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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here ’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. a criminal case under article of attempted murder was opened against the attacker of the governor of the murmansk region. andrei chibes was stabbed during a meeting with residents of wapatite. an emergency operation was carried out, the head of the region had already come to his senses, the attacker was detained, he called trouble the reason for his actions, it is known that he had previously been prosecuted, various examinations were ordered, including psychiatric examinations. ministry of emergency situations strengthens groups rescuers to combat floods in russian regions. the most tense situation is in the orenburg region. in several rivers , the water level has approached critical
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levels, and a state of emergency is in effect. in the neighboring samara region, hundreds of houses are also flooded and residents are being evacuated. vologda due to flooding of roads it is impossible to travel to 10 settlements. in the belgorod region , the russian military stopped an attempt, an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces, to conduct reconnaissance in force. they were going to get close to the state border and make a passage through the minefields. enemy movement spotted by drone operators on kievsky fighters.
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after emergency surgery. he was taken to the hospital in serious condition with a stab wound. a man attacked the head of the region after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity. he cited unpleasantness as the reason for his actions. expertise was ordered, including a psychiatric one. all the latest information is in the report by oleg pasobin. andrei chibes came to his senses a few hours after the operation and returned to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. dear friends. came to his senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting us, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into battle only forward, everything will be fine after the operation andrei chibis was transferred to intensive care. andrey tibes is in the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital under supervision. doctors, and also
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special forces soldiers, people in plain clothes. in addition, investigative actions are being conducted here, those who were close to the governor at the time of the crime. the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, and suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed. now in the immediate postoperative period, the patient is in the intensive care unit, intensive care, under observation. governor of mormanskaya. the area was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, the knife blow could have been fatal, in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not affected, so further treatment will take place in resuscitation. there is a convoy car at the reception ward, probably the suspect in the attack is in the same hospital with the governor; forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during the arrest. the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. the attacker caught the official in apatity, right here, at the exit from the dcc.
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builders andrei chibes met with local residents, he was received very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. this is footage of the investigative team working at night. forensic scientists take fingerprints fingers from the car, which belongs to budanov, in order to open it, the glass had to be broken. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness to the attack was the governor's press secretary, liliya sechkina. the governor was already leaving the meeting; he had just left the construction workers' center when a man ran up and stabbed the governor. andrei vladimirovich was conscious, he immediately reached it himself. the car quickly reached the hospital, he was immediately rushed to the operating room, the governor was also conscious, the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to reassure her, after that he was finally taken to the operating room, in the cultural center andrei chibes talked with the residents, judging by the filming, he
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was in an excellent mood, the day before incident, he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatit. and of course in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come meet me, the investigation will have to figure out the reasons for the attempt to answer the question is whether the attacker has accomplices, or maybe those who ordered the crime. oleg posoben, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvasnyuk, vesti murmansk region. and now the press secretary of the governor of the murmansk region, liliya sechkina, is in touch with us. lilya, greetings. hello. a video of him appeared on the governor’s telegram channel. thanked the doctors and gave a positive prognosis for the future, what can we say now about his condition and how long will he have to stay in the hospital, what do the doctors say? well, now he is in a post-operative state, the doctors are looking at the dynamics of his condition in order to make
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further decisions on his treatment, are there any other forecasts for recovery now? to understand the efficiency of actions, literally the next few hours there, that ’s how long it will take very early, we need to look, observe, the governor himself is really very optimistic, as always , first of all, he is eager to get back to work, but what i said, you have the recording was that before the operation, the first thing he did was call his wife and tell... her what had happened, accordingly, she found out about this before the whole world, and as soon as he came to his senses, the first thing he did was also dial evgenia vladimirovna, well, let’s go back to the doctors’ forecasts, is there a need
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for transfer to other hospitals, is there any - information on this matter, i say, they are now looking at the dynamics, we will wait if that happens. make any decisions and inform if anything is necessary. lily, what can you say about those who attacked? as far as i understand, according to the information he was not seen by a psychiatrist, right? it's hard for me to say because this information is with law enforcement agencies, so we cooperate, of course, with law enforcement agencies, so we report what we saw on the spot, but that’s for sure. they have the data and, accordingly, it would be better and more correct to say goodbye to them for these comments. well , i think this is the question that you can definitely answer: to what extent will the schedule of events with the participation of the governor have to be changed and who will perform his duties on these days? according to the responsibilities that the decision will be
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made in the very near future, now here i am i’m talking about this post-operative period , just a little bit, to get through the first things. in connection with the attack, a criminal case was opened in the investigative committee, the article was called attempted murder in connection with the performance of official activities. the suspect has already been detained and told about the reasons that prompted him to commit the crime. forty-two-year-old resident of appatite, alexander bydanov, says that he attacked because of
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personal trouble, although he does not know andrei chibes. it is also known that he was previously convicted of causing bodily harm. he was assigned forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. investigators have received new information about preparations for the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. experts examined the information contained in the mobile phones of the accused. in particular it became. the accused himself confirmed this with testimony. photos of people in camouflage with the ukrainian flag were also found on the smartphone. they pose against the backdrop of destroyed houses. as noted by the investigative committee, this information may indicate a connection between the terrorist attack and the special operation. the results of an expert study of the mobile phones that the terrorists tried
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to destroy made it possible to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of. at the direction of the curator, i found accomplices on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to building of crocus cityhall and access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. in addition, photographs of people in camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against the background of destroyed houses with a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture were found on the terrorist’s phone. let's break for commercials now. well, then we’ll tell you more about floods in the regions. remember what
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the ministry of emergency situations is expanding its team; the main rescue forces are concentrated in the orsk region. there now. our film crew is working, then the material from maria valieva: the water is coming here, and as the ministry of emergency situations just told us, the water level increased by 4 cm in half an hour, but as was previously noted, the water level in the ural river has reached a critical level, 774 cm, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations work here in the village. employees of the ministry of emergency situations from perm arrive here in vorska, strengthen everything and are currently evacuating people, mostly elderly, pensioners, they took the main documents, medications, everything, nothing else, what is the situation in your house now, now the stairs reached the house,
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began to go away and even the floor began to rise, it seemed to me that something began to waver, it’s already complete . the water started flowing in the hall, not all the residents of this village of pervomaisky, which is located near the city of orsk, are trying to evacuate, the people are very enterprising and some even settled on the roof, moved everything they needed there and say that they will wait out the flood there, they will not leave their homes are going to, but i’ll note that in the orenburg region we previously worked in the village of krasnokholm, we were there for 2 days. the situation is also very tense, but now the situation has stabilized, the water level is decreasing, the same thing is now happening in the village of akbulak, in the akbulak district, the water there is also gradually receding. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and artyom martyshov, conduct the orenburg region. a state of emergency was introduced in
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several districts of the chelyabinsk region to prevent further flooding of populated areas. rescuers are strengthening points banks, build temporary dams and clean up river beds. delivery of food and medicine has been organized to settlements that find themselves cut off from the mainland. from the chelyabinsk region, report by our correspondent maria nevezheny. we are located 100 km from magnitogorsk, a little before reaching the village of yuzhny, the road ended and turned into one continuous lake, you can hear the water rustling, as if we were... near a waterfall. the day before, a state of emergency was declared in the varna region. by according to the latest data, there are 50 garden plots and eight residential buildings in the flood zone. five residents are currently in temporary accommodation. the rest went to a safe place with relatives and friends.
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the situation is monitored using unmanned aircraft. in addition, the rescuer and those who joined them. the military makes door-to-door visits several times a day , if necessary, helping residents evacuate and carrying their belongings. maria nevezhina, dmitry titov, lead the southern urals. and to other news. powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. one of them was the odessa region. detonation was also heard in kharkov, several times during the night. oh the consequences. not reported yet. an air alert was declared in five regions of the country, including in the territories of the dpr from the zaporozhye region, which are under the control of the kiev regime. in the lugansk people's republic , fsb officers neutralized two agents working for the ukrainian special services. by version of the investigation, they collected information on the instructions of their curators. the recruited man
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admitted that he had been collaborating with the sbu for several years. it was established that he managed to transfer personal information to kiev. armored vehicles were dived by attack drones. how did you not get confused even when the connection was lost, and the unit was not functioning? our war correspondent anton stepanenko saw footage of the battle together with the lieutenant’s parents. they watch this video for the first time, watch it several times, the father immediately recognizes him in the video by their son, lieutenant alexander toropov. moment
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the landings of the assault group are rewinded again to watch, they pass glasses to each other, he, their sashka, comes second. lieutenant toropov now commands a platoon in the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group. his assault group is the first to... at the command post, emotions run high, each of the assault groups and bmp crews is known by sight as a magician, driver mechanic, first.
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there were pops, well, i don’t see the pops, the side ones, but i see everything in front of me. the advance of the landing force was monitored using a drone and the driver was told where to go. it’s safer to turn off, at some point the connection with the cars was lost, the crews themselves beat the road. no, granik was not afraid, orta was afraid of a direct hit. they were thrown into the water from drones along with batteries for radios, the main thing is that the group held the prop, and they
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did. lieutenant sasha is 22, he became an officer in april 23 at the northern military district in august. in his platoon he is the youngest, the average age of his fighters is 40 plus, and there are those for whom he is old enough to be their grandchildren, but they call him by the name fatherland. stormed the work, i called my parents on the eve of the assault, i don’t say anything, usually i just said everything is fine, life is healthy, everything is fine, my parents saw him in january, he came on vacation, he didn’t say anything about the service, he just gave the order, now he has two awards on his uniform , his parents haven’t seen this medal earned yet, his entire group received medals and orders for that assault, the crew of the bmpp medal for courage, take away the magician, take away your dear, take away, take away, this video lasts... only 10 minutes, and such battles are steps in korabotina in the village itself russian troops are fighting every day, the small zaporozhye village of korabotina has already become the same iconic
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place for the kiev regime, fortifications, both infantry fighting vehicles came out of that battle without losses. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, ksenia usoltseva, news, zaporozhye front. in the svertlovsk region , the number of people wishing to sign a contract with the ministry of defense has increased significantly. more than 550 people applied for military service in 2 weeks; they have already begun training at training centers. since the beginning of the year, over 2.5 residents of svertlovskaya regions expressed a desire to join the ranks of the russian army, in the twenty-third year more than 12,500. many volunteers have recently cited their motive for enlisting in the service as the desire to avenge those killed in the kropus. i've been wanting it for a long time now. i think about this, i needed to finish things, what motivated me was that we all needed to finish this, but i called twice a day, asked before lunch, after lunch, when the case will be prepared, we need
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to go faster, that’s it, don’t sit still, that kind of thing will not happen again, as in korkus, victory will be for us, and now to trading on the moscow exchange, this morning the dollar costs about 92 rubles and 50 kopecks, the euro is trading above the 100 ruble mark. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading was 3.396 points and the rts index was 1135 points. until april 22, russia is holding an early period for the unified state exam. why is this format needed and how will the unified state exam be retested in one of the subjects. the head of rosobrnadzor told our tv channel about this.
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