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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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news: now let's return to the news from the murmansk region, governor andrei chibes received a live wound after a meeting with townspeople in apatity, the press service reported that he was already hospitalized, now he is being operated on, the man who attacked the governor was detained, by this moment it is known that the meeting andrei chibes with city residents took place in the building of the cultural center, the attack occurred at the moment when he was already going out into the street, after that... the governor independently got to the car, remained conscious all the way to the hospital and communicated with colleagues. let's return to this topic, we are waiting for a detailed commentary from the press service of the murmansk region administration and a direct inclusion of our correspondent. for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen. with enhanced composition to combat
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about coverage and speed. almost double the minimum wage. eliminate the gap in income between regions, introduce a new system of remuneration for public sector employees and no war economy. vladimir putin took part in the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia and called the next 6 years a time of accelerated industrial development. read more about the president's statements on the tasks set. nika yankovaya. only where work is decently paid and where working conditions are taken care of, professional and qualified personnel will work. about this. president vladimir putin said at the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. unemployment in the country is now at record lows, while the economy will experience labor shortages in the coming years. in such conditions, it is necessary either to increase labor productivity or to import labor from
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abroad,” the president said. thanks to the actions of the government, business, regions, trade union associations. we have achieved a significant reduction in the unemployment rate. today it is at a record high. the president emphasized that it is extremely important not only to increase labor productivity, but also to modernize industry, the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, and other sectors of the economy and social sphere, using digital technologies, automation of modern management processes, this work should be carried out in
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close cooperation with trade unions. the next 6 years should be a time forced industrial development of russia on ours. the share of domestic goods, equipment, machine tools, vehicles, medicines, consumer goods and so on should increase in the domestic market. we can and will produce all this ourselves in much larger volumes than now. what is it? you and i understand that these are structural changes in the economy, this is what ensures its growth rates, growth rates. gdp and these are decent wages. in his message to the federal assembly, the president announced the launch of a new national project personnel. one of the goals of the program is to strengthen the connection between all levels of education from school to university. the government is now forming a forecast for the personnel needs of the economy. we are talking about
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understanding how many specialists the country needs to train, including for the coming years. at the same time, an important issue remains the growth of income of qualified specialists. eliminating the wage gap across regions. expanding the technological and industrial potential of russia, strengthening the domestic economy, should be directly converted into increasing the well-being of our citizens and increasing wages. in the next 6 years, the share of wages in the country's gross domestic product should grow steadily. look what happened here, it’s already growing here.
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minimum consumer budget in order to calculate the mortgage on its basis, but this is of course a higher figure; according to our calculations, the minimum consumer budget without taking into account the family load was 49,951 rubles in the fourth quarter of 2023. federation of independent trade unions of russia unites more than 19 million members. includes more than 120 organizations, about a dozen more cooperate with the fnpr on the basis of agreements. vladimir putin praised the role of trade unions in informed decision-making in the field of employment. the movement, according to the president, is based on the fundamental values ​​of serving the people, justice, and
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respect for honest and responsible work. it is important that these values ​​are shared by future generations. therefore, trade unions should be actively involved in the national project youth and children in quality. mentors, well, now back to the news from the murmansk region, where the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibe was wounded after a meeting with citizens in apatity. we continue to collect information, now among the data there is information that the man who attacked the governor of the murmansk region was wounded in the leg during detention, after he attacked andrei chibbes and wounded him with a knife in the stomach, the motives for the attack are still unknown, a video of the meeting itself is also being distributed , which was conducted by the governor of the murmansk region, it is known that before that on april 2 he was in on his... personal account on social networks he invited all interested citizens to this meeting. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan
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to work in the city of apatity, and of course in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me, well, if you have any questions, write in advance in the comments to this post. have a nice day, everyone. the information that appears is really very different, in other social networks and telegram channels they also write that. the reason for the attack on the governor of the morman region could have been personal revenge, sources from the governor’s entourage, but we will now try to find out the most accurate from his closest working environment, now in direct contact with us, the press secretary of andrei chibes, liliya sechkina, liliya, hello, what is the latest information, what is the state of the head region and what is known about the attacker himself in the telegram as well.
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is, he is under interrogation, all the details, motives will be established by law enforcement agencies, but it is clear what really requires investigation, must this is an attack, but the only thing is, for sure you were somewhere at that moment, probably, including present, perhaps in the hall, perhaps at the exit, tell the chronology, is it known in what place the attacker attacked, already at the exit the information also appears , they say that at the end of the meeting already... at the exit from the house of culture, yes, andrei vladimirovich held a large meeting with residents, this is, in principle
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, his regular format, open meetings with people, where everyone can ask their questions, it was also long , the governor is already was coming out of a meeting, he had just left the construction workers' center when a man ran up and stabbed the governor , andrei vladimirovich was conscious, here he is... for some reason after the initial examination of the patient's appointment, yes they are there in
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the operating room, the doctors have not yet left the operating room to tell us anything, yes, okay, yes, lilya, thank you very much for talking to us in apatity, let me remind you that the governor of the murmansk region was attacked, and we continue to monitor everything incoming information, be sure to this we'll return to the topic later. bad blood vessels: angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. try the sushi, try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs it, they need it, again it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback from alpha in yandex food. get 20% cashback in yandex.
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the my security service to the application for free, guess who, they can handle it without me. beeline is the safest operator, it happens that you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream about something beautiful, but you get something completely wrong, but it happens that you’re just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best, alfabank, the best bank in every office. historical scenery, actors and theatrical production. a presentation of the troubles took place in nizhny novgorod. this is the name given to the new adventure video game from russian developers. all the details in it reflect the era of troubled times. the plot is based on the events of the 16th century and the novel by mikhail zagoskin. yuri miloslavsky or russian in 1612. read more about the project, as
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well as how many more historical games russian developers are preparing. the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, gleb nikitin, came to the presentation of the new product ; imbued with the atmosphere of the era and the heroic deeds of nizhny novgorod residents, he even decided to build a historical park. seeing these beautiful landscapes,
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the highlight is the medieval cities, moscow, nizhny novgorod, yaroslavl, through which you can virtually walk. the main character is a medieval city, which we can’t see anywhere in russia now; we don’t have a single one left. the presentation of the new product was held in historical scenery, local reenactors.
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here in the capsule there is an igniter, only here is the actual minimum powder charge, when we carry out various maneuvers among ourselves, and here the fawns are so felt inside, well , actually it flies quite well at 15 m, there are hundreds of festivals, a third of the artists are in costumes that the artist denis brook himself sewed , this is the quilted underarmor, here we make the walls and boots.
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development of the gaming ecosystem in our country. troubles is a kind of experiment. we have to show what we can do high-quality and modern games. domestic development meets the objectives of patriotic education. i am sure that thanks to the efforts of our developers, the internet development institute, which puts enormous effort into promoting domestic, socially significant content. there will be more such products. moreover, according to the organizers, several more russian games with a historical plot are now in development. margarita semenyok, alexander merkuriev, evgeny makunov, lead nizhny novgorod. skokovye and
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world-class training tracks, a 24-hour veterinary center, an underground horse breeding tunnel and a hippotherapy arena. all this will appear at the central moscow hippodrome after reconstruction. the start of a major renovation was given today by sergei sobyanin, the cost of the work is only. varvara nevskaya will tell you what else will be updated and how long the restoration will last. the world's first trotting hippodrome, only 5 years after its construction in 1839, a similar equestrian complex appeared in the usa. a building familiar to muscovites, the spire of which is decorated with a figurine of orlovsky. the trotter was built in 1955 to replace the old one that burned down. erected in tsarist russia. since then , no restoration or reconstruction of the complex has been carried out. the moscow central hippodrome is turning 190 years old, the oldest hippodrome
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in the country, but of course, the infrastructure is morally and physically outdated. in fact, we see crumbling buildings and an unsuitable stadium for code competitions. the president has made a decision. to essentially revive the central hippodrome of our country, together with the ministry of agriculture, we are starting to work. a comprehensive reconstruction will return the historical appearance to the main building; restorers will restore not only the roof, floors and facade, but also the unique ceiling paintings, stucco moldings, stained glass windows and other iconic elements. the capacity of the main stand will double, and the equestrian museum will become six times larger. it will receive new life from the fact that it will now acquire a completely different appearance - this, this, this is a very big serious matter, which will give another impetus
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to the development of equestrian sport in the russian federation. federation, there is no doubt that horse testing will continue, this will in no way be a decorative hippodrome, all necessary measures will be taken that will allow us to develop horse breeding.
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and the area adjacent to the complex, the hippodrome will meet the best world standards. upon completion of the work, the moscow central hippodrome will become one of the best equestrian centers in the world. the restoration of a unique building in the stalin empire style, built according to the design of the architect zholtovsky, will be carried out under the strict supervision of control of the moscow city heritage. the grand opening of the moscow central hippodrome is planned for the second quarter of 2020.
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the bank noted that this is a convenient, functional free model for creativity, it understands text queries even better in a few seconds and literally creates realistic images. another key feature of this version was the increase in operating speed by almost 10 times. neurosate is capable of realizing any flight of artistic imagination. traditionally, the users of the model are artists, bloggers, all those people who want to create, be creative. so welcome, the model is gradually becoming available on all surfaces, we are rolling it out gradually, but see you from today. access to kandinsky is absolutely free for all users, and when you do generation using kandinsky, please indicate whether it was done by kandinsky, this will definitely be pleasant for everyone.
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when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs. there is no division for boys and girls in the army, here there are no concessions. our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, there was some unit standing nearby in the field, there were screams, yelling, they also called for... help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded, there are shelling everywhere, and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, like a mother’s, that you should help, i believe in myself that is there anything else i can do, hi mom, everything is fine, are we working?
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear, who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov.
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not autism, you may be scared, how terrible, what is it, perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i have one prayer, i know, another advice, not to the healer tried, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out... more, i’ll find out
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more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about this, well, you can tell me this, they have jinxed you, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. in the murmansk region, the reasons and circumstances of the armed attack on the regional governor andrei chibes are being clarified. he received a live wound in the stomach after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity. according to information press service, now andrei chibes is in the hospital, he is being operated on. it is already known that the injury is not life-threatening, and the operation itself is not complicated. the attacker was detained and is
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being interrogated. it is also known that the attack occurred at the moment when chibes was already going out into the street from the cultural center, where the meeting with the townspeople was taking place. after the injury , he remained conscious and on his own until... until the car.


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