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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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in the murmansk region, the reasons and circumstances of the armed attack on the regional governor andrei chibes are being investigated; he received a live wound in the stomach after a meeting with city residents. according to the press service, now andrei chibes is in the hospital, he is being operated on, it is already known that the wound is not life-threatening, and the operation itself is not complicated, the attacker was detained and is already being interrogated, it is also known that the attack occurred at a time when chibes was already went out into the street from the house of culture, where the meeting with the townspeople took place. after being wounded he remained conscious and got to the car on his own, but the day before the meeting the governor published an announcement in his...
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sergey, hello, tell us what else you know at this moment about the condition of andrei chibes, about the attack itself and, possibly, about the course of investigations, is there any information now? yes, hello, there is, of course, not much information yet, it comes online, live, completely online, as we know today . day that governor andrei chibis was supposed to spend this evening in apatity together with the residents, it was a traditional meeting, he does this all the time, in different municipalities, at different sites, communicates with the population, well, this meeting was announced in advance by him on social networks, let's see how it was, consultant to the united states department of state in america, edward blutva. on thursday
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i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me, well, if you have any questions, write in advance in the comments to this post, have a nice day everyone, well, in general, the meeting took place, only ended she - with this incident, immediately after andrei chibis left the building... a builder in apatity, a man approached him, this is what we know, stabbed him in the abdomen, immediately after that the governor was hospitalized, excellent , change and so on, but unfortunately our connection was cut off, but we would also like to tell you that... in
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the governor’s press service, which we managed to contact after the attack and after the head of the region was placed have already been handed over to doctors, placed in a medical institution, reported that the wound was not dangerous, now the doctors are doing everything possible to get andrei chibes back on his feet as soon as possible. we are waiting for what the doctors will say, we are waiting for all the exact confirmations, there is no threat to life, this... the most important thing, of course, for all of us, the attacker was detained very quickly, he is now under interrogation, all the details and motives will be established by law enforcement agencies . andrei vladimirovich held a large meeting with residents, this is, in principle, his regular format, an open meeting with people, where everyone can ask their questions, it was also lengthy, the governor was already leaving the meeting, he had just left the builders’ recreation center when a man ran up and...
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the performers and recruited accomplices of the terrorists, the rest paid for the purchase of weapons and a car for them . the detainees have already given their first confessions. the murderers and those who helped them began to be tracked down immediately after the terrorist attack in the city hall. first , four perpetrators were detained. they were caught in the bryansk region when the terrorists tried break through to the ukrainian border. later, four more alleged accomplices of the attackers were taken into custody. several more were captured at the beginning of the week in dagestan in makhachkala and kaspeisky. it was necessary to introduce a counter-terrorism operation; it turned out that two detainees were preparing terrorist attacks; operatives found pistols, kalashnikovs and an improvised explosive device. another suspect, detained today, confessed that he had previously helped terrorists with weapons and money. here he is,
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counting out five thousandths from a heavy stack bills, probably to transfer them to one of the criminals. today , vladimir putin commented on the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, they are the masterminds of a monstrous crime. they wanted to damage the unity of the country, but it turned out exactly the opposite; the tragedy united us even more. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity. there are no other goals visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot exist. object terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic. the tragedy in crocus claimed the lives of 144 people,
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over 550 were injured, investigations into the entire chain, and the search for the organizers and customers continue. obviously, today's arrest was not the last. ammunition depot of the kyiv regime. special operations, where the fighters of the southern group of our troops managed to occupy more profitable frontiers. and besides, they destroyed three large krasnogorovkas on the donetsk front . about the situation on the contact line. report by alexander katyuba. now you need to react quickly and put your feet in your hands. it succeeds, as you can see. bmd-2 crews replace each other.
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the stronghold of the square soldiers is in the immediate vicinity. the airborne combat vehicle is literally flying to the firing line, the thirty-millimeter automatic cannon is a corpse on... caliber machine guns are ready to strike the enemy. it's better for us to drive at night. fewer birds at night. and hits for us it will be less. yeah, not exactly that. we rush past the burning dugouts and command posts of the ukrainian armed forces. one of the paratroopers peers into the darkness through a night vision scope, ready to repel an attack from an enemy drone at any second. the combat vehicle turns around in a matter of seconds. in the immediate vicinity, the crew is now setting up its automatic cannon at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces militants. high-explosive fragmentation shells against enemy infantry buried in trenches. flashing flashes of explosions
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ahead confirm the defeat of the target. we release about five sighting guns, then we make corrections again, we’ll also get somewhere again, we’ll get better and we’ll continue to work, as soon as the hit begins, we’re already releasing everything to the end, the barrel of our automatic gun is red-hot to the limit, all the ammunition has been used up, it’s time to leave, quickly, faster, faster, faster, faster, come on, come on, come on, let 's go,
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we quickly shot back and drove back to our destination, acting decisively and boldly, the tula paratroopers of the south group of troops are moving forward. alexander katsyuba and alexander malyshev, lead the way! the north atlantic alliance believes that ukraine's future is in nato, but at the same time it is considering the scenario of its defeat on the battlefield. secretary general jens stoltenberg celebrated the bloc's 75 years of existence with controversial statements, and at the same time with an initiative to strengthen the power of the alliance. stoltenberg proposed transferring all military supplies to kiev under nato control and allocating 100 billion for this in the next 5 years. did the idea of ​​forking out money and getting involved in yet another dubious one resonate with you?
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situation, the population is already fed up with the situation, based on unofficial private polls in
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western ukraine, it is clear that everyone already wants what is happening to come to an end, that is , ukrainians are already on their last legs, so sending any money there, if not talking about humanitarian assistance, is completely pointless. congress is completely outraged that american taxpayers' money is not just flying abroad, but practically down the drain, although it should be spent on the needs of its own citizens. we are furious, people are fed up with this, we don’t want $60 billion to go to ukraine while we were sleeping, tucker, just this night we added 40 billion in debt, all because the stake is so much debt, the amount of debt is so high, and this happens every night while we sleep, so no, we don't want to send 60 billion dollars to ukraine , we want our country to be a priority, it's time to take care of america. noted taylor greene, 70% of americans do not support funding for ukraine and want to see a peace agreement,
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not a continuation of the conflict, and american analysts point out that russia has no problems either with a military contingent, or with weapons, and the outflow of population from ukraine plays into the hands. russia is a much larger country, it has 100 million more people, more industrial capacity, ukraine cannot win, everyone in the world understands this, people are absolutely sure of this. however, this position is not beneficial for official washington. kiev's capitulation would be a strategic humiliation for the united states. we have seen some reports of meetings between neocons and former us cabinet ministers who are clearly putting a lot of pressure on the europeans to they continued the proxy war against russia because they believe it would be a strategic disaster for the united states. this will be the end of their ability to give orders to the rest of the world. europe is in a state of not... and its lack of a rudder, when it does not know what to do. america puts enormous pressure on them to continue.
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the language of narrative throughout europe is absolutely uniform. everyone sticks to the same thing, no debate. however, europe itself has no plans to slow down. the prime minister of latvia stated that riga will send 10 million euros worth of drones produced in the country to kiev this year. and the first batch is almost ready. and the czech republic announced a fundraiser for the purchase of 300,000 shells for the ukrainian armed forces. alpha friday - super cashback every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets. to any city in russia only in the alfa travel service not
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of the national guard, the attacker was also wounded. the attacker is currently receiving medical treatment. help. investigators of the investigation department, headed by the head andrei efremov, are working at the scene of the incident, identifying and interrogating eyewitnesses, and work is underway to determine the causes and motives of the crime committed. well, let me remind you that andrei chibes was stabbed in the stomach after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity. according to the press service, the governor is now in hospital, he is being operated on. it is already known that the injury is not dangerous. for the life of the attacker , officers of the national guard detained him immediately after the incident and are already interrogating him. the investigative committee reported that during his arrest he received a gunshot wound to the leg. according to some media reports, this is a forty-two-year-old man, a resident of the city of apatity. according to some telegram channels, during the attack the man did not express any demands and did not shout
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any slogans. we are still waiting for official confirmation of the information about the detainee, but some. the media are already writing that he has a record of violations; he previously hit a person when he tried to escape from the scene of an accident, received an article, and sued the state traffic safety inspectorate for driving with dirty license plates. and now let’s return to the agenda of the head of state; he joined via video link the opening ceremony of new year-round educational centers that opened in twelve regions of the country. vladimir putin noted that thanks to such infrastructure there is talent. schoolchildren and students have more prospects for self-realization in various directions from public administration to sports, and today’s discussion began precisely with the discussion of youth policy.
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we talked and discussed this matter, but new work lies ahead, including in the most important area of ​​youth policy. during his address to the federal assembly , the president announced the launch of a new national project, youth of russia. a little more than a month has passed since then, and many of the proposals voiced, for example, additional payments for classroom management, are already beginning to be implemented. regarding additional payments to 500 cool managers who are according to your decision.
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relevant registers for those who are entitled to these payments. a notable event in youth policy was the youth festival, which was attended by representatives of 185 countries, which is almost the whole world. several days of communication grew into real international friendship. the festival participants are now keeping in touch. for example, we did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners; in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands. letters of support, videos from all over the world, from different parts, the legacy of this festival, of course, has such serious value for us in the future and
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we should not miss what we have in our hands now, we need to work with it, it will benefit our country, our young people and our partners, our friends on almost all continents , working with... the people themselves, that is, human souls, they became preachers, his disciples, this was very important during the formation of world
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religions, russia is not only christianity, but all our traditional religions, but this turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must defend our traditional values, our culture, our traditions, our history. this is very important for the future of the country. via video link, the president opens 12 new year-round youth centers. in essence, these are platforms where boys and girls will develop their competencies under the guidance of mentors and professionals in their field. the center of the vnizhny novgorod region will help build careers in the field of government and the municipal government center in rostov will focus on the development of rural youth and farming. in the arkhangelsk region, the main track will be science, the educational center istok will begin work.
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shersany and his squad baptized, but then he spiritually began to unite and united everything - all the slavic tribes living in this territory, and this, in fact, formed the basis for the construction of a single centralized russian state, in this sense this place for the russian state is truly sacred, and the main task of the guys from the emal-nenets autonomous okrug is to show.
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in kotka, thereby visiting all 89 regions of russia, so we consider you an honorary member of our new club, club 89. thank you very much, you have a very important and interesting line of work. the kaliningrad region decided to specialize in media processes. the noise educational center will educate journalists, bloggers and pr specialists who will be able to speak to the youth audience in their language. living in the information age wars, every journalist. every designer, every photographer is a person who shapes the consciousness of millions of residents of our country around the world. governor anton alikhanov did not want to stand out from the guys, but it was this move with an unusual suit that became a clear example of patriotic product promotion. i see anton andreevich - today he put on a russian braid, he is the only person who dressed like that, he does nothing without meaning. anton andreevich, you did this on purpose, does it make any sense? in fact,
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guys, support me. they asked me, they said, anton anich, wear something dark, some kind of shirt, this is our local production, linen shirts are sewn by our manufacturers, you also do advertising for local production, promotion, of course, in a sense, you need to promote regional brands , i agree completely. the president continued his work in the kremlin with a meeting, the topic of which was the results of the implementation of individual programs and regional development. it is already clear that the target indicators are being met ahead of schedule, and more have been created.
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excuse the cinematic expressions, they don’t confuse their own six with the state one, but they work quite effectively, it’s somehow a pity to wrest support tools from them if they don’t achieve results. the government will make a decision on the future parameters of the regional development program after consultation with the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation. alexey golovko, natalya lundovskaya, anastasia serikova, lead. sber presented a new version of kandinsky 3.0. as the bank noted, it is
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convenient and functional. free model for creativity understands text even better queries creates a realistic image in a few seconds. another key feature of this version was the increase in operating speed by almost 10 times. a neural network is capable of realizing any flight of artistic imagination. traditionally , users of the model are artists, bloggers, all those people who want to create, be creative, so you are welcome. the model is becoming gradually. on all surfaces, we are rolling it out gradually, but as of today, access to kandinsky is absolutely free for all users, at the same time, when you do generation with the help of kandinsky, please indicate whether it was done by kandinsky, it will definitely be pleasant for everyone. well, let’s return to the investigation of the armed attack on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes, he received a knife wound in the stomach after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity. according to information.
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now andrei chibes is in the hospital, he is being operated on, it is already known that the wound is not life-threatening, the attacker was detained, he is being interrogated, what else is known about the attacker, we will find out from our correspondent in murmansk region, sergei shiryaev, sergei, tell me, what other information about the attack do you have at this moment? so, information comes in every minute, now we’ll tell you how the events unfolded. governor andrei chibis on the evening of april 4 was supposed to hold and held a meeting with residents of the city of apatity, a fairly large city in the murmon region, industrial, at such meetings that the governor holds absolutely regularly, he communicates on all possible topics, you can ask any question to the head of the region, get the answer is, in general, this happens monthly, if not...


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