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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find my mother, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything , and it ’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, but no, something else. 100 years ahead, what do you want, let's kiss, soon, the americans must hold elections, well, that is, that's all, and these first two ones are connected, because france has already asked for the polish military to ensure order at the french olympias in ukraine.
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interesting, right here i really want to , i don’t think it will be, but this will be very interesting to watch, we’ll see, please don’t be a hoch , i’ll take the liberty of continuing a little, i’ll try to continue the president’s thesis about fishers of man, or... more commonly , perhaps engineers of human souls, a very interesting thesis about expertocracy, well, as if it were something new, that experts control society, this is not new at all, if we look at the classic one, yes, well, yes, not new, well, let’s say, we don’t often directly discuss it, but the classical model of management, for example , of indian caste society, the brahmin caste has always been higher than the caste of kshatriyas, vaishya traders and so on, that is, it was the people of the word who formulated the meanings, the concept.
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how to live, how to develop the state, all its types, that is, in principle there is nothing particularly new here, but this is really so, but it’s not just experts, this is who, these are those who teach young people, this is a simple teacher, not even i'm afraid that there were also teachers in school, at the university, and leningrad state university, not only him, the entire current government, in principle, yes, experts really rule society and should rule it, another thing is, what and what kind of experts are they? that is, if these are certain scientists who have been cultivated in the west for decades, let’s call it so that a person who simply went to a university, wrote some texts, they were recognized by other scientists like them, that these are some kind of scientific research, although no there are no openings there if it has an index citations, and he simply, well, perhaps even the reviewer did not read such scientific work or conditionally there, maybe he himself often did not even read it, but... these are hardly scientists, and
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especially since, well, even take the stalin era, who came to the academy of sciences, these were people after the war or people after real production and so on, they formed, went through a certain crucible of experience, production, war and so on and formed this scientific elite, but this history is lost and not only lost to a significant extent , not i’m talking about everyone, i don’t mean to put everyone in the same category, but to a large extent, to a large extent, these experts like... who controls the executive branch, they are imposed from the outside, while they are imposed from the outside, and some often even in their own sphere i can say that people who have worked for years in the banking sector, in manufacturing, in foreign policy, in state, regional, central government, from some telegram channels and so on, from some other resources are trying to convince us some thoughts, and if you look at who is behind these anonymous telegram channels, just people who have not even been to china, for example, that is, this is the story we need.
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even a whole press conference was held at the beginning before this call, for a long time sidinpin refused biden, accordingly, some, well, roughly speaking, response to this call, but something happened that american diplomacy insisted, and this call took place , there is not a single clear topic outlined outside that could make biden rush so much, but here’s my this is a subjective opinion, maybe i’m wrong somewhere, i don’t cover the whole range of problems, most likely... this is most likely a very difficult situation for the americans and nato in ukraine, that is, the ukrainian regime, the kiev regime, is most likely close to really collapse if it collapses, of course, this is our victory, first of all, our victory of our weapons and so on, but this is a colossal blow to the american-centric system, that is, this is a blow to the entire model in
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the center of which stands the united states, and as a result in weak electoral positions biden, as a result of the weak position of the united states with its allies, this may strengthen. chinese pressure on taiwan, that is, biden is very afraid that an uncontrollable crisis that could occur after the collapse of, in fact, ukraine, and in fact will call into question the existence of nato and its effectiveness, but will call into question the existence of the western allies of the united states and the eastern asia, that is , most likely the situation in ukraine is really so bad that ukraine is simply ready to collapse, and this is already being discussed, sidinpin and biden, respectively, and biden. insists that sizimpin has stopped, well, this is a direct quote, promoting the creation of the military industry of the russian federation, that is , this has already been directly said, which means it is clear that there is a different list of problems and so on, well, it is clear that after ukraine the focus is moving to asia , in fact, this was
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indicated during the call, i often watched your evening program last saturday or sunday, you talked about china for almost the entire program, it was very interesting. and what to learn, indeed, the chinese are increasing their productive forces, it would seem that a lot of the population, but this is the number one country in the production of robots, in shanghai this is the last thing, which means they put into operation 100 km, a direct route, not a straight line, of course, an unmanned vehicle , but there is a lot to learn, we need these huge unmanned highways, we need logistics, its development and so on, industry and digitalization are what we really need to learn, in china... the population, we are 140 million, of course , we need artificial intelligence, of course, beyond the far north, to the far north, of course, there must be robotization, in the conditions there in siberia it is difficult to access, there are not enough people, in the army it’s not well, in fact, it’s much better for it to be fought by a robot, a drone and so on, that is, the total introduction of artificial
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intelligence, only with such development we will actually enter the top four largest economies in terms of purchasing power parity, which was indicated by 2030, that is, the country should grow about... i also want to support deputy chairman state duma babakov regarding the use of chinese experience, use and mission, that is, printing money. in 10 years, china has essentially transformed from japan to become equal to the european union, that is, in fact, in 10 years it has increased its economy 2 and a half times. it is clear that there is no need to thoughtlessly borrow this experience, there is no need to inflate everything, like the chinese, which means that, perhaps, partly or a significant part was invested in the development sector, now the population is not... the industry is not growing so quickly, apartments are essentially not worth sold, but we need construction projects of the century, i absolutely agree with you, the moscow-vladivostok expressway, so that in a day not only cargo, troops, troops, japan, cargo, everything else, not only moscow-vladivostok,
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unmanned highways and so on further and so on, there is room to invest, at this rate you can grow 5-7% per year without overheating the economy, creating parallel investments in the military-industrial complex and in science. everything else can be done in parallel, actually creating the structures of the central bank, because that the chinese, the latest reform of the state council from the central bank of the people's bank of china , brought two departments under the direct subordination of a separate vice-premier, that is , this central bank, which is oriented toward the united states, is slowly beginning to, well, let's say , reassemble those already more oriented under the direct leadership of that group , which is now leading in china and so on, well , it’s clear that this really shouldn’t be an uncontrolled emission, so here are... such proposals that, of course, we should use chinese experience is needed in the growth of productive forces, in the banking system, but understanding that china and the russian federation are, after all, completely different countries, it is absolutely dangerous, thank you, yes, a few words about
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the united states of america, which we have already discussed today the story of joe biden, who is to some extent pulling the reins of power, in my opinion, the situation is absolutely not new, we remember it as the same. about a year earlier than joe biden came to ukraine, to western ukraine, yes, it was, in my opinion, spring or early summer 202, and biden arrived a year later in february 2020, most recently. the rating is conditionally 55-53, that’s what the polls show, so it’s more active to put it, but another thing is that you have to justify yourself for everything, it doesn’t always work out and it’s not very nice, that’s what concerns the situation with israel, it’s really unpleasant for the administration. now for the current administration this creates
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a certain sense, but specifically the problems, especially on the eve of the elections, and we see all these pro-palestinian protesters, we see a split, a party will arise, and of course , here’s the latest story with humanitarian workers who died, and this is not just such an organization that appeared out of thin air, but in general the clinton organization has actually existed since the thirteenth year, that is, it ’s like it’s different clan, well... democratic party, and at the same time, that same bill clinton campaigned for biden not so long ago, well , of course, i would like to see what he would say now, and of course, we still haven’t heard statements from kamala harris, and a person who is a protégé of hillary clinton, and who has been quite actively criticizing israel in recent weeks, and maybe even months, the american intelligence community and the white house are understandably putting pressure on netanyahu, on the israeli right, demanding elections, even some democrats. they are now getting involved in this, well, there are public -spirited democrats there in the senate, in the parliament , representatives there, i’m not sure, again, the fact is
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that all this pressure will play some role, yes, because we see it in in europe, indeed, the attitude towards the biden administration as a lame duck is the same, in my opinion, the attitude in the middle east, well, there is the fact that jake sullivan suddenly broke a rib and did not go to the meeting with binsalman, well, he injured rib, and did not go to meeting with binsalman, which apparently would have also gone so-so if he had gone, well, it also seems to show that the gulf monarchies there are already tuned in to the fact that maybe power will change in america after the elections, but israel, i think that is also waiting for a possible republican victory, with who would be, to some extent, easier for them to work with, which is why, of course, in some ways it is not possible for biden’s apparatchik to influence these processes, and despite the fact that in parallel there, arms supplies through the pentagon continue, but i fully admit that that neither biden, nor salevan nor blinken have any influence on this anymore, and as for the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, yes. fyodor
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mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they...
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75 years, yes, well, as for this seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, of course, the apparatchiks are greeting them in brussels, but not in the most rosy mood, as we see , yes, there were completely different moods, say, in the spring, early summer of '23, yes, when they had all these hopes for a counter-offensive, then the july summit in vilnius, we remember, well, here's the next summit, again the nato summit, again in july. 9:11 already will be held in america in washington dc, well, i think there, of course, there will be a lot of disputes, contradictions from a variety of splits, that is, let's look at these 2 years, well, indeed, of course , nato included two new members, sweden, finland, that’s okay, but if we look , for example, at the real plans of how they are planning and preparing for some new big war, then here, de facto , practically nothing has been implemented at all, yes, because in the spring of the twenty-second year, same thing nato announced amid fanfare... the creation of this huge strike force on the eastern flank of 300,000 soldiers,
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they announced it all many times, even the poles said not so long ago that we will have the lion's share of these soldiers there, well, 2 years have passed , there are still no soldiers, and because there is no money, well, i think they gave a list of still a huge number of things they don’t have enough, that is, it’s as if the deadlines are being stretched somewhere again, they are shifting to the right for the summer, for the autumn of 25 , it is possible that even this will not happen, and of course the situation in ukraine is very unpleasant for them. a huge amount of weapons were lost there, resulting in colossal reputational losses for nato commanders and for the leaders of western countries, and of course it is not entirely clear what to do now, when the americans do not give money, and the europeans simply do not have money. here’s the latest plan that was announced by nato secretary general stoltenberg to allocate $100 billion for 5 years to ukraine, well, the figure certainly sounds cool, but it’s like it’s only 20 billion for a year, that the money is actually already so big, yes, 1.5 billion a month, but this is much less than what ukraine received in 2022-23, but even this money, as we see now, is very difficult to break through in europe,
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yes, because there you need to understand that purchasing power is falling, because everything related to it has risen sharply in price. the cost of some artillery shell has increased five times, so you can buy five times less of them for the same money, if not even less, if not even less, so well, we see that hungary is against the allocation of such a large tranche for 5 years in advance, i think that they will again strive, as with the european peace fund , to allocate it on an annual basis, yes, so that they can re-vote every year, there’s even belgium is against it, i think that in slovakia and austria, the future is dragging everything throughout germany, they are proportional to gdp.
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yes, nato countries, but they were just discussing the issue of the possible introduction of nato troops into ukraine, where the americans unofficially said: well, we don’t mind if you, as it were, are your troops send, the british were very actively emphasizing this, although, by the way, publicly the british foreign office continues to distance itself from this and there david cameron states that we will not send any of the british soldiers, which is what i think in principle, they don’t have the opportunity to send anyone to them, but the french tried to seize the initiative, but as we see, there is also a reaction from the outside. other european countries were so-so, except of course the baltic states, which are ready to fight to the last, i don’t know, nato soldier, but necessarily, of course, by the wrong hands, which is why here, well, they will celebrate this very anniversary, and in a rather difficult situation, and of course, an indicator of everything that is happening is that for the second year in a row, nato cannot even choose a new candidate for the role of the general secretary, although the position
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of the general secretary is technical, yes, this is a person who simply has to resolve all these internal scandals there. even with this it doesn’t work out, so stoltenberg in ’23, and his powers were extended for a year, now it’s not even clear who will become as the next secretary general, it seems they have chosen the candidacy of mark rute, the former prime minister, still the current technical prime minister of the netherlands, but the person also does not evoke approving emotions in everyone, there hungary is threatening to block his candidacy, so it is possible that rute will not be there either , although ryuto might not be the worst option for nato, because at least he has some contacts. and reaching out to donald trump, if trump wins the election, it will of course be easier to come to an agreement with him, considering how the apparatchiks nato is afraid that trump will come, they will allegedly collapse nato, which of course will not happen, but nevertheless some reforms may await them, and they, like real bureaucrats , resist this in every possible way, but now there is another alternative figure, this is karl iohannis, the current leader of romania, well
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, of course, he is mired in his corruption scandals, and in general westerners themselves call romania, and most of them. corrupt country of the european union, literally a cliptocracy, so i'm not sure what of his candidacy nominated, so they can’t even choose a general secretary, so of course they are celebrating the anniversary in a wonderful state, i am still for kaya kallas, well, kaya kalos is an excellent candidate for leadership, which the two of them will be.
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from vacation, but, apparently, this is being postponed again, and there are only two working weeks for 9-9 working days, then congress goes on vacation again, until the end of april, beginning of may, how quickly they get tired. yes, well , now is the election year, so they spend more time at work, themselves in districts, in the states, they understand that the ukrainians are preparing a show for them, now we
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are seeing a considerable concentration of forces and means in the north, that is, it is clear that they wanted to give by the ninth, so that later they could say, let us be able, now they are like , well, no, i think that the legislator in congress until the ninth all ukrainian plans, they are very much tied to the political agenda, no, well, this is certainly true. here we need to certainly prepare for the fact that there will be provocations, given that the agenda there has now been intercepted by british hawks in ukraine, this is just their style, there are those terrorist attacks, sabotage and everything else, of course, so now we are already seeing attempts to strike at the life support of zaporozhye, yes , that’s exactly it, that’s purely british color, well , as for the congress, i think that for april they most likely won’t have time to vote earlier, this will all be postponed to may, so here for us the window of opportunity that we currently have continues. mikhail mikhailovich, listen to conversations like this, it’s over, the dollar is going down, hurray, comrades, yes, there is a general secretary in
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this nato, this secretary general is not there, this does not really matter, this figure is intended to coordinate the positions of the heads of state, but i can’t even agree on it, if this were the biggest problem for... certain representatives of the ukrainian expert community propose to implementation of the project "rus ukraine". and one of the working titles for this project is “symphony”
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instead of “empire”. what is generally meant by this? well, in short, including taking away the word “rus” in russia, russian, the very word russia, rename our country muscovy or muscovy. and in general they believe that russia privatized illegally, and completely the history of ukraine, and that the history of russia, this is the largest historical theft in the entire history of mankind, on a universal scale, horror, this nonsense is years old, now it is now being activated, yeah, yeah, no, now it is being activated, i am presenting this from a fresh point of view, again from an absolutely fresh point of view. if we don’t respond to this nonsense at
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the academic level at the level of loudmouths leaders of the agitators, i want to tell you that here we have to fight for every wording, for every word, everyone is going to fight with the world, well, let’s give mikhail mikhailovich, well, let’s give mikhailovich the idea to agree with me to argue, i also know the task. occupation, you know , i also want to say in this regard that every word matters here, to the point that i’ll give one such example, not exactly from this opera, of course, but at one time poland was going to sue we have a brand called vodka, yeah, but after all, they didn’t sue, but thanks to what, thanks to the fact that we had the greatest expert on the russian national cuisine of drinks, william pokhlebkin, but he convincingly proved that poland has nothing to do with this trademark, even such trifles ultimately have to come down to it. but what i wanted to say again about the main thing, about the main thing, these statements are 20 or 30 years old, now they are being refreshed again, there are even expressions that, well, for example, you don’t want to learn and
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master the ukrainian language , but this is a language, which vladimir the great spoke, princess olga, prince igor, prince svyatoslav, how come you don’t want to follow, one might say, the testament of your ancestors, firstly, neither prince igor nor the apostle princess olga spoke this language, this is the first point, please contact to the sources that exist, at least to the same story of bygone years, nestor, or, for example, the largest literary monument of that era, the word about igor’s regiment, there is the old russian language, there is nothing similar to this ukrainian, here is an endless reference of the modern ukrainian political elite, to the figures of that era, but it’s the same as, for example, the inhabitants of the modern ... unis would say that we are the heir, the heirs of the military glory of carthage, there or in egypt now modern egyptians said that , for example, ramses ii and thutmas i are our
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founding fathers. the founding fathers for modern ukraine are bandera, shukhevych, konovalets, melnik, well, in the best case , hetmanskoropatsky, but nothing more, you have nothing to do with the historical figures of that era, of those times, after all here , in my opinion, there is no point in leaving out the slightest things in this regard, well, since i, in general, somehow ran to a completely different clearing from my operational-strategic department.
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a difficult matter, then you wanted operational-strategic and move on to what i wanted to note in this regard, but again turn to the resonance of such a topic, this is strengthening air defense, in this regard, i’ll be a little like marking a portion of coton, who is carthage every time he speaks, who every word finished, finished each of his speeches in the senate, carthage must be destroyed , carthage, absolutely absolutely, and i in this regard, well, again, without giving any directive instructions there
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