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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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who coped with parma 80-75 3 minutes before the end, the score was equal 67-67 after which the lock succeeded in the final spurt, resulting in a seven-point lead. it was no longer possible to win back such a parma; thanks to this victory, lokomotiv kuban guaranteed itself a minimum place in the top four of group a and equaled zenit in the number of victories. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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dreams of the future, attention, invasion, but what of me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the milky way planet in thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies in ours hands, in a real kinahita, as i like the way it sounds, 100 years ago... forward, everything will be fine, trust me, soon, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i have the sensations were complete shock, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, everyone was leading there. such
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artists are fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute, not a single painting can be said to be fake, because these paintings have never undergone any examination, my husband and i made a will in favor of russia, that’s the kind of thing, yours. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, mid-hour news, briefly: regional doctors
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are doing everything to save the life and health of governor andrei chimbis, on he was attacked the night before, this happened after a meeting with residents of apatit, the governor was seriously stabbed in the stomach, the attacker was detained. the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening rescue teams to combat floods in russian regions. the most tense situation in the orenburg region a state of emergency is in effect. hundreds of houses were also flooded in the neighboring samara region. the russian military in the belgorod region repelled an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. from the border, artillery struck the militants who were trying to make a passage through the minefields; drone operators helped with adjusting the fire. israel stated that it is ready for the development of a conflict with iran, and if possible, a response from tehran will follow. the united states, in turn, is concerned about the likelihood of a full-scale war and is dissatisfied with the policies of the israeli authorities in the gas sector. kyiv the regime dismounts its mechanized units. western publications noticed
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that brigades, which should have tanks and other armored vehicles, are changing their names to rifle or even infantry, although on paper they should have received new combat vehicles, what is behind this and what fate now awaits the mechanics, gunner drivers, evgenia looked into petrukhina. all this already looks like a trend, the 153rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces has already become a rifle brigade, and now the 152nd mechanized brigade is preparing to become an infantry brigade. where is bradley abrams? leopards, covered armor, tanks, everything, the armed forces of ukraine are completely switching over, transferring their troops to infantry-only mode, is this to impress western friends and finally beg for something worthwhile and modern? military land writes that the remaining equipment in the armed forces of ukraine is now being distributed among motivated units that have proven themselves in battles, the rest will be left without armor, then what about the infantry, the attack aircraft, is it really the meat general syrsky who ordered? saturation of the font
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now, first of all, is necessary with personnel who will actually perform the function cannon fodder, but only for ours. areas in the zone of responsibility of the lugansk people 's republic have lost over 13,000 ukrainian fighters over the past month, and this is just the kupinsk and donetsk direction. well, what about the ukrainian armed forces donor, brussels and the company no longer supplying tanks to ukraine? an american business insider, referring to a high-ranking officer, writes: they say the west continues to send weapons to ukraine, but it’s just too late, it’s not relevant, of course, irrelevant if you ’ve converted all the tankers into infantrymen. well, france is trying to imitate support, their minister of defense sebastian licarniu said that ukraine needs their armored personnel carriers from paris, they say it is necessary for the mobility of troops. and france will give these armored personnel carriers, but it will give back those that it itself is decommissioning. and besides giving, apparently, france has nothing else to give. yes,
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you can’t fight much with armored personnel carriers alone, except for the evacuation of personnel, which will obviously come in handy, given that tankers from the 152nd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine are about to go to... as you can imagine, if the driver goes, let's say, in some kind of assault unit, yes, with weapons in hands, if he is not even trained for this, that is, all this over-tuning, this is clearly a forced measure, it will, well, have a very serious impact on the combat readiness of this unit, go to the assault units as cannon fodder. recruit, which they are trying with all their might, and not only bounty hunters in camouflage, not only military commissars, but also cola pictures with the hands of the cia. here is another propaganda video released: go to the front, you don’t even need to think, there’s a press here you don’t have to download it, they’ll give you an armored vehicle anyway, don’t take your cat, there are so many of them here,
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it’s all advantages, i just want to say to the authors of this work, all advantages are when abrams and leopards, enemy tanks, the jewelry work of our operators burn like that uav. and as for the western tanks themselves, they cannot be repaired on site, they must first be evacuated to the deep rear, almost to poland, most of the supplied leopards have been destroyed or have fallen into disrepair, the fact is that these tanks require everything else also includes a serious repair infrastructure, which was not transferred to ukraine in that volume; as a result, these vehicles turned into disposable ones, but if they are repaired on the territory of ukraine, then most likely the repair crews are assembled from several damaged ones. there’s only one tank, and if you’re lucky, well, they’ll assemble one skinny abrams, on the line of combat contact, let’s say it’s raining, there’s already water in the vent, it’s a big deal, the abrams’ engine may jam, the abrams is an even more capricious machine than leopard, and requires, so to speak, more
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sterile operating conditions, in particular, for example, water getting into the transmission when crossing a water obstacle, so to speak, it fords above 120. centimeters, if water gets into the ventilation hole, the engine becomes clay, but often, even repaired leopards are not destined to return to the line of combat contact. look, it’s like nothing happened, just one targeted missile attack on the workshop where the heavy equipment and the cvsu golby were based. we are now very intensively striking at rear areas ukrainian militants, where this equipment is repaired. now there are practically no enterprises that...
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when the sun comes out again, where will the arctic cold go, vadim zavodchenkov will tell you. anomalous heat is returning to european russia. april did not last long within the framework of the climate norm , very soon in the region it will again become like in may, who will have to pay for this when in moscow the first plus 20. current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist of the center. "hello, the arctic air is leaving russian plain, and on april 4, we barely dug up the car, and maybe we don’t need summer? oh, this was not the kind of april that arkhangelsk expected, it seemed that spring had already arrived here, at the beginning of the month the thaw came, the snow melted, but then
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a cold front arrived. by thursday morning, the snow cover in the city had grown by 20 cm, resulting in a real transport collapse. there are traffic jams and accidents everywhere. small snowdrifts have formed in st. petersburg. in the northern capital, on the eve the temperature did not rise for the first time in a month. it was unusually cold in moscow, only +6, despite the fact that a couple of days ago, the thermometer confidently surpassed +20, but it became sharply warmer in the east of european russia and in the southern urals, in orenburg, for example, the air warmed up to +17 for the first time since the beginning of the year, but this can hardly be considered good news due to the increase . the temperature began to melt the snow on the mountain slopes even faster, and yet
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a state of emergency has already been declared here. as of thursday , more than 500 houses were flooded in orenburg, 1,500 people were evacuated, and you can fish on the streets of orenburg itself. shop tape, fish. weather in different parts of the russian plain is a link in one chain. last week , very warm mediterranean air entered the region. at this point, obeying natural circulation, it began to shift to the east, in its place, air masses from the arctic poured into the western regions of the country, but the chain is not interrupted. today , an anticyclone will form at the site of the arctic invasion, and in the following days the cycle will begin. again: on saturday another stormy whirlwind will throw another portion of atlantic heat into our country. on
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the weather will deteriorate in the north-west and center of russia, but almost everywhere it will rain, not snow, and the cold center of high pressure , on the contrary, will shift to the urals in western siberia. as a result, by the end of the week there will be a sharp drop in cold in these regions. the temperature will drop even below the april norm, in the western russian plain the temperature regime will enter the climatic framework of may, in yekaterinburg today it is +15 sunny, but already on the weekend the temperature will drop to +2-3 and it will snow. at the beginning of the new week, thermometer readings will return to normal climate, and precipitation will turn into rain. in moscow it’s the other way around, today it’s normal april +7, tomorrow it’s +10, light precipitation. on sunday. +15°, monday-tuesday, may +19.21. that's all for me,
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now a short advertisement, then we will tell you how much the japanese mitsubishi lost from leaving russia. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday 5. we are giving 30% cashback for the purchase of air tickets to any city in russia, only in the alpha travel service,
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it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it’s not bad for your hair enough vitality, gliskur exceptional moisturizing, fills the hair with the power of hyalurn, moisturized, shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional moisturizing, when buying a car: you can do without a car service, if you have scanning vision, you could at least buy it from who doesn’t have superpowers, has a car library and a complete car history... it’s profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on loan, apply for a pension at sberbank online or at a branch, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good
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that we have each other, what for? it will show on tv, we are building happiness together, tell your wife that you caught it, we are catching luck by the tail, well, i can’t, i have a delivery, we work, we enjoy life, we are friends and take care of each other. magnit, 30 years next to you, with an iota you can accelerate, with an iota you can... everything for a maximum of 50 gigs in 2,000 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota grandfather, but do you like fishing or tinkering more? receive your pension by mail banks, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably at the postal bank. now
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economic news. mash ministry of finance will purchase more currency and gold. roman, yes, thanks to the growth in income from the sale of oil and gas, i’ll tell you in more detail now. brand oil quotes today are trading above $90 per barrel. at one point they even crossed the 91 mark for the first time since october last year. strong growth has continued since february, including thanks to measures under the agreement opec plus. high oil prices brought russia unplanned income - 107 billion rubles at the end of march. more than 128 billion is expected this month, and therefore the ministry of finance is increasing the volume of daily purchases of currency and gold by almost 2 and a half times for the period from april 5 to may 7. as part of the budget rule, more than 235 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes, 11 billion 200 million daily. before this, the figure was 6.5 billion.
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let me remind you that the ministry of finance resumed foreign currency purchases within the framework of the budget rule in august last year after the sales period. 2022. cut-off price - $60 per barrel. everything that is sold above is deposited into the national welfare fund. almost half of more than 240 activities within the framework of individual programs for the socio-economic development of regions have been completed. there are only 10 of them . maxim reshetnikov, head of the ministry of economic development and trade, spoke about this at a meeting of vladimir putin with members of the government. the purpose of such programs is to improve the situation of entities where unemployment and poverty rates are higher than average. jobs, this is 83% of plan until the end of the year. the investment plan has also been exceeded, over 100 billion rubles have been raised, already 16% more than the target. starting next year, the list of participating regions will change, as will the program itself.
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we propose to determine that at least 70% of funding for each program. should go towards stimulating the economy, while when selecting projects we will focus on the return of funds, that is, priority will be given to those projects that will bring the maximum effect for regional budgets in terms of taxes. for effective monitoring the implementation of all ten programs, we propose to combine them within one program or perhaps even one national project, taking into account the structure that will be determined. almost 4 billion rubles. this is the amount it cost the japanese automaker mitsubisi to leave russia. the figure is reflected in the financial statements. the concern paid most of it to the kaluga plant after unilateral termination of the contract. the remaining 900 million was spent on compensation for damage and dealing with consumer claims. in addition, the company has committed to conduct payments on claims until february 2027. the assembly of
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mitsubishi cars in kaluga was stopped back in april of twenty-two. at the same time , supplies of components stopped. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sib nothing extra. the head of the murmansk region, andrei chibes, is in stable condition; he has undergone surgery and is in the intensive care ward. the evening before, the governor
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was attacked and stabbed in the stomach; the suspect was detained. russian regions are struggling with the consequences of the flood. in the most due to the difficult situation in the orenburg region , more than 500 residential buildings and over 2.0 private plots were flooded. great water also came to the samara region and vologda. novgorod and leningrad. slovakia honored the memory of the liberating soldiers. the action took place on the territory of the slavin memorial complex. flowers were laid at the monument. the authorities of slovakia, representatives of russia, azerbaijan, belarus and kazakhstan took part. posts from eu countries did not arrive. oil prices are rising on the world market; a barrel of the brand has reached its highest level since last fall, almost $91. the reason for the growth, washington’s criticism of israel and the statement about ukraine’s possible entry into nato. traders. these were considered risk factors. when improving the unified state exam, society's criticism is taken into account.
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the head of the federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, anzor muzaev, told our channel about this interview. he also called the information that the unified state examination in the russian language uses texts by controversial authors as fake. it was still saturday evening, we were monitoring the situation, how it develops. it all started. there’s no other way to describe a telegram channel with 134 subscribers, it seems, where this news is posted, and there isn’t even a single like, if i’m not mistaken, i looked, which means no one reacted, then more serious bloggers start referring to it, so let’s say, well , we see this situation right away in our telegram channels, justifying the investigation , showing that this is fake news, that this is... an open provocation against the exam, of course, rosobnadzor, and the federal institute pedagogical measurements, we always clearly monitor all information, well, except for
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provocations against the unified state exam, i won’t name such dirty methods and steps, it’s a shame that many pick up this situation without double-checking, this is the problem when we talk all the time about critical thinking, including the new generation, well, our older generation. watch the full interview with the head of rossobronadzor anzor muzaev on our channel today after 10:30 moscow time. scandalous bestsellers, sensational novels and unique journeys into the world of prose poetry. a book fair of intellectual nonfiction literature has opened in moscow. more than 300 publishing houses and bookselling companies will present their new products. what is worth paying attention to and what the organizers are even going to surprise you with. the most sophisticated readers, sofya sergieva found out. in just one night , the exhibition organizers turned the gostiny dvor space into a unique exhibition. this is how, for example, the myth publishing house introduces
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guests to new products. hundreds of publishing houses, thousands of books and dozens of new names. in the guest yard, the nunfiction fair has once again brought together the best of the literature market. the life of anton chekhov, for example, from the british scholar of russian literature donald rayfield, was on the printing press just last night. is now available to all fair visitors. next to the novel sensation by karloveci, katerina’s smile, and leonardo davinci’s mother. the author found a very interesting fact that it is possible that leonard davinci’s mother was a russian girl, cherkeshenko, who was taken into slavery. that is, the author found a document signed by the hand of leonard da vinci's father, who grants freedom to this girl. fairs of intellectual literature. for more than 25 years, but every year its participants come up with something to surprise even the most sophisticated readers. book one by stephen walker, it seems to me, on the eve of cosmonautics day, will be especially interesting for those
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interested in the history of space development. the book speech fleet by alexei ivanov is probably one of the most anticipated new books this spring, and i think it will be of interest to everyone. the period of both the russian empire and the soviet union is covered. and the book is very, you see, it is colorfully designed and has quite a large number of illustrations. at the fair. you need to walk for hours, because you want to stop at each of the stands, nonfiction seems to invite guests on a journey through literature and its most diverse eras, but to take a break from it, you can work in the pavilion, here we will choose a seat, let it be a, here you can sit comfortably and armed with headphones on this screen, watch a movie or listen to a lecture on art, and this art object is an exact copy of the cover of the book of the terem of russia, which will allow you to learn more about our cultural heritage, and for someone to plan a trip for the may holidays, the house of craftsmen in kaluga, which is located in the kaluga region, here our reader can look, get acquainted, find out everything about this tower, who lived in it and what
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is in it now , how to get into it, each tower... this is a story that is important to know, preserve and pass on from generation to generation. on the first day, the fair was visited by thousands of people, readers from all over the country, representatives of different cultures. it so happened, karmic imprints led me just today in this place, this is a kalmyt costume. in ancient times, uh, my ancestors wore exactly this kind of attire. if everyone wore their own national costume, it would be simply wonderful.
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shakov, lead the way!
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in the morban region, doctors are doing everything to save the life and health of governor andrei chibbis, he was attacked the night before, this happened after a meeting with the residents of apatit, governor. received a serious stab wound in the stomach, the attacker was detained. the ministry of emergency situations strengthens rescue teams to combat floods in regions of russia. the most tense situation is in the orenburg region. a state of emergency is in effect. hundreds of houses were also flooded in neighboring samara. russian military in the belgorod region repelled an attack on the state border. the artillerymen hit the militants who were trying to do this.


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