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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today, vladimir putin spoke at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia, the president spoke about the goals of those who orchestrated the tragedy in crocus, the head of state also noted the importance of our balanced development.
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the conditions for our common success, i was just the head of the trade unions and said this quite vividly and emotionally, is the unity of the russian multinational society, this is the main basic condition for our success. and in this regard, of course, and judging by what the investigation is now providing, we have.
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there is reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity; other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists, we have a country . which demonstrates a unique example of inter-religious harmony and unity, inter-religious unity, inter-ethnic, and in the external arena it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object for attacks by islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, it, especially in modern conditions, is... conditionally
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visible, it is clear that trade unions have their own specific tasks, i spoke about this just now, and i did too in my short introductory speech he said, you know, we have succeeded so far, so far, and i very much count on what will happen in the near future, in a more distant historical perspective. treat very responsibly the functions that are entrusted to us, the laws, constitution, and the very meaning of existence, and administrative authorities, all levels, entrepreneurs and trade unions, this is social responsibility, it is always important, always. but in modern
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conditions it is becoming extremely important, and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite all the difficulties of today, we are not transferring the economy to wartime mode , there is no such thing, yes, we are concentrating efforts, concentrating administrative resources, financial resources for the development of defense industries, but here there are people who...
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the economy is nevertheless on a war footing, everything with us at the moment is quite balanced, we do not cancel any social guarantees for workers, in essence it is an absolutely programmatic statement, that is, it is obvious that a lot of work is going on and in this putin’s period is not the first in which such an understanding of the next stage is taking place, that is, how the country will live in the next stage
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and putin’s appeal to the federal assembly, which set the tasks for the next 6 years, now more and more questions of ideology are heard, understanding the role and place of russia, that is, we... are approaching the solution of issues that, well, in military terms, are moving into the category of strategic, that is, we are already looking completely differently, at a different perspective, it seems to me that it’s just important, it makes sense to pay attention to this, vitalich, please, thank you, well, of course, i would like to speak about, again, this is the migration issue, migration policy, but i hope that in the near future...
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they will continue to enter into force and action of the apparatus of different people of this expert communities, some say that in general expertocracy arose a long time ago as a special type of power, dictating, a beautiful definition of expertocracy, but the question is being discussed, who rules america, when biden is like this, here is the expert who broke salevan’s rib, macron butted his head. i don’t know, i haven’t heard about it, i didn’t break anything, i injured it, but i’m clarifying, there was another one, i didn’t hear, but the americanists will have their say, so that’s what i’m talking about, to the fact that, well, forgive me for this, yesterday i was just alone my reader reminded me that in 2015 i
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published an article, wrote an article entitled - usa and russia existential incompatibility. i wrote at the request of one very respected well-known scientific journal , vakovsky, everything is as it should be, then they already introduced the rule that before publication it is necessary to carry out an examination of all texts, my text, i’m not an americanist, i never stated anything there, it had to be sent to experts, expertocracy, sent to two americanists, known surnames, surname. i don't, i won't tell you, i won't tell you, naturally they they said that the article was weak, everything there was wrong, they had to change the title, put it as it came out under a different name, they removed this incompatibility and so on, but
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what we have now, i mean that the interpretation of any problem, especially in a public... space in an expert space that reaches out to those who make decisions, this is an extremely, extremely important part, often they work together, often they disagree, now and... uh, today's anniversary is, well, 75 years old natat hit, i already had to say, i’m still i adhere to this idea, as some kind of correct pattern, that in 70, well, from 50, 75 years, everything in the world becomes obsolete, the human body, houses - these very bridges, now they collapsed, but this bridge should not have collapsed because...
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are either crazy or just beggars, but beggars always strive to join
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somewhere where there is some kind of feeding trough, and crazy, because the european union is also in the period of its collapse, already dying, they have so many problems that only one can enter there who will repeat completely irresponsible, that is, this should not scare us, but what should scare us is really the united states of america. who still rule this world and here are numerous discussions, including in this studio when i was not here, i watched, they were conducted somehow like this, the americans hit or israel hit seven people , all of them were representatives of western countries, they killed and they have nothing to do with it maximum sovereignty so far is the united states of america and...
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about experts, after all, our diplomats, with all due respect, this is also quite conservative layer of people, what i mean, today, today sergei viktorich gave a wonderful, wonderful speech, explained everything, everything is correct, there is nothing to say, of course, i understand that this needs to be done, but to convince someone that he, in principle , will never believe it, because...
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or our artists made a board -
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in relief, dedicated to the victory parade, no, not the parade of the forty-first year on red square of that famous board, and they wanted to strengthen, naturally, on red square on on historical museum on the other side, from the side of red square, they were told: it’s impossible, because red square is under the protection of unesco, so we will violate the integrity. well, he says, send a request to unesco, and they are told: it’s not in unesco that there are a lot of votes against us now, so that means we won’t send it, we ’ll get a positive answer, what kind of insanity have we reached? to perpetuate our own event, we must ask permission from unesco. voz, this mok, which they are talking about again, unicef, all the imf, tell me, this the world ministry, we ourselves have signed up for their rule, but at least one world ministry can be headed by a representative
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of the russian federation, at least one russian minister, maybe why, but why? then why do we need a ministry, if there is a majority there, why do we need these organizations, and not why do we need our ministries, this is the right question, why do we need organizations that we do not lead, well, teams of which, well, we had some periods the time when we headed there was honesty there, yes, but that was a long time ago headed, chairmanship is what we are talking about, but in essence it does not give anything, you are absolutely correct in posing the question. but it seems to me that we shouldn’t just pour new wine into old wineskins, that’s why i’m talking about this now, the system has developed, it’s outdated, we won’t be able to capture the commanding heights there anyway, we need to abandon it altogether, yes, that’s absolutely right, we are preserving the organization of the united nations for now, we are deciding - the question is in the theater of military operations in ukrainian, everything
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else is there and we are starting, we are starting not only in sports, through these goodwill games, as they call it. new ministries, i’m not mini, well , look, i’m developing your idea, the problem of migrants is obviously connected with what, low level of automation, low level of labor productivity, based on this , insufficient number of personnel, then lack of control, what putin spoke about today, so we have to go this path, in order to follow this path, a completely different financial policy is needed, a policy of attracting money to those industries that produce these same robots, automated lines and other, that is, special conditions.
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after the collapse of the ussr, who are trying to breathe life, but so far it’s not very successful, you can say frankly, listen, nato is fighting us, let’s create our own powerful military-political bloc so that there is no illusion that nato may now think that it will enter the ukraine, north korea will now join us, venezuela will now join us and further cross the country, if necessary, the koreans
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will not object to transferring money to the world card, north koreans will often if we transfer to the world card, i could not propose, but why not introduce personal sanctions against bach, who was an absolute nazi who destroyed the entire olympic tradition, why not introduce personal sanctions against bach, while agreeing with other members of the brix, if someone supports, so that he understands that he as soon as he gets there, he will be arrested as a collaborator of nazism and the murder of the olympic idea, a simple
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constructive idea, of course, i’m just developing your idea. i agree about this, but maybe we should also set another condition for labor migration and migration from this
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country in general, revision of textbooks on how the history of russia deals with relations with this new state in their textbooks, because you can create cards, distribute them, and indoctrinated people will come to you.
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that you punish people for the fact that these are relationships with people, that is, you, well, yes, because the fact is that these are steps that do not have approximately the same as athletes, we do not allow athletes in because they are from russia, okay, who do you want to punish, violators, i want to punish those here who are satisfied when you offer peace only through cards, and did not cancel the peace cards there, who are you punishing, that country, because people, i propose to punish that country, not people. i ’m not punishing people, that’s the point, a person gets everything for his work, the state doesn’t receive money because they can’t transfer money there, they can’t pay
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taxes and so on, then the state, but not the worker, the worker he receives all his money here in rubles, as per his contract, we are not exactly right we violate it, we don’t rob it, but it’s nice to violate it sometimes, but that’s a separate conversation, i love the democrats, as soon as you scratch it a little.
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capitalism, well, of course, you studied according to soviet textbooks, a second, i have no respect for capitalism, well, you studied according to soviet textbooks, you hate so much of everything that was prescribed that i hate that anyone, i didn’t confess, i didn’t confess to the textbooks, according to your logic, you studied from soviet textbooks, even from stalin’s, go ahead and deny cybernetics, i studied cybernetics when you were just we started,
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this is the thing, to say, to say that of course, well, it ’s very difficult to make management decisions, yes, well, yes, but the only thing that can be done is like this, we discuss among ourselves, and the conclusion that can be drawn from this is correct, what a difficult task it is to make government management decisions? well, i would limit myself to this, maybe i would add only one thing, i remembered this expression earlier today, but today i read it
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again from ranevskaya. that's how many smart and talented people are very capable to run the state fruitfully, it’s a pity that they all already work as taxi drivers and hairdressers, votstas today, well , it doesn’t matter, i kind of yes, well, returning, returning to strategy, of course, volodya, what you noticed, that the president is in this sense, does not draw a line between the election campaign and, as it were, this is a very interesting sign, a very interesting symptom, because it continues to articulate and discuss fundamental things that should form the basis of the state and public policy, well, for several decades ahead, it could be 50 years, yes, well, i don’t know, or 40, it doesn’t matter, but for a very long period. by the way,
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we’ve been saying for a long time that we don’t have long-term planning there, you know, planning is only valuable when it’s realistic, so we even underestimate how much of a shift our action made in terms of a special military operation and how much realism was added to the situation in our thinking.
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was a key ideologeme for the western world and not only the western world, well, russia presented what it can do for now in an extremely incomplete range of its capabilities, i would say this, to a certain minimum of its capabilities, the situation has radically, radically changed, because the west in many ways was forced to leave our... russian world, when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with it’s a military matter, in the army there is no division for a boy and a girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired
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at first. for about an hour there was some kind of unit standing nearby in the field, there were screams, yells, they also called for help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there was shelling everywhere, and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play , mother, that you should help, i believe in myself that i can still... do something, hello, mom, everything is fine, we are working, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching , look, in the application or on the website, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it’s as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear
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layer... of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property? in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this i was the victim, and we don’t even understand
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that this is western expansion...


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