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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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identifying and uncovering the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them with transport, outlined escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. and finally, the next morning, the public has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan. muhamadav, shamsuddin fariduni, saidakram ralizada and dalerjon mirzoev, the leader was fariduni, shamsuddin, two of them, rachibalizada and fariduni, were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2, moreover, 7 in march, fariduni even showed up in rokusity hall; a photo of him was accidentally taken. who
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was filming something there, well, probably, as one can assume, he studied the situation, entrances, exits, movements, safe places, and so on and so forth, as they claim , they received the task in a telegram channel, and they were promised for completing of this atrocity 5000 rubles. paying an advance of 250, and note that not everyone gets 500 thousand. and 5,000 rubles for everyone, yes, then it became known that large sums of cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which he so excused kerbin, as it later became known, that all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special military drugs that take away fear, that aggravate the reaction, that is, by and large...
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a new organization was created, which was called the “islamic state of iraq.” its leader was abu-umar al-baghdadi, whom the americans had recently released from an iraqi prison. in 2016 , this is exactly what julyan asanj wrote about, who published quite a lot, 531,525 documents. for 1979, which describes how the cia and foreign policy agencies of the united states of america personally participated in the creation of isis. and at the beginning of 2012 , another program was created, which was called stimbre sycamore, translated as plane tree wood. this is a weapons financing program.
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training rebel fighters to participate in the civil war in syria against the government forces of bashar al-assad. it was carried out by... he is the founder, he founded isis. and i would say that the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton. why be surprised when ukraine mentioned? don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with
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international terrorism? remember our show, watch it. in syria, military assistance is needed to overthrow bashar assad.
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recovered from anesthesia, how they behave, what is the difference between those who were there in the crocus now in front of the cameras, trembling, shaking, scared, look, they said specifically who to kill, what kind of people, it doesn’t matter, in short, he will come there said , remove this, come in and kill, these four people, these are the ones who could have organized what was organized, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a specialist, but i have doubts, it ’s hard for me to imagine how four people, the people we saw, could do this so professionally, with absolute
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impunity at that moment, except how it may be that the huge area of ​​the rooftop ceiling... is engulfed in flames for literally a few minutes, how is this possible even if there are flammable materials, i repeat, i am an amateur, but i ask this question, i have the feeling that if there are no - already made bookmarks in different places, in the right places, which could catch fire at the same time, engulf this entire building in flames, because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide...... burned out a huge number of people, i get the feeling that these four people are the menial work of this tragedy, but there was a very professionally organized mechanism, and in general there
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is a lot of strange things here, look, if they wanted to hide, well, just by logic, they would have changed five or six cars.
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yes, why didn’t they appear immediately, or at least after a smaller number of time, those people who were supposed to appear, there are very, very, but... a lot of questions, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of warnings arose related to the fact that entire nations should not be blamed, although it is absolutely clear that this was also the task of those who committed a terrorist attack, an interethnic clash with muta in russia, everything is clear, and this has been done for a long time, but still, on the other hand, terrorism has a nationality, for example, this...
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if we take the track record of how democracy was implanted by the americans and generally speaking the western world, in the balkans, say, or in asia or in latin america, i think there is no need for more detailed evidence, you will note that the president of the united states, joe biden, addresses the nation about the death. scientist navalny, who, by the way, was recognized by us as both a terrorist and an extremist, so for your information,
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neither a sound nor a word, did not say a word or express his regret or condolences when more than 100 people simply died in a terrorist act, while at the same time , those countries that are accused of terrorism are the taliban, iran, syria, north korea, they all expressed condolences in our country. only the western world modestly remained silent, the only thing they said was that it was anyone but ukraine. now pay attention to the detail, but it cannot be missed, 4 days before the commission of this terrorist, monstrous act, the creator of isis, the former president of the united states of america. barack obama, completely incognito, without advertising,
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comes to london to downing street 10 to meet with british prime minister rishi sunak, why? yet again, i don’t have any evidence, but we know how such visits are covered, it’s not a nephew who came to see his uncle, it’s not two classmates, it’s the current... and the leader of the country and the former leader of the country of the united states and great britain. for what? what is not discussed? what could have been the reason for the terrorist attack? it is absolutely clear to me that this is a resounding victory in the elections for vladimir putin, a resounding, legendary, the only victory, at least in the history of new russia, of a man from whom. as if everyone turned away civilized world. before march 8 , the american embassy and
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the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens that they should be careful not to attend mass events. victoria had said earlier, while in kiev, that unpleasant surprises awaited russia. putin will have some surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will make great progress.
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evil forces have no nationality, do not have political convictions, it’s just that a spiritual front was once formed on the surface of the earth in different... and the sides of which gather a kind of matter and antimatter, with from a sacred point of view, the coexistence of these two principles is impossible, and the struggle is waged towards mutual destruction, this front, spread over states and territories, does not know
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the space of time, sometimes it happens that the contours are like... uh, with the state of affairs in international affairs - they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire ball is ending, it seems to me that
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they have this fear that the vampire ball is ending? and this is why i am so hysterical, and this is why i am so open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if he writes that in 5 months at least 13,430 children have become victims of israeli attacks in gaza, and in the european parliament , dutch deputy marcel degraf openly accuses ukraine of violence in... all these messages from the deportation of ukrainians children to russia - pure propaganda. russia has accepted millions of ukrainian refugees, including, fortunately , hundreds of thousands of children who continue to be bombed by the ukrainian army. the european parliament
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must speak out against the ukrainian military crimes. the international criminal court should prosecute zelensky. to be held accountable for this. moreover, ukraine is the largest supplier of children for pedophile networks, human trafficking and organ trafficking. for this purpose, it has created nurseries with surrogate mothers. in russia, children receive traditional upbringing and education. in the west they are subjected to it. transgender ideology is treated with hormone blockers and genital surgeries. the hypocrisy is terrible. the west must stop the warmongering. mirko sniffed everything. introduce 40 years ago, so that people in the house of trade unions were burned with impunity in odessa. they walked around with fascist torches with impunity, when you can
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bring a nazi to the parliament of a big country and stand and applaud him. the mirror, in the same way, the world watches quite calmly as right away without a pause after the tragedy in crocus city, in ukrainian cafes a dish appears on the menu called the crocus city set, and ukrainian gamers have already created a computer game where you can kill innocent people in a building to strengthen the circle, and don't deceive yourself, don’t think that this is only there in ukraine or... somewhere else, look, look at what our teenagers say, listen, you write, like moscow is condolences, a tragic situation, yes, a tragic situation, so what, well this happens, it’s normal, but for me personally, well, they really killed you, they killed you, why are you so and so, why does everyone start to feel sorry, okay, there are
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relatives of these dead people, they will cry, sob, and all that, why is this questioning? since some kind of terrorist attack took place there, i don’t care at all, the main thing is, that if a terrorist attack happened, that means i’m not going to moscow tomorrow, that means my mother canceled my tickets, that means she’s not waiting for me at home, which means i ’m drinking until monday, thank you very much to the terrorists who came to krokushi, because i really needed to drink today, i just understand what kind of hypocrisy, who doesn’t give a damn, someone died there or something, or they never knew that people were dying or what was there, take it away? where, where does this inability to sympathize come from, is it that their parents taught them, the school raised them this way, why? because they bring up their network,
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web, because from there they can get everything that later forms their character? yes, of course, i understand that we cannot live in a vacuum, turn off the lights, prohibit the use of gadgets, and so on. can withstand the dangers that await us on the internet, what can we say about children who, due to their age and fragile psyche , cannot resist this. over
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the past year, roskomnadzor closed 500,000 groups with dangerous content, of which 25,000 were child pornography groups, 23,000 were child suicide groups, 230,000 groups involving drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and more. and all this is on the internet. also now i am fighting for the story that in computer games we have games in which children can not only play, not only there is violence, lgbt propaganda, but there are games where children are encouraged to come to school and shoot their classmates, in this children are playing, and i oppose this, unfortunately, my amendment in this capacity has not yet passed, but the government said that in the near future there will be no control over the circulation of video games there will be, these... are also threats, today a person is shaped by the internet, mainly for children, computer games, this is a colossal force
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of influence, colossal, after laws were passed banning lgbt propaganda, which talk about traditional values, and so on and so forth further, this is all there, but it does not affect computer... games in general, they are deprived of this filter, so when a child opens a computer game called school shooting, that is, shoot at school, he begins to believe that this is how one should live, then there is a need to shoot at the school, and he goes shoot at a school, a huge number of characters, including lgbt characters , penetrate through computer games, because...
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a character in a computer game, this is a media award, and you look at the list of these games, and many, many others, because no one is proposing to ban games, this is a fascinating story, but the point is to have some kind of filter, not because of some stupid censorship, but simply because of state security. if you want, look, here in china, which we talk about all the time, from which they are taking an example, already half the world, all games are checked for prohibited content, according to
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statistics from august 2021 until the spring of 2022, the chinese authorities have not approved a single new game, in china, i don’t know, i’m not chinese, i don’t know that , i did not see. these games, but when a country like china takes this so seriously that it specifically screens out harmful content specifically for children, then this is a danger that is tangible, which is natural, which needs to be fought, but there are more serious threats, who also go through computer games, listen again to what deputy landratova says about this. the kiev regime has now begun to influence our youth, not only through the internet, but also through the network
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of these people. strategic in the russian federation, in the worst case, this is conscription and recruitment to commit crimes and murders.
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a person from russia, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, it is those of you who are ready to act who write, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work, which is converted into any other, if you decide for yourself that you have given up on yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is, think about what mr. feigin is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want
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to give up your life... “come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life, and you will do a good deed for us, you will go to the crucus, or try to blow up the railway track, or throw a grenade at the military registration and enlistment office, that is, you will become useful, consumable material, and this is what they are going for, who said it, i’m telling you.” all communication was through him, so where were you supposed to throw everything at the windows, just at the windows, and run away? these are just my documents, ministry of ukraine, ministry of defense of ukraine, contract, filled out the documents myself, yes, where did you get the documents, who provided them, friends, friend everything. questionnaire, candidate for joining the russian freedom legion. well, how
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can we ignore this? it turned out to be a special military operation a powerful engine, an incentive to to determine who is who and what and what, when so many people understand that it is impossible to sit on two chairs, that the time has come to decide who you are, with whom you are, remember about these kazan style mourners. trelku, how many of them there were, pitying him, saying he was a nice boy, how sorry he was, and so on and so forth. this trend has continued and today it is directed at these terrorists. i would then cut off everyone who did this. people were killed, yes, but this man who cut off this terrorist’s ear and didn’t even blink, he belongs in prison in the same way, you know, it's the same. she's crying. regarding
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the cut ear of a terrorist, a murderer, i am absolutely indifferent to the dozens of people who were killed by these murderers, so she saw how he cuts the throat of a still living, wounded person and her compatriot, how is that? yes, i absolutely agree that it is impossible, unfair, wrong. blaming entire nations or diasporas for crimes committed by specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not remove the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, it aggravates this issue, because our migration policy is a copy of western programs.


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