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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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when there is a discussion that it is almost necessary to form some parts of territorial defense, air defense, to involve business in this, well, yes, business, of course, you can involve the patriotic part of both the oil and gas industry and the rest of the business, but only in already...
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smaller in number, for example, to form two armies of aerospace defense, this is according to my purely estimates, in my opinion, but no more than 50,000 people will be required, two armies in the european part of the country with full-fledged formations, including formations, including both anti-aircraft missile and missile defense units, and there must necessarily be an aviation component, represented, especially not only to chase after a leukomotor
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unmanned aerial vehicle of the aircraft type, here some completely different means of destruction are needed, but all this should be within the framework of one control system, one control field, and i would still apply the following formula: one commander, one region, one airspace, one degree responsibility and all means means. well , there will be no effective control of these forces, well, a decision must be made, some decisions must be made immediately in terms of , for example, small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machine gun installations, searchlights, but again, all this must be carried out under the auspices of specialists, one cannot hesitate, and even i would rather say that we need to act in the future.
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near donetsk, that is, we can do a lot of things, now it’s interesting that our belarusian colleagues came forward, they took over a whole network, it turned out that they were dragged into the territory of the smolensk province through belarus, which means that various scum that were collected were taken out of the pits, launches were carried out from the territory of the smolensk region, but what we said is that sabotage groups also carry out various attacks. this means
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the work of smersh, that is, there is a whole complex here, but here civil society can play a gigantic role, in particular in the development of an early warning system, search and there are many guys who are now working with this, that is, this is all.
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a more brilliant destruction of the myth of the great okras, but i personally haven’t read it, introduce it into the school curriculum, well, although first of all in new territories, to counteract those waiters who are still entrenched and do not yet quite understand that this is in the restoration of the great russia, this is not only serious for a long time, it is forever, because well, try to hold some kind of scientific conferences, prove to british scientists or mr. scholz there that there was genocide... of the russian population in donbass, what he told our to the president in december of the twenty-first year, lehi, it’s funny, well, the one who laughs with consequences laughs well, about the germans, or rather the arabs, who should feel like germans, it’s always important from the point of view of linguistics of political science, the context in which
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context it was said , this is one of the three great achievements of the great traffic light coalition, serech, swans, crayfish and pike, of all the great deeds, trouble. unexpectedly came to a german house, there are three, this is a simplification of obtaining citizenship by the same arabs while maintaining the citizenship of their countries, previously in this was not the case in germany, plus the simplification of the gender change procedure at 75 in the studio and the legalization of soft drugs, i personally have not seen any other achievements of the traffic light coalition, well, certainly not in the economy, in defense, but pistorius is complaining that another 6 billion is missing. euros, accordingly, they created a fund there of 100 billion, yes, well, if in a peacetime economy there is a big mac index, then in a wartime economy, but i would suggest a leopard index, here is the leopard 2a7 plus, the latest modification, costs 10 million euros, here divide by 10 we get, well, how many
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additional leopards do they rivet, well, i think, not so much and a lot, accordingly, this year about 300,000 refugees risk getting german citizenship, well, including from the countries of the maghreb, maybe ukraine in including the dangers of maintaining citizenship of previous countries, well, first of all, this is the deepening of these parallel cultural worlds, because before that in germany it was like, here are former turkish subjects, some ostap ibrahimovich and bender, living in the area kreuzberg, berlin, kreuzberg calls the largest turkish city after istanbul, between the ages of 14 and 18 he could choose citizenship of either turkey or germany, 70% of turkish youth chose turkish citizenship. receiving the german wong, they voted for turkish politicians, for the turkish agenda, which is why german politicians were so worried when the mawa party arose, which they considered to be actually a branch of erdogan’s party, which would automatically receive, risk receiving, the votes of all people from islamic countries world, because it seems to be positioning their
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interests, and this is an absolute breakdown, an absolute breakdown of the german political system, and this is a trend in almost all european countries, you are correct when you say that to protect the olympic facilities... they will send polish military personnel to france, therefore , this cannot be completely ruled out, therefore - returning to the topic of nato's anniversary, at one time i heard wonderful definitions, nato is an extremely amorphous organization with an extremely low coefficient of combat effectiveness, in fact, they are capable only to support terrorist regimes for the destruction of virtually civilian populations, that incident in the gas sector, how... they bombed a humanitarian action and kirby argued that nothing like that happened, in fact they are repeated more than once, the ninety-ninth year of kosovo, the plane f16 american sees a convoy on the ground, transmits through the avax plane to headquarters that i see targets,
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they tell him: shoot, he says: wait, guys, i took a closer look, there are tractors with trailers, there are some civilians, and this the serbs destroyed the tanks under the tractor, and more than 120 peaceful albanian refugees were destroyed. despite the pilot’s assurance that he saw peaceful goals, naturally the pilot was not judged, nothing happened, because, well, everything happens according to the same principle; they acted in libya, iraq and syria even now. century, it’s not the brahmins there, i don’t know , the greek priestesses, they also gave advice,
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there were favorites, but there, by the way, when you were wrong, they gave you a blow to your head, that’s the modern anonymous irresponsible aristocracy, that’s the expertocracy, that’s what anonymity, irresponsibility, here's the oracle, and here's the anonymous expertocracy, they all knew everyone, there was a population of 10,000 in the city, they knew all the oracles by sight, it didn't work out.
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we are wonderful, but we need to put the leaders of the country, the people before elections, for example, we say that anyone who becomes an ally of russia comes under its military custody, including, but for this there must be military bases on the territory of this country, russian, not want to be allies of russia, great, i suggest you see ourselves as neutral countries, in this case we guarantee you, but... we will never attack you, as long as you are neutral, accordingly you should not have foreign
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armed forces and so on, so we will take your cities out of goal setting for our missiles in the case of this very world, it will fly past you, you need to make a choice, you need to make a choice , you won’t be washed away by a tsunami to poseidon, yes , just to put it bluntly, goal setting is frightening, to put it bluntly, it won’t wash you away. and lastly, it’s great about the catchers, the people and the youth centers are great, but now mass culture, the internet, you can’t enroll everyone in youth centers, it rules the youth sentiments of everyone else, istrad, show business, and now there is a scandal about a obscene song that was put into the mouth of a little girl, consisting entirely of obscenities. everyone listens to it, i haven’t heard it, well, you haven’t heard it, well, it’s not for your ears,
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because you’re not at that age anymore, okay, so people, catchers, need catchers, that’s great, but there’s more than one here, i think it said, mass sculpture and mass yes, there are problems with education, but that’s all, but all over the country, who wants to be an elite in the future country. to be different from this mass consumer of crap, it was already created for them, now advertising, let us continue with a new composition, is not child's play, in different parts of russia the growth of youth banks began to raise its head, belgorod thugs, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take the territory under your control, remember... let's go figure it out , we'll talk to you, they were jealous of everything
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they filmed what was happening, posted it on the internet, why are you being accused of attempted murder, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you boxer and you can cope with almost any person, well, i didn’t beat him like that, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions. today there was a really very interesting speech by sergei viktorovich lavrov, in which he asked the questions that we we ask, but already over a certain period of time, and what’s interesting is that there are several, i can’t say reality,
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versions, versions of events that westerners don’t fit into their heads, so they choose their own. absolutely false, but there is a truth that is presented, but which westerners do not want to see, in order to get to the true answer, we propose questions, the answers to which will lead to an absolutely clear, transparent fair conclusion, but we simply don’t even have anyone to talk to, because the west has been for quite a long time time lives in an absolutely invented illusion, and what’s funny is that the west itself described this, that is...
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this is just another illustration of the fact that the kiev regime is allowed everything, and it actively uses this permissiveness when indulging on the part of their own, their patrons, well, this indulgence by patrons began from the time of the terrible crime in the odessa house
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of trade unions, it should be noted that this was a turning point, after which it became clear to many... that war was inevitable, and how once then a large number of ukrainian citizens made their choice and moved to donbass and began to fight against ukranazism with arms in hand. and by the way, let me remind you that here was the tragedy of the house of trade unions, then the air raid on lugansk, when lugansk was bombed. these were all the turning points that europe preferred not to see, but which. donbass and novorussia were always torn away from this from the body of nazi ukraine, everything could have been stopped, of course, everything could have been stopped, but the west did not set itself even close to such a task. sergey viktorovich, about the terrible scene in the house of trade unions, he said today. still uninvestigated
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crimes in the armed forces of ukraine, the so -called volunteer battalions, including. a terrible scene when in odessa, in the house of trade unions, 48 ​​people were burned alive, no investigation was carried out, it was all just words, as we now understand it, and an attempt by the council of europe, which quickly squandered its reputation, an attempt by the council of europe to take control of this investigation it also failed, no one was going to. there is no need to help this council of europe with anything, it itself turned out to be powerless. in 2015, we managed to stop the war that kiev was waging. they signed the minsk agreements against their own people, they were approved by the un security council. by the way, the minsk agreements assumed a special status
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for a small part of donbass, the right to speak their own language, the right to have their own bodies, law enforcement, local police, and the right to be consulted when prosecutors are appointed there. speak your own language, teach your children in it, have the right to know and love your history, your traditions, your religion, to believe
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in accordance with the principles that have been strengthened there for centuries on these lands. the west was solving a different problem; the west needed to start a war by any means, to pit fraternal peoples or two parts against one another. one people, and this can be interpreted in any way you like, the west has achieved its goals, today nato, in general , was only doing what it said about how to bring the situation to the point of pushing the remnants of the ukrainian people to the front line, that is, like we will support from behind , you go die, your task is for you all to die, ukrainians are even they can’t understand, that is, the level of stupidity is fantastic, that is... the feeling that the whole people are in some kind of stupefied state, that is, well, besides the fact that this is rabid satanism, but if we speak,
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returning to odessa, so little what they did not condemn, one of the executioners of odessa, a man who should actually have been put on an international wanted list, who enjoyed the work of his hands showing the tortured bodies, here are a few more moments on... from living people, a certain goncharenko, this scumbag is regularly in europe, regularly stands up, arranges something for himself, and no one destroyed this scum, did not imprison him, did not initiate a case, although it is obvious that the same fate awaits him as other ukrainian nationalists who, at the end of everything , thought that they would hide in europe, but this person is personally responsible for the death of 48 people in odessa, there are more people, so they announced 48. by the way, i wouldn’t be surprised if the number of victims was over 100, they say 200 there
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, there were a lot of people there, they say 200 there, so what we are talking about, and this is a crime of the ukrainian nazi authorities, which did not lead to that even odessa did not shudder, did not shudder, several people fought heroically, but odessa itself, big odessa, it...
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it’s 2024 now, right? what happened over the past 3 years, what new mikhail afanavich bulgakov wrote, what changed the attitude towards him of the pathetic, pimply, bastard named zelensky. i think mom was shot in the past, 100 years ago. and kolya gerasimov, we will be expelled. she wants to go back to the past.
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i understand you miss your mom. believe me too, i'm going to pull her out, he dreams of the future, attention, invasion, so what from me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies in our hands, in a real movie hit, oh, how i like the sound of that! 100 years from now, everything will be fine, trust me, soon, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i had
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a complete shock, of course, i just. russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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yours is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, but the replacement passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, this is mine, after learning that the child has autism, dani has autism, you might get scared, what a horror, what is this? to be perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move to another table , but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about this, if you don’t know how
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to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me, you ’ve been jinxed, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about it. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for a boy and a girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, at first we were fired upon for about an hour, there was some kind of division standing nearby in the field , there were screams and yells, they also called for help, and i rushed there.
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maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, shelling is going on everywhere and i need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one, that you should help, i believe i believe in myself that i can still do something, hi, mom, everything is fine, we’re working. listen to what zelensky said in 2121, not what he wrote, but what he read, i’ll start today with a quote from our ukrainian writer, whom, like our ukrainian territories, we are not going to give or give to anyone.


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