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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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dignified, substantively at a good level, such... vladimir putin gave the government report, which was presented the day before in the state duma, and today the president held a meeting with the cabinet of ministers via video link. earlier, the head of state took part in the opening of important facilities for young people from different regions. anastasia efimova will tell you all the details. a place where dreams come true. twelve year-round youth educational centers opened at once, of which the president took part today. thematically these are objects really different. for example, in kamchatka
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the environmental agenda will become central, in nizhny novgorod state and municipal governance, in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, volunteerism in the rostov region , rural support, but they all have one thing in common, these are growth points that should give a visible breakthrough result. we are launching the work of year-round youth educational centers; all these centers are united in 12 regions of russia at once. they are called upon to become points of attraction, engines of growth in their regions and throughout russia and together they will, i am sure of this, give a single, breakthrough result, all new centers will be able to hold not only one-time events, large forums, they will function on an ongoing basis throughout the year, hosting a total of tens of thousands of young people, young men and girls from all over russia. also from other
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countries as part of international shifts and exchanges, and of course, the potential of year-round centers will be fully used within the framework of our new national youth project and children. in addition, i separately ask you to actively use the infrastructure and educational capabilities of all youth centers in the “time of heroes” personnel program. time for heroes, as the president recalled, is aimed at veterans.
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is really becoming a reference point for the younger generation, an example, within the framework of the work of all centers, already this year we are providing for the possibility of additional training for young soldiers who have undergone a special military operation, we already have such experience, last year through the current more than one and a half thousand veterans of special military operations passed through the center. one of the centers that opened today, kaleningrad, is called noise. the shifts here will one way or another be devoted to modern media technologies in an era of noise, where facts are replaced by opinions, audiences are manipulated rather than educated, youth centers can become just those very platforms where information, including about the country, will be conveyed to young citizens both effectively and objectively, information is extremely important in today's vast ocean.
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effectively, competently, and in a highly objective manner, to convey to young people information about our country, about its past, about the present, about our goals, development goals, so that the vast majority, ideally all citizens of the country, especially our young fellow citizens, were imbued with love for russia and would sincerely work for its future with all their hearts. youth and children are one of the most important new national projects, the president emphasized this at a meeting with members of the government. as deputy prime minister tatyana golikova clarified, a draft strategy, in other words, how the program will be implemented, has already been developed. and in fact, it represents a general unified approach, in which youth centers must play a role.
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is built on the principle of continuity from elementary grades to students, and we are mentors of these measures, we are implementing the activities of the movement in new regions of the country, we are also implementing measures to counter the destructive behavior of young people, their legal education and information protection. last year. started implementation a set of measures to prevent negative social phenomena among children and youth at schools, colleges, and universities, and we will certainly continue this work. the national project will include all the basic measures to support young people;
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educational advisers to school and college directors should become an important support in the process of personality formation. now there are 37.00 people per country in accordance with the instructions of the first new president. academic year they will receive additional payments, the corresponding resolution is already ready, but the head of state asked how things were going in other categories, in particular about class teachers and medical workers. as for additional payments to primary care medical workers, first and second, to teachers, class teachers, uh, when will this decree come out, when will people actually receive the money? a decree has been issued regarding medical workers. came out in march, and the first payments have already begun, with regard to additional payments to 5,000 class teachers, who, by your decision, also must be implemented from march 1
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, 2024, the corresponding decisions have also been made by the government, payments will be made in april for march. a little less than a month ago, the world youth festival ended, which brought together about... 2000 people from almost 200 countries, and for many foreign guests it became literally an epoch-making event. they got the opportunity to travel around our country, communicate with people, some even worked as observers in the presidential elections, and almost all became voluntary ambassadors of russia abroad, they expose russophobic fakes, share their impressions, and of course, support them in joy in grief. of course, friendship was born, a strong emotional connection was born between foreigners and... we see that this connection is not interrupted, upon returning to their countries, the guys talk about russia publicly, and they say that what is broadcast in the media, including in fact, is true is not, in general they promote the real image of our country, and i want to note that this
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emotional connection, as they say, is in joy in sorrow, unfortunately, and we, for example, we absolutely did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners. in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands of letters of support, videos from all over the world from different parts, it was such a genuine unity with us, and of course, it is important for us now not to lose these guys to form a stable international community of friends of russia abroad , as the president summarized, the work on holding the festival was large-scale, teamwork, and effective, the legacy of which needs to be worked on, which will benefit... both the country and friends on all continents. youth and children as a national project, therefore a key initiative, its importance, no matter how you say it, cannot be overestimated. you know what came to my mind, i remembered, oddly enough, the gospel. remember, jesus came to galilee and
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next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw the robaks, someone was catching fish, someone was straightening their nets, and he said to them: “follow me.” and you will be fishers of men, that is, of human souls, they became preachers, his disciples, this was very important during the formation of world religions, but this turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must defend our traditional values, of course, the country will change, and people will change, but preserving identity lies in...
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areas, the president also spoke about this today. the best practices, developments, and initiatives are not only combined, but also scaled up in order to become available to every young citizen of the country, from sakhalin to. from yamal to new russia, from the white sea to the black sea. we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries movies. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 5, 1242, the famous battle took place, called. descendants of the ice battle. according to the chronicles, on that day, on the ice of lake chuza
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, russian fighters from novgorod and vladimir, under the leadership of prince alexander nevsky, fought with the knights of the levon order. they tried to seize the novgorod lands, taking advantage of the fact that the russians were weakened after the mongol invasion. there is a lot of data about battles in russian chronicles, in german, but they all differ. many people think that everything was as shown in the film directed by sergei zenshtein, but not. it is worth remembering that this is a fiction film. in fact, it is known for certain that the knights , like the russian army, fought in chain mail, impressive armor and horned buckets on their heads, an attribute of a later period. but the fact that many levonites found themselves on thin ice and failed is most likely true. be that as it may, the battle on the ice left a noticeable mark on history, in honor of it russia has established a day of military glory. on april 5, 1843, britain officially... declared hong kong to its possessions, before that the region had always been chinese, but having won
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the first opium war, the british forced china to sign an unfavorable treaty and give them this convenient port. the qing empire tried to put an end to the trade in opium, which was brought into the country by the british, but in the war the advantage of the british was undeniable. the qing empire began to decline, the european powers gradually literally enslaved the country, the population degenerated from drugs and just you... hong kong developed, remaining british, only a century and a half later, in 1997, after long negotiations, london returned sovereignty over hong kong to beijing. on the condition that it will remain part of china for at least 50 years as a special administrative region, preserving its laws and a high degree of autonomy. but hong kong today remains one of the leading financial centers in the world and the first among cities on the planet in terms of the number of tallest skyscrapers. and even. ranks first in life expectancy. 5th of april
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in 1918, japanese troops landed in vladivostok. tokyo, in words, while declaring the protection of its citizens, planned to establish control over russian territories, taking advantage of the favorable moment of the civil war in russia and wanted to use local resources. for a year and a half, japan transferred 120 thousand of its military to the russian far east, and also exported timber, gold, and fish. the japanese were actively supported by the white movement, this allowed them to control vast territories, and any resistance was brutally suppressed. the invaders staged massive executions burned entire villages. however, the red forces advanced steadily. only with the consolidation of bolshevik power did the costly japanese intervention lose the support of the western powers and japan itself. in october 1922, that is, 4 and a half years after the start of the invasion. japanese troops left vladivostok. japan itself does not like to call its activities in the far east
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an invasion, preferring the neutral term sending troops to siberia. tokyo never offered any regrets or apologies for those events. april 5, 1971 in soviet cinemas began showing a film by the young director andrei smirnov, belorussky station. the picture came out somehow unnoticed. the creators themselves did not predict much for her. future, but time has shown that they made one of the best soviet films about the war, although the war itself is not shown in it. according to the script by vadim trunin, four veterans meet a quarter of a century after they parted in 1945 at a belarusian train station. they meet at the funeral of a fellow soldier and spend the day together. censorship literally tormented the film, scenes were re-shot, although the cast is outstanding: anatoly popanov, evgeny leonov, alexey glazyrin, nina urgant and other stars. cinema, as andrei smirnov later said, the direction and image in this film do not correspond to the level at
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which the script was made, the actors play, but the film was quickly banned, officials decided that the viewer did not need a story about front-line soldiers whose post-war life failed , however, the film was liked by high authorities, and the film was released again; the song, which was written for the film by bulata kudzhava and performed by nina urgand, became one from symbols of the great victory. a deadly fire is coming, all without doubt, a knife is walking away, our separate tenth airborne battalion. this is what this day in history was like. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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today, as part of degasification , not only private households, but hospitals, medical and obstetric centers, schools and kindergartens, and, indeed, all medical educational institutions located in gasified settlements, with such organizations have concluded more than 560 contracts...
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our gas consumption by the population is growing, i can say that today gazprom mezhregiongaz has 32.5 million subscribers from the population category, taking into account the development of the gasification and additional gasification program, we are getting more and more new consumers, there will be 5,700 new settlements have been gasified , rural gasification is underway, according to estimates , 75-78% of gazprom’s investments are in gasification. concerns the gasification of rural areas, which means that agricultural enterprises are being gasified, we see growing demand for gas in greenhouses, grain dryers, food production, and this is the food security of the country, and of course, gazprom, supplying gas to the domestic market, all in
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large large volumes, expands including those bottlenecks that have formed in the country in order to... in order to ensure the growing consumption of russian industry, even in deeply gasified regions, gas distribution stations and main gas pipelines are being reconstructed in order to ensure, i repeat once again, growing consumption of russian industry, and this is a fact, this is an indicator of the general growth and development of the russian economy. in total, within the framework of degasification in the regions of russia , the technical feasibility has now been provided. connection for 1,200,000 households; by the end of 2024 this figure should increase by several hundred thousand. gas networks are connected to the boundaries of the land plot without attracting funds from the future consumer; he can only lay the networks, which is called installing gas equipment behind the fence. now the last 2 years gazprom
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at the expense of its own investment program , it is building gas pipelines to the border of the land plot, you, dmitry, need... just arrange a gas facility inside your home, buy a stove, boiler, gas meter, and you will be able to use gas in everyday life, 1,2000 households have received this opportunity , and 530 thousand people have already installed gas facilities and actually have gas for use, gas for the stove, gas for the boiler, the house is cozy, warm, no need to go for firewood, coal or... have serious, very high electricity bills , there, where the transition occurs from electric heating. today , the burden on the shoulders and wallet of the homeowner is several times less than, say, just a few years ago, while regional social support measures are in place in the regions of the country; when gasifying a house, the cost of work inside the area where
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gas equipment is purchased can be fully or partially compensated. firstly, if you buy everything russian, it’s good. inserts a benefit and it says that expenses of at least 100,000 rubles are paid. per household, here are veterans, participants in a special military operation. and large families and low-income families, families raising disabled children there, and so on. 13 categories of beneficiaries who have
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the right to receive a benefit of at least 100,000 rubles. according to the instructions of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimovich putin. in addition, i can tell you that if you are not a beneficiary and spend 100,000 on installing a gas system inside your home, then you will literally
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recoup this investment in a few years. the task of gasifying horticultural non-profit partnerships located within
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the boundaries of designated settlements, we have taken up this work, gazprom has prepared its proposals for changes to russian legislation, and according to our assessment, it is necessary to make changes to two federal laws, at least there are six government resolutions in order to determine the rules and conditions for the gasification of these widows' non-profit partnerships. now we , together with the ministry of energy of the russian federation, are updating data on quantity, as they say, we are determining the addresses throughout the russian federation, i am sure that in the near future the government of the russian federation, the state duma, the federation council will take decisions that will allow us to begin in the near future.
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russian federation, because that program for the development of the gas supply system for gasification, 2125, and we are implementing it, i want to say, we successfully implemented it in the twenty-second and twenty- third years, i am confident that we will cope with the tasks of 2024, which means that people will have the opportunity write an application for additional gasification, receive gas at the border of your land plot, we appeal in all... constituent entities of the russian federation to the volunteers of the united russia party . in general, party support for this project of the united russia party is very important for us. now the main task is to implement this
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program 2125, which exists, and i think that next year we will begin to formulate the 26:30 program in order to unconditionally fulfill the instructions of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. gazprom company. mezhregion-gaz assures that they are ready to process all applications: there is a desire, specialists, equipment, financial resources, and most importantly , all components and equipment for the construction of gas networks are produced in russia. gazprom did not start producing goods, services and materials for gasification yesterday, this program is maybe already 15 years old, when we thought that everything should be russian, and if we take it now... the entire line from the main gas pipeline, which called before the kettle or before plates, metal pipe, polyethylene pipe, gas control points, household
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regulators. stove, boiler, gas meter, gas analyzer, well, all 100% of the line from the main gas pipeline to, which means the actual gas in the boiler is produced in the russian federation and in large quantities, sufficient quantities of good quality, you saw that there are at least eight boiler manufacturers there , there are 10 stove manufacturers, and the stoves are of excellent quality, very good... design, do you want white, do you want brown, black, do you want a hob, metering units, gas analyzers, you know, competition has arisen on the russian market between manufacturers of gas equipment, i believe that this is our victory, our technical and technological sovereignty in the implementation of the gasification and post-gasification program, at the st. petersburg gas forum, which takes place in the fall, we ,
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probably 50% of the area. we are only engaged in an exhibition of equipment, where our colleagues are exhibiting, who produce everything that we need for gasification and post-gasification, and you know, i counted about 40 new ones there factories that have opened throughout the country and produce equipment and materials for us , these are once again crown valves, floor-standing, wall-mounted boilers, whatever you want, and this is the raft of so much work from the previous fifteen years, well, plus the gasification program, which has become such a driver, a good engine, precisely the development of russian industry, a cabinet gas control unit, at first glance , the device is a trivial pipe, well, in general, the box around that’s all, but in reality it
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’s not like that, there are many different components with... here a pressure gauge made in st. petersburg and from belgorod, now locks are brought here, previously they were bought in germany. along with the construction of gas networks, gazprom continues to provide reliable gas supplies to consumers, both existing and new, and on january 13 , 2024, the historical record for daily gas supplies through the unified gas supply system was updated. 1.814 million cubic meters of gas were supplied to russia. in total, according to preliminary forecasts based on the results of the implementation of gasification and post-gasification measures, the increase in annual consumption by 2030, russia will have at least 20 billion cubic meters of gas.
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not childish fun began to rear its head in different parts of russia. "the youth banks, belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let 's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, but they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening , posted it on the internet, why do you, these actions are obvious evidence that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, bandit,
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what kind of bandit?" "he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can deal with almost any person, well, i didn’t beat him like that, a similar situation in the ulenovsk and tambov regions, everything, what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, a sword under a lot of shine, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, got used to watching the video, stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, look in the app or on the website.


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