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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

11:30 am
this is not a nephew who came to see his uncle, these are not two classmates, this is the current leader of the country and the former leader of the country of the united states and great britain, why, what are they discussing, what could be the reason for committing a terrorist attack, it is absolutely clear to me that this is a resounding victory in elections of vladimir putin, deafening, legendary...
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this is what he wrote: forgive me for this expression, not entirely rational, but evil forces have no nationality, no political convictions, just on the surface earth, a spiritual front was once formed, in different directions of which a kind of matter and antimatter gather, from the sacred point of view of coexistence. these two principles are impossible, and the struggle is waged towards mutual destruction. this front, spread over states and territories, does not know the space of time. sometimes it happens that the contours of a state begin to approximately coincide with the borders of one of the sides of this spiritual. front, very,
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in my opinion, exact words, remember what you said president just recently, the western elites have a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unfair state of affairs - in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire ball is ending, it seems to me that there is they have this fear that the vampire point is running out, and this is why there is such hysteria, and this is why there is such an open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if he... writes that in 5
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months, victims of israeli attacks in gaza have become there are already at least 13,430 children, when in the european parliament, dutch mp marcel degraf openly accuses ukraine of child abuse and cooperation with pedophiles, listen, all these reports about the deportation of ukrainian children to russia are propaganda. russia has taken in millions of ukrainian refugees, including, fortunately, hundreds of thousands of children who continue to be bombed by the ukrainian army. the european parliament must speak out against ukrainian war crimes. the international criminal court should hold zelensky accountable for this. more moreover, ukraine is the largest supplier of children for pedophile networks.
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in the west they are subjected to transgender ideology, they are crippled with hormone blockers and surgeries on the genitals, the hypocrisy is terrible, the west must stop inciting war, the world has taken notice of everything, imagine 40 years ago that people in the trade union house were burned with impunity in odessa, fascists walked around with torches with impunity, when you can... bring a nazi to the parliament of a big country and stand to applaud him, but this is through the looking glass, in the same way the world watches quite calmly as right away, without a pause, after the tragedy in crocos city,
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a dish called the crocus city set appears on the menu in ukrainian cafes, and ukrainian gamers have already created a computer game where you can kill innocent people. hang around in the building and don’t deceive yourself, don’t think that this is only there in ukraine or somewhere else, look, look what our teenagers say, listen to what you write, like moscow is condolences, a tragic situation, yes, tragic situation, so what, well, this happens, it’s normal, but for me personally, well, they really killed you, they killed you, why are you there, why does everyone start to regret, okay, there.
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about the cultural code, speaking about values, this is a question of what is happening with the modern internet, the internet is developing quickly, the number of users is increasing, there is a lot of important educational, meaningful, as they say, content, but at the same time, there is so much dangerous content, if not every adult can withstand the dangers that await us on the internet, so what can we say about children who due to my age and my weak psyche, i cannot resist this. over the past year, roskomnadzor has closed 500,000 groups with dangerous content, of which 25,000 are child pornography groups, 23,000 are child suicide groups, 230,000 are groups involving drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and more, all this
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is on the internet, and now i am also fighting for history, that in computer games we have games in which children can not only play, not only there is violence, lgbt propaganda, but... there are games where children are encouraged to come to school and shoot their own classmates, children play this, i am against this, unfortunately, my amendment in this capacity has not yet passed, but the government said that in the near future they will not control the circulation of video games, these are also threats, today a person is formed by the internet mainly for computer games for children, this is...
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that is, shoot at school, he begins to believe that this is how one should live, that is, one must shoot at school, and he goes and shoots at school, a huge number of characters, including... despair, that, for example, exists today even annual award for the best lgbt character in
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a computer game, this is the media award, and look at the list of these games, and many, many others, because no one is proposing to ban games, this is a fascinating story, but the point is to have . some kind of filter, not because of some stupid censorship, but simply because of state security, if you want, you look, in china, which we talk about all the time, from which they take an example, already half the world, all the games are checked for prohibited content. according to the statistics, from august 2021 to spring 2022 , were not approved by the chinese authorities. not a single new game in china, i don’t know, i’m not chinese, i
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don’t know this, i haven’t seen these games, but when a country like china takes this so seriously that it specifically screens out harmful content specifically for children, that means a danger that is tangible, that is natural, that must be fought.
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from our schoolchildren, at best this is a collection of photographs or video objects of strategic russian federation, at worst it is conscription and recruitment to commit crimes, murders, terrorist acts, arson of military registration and enlistment offices, explosions on railways, that’s what, for example, a former russian lawyer says. i suggest to you, dear friends, if anyone
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is watching me now, about 86,500 people from russia are watching us now, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, those of you who are ready to act, write to they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other if you... have decided for yourself that you have given up on yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is , think about what mr. fegin is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want to leave with life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will part with your life, and you will do a good deed for us, in a circle... you will go or try to blow up the railway track, or throw a grenade
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at the military registration and enlistment office, that is, you will become useful , consumables, and this is what they are doing, they let me just throw everything, who said, i ’m telling you, friend, everything was ripped through him, so where were you supposed to throw everything out the window, just out the window, and run away, these are just my documents, that’s all, ministry of ukraine. the ministry of defense of ukraine contract filled out the documents himself and where did he get the documents, who provided the friends of each other with all the questionnaires.
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who are you, who are you with? remember about these mourners for the kazan shooter, how many of them there were, pitying him, saying what a nice boy, how sorry he is, and so on and so forth, this trend has been preserved, today it addressed to these terrorists, i would then cut off the ears of everyone who did this, people were killed, yes, but this is the man who cut off this one’s ear.
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how is that? yes, i absolutely agree that it is impossible, unfair, and wrong to blame entire nations or diasporas for crimes committed by specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not remove the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, it aggravates this issue , here...
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in the corridor central asia russian federation - 2021, regional program in the field of migration, 2014-2015, regional program in the field of labor migration in central asia and russia, 2010-2013. project on labor migration in central asia, 2007-2009. despite the fact that among the program’s donors there are foreign organizations banned in russia, such as the united states agency for international development (usid) and others from countries that are currently providing assistance to ukraine, but nothing changes, well
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, what’s amazing is that this is a working program educational subject, which is called. the russian budget assumes that graduates of these schools will be better prepared for integration into russian society, well, is it great, is it bad, great, read on, here are the topics of this work program: central asia on the eve of the invasion of tsarist
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russia, the end of the russian occupation of central asia. what do the people who compiled these textbooks think? probably this is the ministry of education or, well, who else, or those who did this, what do they think?
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also very interesting. we're talking about a textbook history of kazakhstan for the seventh-eighth grade, which indicates that the russian empire , taking advantage of the kazakh-dzungarian confrontation, began to openly seize the lands of the northern part of the kazakh state. and, by the way, i did not find this textbook in bookstores or libraries. it is only in the hands of our children. so, everything very smoothly, very neatly comes down to the fact that russia deceived, used the kazakhs for its own purposes , and this. negatively affected the history of kazakhstan in the future and for some reason many parents are silent about all this, i found a history textbook for the seventh-eighth grade, this is
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a very rare textbook, here is the publishing house mektep, 1978, where in the section on the accession of kazakhstan to russia it is indicated that it was a completely voluntary accession and that the kazakhs were accepted into the russian tributary at their request, where the acceptance of this tributary corresponded to the fundamental interests of the kazakh people and with the help of russia the kazakh people freed themselves from the zhungar pro-generalization, and indeed, separated by their feudal strife, we could not provide adequate resistance to the dzungars. in some areas, the dzungars exterminated the entire population, and the survivors were enslaved; in these conditions, russia was the only country that could protect us from extermination. now i want to return to the perpetrators of this terrorist act, just look at...
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but nevertheless they communicated through carriers, which was probably more convenient for them, to pretend that they did not understand the issues, with temporary registrations in different regions of russia in the so-called rubber flats, where 10 people live per 1 km, they worked mostly unofficially, that is, they also received money unofficially, so there is no tax on them for the state. they didn't pay, right? this means that one of them was convicted of sexual crimes, the other was closely related to
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a terrorist who fought for egil. moreover, look, none of them professed radical islam, they were not fanatics, no, they turned into murderers in 3-4 weeks on russian territory. that's what's amazing not in tajikistan, but here, because tajikistan has stricter rules on this matter than we do, maybe because we are more liberal in relation to all this, and there is no need for hysteria, there are absolutely no questions for tajiks in general or those more to islam, no, there are questions for us, for us. to those who, for 15 thousand rubles, take an exam on knowledge of the russian language from a person who
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does not know it at all, by whom, who? most migrants don’t know a single word of russian, but at the same time they all have certificates of knowledge of the russian language, exams they rent everything out, you go out to the parking lot, migrants stand with the same open certificates, these sell security, the police pretend that they don’t notice anything, and so on all the time here, but the management, of course, prohibits questions on
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this topic.
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so you can listen to what dmitry nazarov and dmitry bykov delbeltrud think about this, listen, we love death, we are hungry for death, save us, god, lord, jesus, we even turn mourning into a reason to bless the treasury in russia. the question is how it will be used this terrorist attack in russia. cynical words for using a terrorist attack, but even more cynical is using it to legalize the death penalty, to lift the moratorium. i said then, i will repeat now, the death penalty is a reluctance to kill, it is the need to draw that red line beyond which a person understands that he will lose his life. they tell me: can you imagine what life imprisonment is, where are you? in a cell one and a half by
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one and a half, where you are bent all the time and so on and so on and so on, i understand everything, but this is life, life, the happiness of life itself life, as the great ones said, but there is hope there all the time, or as they say, in the east even a step will die, or a step will die, but please tell me what you would do with these four feet for those who can still stop , for those who understand how this will end, of course, i can give examples of saudi arabia, israel, the united arab emirates,
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by the way, mortal... the united states of america has it, it’s just a very cunning system, it’s impossible here, they transported it there , but there you can, but people, if you ask, just a big country, in that country that has seen how people fall and die, how their throats are cut, for nothing, for nothing, for innocent people who came to the concert, hold a referendum, because... the conversation is not about cruelty, but about justice, which has always been fundamental for russia: justice, sacrifice and compassion. i'm convinced of the result. and, by the way, with great attention and respect.


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