight against the russians now.
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us secretary of state blinken has prepared motivational speeches with promises that will most likely not be fulfilled. he won't. ukraine will become a member of nato. the goal of our future summit is to help build a bridge to membership. the imaginary bridge turns out to be so long that it goes beyond the horizon of any planning, obviously ending somewhere after the end of hostilities, which should not end. war until the last ukrainian, such a logical problem. at in this case, the united states does not intend to be drawn into the crisis on its own. but they are especially invisible, we ourselves need to prepare while there is time, they are desperately trying to convince their voters that time is running out, this cannot continue, we
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cannot afford to play russian roulette with our future, we have moved from post-war to pre-war to the world. the british ministry of defense decided to please western audiences by posting a sign on its website showing the balance of forces between nato and russia. by all indicators, the west has an overwhelming superiority, military personnel three times. the alliance countries pledged to increase military spending to 2% of gdp, this was enough 10 years ago, but now it is no longer enough. traditional for the polish president, a dig
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at germany, where they literally just reported that they had reached the standard of 2% of gdp for defense. there is plenty of criticism of berlin. 75 years ago, nato was created to project american influence in europe and contain germany. now, on the contrary, everyone is trying to push germany forward. london insists on handing over winged aircraft to ukraine taurus rockets, well, everything else that exists. here is a white homemade umbrella, it has proven itself. if you move through the forest, move around under an umbrella, then there is not a single chance that you will be detected using any thermal imagers that are on the market today. it's that simple. yes, but it's a homemade umbrella. soldier's ingenuity, an umbrella against a drone, hides the heat signature. it’s probably not difficult to equip the bundespheres with such things.
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it’s not clear, but money is tight in germany, like everyone else now. it is for this reason that the initiative of the nato secretary general to donate to ukraine even within the framework of the alliance, i spoiled
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the holiday for some colleagues. after the presentation, some ministers rolled their eyes at the 100 billion euro figure, wondering where it came from, said one diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. some western european countries fear that giving nato so much money to power will undermine the european union's efforts to increase its defense role. among those who rolled their eyes was german foreign minister berbuk, who seems ready to donate to the armed forces of ukraine from own salary. however, even she named the amount of 100 billion, which is not very meaningful. this is also because stoltenberg proposed to calculate the size of contributions based on the size of gdp, that is, germany would again have to pay more than others in europe. another weakness of stoltenberg's plan is that nato simply does not have a mechanism. collection of funds from member states into a common pot; on the contrary, this scheme has been well developed in the european union. in many ways, the idea of ​​a nato fund for ukraine has alarmed the leadership of the european commission,
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which saw in him a possible competitor in the struggle for control over large and opaque financial flows. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putro, vesti berlin germany. and in belarus, the special services uncovered a scheme for ukraine to recruit people for sabotage in smolensk. region, local media reported this, yegor grigoriev has all the details. gruk, evgeniy ivanovich, gruk evgeniy ivanovich, personnel of the belarusian tv channel, kgb officers carry out the arrest. thirty-three-year-old employee of the housing and communal services enterprise of the malarid district suspected of terrorism. that more than a week, it started, i was taking off the shaks sweat and he invited me to talk with his seemingly
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crazy guy. he was there, then evgeniy gruk talked with four more ukrainians, this number was obviously checked, he passed, he was recruited for 1,500 belarusian, that is, for 42 thousand russian rubles, the ukrainian special services asked to follow the military, take photos, send their coordinates, gruk did it, gur, he was entrusted with a more difficult task,
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recruited and turned into agents of gur and sbu people, 12 residents of the border drogichensky district at once organized the transfer from ukraine of explosives and components for improvised explosive devices, entire families turned into terrorist cells, brothers named kapuza hid explosives in the forest, the wife of one of the men took a photo, sent it to the ukrainian curator, then this footage was filmed in russia, here it is wrapped.
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lure with money or threaten with compromising information, they begin to receive it immediately as soon as the candidate agrees to cooperate, they threaten open the correspondence, but the result is always the same, they are used and forgotten, and those recruited become organizers and accomplices of terrorist acts, ukrainian officials do not hide their schemes. our forces, already our forces and gurus, the sbu have proven to the whole world that they can conduct unique special operations and hit both oil refineries and facilities.
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ukraine has turned into a terrorist state, foreign minister sergei lavrov announced this at a meeting with ambassadors of foreign states. number given facts, bloody crimes of the kiev regime, let alone refute, they do not give the opportunity to doubt this statement. egor grigoriev, vitaly harutyunyan, valeria borovikova, news. now let's return to the news from the murmansk region, governor andrei chibes was seriously wounded after a meeting with
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townspeople in apatity, the press service reported. that he has already been hospitalized, now he is being operated on, the man who attacked the governor has been detained, by this moment it is known that andrei chibis’s meeting with city residents took place in the building of the cultural center, the attack happened at the moment when he was already going out into the street, after which the governor got to the car on his own, remained conscious all the way to the hospital and communicated with colleagues. let's return to this topic, we are waiting for a detailed comment from... the service of the administration of the murmansk region, direct inclusion of our correspondent.


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