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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear, who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday.
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law and i turned out to be the victim - the news from the middle of the hour is short: in the murmon region, doctors are doing everything to save the life and health of governor andrei chibbes, he was attacked the night before, this happened after meetings with residents of apatit. the governor was seriously wounded. in the stomach, the attacker was detained. the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening rescue teams to combat floods in russian regions. the most tense situation is in the orenburg region. num mode is in effect. hundreds of houses were also flooded in the neighboring samara region. the russian military in the belgorod region repelled an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the state border. artillery hit the militants who were trying to make a passage through the minefields. drone operators helped with fire adjustments. israel said it was ready for
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as the conflict with iran develops, a possible attack from tehran will be responded to. the united states, in turn, is concerned about the likelihood of a full-scale war and is dissatisfied with the policies of the israeli authorities in the gas sector. by the end of the week, it will become sharply warmer in european russia, when the sun comes out again, where the arctic cold will go, we’ll tell you right after the advertisement. the world of bcs investments is limitless; there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. i consider the expanded program one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, it’s not easy to catch the feather of a hot bird, but everyone can get a hot rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate
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is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on i help with liver problems. i am forten essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours. available on yandex market. all methods are good when you want to be the first to try the new big special barbecue. with big besstaks, raw instant, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces, what are you ready for, rady big special barbecue bacon, alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank, this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable,
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alpha profitable to european russia. maybe we don’t need summer? oh, this was not the kind of april arkhangelsk expected, it seemed here spring has already arrived, at the beginning of the month the thaw came, the snow melted, but then a cold front arrived. by thursday morning, the snow cover in the city had grown by 20 cm, the result was
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a real transport collapse, traffic jams and accidents everywhere. small snowdrifts formed in st. petersburg, in the northern capital... for the first time in a whole month it did not rise above zero, it was unusually cold in moscow, only +6, despite the fact that a couple of days ago the thermometer columns confidently surpassed the +20 mark . but it warmed sharply in the east of european russia and in southern urals. in orenburg, for example, the air warmed up to +17 for the first time since the beginning. year, but this can hardly be considered good news; due to rising temperatures , the snow on the mountain slopes began to melt even faster, and yet a state of emergency has already been declared here. as of thursday , more than 500 houses were flooded in the orenburg region, 1,500 people
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were evacuated, and you can fish on the streets of orenburg itself. shop tape, op, fish. changes in weather in different parts of the russian plain are links in more than one chain. last during the week, very warm mediterranean air entered the region. at this point, obeying the natural circulation, it began to shift to the east; in its place, in the western region of the country, air masses from the arctic poured in, but the chain did not break. today at the site of the arctic invasion will form. anticyclone, in the following days the cycle will begin again. on saturday, another stormy storm will throw another portion of atlantic heat into our country. in the north-west and center of russia the weather will deteriorate, but almost it will rain everywhere, not snow.
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on the contrary, the cold center of high pressure will move to the urals and western siberia. as a result, by the end of the week there will be a sharp drop in cold in these regions. the temperature will drop even below the april norm; in the western half of the russian plain the temperature regime will enter the climatic framework of may. in yekaterinburg today it’s +15 sunny, but by the weekend the temperature will drop to +2-3 and it will snow. at the beginning of the new week, thermometer readings will return to climate limits, and precipitation will move to rains. in moscow it’s the other way around; today is a normal april plus. tomorrow it’s already +10, light precipitation, on sunday +15°, on monday-tuesday, may +1921. that's all for me, goodbye, now economic news, masha the ministry of finance will purchase more currency
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and gold. roman, yes, thanks to the growth in income from the sale of oil and gas, i’ll tell you more now. brand oil quotes today are trading above $90 per barrel, at some point they even surpassed the mark. 91 for the first time since october last year. strong growth has continued since february, including including thanks to measures under the opec plus agreement. high oil prices brought russia unplanned income - 107 billion rubles. based on the results of march. more than 128 billion is expected this month. in connection with this, the ministry of finance is increasing the volume of daily purchases of currency and gold by almost 2 and a half times for the period from april 5 to may 7. as part of the budget rule, more than 235 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. 11.200 million daily, before that the figure was 6.5 billion. let me remind you that the ministry of finance resumed foreign currency purchases within fiscal rule in august last year, after a sales period from february twenty- two. the cut-off price is $60 per barrel, everything that is sold above is deposited into the national
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welfare fund. a rosneft division has begun construction of two oil pumping stations as part of the large-scale vostok-oil project. they will be provided for. for further shipment by tankers along the northern sea route. the international monetary fund once again called for caution in the possible implementation of the idea of seizure of frozen russian assets. imf spokeswoman julie kozak left such decisions to those countries that blocked assets. with this hell...
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today tokyo will come into force on april 17th. in addition, japan has been banning the import of russian non-industrial diamonds from one carat from may 10. regarding exports, japanese businesses will be prohibited from sending motor oil, lithium batteries, pipes, gas and oil pipelines, floating cranes and drilling platforms, yachts, pleasure craft and many other products. to complete the exchange rates, the dollar today is 92 rubles 30 kopecks, the euro is 100 rubles. and 6 kopecks. that's all i have. alfa
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friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. all methods are good when you want barbecue bacon. instant cheese, bacon with smoky sauces and barbecue, what are you ready for? appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. catching a firebird pyro is not easy, but getting a heat rate anyone can deposit in gazprom bank up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on. ru: what are men silent about? painful urination, problems
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with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. tires can be found conveniently and quickly. there is a search by car brand. you can speed up with a suite. everything for a maximum of 50 gigs in 2,000 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota retire profitably with sberbank for pensioners free sbercard, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, beautiful inside. the perfect ice cream, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat of july is a silver bullet, the new
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big special barbecue bacon is already in a combo for 469 rubles. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, it’s bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to free account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. the condition of the head of the murmansk region andrey chibes is stable. he has undergone surgery and is in the intensive care unit. the night before at chibesa napal, gov. received a knife wound in the stomach, the suspect was detained.
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russian regions are struggling with the consequences of floods; the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region; more than 500 residential buildings and over 2.0 household plots are flooded. great water also came to samara, vologda, novgorod and leningrad areas. slovakia honored the memory of the liberating soldiers. the action took place on the territory of the slavin memorial complex. flowers were laid at the monument. the authorities of slovakia participated. russia, azerbaijan, belarus, kazakhstan, the ambassadors of the eu countries did not come. oil prices are rising on the world market. the brand reached its highest since last fall of almost $91. on washington's growing criticism of israel , a statement about ukraine's possible entry into nato. traders considered these risk factors. trade agreement or civil law? which one is preferable when installing on work? maria kudryavtseva will tell you what the pros and cons are in the program instructions. you have found a job and are ready to sign a contract. pay
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attention to what kind of labor or civil law it is. a lot will depend on this. we will tell you exactly what in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. let's start with the main thing: relations under labor and civil contracts are regulated by different codes, labor and civil. in the first case, this is a relationship between an employee and an employer, and in the second, it is between a contractor and a customer. in itself, civil law does not prohibit the conclusion of civil contracts. this could be a contract or a service agreement. at the same time, persons who are ready to perform work within the framework of these contracts should remember that their relations will be regulated by civil law and labor legislation in this situation will not be subject to application; in simple words, such persons will not receive guarantees of compensation provided for by labor russian code federation, such as, for example, payment of wages on established days,
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provision of work and rest schedules, provision of vacations, payment of appropriate benefits in case of layoffs, in case of accident and in other cases. the labor code does not have a clearly formulated list of signs when an employment contract is concluded, and not a civil law one. but from judicial practice the following can be distinguished: the work is performed under the control of the employer. the employee is subject to the internal labor regulations, regime work and rest, work schedule. the employer also provides working conditions, and the employee fulfills them. works only in a certain specialty or position, there are other signs: how to protect your rights if it is obvious that an employment contract has been replaced by a civil law one, the procedure is established by article 19.1 of the labor code. relations that arose on the basis of a civil law contract as labor relations can in fact be recognized by the employer himself on the basis of an application from the employee or on
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the basis of an order from the state labor inspector, as well as the court, and if the relationship that arose on the basis of a civil contract has already been terminated, then recognition of such a relationship as labor is possible only in court, and when the court considers the relevant case , all doubts will be interpreted in favor of the existence of an employment relationship, then is in favor of the employee. in the case of a civil contract, the contractor undertakes to perform a certain amount of work with his own forces and means for a certain period of time and receives remuneration based on the act of completion works at the agreement. but there are a number of advantages, the contractor sets the schedule himself, the main thing is to be on time, you don’t need a work book, you don’t have to constantly go to the office, you can hire assistants, but if the performers or the customer had disagreements regarding payment for the work and its quality, volume, deadlines, they could not come to an agreement, you will have to go to court, which is why it is so important to prescribe all
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the conditions you need in a civil contract; it is drawn up in free form. lawyers advise converting. the civil code allows the customer terminate the contract at any time, but if the contractor has done part of the work, the law requires payment; if the customer
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refuses, you can go to court, but the costs are often higher than the price. work. in addition, usually, under a gpc agreement, the contractor is responsible for meeting deadlines. if he violates, he pays a fine, the amount of which is determined by the customer. of course, he cannot impose fines indefinitely, but in order to reduce the penalty, he will again have to go to court. only there can the deal be recognized as bonded. and finally, if the customer went bankrupt and did not have time to pay, there is a risk of being left with nothing. the register of creditors' claims primarily includes those who worked under. employment contract. and what will happen to the pension and health insurance for performers of individuals, not self-employed or individual entrepreneurs, the customer pays the contributions himself, or rather, deducts them from the remuneration. and transfers to compulsory pension, medical and social insurance. let me remind you that from 2023, those working under a gpc contract can go on sick leave on maternity
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leave. there are also contributions that can be made register for injuries, then the employer will contribute another 2 to 8.5% for insurance for you, depending on the class of professional risk. the situation is similar with taxes. the gpc agreement is concluded with the individual. person, then all responsibility falls on the commercial organization, either it is an individual entrepreneur, or it is a legal entity that is obliged to submit all reports, that is, he receives his final remuneration minus the taxes due. if we are talking about self-employed or individual entrepreneur, then this is a different story. let us repeat the most important thing: relations under a civil contract are governed by the civil law. code, therefore the contractor is not subject to the guarantees of compensation that the labor law provides. he receives remuneration for work completed on time; disputes with the customer often
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have to be resolved in court. the law allows the customer to terminate the contract at any time, without giving reasons. if the contractor is not self-employed or an individual entrepreneur, the customer will self-deduct contributions for mandatory work from his remuneration. pension, health and social insurance. remained. a battle called by descendants the battle of the ice. according to the chronicles, on that day, on the ice of lake chuza, russian fighters from novgorod and vladimir, led by prince alexander nevsky
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, fought with the knights of the levon order. they tried to seize the novgorod lands, taking advantage of the fact that the russians were weakened after the mongol invasion. there is a lot of data about battles in russian and german chronicles, but they all differ. many people think that everything happened as shown in the film director. einstein, but don’t forget that this is a fiction film. in fact , it is known for certain that knights, like the russian army, fought in chain mail, impressive armor and horned buckets on their heads - an attribute of a later period. but the fact that many levonites found themselves on thin ice and failed is most likely true. be that as it may, the battle on the ice left a noticeable mark on history; in honor of it , a day of military glory was established in russia. april 5, 1843 . britain officially declared hong kong their possessions, before that the region had always been chinese, but having won the first opium war, the british forced china to sign an unfavorable
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treaty and give them this convenient port. the qing empire tried to put an end to the opium trade that the british brought into the country, but in the war the british advantage was undeniable. the qing empire began to decline. european powers gradually literally enslaved the country, the population degraded from... hong kong developed, remaining british, only after a century and a half, in 1997, after long negotiations, london returned sovereignty over hong kong to beijing. on the condition that for at least 50 years it will remain part of china as a special administrative region, preserving its laws and a high degree of autonomy. but hong kong today remains one of the leading financial centers in the world and the first among the cities of the planet in terms of the number of the highest. skyscrapers and even ranks first in life expectancy. on april 5 , 1918, japanese troops landed in
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vladivostok. tokyo, in words, while declaring the protection of its citizens, planned to establish control over russian territories, taking advantage of the favorable moment of the civil war in russia and wanted to use local resources. in a year and a half, japan transferred 120,000 of its military personnel to the russian far east, as well. transported wood, gold, fish. the japanese were actively supported by the white movement, this allowed them to control vast territories, and any resistance was brutally suppressed. the invaders carried out mass executions and burned entire villages. however, the red forces advanced steadily. only with the strengthening of the power of the bolsheviks, expensive japanese intervention lost the support of the western powers and japan itself. in october 1922, that is, 4 years after.
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on april 5, 1971, soviet cinemas began showing the film by the young director andrei smirnov, belorussian station. the picture came out somehow unnoticed. the creators themselves did not predict a great future for it, but time has shown that they made one of the best soviet films about the war, although the war itself is not shown in it. according to the script by vadim trunin , four veterans meet. a quarter of a century after they broke up in '45 at the belarusian station, meet at the funeral of a fellow soldier, spend the day together. censorship literally tormented the film, scenes were re-shot, although the cast was outstanding: anatoly popanov, evgeny leonov, alexey glazyrin, nina urgand and other movie stars. as andrei smirnov said later, the direction and image in this film do not correspond to the level at which the script was made; the actors play. but the picture. quickly
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banned, officials decided that the viewer did not need a story about front-line soldiers who had no post-war life was a success, but high authorities liked the film and the film was released again. the song, which bulata kudzhava wrote for the film and was performed by nina urgand, became one of the symbols of the great victory. doubt goes away into the night separately. airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion, this is what this day in history was like.
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not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go, we’ll figure it out, we’ll talk to you there, but they were jealous, everything that was happening. they filmed it, posted it on the internet, what are they accusing you of, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accusing him of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can cope with almost any person, well, i don’t like it like this, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, everything, what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment under...
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blest, we took over this case and conducted our investigation, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application and on the website ,
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attack on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes’ condition is serious but stable, he has a knife wound to the stomach, russian regions are struggling with the consequences of floods, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, we are waiting for live broadcast our correspondent. a successful assault, the russian military heroically took a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and held it for two days, even after the commander was wounded. oil is becoming more expensive, the barrel is trading at $91, why are traders worried about the us statement on ukraine and israel? scandalous bestsellers and sensational novels opened a book fair in moscow.


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