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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there are shellings everywhere, and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, like a mother’s, what are you this should help, i believe in myself that i can still do something, hi mom, everything is fine, are we working? listen to what zelensky said in 2121, what he wrote, and what did he read? i’ll start today with a quote from our ukrainian writer, whom, like our ukrainian territories, we don’t tell anyone we are going to give or give away. this is mikhail
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bulgakov. quote in original language. don't read soviet newspapers before dinner. in short, the news about bulgakov’s delusion in ukraine is, as a professor would say, preobrazhensky delirium on a cosmic scale. and you may ask why i’m suddenly so actively spouting his quotes today, you know, i just remembered. leafing through the book, you will ask what book, this book, this book, this book, this book, this book, here are some unopened ones, here this bookishness and so on, here are the books, here with checks, by the way, all these books, dear friends, you won’t believe, they were all published in russian, and by the way, published as in ukraine. both from us and from them,
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they were bought yesterday, by the way, they were bought not under the counter, but freely and in the very center of kiev, here are the chicks, absolutely, not last year, not before the war, here is the master of margarita, i also made a bookmark yesterday, yesterday’s purchases, not before the war, bought this year, bought yesterday, so the question arises... the logical question is, why then some media, some, let's say, experts and even individual people's deputies deceived you, deceived you that bulgakov is banned in our country, while posing as defenders of justice, i will answer with a quote from another writer , russian oppositionist boris akonin, the worst evil is that thinks well.
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with a request, no need, no, if you have a request, we have mr. ambassador, if it’s faster for us, according to you, according to you, every weekend you are on the front line in various regions, go to our guys, and not under the covers, in our country the unit is fighting the father of a guy who was burned in the house of trade unions, he is 72 years old, 72 years old, we have another guy, 61 years old, he was honored a few months ago. title
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of hero of russia, holder of two orders of the red battle red banner, three orders of courage, four medals for courage, two sons died near bakhmut, films should be made about these people, films should be made about these people, and a man fights, and a man fights, call sign alha , go, alha, you, this is the same for you, talk to these people, how could grandfather be 70, he came to take revenge for his son, son burned in the trade union house. so no one will stop there on the sidelines, so to speak, there now they will be there, and no one will stop the people, everyone is already going to avenge their sons, for their children, and no one will stop these people until they find us, you know , too, a man, his son’s son died he also says he was killed by a polish mine, he says until i go to warsaw, i won’t calm down, he says
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, well, how will you stop her? the commander says to this alka: well, you’re 61 years old, it’s probably hard for you, maybe a tanker, he says: no, he says, “that’s what i’m doing,” he says, but what does he say, i’ll kill more of these creatures, that’s it, two sons died under the influence, you won’t stop this man until he, so to speak,
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grabs the last of these creatures by the adam’s apple, and there are already a lot of these guys, a lot, a lot of guys already, in relation, so to speak, you know, i think it’s very, very correct that this is our our. the political leadership, without any halftones, so to speak, and such diplomatic finesse, calls things just as they are, just like that, as people understand, everything is simple in human language, before there was no diplomatic etiquette of some kind, we even, so to speak, you and i in the studio from the very beginning, so to speak, commented on the events in odessa as they happened, and so to speak, politicians are still like - well, the evil eye is more gentle, now in the open, and this is very correct, in a different way, so to speak,
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i will say vladimirich, i don’t know, maybe they will scold me for this, but you know, we are the fifth column there , there we all show some people, but these are clowns, not a fifth column, the fifth column has fallen silent here, shouts patriotic slogans, but acts like this, you know, they cause such colossal harm, under the slogans of patriotism, to arrange for the control system, like a swan, a crayfish and a pike, i ’m asking why, why is this happening, why is this... ... nothing can be done, because on purpose, i don’t know, so to speak, i don’t think these are smart people, i don’t think it’s stupidity, i think it’s on purpose, you know, if in these conditions you need to put a person in charge of asking and giving him powers then this doesn’t happen, because he puts one, then a second under him, under a second, a third, ask a few questions, that’s all, and not a damn thing
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happens, you know, we need to talk about this, you know, we need to talk about this, and the president about it , everything about this, well, how the president talks about it, i don’t know, someday... these issues will begin to be put in order, but i hope that very soon, so to speak, because well, many people are actually running out of patience, well, i don’t know who’s running out of patience, they’re dealing with by many, thank god, thank god, well , listen, look, you could imagine - 2 years ago that we would have such a level of modern technical equipment in our army, but it’s not even close, when it seemed to us that the nati bloc would now enter , it will be terrible, they have weapons, now... it turns out that we produce so much and of such quality at such a speed that troops are supplied that the economy, which is several times larger than ours, cannot cope, cannot accelerate, always of course he wants it to be better and faster, but there are technological cycles, but that doesn’t happen either, regarding, so to speak, i would like
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to say about the french, you know, i was thinking, what is this suddenly france, why is france suddenly bloated? france, which has nuclear weapons, is britain, and if britain now allowed it, our relations are so tense, it seems to me that if britain now allowed the rhetoric of the french, yes, then that would be, so to speak, it would already be such a half-step before...
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i have a feeling that such solutions are already so obvious, we hinted, yes, that which airfield will be used as
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a jump airfield for the f-16, we don’t care where it is, but here it’s the same, what difference does it make to us, from which airfield the french troops will be transported, for now, you know, here they are a legitimate target, as long as they don’t they will understand that we will knock out their teeth and not slap them, but they will not calm down, well , france understands why, but they all played in africa, we just looked like they were out of africa, understandable. they believe that britain is sort of dealing with its own issues there now, that they are the only nuclear power, they want to be nuclear powers too, i’m correct, but i’m saying that she is now dealing with her own issues, now, so to speak, we have such relations with britain that if she takes half a step, in my opinion it’s definitely the same kind of relationship, the government is a fagot, shall we pay attention, we didn’t have it before, well , it wasn’t like that, we have a relationship after this cretin recorded his conversation and began to arrogantly publish everywhere and be rude, we have a relationship . i support yes i support
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make comments in ukraine, well, what ’s there to comment on, it’s clear, you know , the only thing i would like to say is that your colleagues yesterday showed zelensky’s castle that he bought there, it doesn’t correspond , it really doesn’t correspond, but it’s already been refuted, well, no one has refuted it, but we looked, that is, the first information about this castle appeared on a website that has three subscribers, which appeared a week ago, but then that’s all clear. therefore, many bought it, but this is not the idea of ​​this , and there are already enough crimes to invent we haven’t yet, i just calculated, you know, the cost was announced there, considering that half a million killed, how much, how much each killed ukrainian soldier, like every killed ukrainian, contributed to the purchase.
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for me this is very simple, i have, you know, a simple analogy, there is an allegory in this matter, but look, if you put a spoonful of crap in a barrel of honey, for some it will turn out to be honey crap, and for others it will be crap honey, whatever you want more, for me there is no difference, so there is no difference, there is no need to build any illusions, calculate, and where was the barrel of honey, where, well, we believe that trump can be for us, also many say, trump will come, he is now, there is a very small chance that he will turn out to be an american guy. he was not president, we don’t know, but he was already president, i understand, but many also have
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illusions that trump will come, destroy nato, it will become easier for us now, he will take care of it, clean out the deep state, god forbid that this will happen, so that he turns out to be an american chagevara, but i have a huge doubts, you see, i personally have a huge confrontation with us about this, at least it won’t affect it, i think that he will still do everything, so to speak, continue the line, so he said that he will get tired for a minute, why is it necessary, you know, for many. who are you talking to, i’m talking to norod, igor, you’re not being smart, you stop with these crypto-hacks, they ’ve fooled your whole head, but you have the feeling that you ’re surrounded by some kind of community of people who tell you some kind of fairy tales all the time, there they have somewhere, here here, igor, you look at your surroundings, and there you will tell them harshly, well, get out of the formation, take them out into an open field, put them facing the wall and let them finish, yesterday i watched your program with great interest.
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yes, igor mentioned half a million ukrainians were disposed of, and not a single nato soldier, this must be a major achievement, as if why don’t ukrainians hear, why don’t ukrainians hear, they didn’t hear when they were told before, guys, such idiots as those who will die for the interests of americans, and do it for, as says stoltenberg, for a small amount, for
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a small share of money, yes, for a small share, yes, that is, it’s really impossible to find, to find, when... now these stories are being brought out, conversations are starting with macron about that, let’s go on russia to participate directly, we will not go to russia to participate directly, well, firstly , macron is playing his game, macron’s first game is that the young man wants to be the main napoleon of europe, that’s exactly what this bickering between the leaders of european countries is all about, when now besieged scholz when there is a number of other states have serious problems, macron is pulling the blanket over himself, here he is right here in this... the only thing he found in common with napoleon was that zafina was also older than napoleon, but not that much, you found many parallels , well , this is perhaps the only thing, you know, when the question arises here about whether a separate nato state can go to fight in that territory, in the territory for example of ukraine, but of course
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it can, this is a separate decision of this state, and if russia hits the territory this state that is located.
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they very simply fell into such a position, they were supported in this by japan, which at that moment was the moderator, saying: this is a historical question, it simply has nothing to do with the current situation, how can it not? it was then, 25 years ago, then that nato, not giving a damn about the decision of the un security council, in general about the decision of the un and the basic principles, they went to belgrade, started bombing it, they got into an internal conflict on the side of one of the participants in this conflict , let's start this just.
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we even discussed options then, this is the russia-nato commission, how did you regularly try to join nato, yes, since the time of comrade stalin, but what is the result, as soon as
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he gets a temple in yekaterinburg, you know, i don’t care, then there is someone who would not have done this, that is, the leaders, of course, it is of great importance here, it’s just that we are talking about the fact that they are trying to push us through, just step by step by a little bit, little by little, today we have the poles today, well, by at least i read in the statement of the minister of foreign affairs that well-known sekorsky, yes, that famous one, who then promised yanukovych that...
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he went unsuccessfully, the american slipped somewhere, it seems that everyone was alone, i can see it just like that, lonely generals, yes, that is lonely lonely general, you absolutely definitely noticed this harsh statement when it was said about airplanes, but it seems to me that this story needs to be developed quite actively, that is, firstly, nato members, regardless of whether it is a separate state, is not separate which will go but they won’t go without planes, without air cover, that is why, therefore, in this case, this is a statement that this is...
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what are you, let’s show you how it should be, well, i hope that when everything happens, then, i think, nato will be forced
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to occupy precisely that part of ukraine, which they will consider to be a necessary sanitary zone, that is, on the doormat along the dnieper, and the main question that will arise is precisely the outlet of the black sea, because here they will clash with us, because for us it is... but we know that they fight poorly; we already encountered their elite units once when we liberated artyomovsk, capturing
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bakhmud. doesn’t understand anything, because when we say that europe understands, here is the biggest problem, why do i say that no negotiations are possible, there are no people there who have the political will, well, with whom to negotiate, translating into russian what they promised, then they fulfilled it, well, with the tribaltic emirates, well, that’s right, funny, with the finns there is nothing to talk about, well, that is, there is simply no level there people who are able to say something
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and fulfill their promises. nato is absolutely a body that will never achieve any unity until the american master tells them what to do. this is the problem. therefore, when everyone is talking about some kind of negotiations, who with whom? you know, it seems to me that here there should be at least our clear convictions, which i understand determine our security issues and the security of russia; in 1943 we could understand where we would stop? i think we are at least they understood what was threatening us? i think that in 1943 we simply solved specific problems at different ones. if you look at what is actually there in tehran , firstly, then it was at least clear who had very modest zones of influence there, then a napkin, then the main thing there in the basement they actually decided what goes to whom, but...
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here, if we talk seriously now , we live in completely new historical realities, because even after trump came he said, i don’t care about all your agreements on iran with iran, yes i i’m leaving the deal, yes, well, who are they negotiating with, well, actually several, the key thing is, you know, but we can afford to have the mandated territory on the other side, even if on on on the right side, on the right side, we can leave it there territory that will be influenced by the british and americans. i think that the safety zone along the atlantic is advertising.
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vladimir vladimi!


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