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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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a criminal case under article of attempted murder has been initiated against the attacker of the governor of the murmansk region. andrei chibes was stabbed in the city of apatity during a meeting with local residents. an emergency operation was carried out, the head of the region had already come to his senses. according to press secretary andrei chebes, it is not yet possible to predict how long. it will not take
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the restoration of the governor. a decision on who will act as head of the region will be made in the near future. and the attackers of andrei chibes were detained. the reason for their he called the actions unpleasant. it is known that he had previously been prosecuted . various examinations were ordered, including psychiatric examinations. investigators conducted searches at the registered residence of the attacker of the mormon region governor. during the investigation of a criminal case of attack on the governor. raman region, the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the man explained that he felt dislike for the governor, although he had not previously knew. it was established that the man had previously been prosecuted under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. witnesses are interrogated, the necessary forensic examinations are ordered, and they are studied.
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the contents of the detainee's phone. in khabarovsk, experts have seized a radiation source discovered in one of the city’s districts. increased background radiation, as reported by the regional rospotrebnadzor, was detected under the support lep in the area of ​​suvorovo sidorenko street, a state of emergency has been introduced there. outside this focus, the radiation level is normal. the khabarovsk specialized plant ratom is working on the transportation of recycling. radiation control has been organized, monitoring will be carried out for 2 days. it is clarified that the scene of the incident is located at a distance of approximately 2.5 km from residential buildings, and there is no threat to people’s health. now there is a short advertisement, after which there is a new episode of the besagon program. nikita mikhalkov offers talk about the directors and perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhall. watch in a couple of minutes. nitology knows, inside you there is already
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city in russia, only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called, does the crime have a punishment? but according to tradition, i will report to you our previous program on channel russia 1, on channel russia 24, on youtube, on the telegram channel, on the website, on other platforms, in
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total, about 12 million people watched, so we have, so to speak, our viewer for now god willing, we don’t lose, of course. our broadcast today will begin with this terrible event that happened on march 22 in the crocus city hall concert hall. you all know what happened, but i will remind you. people in camouflage uniforms with machine guns burst into the building, which can accommodate up to 6,500 spectators. point-blank shoot people. then a fire started in the building. the hall is on fire, they set us on fire, they set us on fire. this is a terrible terrorist attack that occurred near moscow, in the moscow region, in krasnogorsk. as a result of which, at the time of recording our release , 144 people were killed and more than 550 were injured. i think that this is not the final figure,
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because many are still in hospitals in very serious condition. i will say right away that the scale of this tragedy puts it on par with... the tragedy in budenovsk in 1995 , the tragedy in dubrovka in 2002, and beslan in 2004, that is, this is a tragedy for which there is no justification, children died, women died, civilians died, our citizens died. you all saw how many.
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eliza terekhova and others. this tragedy affected the entire country. and it is true. you all know, four people who arrived in a white renault. they broke into the crocus building, stayed there for 18 minutes, managed to shoot a huge number of people and set the building on fire. then, apparently, having mixed with panicking people, having managed to throw off their ammunition, they again got into this renault, the same thing happened on it left. they drove almost 300 km towards the ukrainian border, where they were stopped and caught. of course, the main question, as it was,
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remains the same, is who the customer is, who needed it. just a few hours after what happened, john kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the us security council, says this, listen.
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moreover, there is still a question mark as to who killed kennedy, there are a lot of unresolved issues in the country, but this one was resolved immediately. after john kirby, around midnight, before were, the criminals were caught and on the agent channel doge shows a screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia and reports that.
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here's a comparison with footage from kandahar in afghanistan: a suicide bomber from the isis group blows himself up in the passage of a shopping center leading to a crowded square, eight dead and 20 wounded, a typical practice of religious fanatics. islamists and gilas have a fundamentally different attitude towards their own lives. popular american blogger jack pasabetz noted: islamic radicals states never leave the scene of an attack. these are suicide bombers who do not think about whether the special services will catch up with them or not, and even more so
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they do not shake like a leaf after being detained. i was struck by the fact that usually isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs, none of the kropus shooters had a suicide belt, some world media, including in the united states, drew attention to this. the host of the american channel daniel davis deep dive also reminded. about two important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide their faces on video during attacks, and they don’t kill for money; for them, killing people is exclusively religious. not to speak out immediately after this
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happened, but to wait for time and wait until these four perpetrators were captured and... detained, they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, preparations were made for them on the ukrainian side window for crossing the state border. a total of 11 people were detained. federal security service of russia, other law enforcement agencies,
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they are working to identify and expose the entire accomplice base of the terrorists, those who provided. transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. and finally, the next morning, the public has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad-sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamer achabali.
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stopping, entrances, exits, movements, safe places, and so on and so forth, as they claim the task, they received in telegram channel, and they were promised 5,000 rubles for carrying out this atrocity, having paid an advance of 250, and mind you, not 5,000 for everyone, but 5,000 rubles for everyone, yes, then it became known that... large sums of money were taken in cryptocurrency, and from ukraine , which kerbin so excused, as it later became known that all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special, military drugs that take away fear, that aggravate the reaction, that is, by and large, these were
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killer robots, this can justify. their actions, no, let's go further, and even after day of march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person, on behalf of those who killed people, moreover, they appear on isis resources, notice how already wounded people, and maybe already killed , lying in blood on the floor, they cut with knives, and why egil, but because this... this is some kind of abstract evil for the world community, isis, if the united states is the first to support the idea that this is isis, they themselves sign for the crime, because al -qaeda, isis is the work of the united states and great britain, that is
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in other words, they could say, we did it, because we did isis, because we did alkaida. to go after the soviets in afghanistan and us to equip them with stinger missiles and everything else, we succeeded. soviet union.
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the islamic state of iraq, its leader was abu-umar al-baghdadi, whom the americans had recently released from an iraqi prison. this is exactly what julia wrote about, who published a little, 531,525 documents for 1979, which describes how the cia foreign policy agencies of the united states states of america, personally participated in the creation of isis in early 2012. another program was created, which was called stimbar sycamore, translated as plane tree wood. this is a program to finance, arm and
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train rebel fighters to fight in the syrian civil war against the government forces of bashar al-assad. it was carried out on the personal orders of president barack obama. exactly. said the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton. why be surprised when ukraine is mentioned? don't we know?
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to what extent and how is ukraine connected with international terrorism? remember our show, watch it. in syria, the free syrian ss army received billions of dollars in military assistance from the united states to overthrow bashar al-assad. where both muslim brothers and isis, banned in our country, came from. and today , on the territory of syria and with the same syrian free army, brigades and detachments of terrorists are being formed that are fighting in ukraine against us. moreover, they were all trained with the help of american british instructors, and they are trained at military bases usa, ein al-assad in iraq and ettanf in syria.
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not a specialist, but i have doubts, it’s hard for me to imagine how four people, the people we saw, could do it like that, professionally,
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with absolute impunity at that moment, besides, how can it be that a huge area the ceiling of the roof was engulfed in flames for literally a few minutes, how is it even possible... the feeling that these four people are the menial labor of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism, very professional
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organized. supposedly there was a window that could receive them, but why do those who ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack need them alive? so, we can assume that if they had not been killed here, they would have been killed there, where they were going? it’s quite natural that in addition to these questions, there are others, for example,
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why didn’t it work? fire protection system, but i repeat, i am not an investigator, i am asking the question as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person, why were some exits closed, why did they not appear immediately, or at least in less time, those people who should have appeared, there are very, very many questions, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot arose...
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european or american, in principle, this is the real international diaspora-terrorism, we have every reason, full , absolutely, accuse the united states of being a terrorist state, and the uk of being a terrorist state, and by the way, if you take the track record of how democracy was implanted. americans and the western world in general, in the balkans, say, or in asia or in latin america, i think, does not need more detailed evidence here, you will note that the president of the united states joe biden addresses the nation regarding the death of the prisoner navalny, who, by the way, was recognized as a terrorist and...
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so for your information, and did not say a word or say a word or express his regret or condolences when more than 100 people simply died in a terrorist act, while at the same time those countries that are accused of terrorism are the taliban, iran, syria, north korea, they are all expressed condolences in our country, only the western world modestly remained silent, the only thing they said was that it was... anyone, but not ukraine. now pay attention to the detail, but it cannot be missed. 4 days before this terrorist, monstrous act was committed. the creator of isis, former president of the united states of america, barack obama, is completely incognito, without advertising.
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arrives in london at 10 downing street to meet british prime minister rishi sunak. for what? again, i have no evidence. but we we know how such visits are covered. this is not a nephew who came to see his uncle, these are not two classmates. this is the current leader of the country, and the former leader of the country, the united states and... it is absolutely clear to me that this is a deafening victory in the elections of vladimir putin, a deafening legendary, the only victory, at least in the history of new russia, of a man who seemed to have turned his back on the entire civilized world. before march 8th
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american. the embassy the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens, so that they should be careful not to go to public events, victoria even earlier, while in kiev. said that


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