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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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this brings us to the highest level. the new urengoy is actively preparing for its fiftieth anniversary. today yamal is a place of enormous opportunity, which once again proves that it is not only a leader in natural gas reserves and production, but one of the educational centers. the governor of the morman region is in intensive care after being attacked; his life is not in danger. what were the criminal's motives? more than thirty regions of the country are undergoing seasonal testing by floods. the ministry of emergency situations is working in enhanced mode. live broadcast from the orenburg region, where the situation is most serious. for 5 years he transmitted data to russian border guards. in the lugansk people's
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republic until he was detained by the fsb. how we managed to identify the spy and tell you about another arrest, how the fight against the enemy is going. israel has suspended the work of 28 embassies around the world, expecting aggression from iran in response to the attack on the diplomatic mission in damascus. aggravation and a new round of conflict in the middle east. governor andrei chibus will undergo treatment in the murmansk region, about this was reported by the ministry of information policy of the region, the official had already come to his senses after an emergency operation, he was taken to the hospital in serious condition with a knife wound, after a meeting with residents of the city of apatit, he was attacked by a man. during the interrogation , he cited unpleasantness as the reason for his actions, while he personally did not know the governor, examinations were ordered, including psychiatric examinations, all the latest information was in oleg’s report. andrei chibis came to his senses
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a few hours after the operation to return to work, he promises as soon as only your health will allow it. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved me, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, i’ll be there right away.
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revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs, now in the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit under observation. the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, the blow of a knife could become fatal. in fact, he was very lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. there is an escort car at the emergency department; probably the suspect in the attack is in the same hospital as the governor. forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during his arrest, the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. it was established that the man had previously been prosecuted under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. the present while investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, questioning witnesses, ordering the necessary forensic examinations, studying the contents of the detainee’s phone. the attacker caught the official in apatity. here, at the exit from
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the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, they received him very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. this is footage of the investigative team working at night, forensic experts taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to bydanov in order to open it, i had to break the glass. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness to the attack was the governor's press secretary, liliya sechkina. the governor was already leaving the meeting; he had just left the builders' recreation center when a man ran up and stabbed the governor. andrei vladimirovich was conscious immediately, he walked to the car himself, we quickly got to the hospital, he was immediately taken to the operating room, the governor was also conscious, the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to to calm her down, after that he was finally wheeled into the operating room in the house.
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andrei chibis talked with residents, judging by the filming, he was in an excellent mood on the eve of the incident and announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, i plan to work in the city on thursday. apatity, and of course, i will meet with the residents in the evening, so come to meet me, the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the assassination attempts and answer the question: does the attacker have accomplices, or maybe those who ordered the crime. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry khvostnyuk, conduct the murmon region. the assassination attempt on andrei chibes will be investigated as soon as possible. and the special services must draw conclusions after the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region. this was stated by the president's press secretary. dmitry peskov, as soon as the opportunity arises, of course, the president will call chibis, we, in turn, of course, wish for a speedy recovery, an attempt on the life of the head of the region, there must be an investigation and will be investigated as soon as possible, we must,
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of course, draw the appropriate conclusion services, special services, here we need an expert assessment of whether this is some kind of systemic threat, or whether this is a separate, so to speak, case related to those. investigators have received new information about preparations for the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. experts examined the information contained in the mobile phones of the accused. in particular, it became known how the terrorists’ curator carried out reconstruction with their help. they also found other significant data on their smartphones. boris ivanin will tell you the details. this is the mobile phone of one of the arrested terrorists, which they tried to destroy before being detained. but investigators were able to restore the data, among them they found panoramic photographs of crocus city hall, in all details, how to approach the building, which side to enter from? the attackers sent these screenshots to the curator, who gave the death order. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall
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was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military. one of the accomplices, on the instructions of the curator , found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus cityhall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. also in the memory of the seized phone are photographs of ukrainian fighters in camouflage with a yellow flag and a trident, frames of destroyed houses, and a large photograph with the inscription children. if we assume that these photos were sent to terrorists by curators, then... they played on feelings in order to arrange retribution, the symbol of which in ukraine became an indecent a collage with a russian warship, it was even placed on a postage stamp. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and
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the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of ukrainian representatives in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. intelligence services investigators are already working with new defendants in the high-profile case. three more fsb officers were detained the day before in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. according to operational according to the data, two suspects helped the terrorists with money to buy weapons and a car, and another was also involved in recruitment. why was he detained? for the tract crucuses. a special operation was also carried out this week in kaspiysk and makhachkala, where four more accomplices were detained. the moscow court has already arrested 10.
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i asked the heads of services of the relevant ministries to hold technical discussions with their russian colleagues to express solidarity, and also because we had useful information, i am not going to disclose it here about the organization of this attack and what preceded it. meanwhile , hospitals in the capital continue to provide all necessary... assistance to victims of the terrorist attack. moscow medicine received about a hundred patients, deputy mayor anastasia rakova told our channel. interview right at the botkin hospital, where the wounded were also taken. in total , 15 hospitals took part in receiving patients, 13 of them were adults and two children’s hospitals. thanks to this
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correct distribution, it would be possible to evacuate patients to different hospitals provide each patient with the necessary attention. allocate time for this, because sometimes if we send a patient to only one hospital, the system begins to experience overload, in this case there was no overload, our hospitals are highly equipped... tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. from
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purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with kholva. now there is footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. our main issue today is to increase the efficiency of working with manifestations. crime in general. speaker, minister
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of internal affairs, kolokoltsev. let's start work, please, sanavich, you have the floor. these were footage of a meeting between vladimir putin and permanent members of the security council, an event via video conference. the orenburg region is preparing for the peak of the flood. the water level in the ural river near orsk has surpassed a critical level, and in orenburg it is close to dangerous. hundreds of houses and 2.0 household plots were flooded. the ministry of emergency situations groups are expanding in the region. our special correspondent maria valieva has all the latest information, she is in direct contact. mash, hello, how are you now? the situation in the flood zones, we see that you also find yourself in the place where the river is literally now, well, at high speed, running, running. yes, gosha, hello, everything is correct, we are currently working in the village of pervomaisky, it is not far from the city of orsk,
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the situation here is very tense, the water is rising, now we see how the emergency situations ministry employees are making their rounds. houses and ask residents to evacuate, the water is rising, let’s get ready, we’ll probably evacuate, we won’t be able to save anything, yes, yes, the water will rise even more, daughter, go come here, then my blood pressure will rise now, talk to people, i’m feeling bad, there ’s an evacuation here, the water is coming, so let’s get ready, first of all , pack your things, and let’s evacuate. we have been working in this village since 8:00 in the morning, and in just a few hours this street was completely flooded by belomorskaya street, before that there was no water, everything was dry here, the ministry of emergency situations employees at the very beginning today evacuated citizens with limited mobility, mostly pensioners, along with their belongings , medicines were taken out on boats. documentation
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most importantly, they took the medicine, that’s it, nothing more. what is the situation in your home now? now i reached the stairs to the house, began to leave and even the floor began to rise, it already seemed to me that something began to waver, it was already full in the hall, the water began to flow, and then further on, to receive people who have nowhere to go, they are ready temporary accommodation centers, basically we see that people from this village are leaving to their relatives, to... parents, to sisters, to brothers, to sons, to daughters, but not everyone is ready to evacuate, for example, in this house, now a woman and a man are on the roof, they have arranged sleeping places for themselves in the attic, they plan to wait out the flood there, they raised everything,
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there is water, there is tea, everything, as long as everything doesn’t reach the roof, there it is, look , as luck would have it, they let me down again. it remains even stronger, it’s already scary, if everything is so, in the west and east of the orenburg region, the situation is now quite tense, the ministry of emergency situations told us about this. now the most tense situation is in the east of the region, especially in orsk in nearby settlements, where the main forces of the russian ministry of emergency situations are concentrated in total. region , 1,021 people and 440 pieces of equipment are working to eliminate the consequences of the flood. in the orenburg region , 1,100 houses and more than 3,000 adjacent areas are currently known to have been drowned. and here is very important information that concerns all residents of flooded villages, when
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it will be possible to receive compensation. a meeting took place today. the regional government and there they discussed what payments, who will receive what payments, what needs to be done, you will need to write an application either at government services or come to multifunctional centers. georgy, mash, together with you, we hope that those people who are now left and have equipped themselves with sleeping places on the roof will still change their minds and trust the employees of the ministry of emergency situations. mash, thank you for how they are fighting the flood in orenburg. hundreds of houses were destroyed, a state of emergency was introduced, this is one of the most affected settlements. the water in the local river rose for four days, the ministry of emergency situations organized evacuation and a state of emergency were also carried out in two districts
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of the chelyabinsk region, in order to prevent further flooding of populated areas, rescuers strengthened the banks, built temporary dams and cleaned river beds. the delivery of food and medicine has been organized to populated areas that find themselves cut off from the mainland. powerful explosions. had this morning and night in ukraine, messages came from several regions of the country at once, one of them was the odessa region, and detonation was also heard in kharkov, several times during the night. no word on the consequences yet reported. an air alert was declared in five regions of the country, including in the territories of the dpr and the zaporozhye region, which is under the control of the kiev regime. in the lugansk people's republic , fsb officers neutralized two agents who worked for the ukrainian. intelligence services, according to investigators, they collected information on the instructions of their curators. the recruited man admitted that he had been collaborating with the sbu for several years. it was established that he managed to transfer
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personal data of russian border guards to kiev. another agent is a student, filming movement of our military equipment. according to her , she was drawn into espionage activities by deception. according to the article of treason, the suspects face up to 20 years in prison. i'll have time to get out before then. rosguards. destroyed more than one and a half thousand ammunition seized from the detention centers of the ukrainian armed forces in the lugansk people's republic. this was reported in the press service of the department. among such ammunition are anti-personnel mines, including cluster mines with circular directional action. previously, a cache with similar mines was also discovered in the donetsk people's republic. all ammunition were taken to the landfill and destroyed. new details have emerged about how the russian military took an important one.
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they watch this video for the first time, watch it several times, the father immediately recognizes him in the video, their son passes the glasses to each other to watch, and he, their sashka, comes second. lieutenant toropov now commands a platoon in the 70th guards regiment of the dnepr group. his assault group was the first to capture and hold a bridgehead for 16 days in the village of rabotina on the zaporozhye front. you get used to it, it becomes like family.
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the seventieth guards regiment on two infantry fighting vehicles are moving towards rabotin, for this village, of which only one name remains, now there are fierce battles, clever, clever, an enemy shell falls between two infantry fighting vehicles, the first car is enveloped in a dense cloud of earth, dust fragments, a couple of seconds of it is not visible, but the bmp continues to move, come on maga, come on dear, smart, smart, man, at the command post emotions are off the charts, each of the assault... groups and crews of the bmp is known by sight maga, the driver, the first. there were pops, well, i don’t see pops, side pops, only i see everything in front of me, well, it’s
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all on adrenaline, i know, well, get there, got there, exhaled, it seems that’s it, alive, so that the landing party can get back, well, back - i’ll get there anyway, the progress of the landing was monitored with the help of a drone and the driver was advised where it would be safer. these are the guys, behind the scenes it was seen how several komikat drones attacked the cars, the protection worked, victor had an unbearable desire to smoke all the way, but there wasn’t even
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a second to distract him... aimed fire, dismounted , dispersed, when they unloaded, half of our water was interrupted by shrapnel, it ’s not visible in the video, but for us, well, the small arms fire worked, that is, all the small arms worked for us then, a machine gun, a machine gun, so everything
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was broken, and it was with pegs , well, the first days were difficult, we drank 100 g of water a day and it was fine, but basically nothing, we held on, there was food there, well, it turns out there was, we took it with us there, well, dry ration, this stew, well, it was strong i don’t feel like eating when there is no water, water was dropped on them from drones along with the batteries for the radios, the main thing is that the group holds the opornik, they hold it, well... why are we crying, it’s still good, pull yourself together, everything is fine, see how brave you are, he’s fearless, yeah, that’s what’s fearless - yes, they are discouraged, they are in shock, they don’t immediately choose words after what they saw, he didn’t tell them this, well, the commander should be like that, fear that he has become more. fear, not
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just fear, for the child, understanding of the danger that now surrounds all these guys, lieutenant sasha is 22, became an officer in april 23 in the northern military district since august, in his platoon he is the youngest, the average age of his fighters is 40 plus, and there are those for whom he is old enough to be their grandchildren, but they address him by his patronymic name. he stormed with these guys, work, he called his parents on the eve of the assault, i don’t say anything, usually i just said, everything is fine, live well, everything is fine, why create extra nerves, well, you said that for a while you won't be in touch, well, they already know, they're used to the fact that i sometimes disappear from time to time turned on the phone for 70 notifications, they called him, they were worried about him, they were waiting for him, there was his first assault in rabotino, all the killers went, the killers went,
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he reads it, then everything, of course, yes, it’s hard, i write and see when he answers, when he doesn’t, well , what can i do, it’s a man’s job, sasha has been at the front since august, and a month later everything works out, it turns out i went there, whoever else didn’t go , everything, where, there, who didn’t go, well, tell me, well, where they didn’t go , it turns out that the other crews were the first to go there, well, straight to the enemy, there were 20 meters there, parents we saw him in january, he came on vacation, didn’t say anything about his service, just gave him the order.
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mocks, takes off his uniform, but becomes the same as he was before, the boy, when he puts on his uniform, is a completely different person, now he has two awards on his uniform, his parents have not yet seen this medal for his work, his whole group received medals for that assault and order, the crew of the bmp has a medal for courage, gunner viktor borzenko has his third, first the svo received the zhukov medal and the st. george cross, my mother, a girl, is waiting for me at home. brothers and sisters, matchmaking is planned soon, they promised a vacation, we are waiting, well, you are an enviable groom, there will be rewards, yes, yes, well, there will be any way, take away , magician, take away, dear, take away, take away, yes, go away, dear, go away, dear, yes , go away, dear, go away second, where, the second one is passing by the school now, he’s over here.


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