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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes’s condition is serious but stable, he has a knife wound in the stomach, russian regions are struggling with the consequences of floods, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly. a successful assault, the russian military heroically took a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and held it for two days, even after the commander was wounded.
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usa on ukraine and israel? scandalous bestsellers and sensational novels. a book fair of intellectual literature has opened in moscow. now there are several lowercase ones messages that arrived on the news agency’s feed literally just now, as part of a criminal case of attempted murder. the governor of the murmansk region was detained and interrogated, the investigative committee reports. here is another message, the man who attacked the governor explained that he committed the attack out of displeasure to the governor, although he did not know him personally. another message, the investigative committee found that the person who attacked the governor had already been prosecuted for causing bodily harm, the attacker the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations, were ordered.
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meanwhile, the condition of the governor of the morman region is serious, but stable. he has been operated on and is in the intensive care ward under the supervision of doctors. the night before , andrei chibes was attacked, this happened after a meeting with residents in apatity. the head of the region received a live wound in the stomach. our correspondent oleg posobin will tell you what is known at this moment. an operational investigation team is working at the crime scene, in front of us a car with forensic experts, and from there it’s not very clear, investigative actions are underway. thirty meters away is the entrance to the builders' recreation center, it was here that the attack on the governor took place. andrei chibes was stabbed with a knife in appatity as he was leaving the local palace of culture. the suspect was detained at the crime scene. according to preliminary information, this is forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov. investigators from the investigative committee are currently working with him. on the eve of the incident, andrei chibes announced a meeting on your social networks. good afternoon everyone. on thursday i plan to work in the city.
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him right away, he walked to the car himself, we quickly got to the hospital, he was immediately taken to the operating room, the governor was also conscious, the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to reassure her, after that he was finally taken to the operating room, the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, wound suturing were performed,
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and then into battle. well, another message from the latest minutes, investigative investigators received new information about the preparations for the terrorist attack at crocus cityhole. experts studied the information on the mobile phones of the accused, in particular, it became known on february 24, on the anniversary of the start of the special operation, one of the terrorists, at the direction of his curators, sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the building, as well as access roads. the accused himself confirmed this. photos of people were also found on the smartphone. camouflage with the ukrainian
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flag, they pose against the backdrop of destroyed houses, as noted by the investigative committee, this information may indicate a connection between the terrorist attack and the conduct of a military special operation. the results of an expert study of the mobile phones that the terrorists tried to destroy made it possible to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices by decree. indications. in addition, in the terrorist’s phone , the accused confirmed all this in his found photographs of people in
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camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses, a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. in the arenburg region they are building up groups. to combat the floods, an airborne detachment from the perm region was sent to help, hundreds of houses in thousands of land plots were flooded, in the vicinity of okhursk, the water level in the urals exceeded the dangerous level, our special correspondent, maria valieva, went to the city, she is in direct contact, maria, greetings, how dangerous the situation is, yes, roman, hello, we are just working, we are now in the village of pervomaisky, the situation here, well, i would not say. that dangerous, but intense, water is coming here, and as the employees of the ministry of emergency situations just told us, the water level increased by 4 cm in half an hour, but as was previously noted, the water level in the ural river has reached a critical level - this is 700 cm
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and at the moment it is at around 774 cm, now they are working here in the village...
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some don’t slaughter cattle right away because they can’t take it anywhere, all kinds, in every way, according to your calculations, here we are on matrosskaya street, this is the main street in the village, how many people have already been evacuated from here, oh, i
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’ll be honest with you even at least approximately, approximately, well, somewhere, maybe 50 people, somewhere. in this area, tell me, were you warned the day before, was there a round of residents in the village, did the emergency situations ministry employees come and talk about how this kind of situation could happen? yes, the ministry of emergency situations employees said, they warned that there would be water, because of this, i took my wife and son to relatives last night. i stayed here myself, here i see that many are leaving to stay with relatives, alexey, thank you very much, thank you for telling us what the situation is here in your village today, but also for those who have nowhere to go, who have no relatives, they work here nearby temporary
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accommodation centers, people can stay there for as long as necessary, everything necessary has been prepared for them, i would also like to emphasize the message... from the ministry of emergency situations that in the village of krasnokholm, the evacuation of residents has ended, the situation there has already stabilized, the water level is gradually decreasing, and the situation is also stable. already in the okbulaksky district of the orenburg region, and let me also remind you that yesterday a state of emergency was introduced throughout the region, such a decree was signed by the governor. roman, maria, thank you for how they are fighting the flood in the orenburg region, our special correspondent maria valieva told us. big water is capturing new territories in the neighboring samara region, there is a big wilderness in the village, hundreds of houses have been flooded, a regime has been introduced it’s an emergency, and the situation is being monitored, including with the help of drones. in the vologda region , 10 settlements were cut off, several access roads and
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a bridge were flooded, and a 24-hour patrol was posted nearby to help the special services and deliver food. residents are being evacuated. fifty plots of land are flooded in one of the districts of the novgorod region; in the leningrad region, the territory of the tikhvin monastery is going under water. a state of emergency has already been introduced in two districts of the chelyabinsk region, flooded dozens of private plots, houses, water in the river overnight. has risen by more than half a meter, in some places it already reaches the windows of the first floors. well, now let’s return to one of the main topics of the issue: the attack on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes. the head of the region is now in the hospital, he has already come to his senses after the operation, recorded a short video message, thanked the doctors, and said that he would recover. and further into battle, dear friends, i came to my senses
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after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors, who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting us, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight, just forward, everything will be fine, we are monitoring the situation. while on other topics, powerful explosions occurred at night and early in the morning in ukraine, messages came from several regions of the country at once, one of them was the odessa region. deafening sounds were also heard in kharkov, several times during the night, and the consequences have not yet been reported. air the alarm was announced in five regions of the country, and in most of them sirens sounded at least twice. this regime was also introduced in the territories of the dpr and the zaporozhye region, which is still under the control of the kiev regime. belgorodskaya. all the russian military stopped the ukrainian armed forces’ attempt to conduct reconnaissance in force; the nationalist mercenaries intended to get close to the state border and
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make a passage through the minefields. the enemy's movements were detected by drone operators and the information was transmitted to the command. our war correspondent igor pikhanov will tell you how events developed. russian artillery deploys a weapon camouflaged in the forest; a signal was received from reconnaissance officers that the enemy had been detected in the gray zone. the enemy is trying to approach the state border and is clearing anti-tank barriers; the soldiers who are guarding the approaches to the belgorod region open fire on ukrainian militants. shot! high-explosive fragmentation shells rain down on the enemy. the dense fire leaves no chance for the enemy to carry out his plans. the soldiers call their 122-mm howitzer d-30 sniper weapon in the world of artillery. she definitely hits long distances. modern shells can destroy. enemy infantry, his military equipment and well-fortified positions, it works very,
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very accurately, the first shell falls close to 50 m, the second one already finishes off, the enemy is trying to clear the defense, mostly reconnaissance comes in, they want to find our locations, but they have little it turns out, because we don’t even allow them to approach, so that they couldn’t even lift the drone, there was an attempt at su reconnaissance in force disrupted, the enemy has been neutralized, according to the russian military on... on the opposite side of the front there are ukrainian militants and foreign mercenaries, there is counter-battery fighting on the line of combat contact, units of the ministry of defense are calculating the location of the enemy and destroying the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces, protecting border settlements from shelling. our scouts do not allow us to stick out any self-propelled artillery or stationary artillery there, but as soon as someone appears there, they immediately give us roughly speaking, data. and we strike at this place, we have already repeatedly
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hit an artillery battery and artillery batteries and mortar crews, and here is the equipment. residents of the border region say that by striking peaceful towns and villages, ukrainian militants are trying to sow panic among the local population, but the enemy has achieved the opposite effect. a large number of volunteers joined the armed forces and signed contracts. well, those who climb here, they... in every settlement of belgorodskaya volunteer organizations operate in the region; in the evenings after work, people bake treats for soldiers, weave camouflage nets and make trench candles. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. in the south of the dpr, the russian military heroically took and held a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces for two days,
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including repelling counterattacks from a tank and other armored vehicles. after the commander was wounded. private rodimir maksimov became the defense; he himself was wounded, but remained calm and personally destroyed almost 30 militants, although up to at the beginning of the special operation, his life was as far away from the army as possible. our war correspondent, eduard punigov, will tell you the details of this battle. south of the donetsk people's republic, the vicinity of the village of novomikhailovka. the assault unit of the thirty-ninth motorized rifle brigade of the 68th army corps is heading towards the base. at the armed forces of ukraine, yes, jump out, jump out, come on, come on, the infantrymen quickly jump out of the car, then the most difficult thing is the assault on fortified positions in the forest belt, come on, come on, come on, come on, the soldiers jump over
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through the barbed wire they begin to clear every corner in the opornik, it is an extensive network...
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it was radimir who made the decisive contribution for two days, the enemy eventually retreated, there were four such attacks in total, the battle continued maksimov, in total he destroyed 27 militants, being wounded he took command over oneself. continued to carry out the combat mission, and to repel the enemy’s counterattacks, repeated, uh, that is, everything was unemotional, communication was made without shouting, calmly, clearly, numerous injuries to radimir, fortunately turned out to be insignificant, it is clear that he has difficulty finding words when he remembers the assault, but noticeably perks up when
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talk about his house comes up, he came here from yakutia, since childhood he went hunting with his brother, and also... the sverdlovsk region has increased significantly the number of people willing to sign a contract with the ministry of defense. more than 550 people applied to selection centers for military service in two weeks. they have already begun training at training sites in the armed forces’ training centers. since the beginning of the year , people have expressed their desire to join the ranks of the russian army over 2,500 residents of the sverdlovsk region,
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last year more than 12,500. recently, many volunteers have been called a motive. to give up my service to the desire to avenge those killed in the crocus, i’ve been wanting to for a long time for a year, i’ve been thinking about this , i needed to finish things, what motivated me was that we need to finish everything with this, but i called twice a day, asked before lunch, after lunch, when it was will prepare, we need to go faster, that’s it, don’t sit still, this won’t happen again like in crocus, victory will be ours, now there’s news economics, maria filipova joins me. masha, good morning, oil continues to rise in price, roman, good morning, the brand has reached its maximum since last fall, and more details below. brand oil quotes immediately exceeded $91 per barrel, which was... the maximum since october last year. the main reason for the growth is geopolitics. washington yesterday issued its strongest public rebuke of israel since the beginning of the escalation of the middle east conflict. in addition,
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the us secretary of state said that it was too early for ukraine or will be accepted into nato late. traders around the world considered this a risk factor. in addition , the mexican state-owned company pemex is going to stop exporting oil in excess of 435 thousand barrels per day for at least a month. russian railways increased transit in the first quarter. containers from china to the european union by 44% year on year, the company's management said, this is not much less than the crisis volumes. european consignees have once again paid attention to the trans-russian corridor, thanks to the relatively short delivery times. in maritime traffic they have lengthened after container lines left the red sea due to houthi attacks. the international monetary fund once again called for caution in the possible implementation of the idea of ​​confiscating frozen russian assets.
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systems. the russian ministry of industry and trade has expanded the list of cars subject to luxury tax. now there are almost 70 positions more than last year. chinese electric cars and hybrids were there for the first time. there are a total of 517 models on the list, they are divided into two categories: with a cost of 10 and 15 million rubles. for example, for a car worth 10 million you will have to pay a tax of 270,000. net profit of a russian pasta manufacturer. in the twenty-third year, makfa grew by 45%, amounting to about 3.600 million rubles. at the same time , revenue decreased by more than 6.5%,
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to approximately 23.600 million. according to the report , in the middle of last month , a decision was made to pay dividends amounting to almost a billion rubles. and at the end of march, let me remind you, the deputy prosecutor general filed a lawsuit against mcphee with the aim of converting the property of business beneficiaries, former government employees, into russian income. a corruption component was discovered there, the work of the enterprises themselves, the group of companies, was not affected in any way by the lawsuit. the federal antimonopoly service of the ministry of agriculture of russia has issued recommendations on the sale of sugar at exchange auctions. firstly, market participants should fulfill voluntary obligations to sell at least 10% of the products produced. secondly, distribute the annual volumes of sugar evenly and, finally, regularly participate in tenders. as explained, the department. implementation of these points will reduce the risks of violation of antimonopoly legislation by participants market, in addition, it will reduce the influence of seasonal factors on prices. at the end of the
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exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 30 kopecks, the euro is 100 rubles. 6 kopecks raman. marsh, thank you. we continue the release. the united states will submit a resolution on the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in space to a vote in cooperation with the un. this was stated by white house advisor john kirby. washington expects that russia will hold the document... our side has repeatedly stated that it considers the project unsuccessful , politicized, and also divorced from reality, while vladimir putin previously confirmed moscow's position against the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. the president called for compliance with all agreements that exist in this area. moscow proposed a russian draft treaty on the non-placement of weapons in orbit back in 2008, but the united states blocked the document. sports news, danilo makhalin, good morning, russian chess players alexandra goryachkina and ekaterina lagno met in head-to-head competition in the first round of the candidates tournament in toronto. how did the game end? good morning,
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goryachkina played with white, lagno with black ended in a draw on the thirty-sixth move. lokomotiv won a second home victory over traktor in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup, this time in overtime with a score of 3:2. in the first period, the teams exchanged goals, and the guests responded to kayumov’s puck with a powerful shot. tsova. then, lokkoy converted the power play 5:3, martin gernad scored. in the third period, the tractor managed to even the score. after several rebounds, karpukhin scored, sending the match into overtime. the extra time did not last long. to the locomotive to throw in the winning the puck took just under 4 minutes. its author was elesin. 2:0 in the series in favor of the yaroslavl team and now the confrontation moves for at least two games to chelyabinsk. the battle for the eastern playoffs. pittsburgh beat washington on a visit 4:1, but alexander ovechkin still scored a goal, however, by that time the score was already 3:0 in favor of pittsburgh and
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the third period was underway. ovechkin. completed a protracted attack by his team, completing a pass from a partner on his heel, this puck became his 849th in his career and up to the record of the warrior gretzke 45 heads left. nikita kucherov, who plays for tampa, added two assists to the goal, which helped his team beat montreal 7:4, but the most important thing is that in this way kucherov recorded 90 assists in the season and became the first russian in the history of enhal to whom conquered this... he also managed to break away by three points from second place in the list of top scorers in the league this season. all the regional semi-finalists have been determined in the russian football cup. the last was orenburg, which defeated grozny akhmat. the only goal was scored at the very end; bosnian milož shatra planned to intercept the pass and clear the ball, but cut it into his own goal. 1:0. akhmat was not only eliminated from
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the cup, but also lost his head coach. miroslav romashchenko resigned without even working for one season. as the coach of the club from grozny, he will be replaced by magomed adiev, who for now will combine this position with still leading the kazakhstan national team. and the russian women's football team beat the national team of ecuador with a score of 4:0. the match took place in turkey, where both teams were at training camps, after the first half our girls led with a score of 3:0, giving hope.
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during a demonstration performance in the presence of french president emmael macron, multiple medalist of the european world diving championships, frenchman alexis gendar was supposed to make a synchronized jump from a three-meter springboard along with two other athletes, but something went wrong.
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that's all for now in sports, see you in the next hour.
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